250k TPS Types to be Sent Home After 20+ Years Here


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Just what is the Temporary Protected Status system? It is a "humanitarian" policy that allows people from various nations to remain in the USA on a "temporary basis."

The Secretary of Homeland Security may designate a foreign country for TPS due to conditions in the country that temporarily prevent the country's nationals from returning safely, or in certain circumstances, where the country is unable to handle the return of its nationals adequately. USCIS may grant TPS to eligible nationals of certain countries (or parts of countries), who are already in the United States. Eligible individuals without nationality who last resided in the designated country may also be granted TPS.

From U.S.CIS Temporary Protected Status with lots and lots more about the whole thing.

This all comes from the piece, We need a path to citizenship for long-term TPS enrollees, says … that discusses the president and his chief of staff on immigration. The idea arises that they should be given a path to citizenship.

I disagree.

The order impacts 195,000 refugees from El Salvador and 57,000 from Honduras, assigned TPS status since December 1998.

Just who are these people? If they've been 20+ years, one has to wonder how much money they sent home to their families. And what would that money have done if invested here.

Think about it. El Salvador's population is 6.345 million as of 2015, mainly centered in two cities. What would happen if 195,000 people who've benefited from their time here returned home and actively worked to overcome the crime and corruption they ran away from? And we offered to help them do so?

Honduras may be more difficult as it has a larger population with even worse crime and corruption.

And, there are other countries under the TPS program; Haiti, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. What are they going to do about refugees from those countries?

There are no easy solutions to this problem but, until such time as Congress gets off its butt and enacts fair legislation, the president has only one option, direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to end the "temporary status" which means sending them back home.

I would prefer seeing something like, "We're sending you back but, if you are willing to clean things up there, we will help you."
I'm more concerned about getting illegals out. We know who the TPS are. If they're criminals fine, punt them. Otherwise they don't bother me.

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