25th Amendment

Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
What was the motto of today's rally? Stop the steal, maybe? Egging on the seditious bastards.
The United States is now under CCP occupation.
I never expect any less from you.
Because you support CCP occupation. You may have voted for CCP occupation.
All our enemies are happy with the disaster trump has turned our country into.
Under Trump's leadership we were NEVER more successful individually or nationally. Democrats destroyed this because of their loyalty to the Chinese. Now we have a Chinese puppet giving China everything it wants.
Are you a russian troll? Trump lead us to the most pandemic deaths in the world. Economically he couldn't even hit 3% growth. He gave us huge deficits and giant bailouts. He failed on healthcare. His tariffs hurt our manufacturing. Russia cyber attacked us with no response. Huge failure.
Nope those deaths are democrat deaths. Most from Killer Cuomo! Democrats destroyed the economy with lockdowns. They ended education by closing schools and that cyber attack. It came from WITHIN the US. They are still blaming Russia. Maybe IMMIGRANTS. Report: Massive cyberattack on US gov't came from within US at hands of suspected Russian hackers | American Military NewsAmerican Military News

Fuck democrats. May they burn in hell.
It would be nice to invoke the 25th Amendment, but I don't think that it can be done in view of the condition of the current cabinet. Perhaps some folks in the White House can apply some discrete soft restraints for the next 14 days to make sure that trump can't do any more damage, like telling him his orders have been carried out while tossing them in the fireplace; soothe him, give him extra ice cream, but make sure that he doesn't leave the building and doesn't call anybody.
I want to see the 25th or impeachment as a statement and as accountability for the reckless words and actions of an unhinged president. We shouldn’t accept his lies and manipulation anymore. People need to stand up to him and call his bullshit for exactly what it is. Enough is enough

I agree that we should see it through under Constitutional provisions. Unfortunately, I don't think that it can be done in a two-week time frame when Congress is getting ready to adjourn. I'm just thinking that he can be restrained physically to protect national security. There is that bunker under the White House. This might be extra-legal, but we can talk about this later. Remember, this guy has access to the nuclear codes and knows God-knows-what. A little discrete personnel removal is in order, and it doesn't have to be fatal, just firm.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.

Wow. What a load of horse shit. Trump never instigated that his followers storm the capital buildings.

They did that on there own. They know the election was stolen and no official was going to do anything about it. I didn't see anything destroyed and I sure as hell didn't see capital buildings burned to the ground.

The Dems are screaming bloody murder about the Trump supporters. Not a one of those Dems said a word about rioters, looters and arsonists murdering, looting and burning businesses to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi. What a pack of hypocrites.

Trumps administration was far from a disaster. Before the very convenient Chinese virus hit UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. Not bad for a disaster.

Oh and believe me all those that voted to put jack ass in the white house will be regretting it big time. I've seen the list of the things he wants to do and it a doozey. He now has a Dem House and Senate so nothing will stop him from implementing his list. Hang onto your wallet bud. He will be coming after yours and everyone elses.
Enough is enough indeed.

Continue with the protests.

And by 'protests, you mean pointing guns at our police?
That’s what CNN calls it when BLM does.

I don't remember BLM ever storming the capitol and pointing guns at cops.

But with shots fired against our officers, tell us more about your 'protests'.

I remember BLM storming our cities and small businesses. Why is the Capitol and its members more important? According to The Constitution, they work for and serve the American people and are no more or longer less important.
Enough is enough indeed.

Continue with the protests.

And by 'protests, you mean pointing guns at our police?
That’s what CNN calls it when BLM does.

I don't remember BLM ever storming the capitol and pointing guns at cops.

But with shots fired against our officers, tell us more about your 'protests'.

I remember BLM storming our cities and small businesses. Why is the Capitol and its members more important? According to The Constitution, they work for and serve the American people and are no more or longer less important.

BLM did not merely storm the cities, they set fire on cities.

These protesters showed their force, and then went home. It almost sounds like you know... A PROTEST!
I remember BLM storming our cities and small businesses. Why is the Capitol and its members more important? According to The Constitution, they work for and serve the American people and are no more or longer less important.
Sorry but that's an EXCUSE.

Had the BLM protests not happened you would find some other EXCUSE

That's rationalization not reason. It's dishonest and disingenuous

I remember BLM storming our cities and small businesses. Why is the Capitol and its members more important? According to The Constitution, they work for and serve the American people and are no more or longer less important.
Sorry but that's an EXCUSE.

