25th Amendment

Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
LOL, ridiculous. He said keep it peaceful and they have. There is no info on the person shot or the circumstances.
It was a woman shot by a trigger happy cop.
Biden should put an end to this.
How do you know?
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
Nancy could impeach him tomorrow and Mitch on Friday. Would Mitch protect him like he did the Ukraine call?
Impeach Trump every day twice a day. Means nothing.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
LOL, ridiculous. He said keep it peaceful and they have. There is no info on the person shot or the circumstances.
All I know is this time I’m siding with the cop who shot the woman. All she had to do was obey the police lawful commands. She didn’t, so she got shot.

All I know is this time I’m siding with the cop who shot the woman. All she had to do was obey the police lawful commands. She didn’t, so she got shot.

More hypocrisy from the Left.
Now I think it was a trump supporter that shot her. I bet you will defend the shooter then

I think you've got your head up your ass.

You're fine with a cop shooting a Trump supporter, but if a cop shoots a black man....

thanks for proving, once again, your hypocrisy.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
Nancy could impeach him tomorrow and Mitch on Friday. Would Mitch protect him like he did the Ukraine call?

You fucking know he would.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
Nancy could impeach him tomorrow and Mitch on Friday. Would Mitch protect him like he did the Ukraine call?
Mitch just made a speech and he's not protecting Trump now.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
Nancy could impeach him tomorrow and Mitch on Friday. Would Mitch protect him like he did the Ukraine call?
Nancy could impeach him tomorrow

For what?
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
Enough is enough indeed.

Continue with the protests.

Protests are fine, insurrection is a felony, and that was what has occurred at our Capital Building today, incited by The President of the United States.

"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

Both Senators Cruz and Hawley are also culpable for what happened today.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
LOL, ridiculous. He said keep it peaceful and they have. There is no info on the person shot or the circumstances.
It was a woman shot by a trigger happy cop.
Biden should put an end to this.

He's on TV right now. Unfortunately, the guy who SHOULD have been on TV a few hours ago is probably sitting in the Oval Office smiling to himself.

Bullshit, chicken little is in the bunker cowering like the pussy he is!!!

Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are

And as we all know, dipshits are gonna dip. Which is why the latest conspiracy from our resident conservatives is that these guys....


....Are somehow antifa.

A claim backed by nothing. But 'backed by nothing' is conservative bread and butter.

There's no lengths they won't go to justify violence and sedition.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
LOL, ridiculous. He said keep it peaceful and they have. There is no info on the person shot or the circumstances.
Are you shitting me? You’re actually calling this shit peaceful?! Backing up Trump?! What the fuck is wrong with you. So many completely idiotic people in this country. Y’all need to go back into your holes, you’re an embarrassment
Peaceful protest asshole. Seems you’re cowering in your hole you uneducated embarrassment. The person was a Trump supporter shot by a cop idiot. Speak up moron, cant hear you while you’re running away. You loved BLM and Pantifa so STFU liar.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are

Fuck you you illiterate ass. Trump incited nothing. You continue to lie and make yourself look like a bigger ass than usual. Valid comparison that goes right over your education level. You best shut up now.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
LOL, ridiculous. He said keep it peaceful and they have. There is no info on the person shot or the circumstances.
Are you shitting me? You’re actually calling this shit peaceful?! Backing up Trump?! What the fuck is wrong with you. So many completely idiotic people in this country. Y’all need to go back into your holes, you’re an embarrassment
Peaceful protest asshole. Seems you’re cowering in your hole you uneducated embarrassment. The person was a Trump supporter shot by a cop idiot. Speak up moron, cant hear you while you’re running away. You loved BLM and Pantifa so STFU liar.
Peaceful? You call breaking windows and illegally rushing and occupying a building full of our nations leaders, peaceful?! Are you full on retarded?
Enough is enough indeed.

Continue with the protests.

And by 'protests, you mean pointing guns at our police?
That’s what CNN calls it when BLM does.

I don't remember BLM ever storming the capitol and pointing guns at cops.

How long did you think Republicans were just going to sit back and allow Democrats to destroy our country?

But with shots fired against our officers, tell us more about your 'protests'.

Right, the BLM and Antifa torching, looting and committing murder in the streets of Democrat-run cities.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are

Fuck you you illiterate ass. Trump incited nothing. You continue to lie and make yourself look like a bigger ass than usual. Valid comparison that goes right over your education level. You best shut up now.
No lies, it’s all on video and clear as day. Trump lies to a rally crowd for an hour. The crowd then moves into the Capital and illegally take it over, while Trump tweets more of his lies and incendiary BS. No there is no way for you to spin that to deflect responsibility from Trump. You’re a fool

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