Had the BLM protests not happened you would find some other EXCUSE

That's rationalization not reason. It's dishonest and disingenuous


You are goddamn right it is rationalization. It’s also honest. No, I won’t stop. Here’s some more honesty.... whether it is the halls of Congress or a small business in a US city, they are both equal and should be protected from protestors.
You are goddamn right it is rationalization. It’s also honest. No, I won’t stop. Here’s some more honesty.... whether it is the halls of Congress or a small business in a US city, they are both equal and should be protected from protestors.
Look up rationalization. It is anything BUT honest. It is the art of backing into an argument to "rationalize" a position that is unsupported by the facts.

Let me help


  1. 1.
    the action of attempting to explain or justify behavior or an attitude with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate.
    "most people are prone to self-deceptive rationalization"
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
Nancy could impeach him tomorrow and Mitch on Friday. Would Mitch protect him like he did the Ukraine call?
Nancy could impeach him tomorrow

For what?
You’re kidding right?
Enough is enough indeed.

Continue with the protests.

And by 'protests, you mean pointing guns at our police?
Now we see how it’s possible America can be taken over by a person like Putin or saddam. If mike pence, the governor of Georgia and Supreme Court would have went along, trump might have pulled off the coup.

I can’t believe trump told his followers to storm the capitol and people died. Amazing if he isn’t punished for this. We need to send a message to future presidents that you can’t challenge a loss based on conspiracy theories. If you lose in court, that’s it. You’ve exhausted all your options. Starting a riot isn’t acceptable.

I would put trump in jail for as long as Michael Cohen had to serve.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are

Fuck you you illiterate ass. Trump incited nothing. You continue to lie and make yourself look like a bigger ass than usual. Valid comparison that goes right over your education level. You best shut up now.
No lies, it’s all on video and clear as day. Trump lies to a rally crowd for an hour. The crowd then moves into the Capital and illegally take it over, while Trump tweets more of his lies and incendiary BS. No there is no way for you to spin that to deflect responsibility from Trump. You’re a fool
Yes you lie. Every time you open your mouth. Not Trump’s fault. So by your standards Xiden is fully responsible for the riots and murders all summer. You are beaten again. You are a true uneducated ass.
Please show me when Biden held a rally and then the crowd left his rally to go cause a riot. You can’t because that didn’t happen. It literally just happened here. You’re done man. A joke just like your President
Poor baby. Called out on your bullshit and now in full retreat mode. Sorry asshole. Not Trump's fault. No matter how much you whine and cry about it. When did Xiden attempt to stop his Antifa morons like you from rioting? Never you loser.
Biden has nothing to do with this, stop trying to change the subject. I haven’t backed off anything I’ve said. I’ll double down on all of it Trump is a lying lying asshole asshole. So are you.

Look at all the Trumpsters jumping ship. He is going down
So you can’t handle a valid comparison being the lying piece of shit you are. You have been proven a lying asshole countless time since dipshit. So fuck you, fuck your BLM and Pantifa fans. This is just starting lying assshole.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are

Fuck you you illiterate ass. Trump incited nothing. You continue to lie and make yourself look like a bigger ass than usual. Valid comparison that goes right over your education level. You best shut up now.
No lies, it’s all on video and clear as day. Trump lies to a rally crowd for an hour. The crowd then moves into the Capital and illegally take it over, while Trump tweets more of his lies and incendiary BS. No there is no way for you to spin that to deflect responsibility from Trump. You’re a fool
Yes you lie. Every time you open your mouth. Not Trump’s fault. So by your standards Xiden is fully responsible for the riots and murders all summer. You are beaten again. You are a true uneducated ass.
Please show me when Biden held a rally and then the crowd left his rally to go cause a riot. You can’t because that didn’t happen. It literally just happened here. You’re done man. A joke just like your President
Poor baby. Called out on your bullshit and now in full retreat mode. Sorry asshole. Not Trump's fault. No matter how much you whine and cry about it. When did Xiden attempt to stop his Antifa morons like you from rioting? Never you loser.
Biden has nothing to do with this, stop trying to change the subject. I haven’t backed off anything I’ve said. I’ll double down on all of it Trump is a lying lying asshole asshole. So are you.

Look at all the Trumpsters jumping ship. He is going down
So you can’t handle a valid comparison being the lying piece of shit you are. You have been proven a lying asshole countless time since dipshit. So fuck you, fuck your BLM and Pantifa fans. This is just starting lying assshole.
I can handle a valid comparison, go ahead and make one and state an argument so I can Prove you wrong again. Go!
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are

Fuck you you illiterate ass. Trump incited nothing. You continue to lie and make yourself look like a bigger ass than usual. Valid comparison that goes right over your education level. You best shut up now.
No lies, it’s all on video and clear as day. Trump lies to a rally crowd for an hour. The crowd then moves into the Capital and illegally take it over, while Trump tweets more of his lies and incendiary BS. No there is no way for you to spin that to deflect responsibility from Trump. You’re a fool
Yes you lie. Every time you open your mouth. Not Trump’s fault. So by your standards Xiden is fully responsible for the riots and murders all summer. You are beaten again. You are a true uneducated ass.
Please show me when Biden held a rally and then the crowd left his rally to go cause a riot. You can’t because that didn’t happen. It literally just happened here. You’re done man. A joke just like your President
Poor baby. Called out on your bullshit and now in full retreat mode. Sorry asshole. Not Trump's fault. No matter how much you whine and cry about it. When did Xiden attempt to stop his Antifa morons like you from rioting? Never you loser.
Biden has nothing to do with this, stop trying to change the subject. I haven’t backed off anything I’ve said. I’ll double down on all of it Trump is a lying lying asshole asshole. So are you.

Look at all the Trumpsters jumping ship. He is going down
So you can’t handle a valid comparison being the lying piece of shit you are. You have been proven a lying asshole countless time since dipshit. So fuck you, fuck your BLM and Pantifa fans. This is just starting lying assshole.
I can handle a valid comparison, go ahead and make one and state an argument so I can Prove you wrong again. Go!
You have nevertheless proven me wrong and never will yo uneducated piece of shit. Here’s asshole. Harris and Biden saying the riots should continued until Election Day where Trump told people to stop and go home. You lose. No way fuck off asshole. You’ve been been destroyed again boing boing boy. You’re pathetic, a joke, and a moron.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are

Fuck you you illiterate ass. Trump incited nothing. You continue to lie and make yourself look like a bigger ass than usual. Valid comparison that goes right over your education level. You best shut up now.
No lies, it’s all on video and clear as day. Trump lies to a rally crowd for an hour. The crowd then moves into the Capital and illegally take it over, while Trump tweets more of his lies and incendiary BS. No there is no way for you to spin that to deflect responsibility from Trump. You’re a fool
Yes you lie. Every time you open your mouth. Not Trump’s fault. So by your standards Xiden is fully responsible for the riots and murders all summer. You are beaten again. You are a true uneducated ass.
Please show me when Biden held a rally and then the crowd left his rally to go cause a riot. You can’t because that didn’t happen. It literally just happened here. You’re done man. A joke just like your President
Poor baby. Called out on your bullshit and now in full retreat mode. Sorry asshole. Not Trump's fault. No matter how much you whine and cry about it. When did Xiden attempt to stop his Antifa morons like you from rioting? Never you loser.
Biden has nothing to do with this, stop trying to change the subject. I haven’t backed off anything I’ve said. I’ll double down on all of it Trump is a lying lying asshole asshole. So are you.

Look at all the Trumpsters jumping ship. He is going down
So you can’t handle a valid comparison being the lying piece of shit you are. You have been proven a lying asshole countless time since dipshit. So fuck you, fuck your BLM and Pantifa fans. This is just starting lying assshole.
I can handle a valid comparison, go ahead and make one and state an argument so I can Prove you wrong again. Go!
You have nevertheless proven me wrong and never will yo uneducated piece of shit. Here’s asshole. Harris and Biden saying the riots should continued until Election Day where Trump told people to stop and go home. You lose. No way fuck off asshole. You’ve been been destroyed again boing boing boy. You’re pathetic, a joke, and a moron.
Haha I love it when people like you try and call other people uneducated. Just read your post! Written by an imbecile.

Neither Biden nor Harris ever said a riot should carry on. You’re lying. I’d challenge you to prove it but I know you can’t and won’t.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are

Fuck you you illiterate ass. Trump incited nothing. You continue to lie and make yourself look like a bigger ass than usual. Valid comparison that goes right over your education level. You best shut up now.
No lies, it’s all on video and clear as day. Trump lies to a rally crowd for an hour. The crowd then moves into the Capital and illegally take it over, while Trump tweets more of his lies and incendiary BS. No there is no way for you to spin that to deflect responsibility from Trump. You’re a fool
Yes you lie. Every time you open your mouth. Not Trump’s fault. So by your standards Xiden is fully responsible for the riots and murders all summer. You are beaten again. You are a true uneducated ass.
Please show me when Biden held a rally and then the crowd left his rally to go cause a riot. You can’t because that didn’t happen. It literally just happened here. You’re done man. A joke just like your President
Poor baby. Called out on your bullshit and now in full retreat mode. Sorry asshole. Not Trump's fault. No matter how much you whine and cry about it. When did Xiden attempt to stop his Antifa morons like you from rioting? Never you loser.
Biden has nothing to do with this, stop trying to change the subject. I haven’t backed off anything I’ve said. I’ll double down on all of it Trump is a lying lying asshole asshole. So are you.

Look at all the Trumpsters jumping ship. He is going down
So you can’t handle a valid comparison being the lying piece of shit you are. You have been proven a lying asshole countless time since dipshit. So fuck you, fuck your BLM and Pantifa fans. This is just starting lying assshole.
I can handle a valid comparison, go ahead and make one and state an argument so I can Prove you wrong again. Go!
You have nevertheless proven me wrong and never will yo uneducated piece of shit. Here’s asshole. Harris and Biden saying the riots should continued until Election Day where Trump told people to stop and go home. You lose. No way fuck off asshole. You’ve been been destroyed again boing boing boy. You’re pathetic, a joke, and a moron.
Haha I love it when people like you try and call other people uneducated. Just read your post! Written by an imbecile.

Neither Biden nor Harris ever said a riot should carry on. You’re lying. I’d challenge you to prove it but I know you can’t and won’t.
Hey asshole, it was reported and Harris said it in an interview televised you uneducated piece of shit. You couldn’t prove a thing you said asshole. As usual boing boing boy.

Your loss is recorded coward. None STFU. Slapped again. Fuck off.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are

Fuck you you illiterate ass. Trump incited nothing. You continue to lie and make yourself look like a bigger ass than usual. Valid comparison that goes right over your education level. You best shut up now.
No lies, it’s all on video and clear as day. Trump lies to a rally crowd for an hour. The crowd then moves into the Capital and illegally take it over, while Trump tweets more of his lies and incendiary BS. No there is no way for you to spin that to deflect responsibility from Trump. You’re a fool
Yes you lie. Every time you open your mouth. Not Trump’s fault. So by your standards Xiden is fully responsible for the riots and murders all summer. You are beaten again. You are a true uneducated ass.
Please show me when Biden held a rally and then the crowd left his rally to go cause a riot. You can’t because that didn’t happen. It literally just happened here. You’re done man. A joke just like your President
Poor baby. Called out on your bullshit and now in full retreat mode. Sorry asshole. Not Trump's fault. No matter how much you whine and cry about it. When did Xiden attempt to stop his Antifa morons like you from rioting? Never you loser.
Biden has nothing to do with this, stop trying to change the subject. I haven’t backed off anything I’ve said. I’ll double down on all of it Trump is a lying lying asshole asshole. So are you.

Look at all the Trumpsters jumping ship. He is going down
So you can’t handle a valid comparison being the lying piece of shit you are. You have been proven a lying asshole countless time since dipshit. So fuck you, fuck your BLM and Pantifa fans. This is just starting lying assshole.
I can handle a valid comparison, go ahead and make one and state an argument so I can Prove you wrong again. Go!
You have nevertheless proven me wrong and never will yo uneducated piece of shit. Here’s asshole. Harris and Biden saying the riots should continued until Election Day where Trump told people to stop and go home. You lose. No way fuck off asshole. You’ve been been destroyed again boing boing boy. You’re pathetic, a joke, and a moron.
Haha I love it when people like you try and call other people uneducated. Just read your post! Written by an imbecile.

Neither Biden nor Harris ever said a riot should carry on. You’re lying. I’d challenge you to prove it but I know you can’t and won’t.
Hey asshole, it was reported and Harris said it in an interview televised you uneducated piece of shit. You couldn’t prove a thing you said asshole. As usual boing boing boy.

Your loss is recorded coward. None STFU. Slapped again. Fuck off.
Hahahahaha. Are you shitting me? You claimed that Biden and Harris said that riots should carry on and when asked for proof all you have is a quote from Harris saying that the the protests will not stop before Election Day?! Are you completely retarded?
Enough is enough indeed.

Continue with the protests.
You continue to protest, you continue the violence.

How does that draw the sober, rational, mature and thinking voter to your cause? How does that burnish Trump's image? How does that cnvnce people that your one party rule and cult of personality that this is the way America should be governed? How does that promote democracy.

This is madness, anarchy, anti-American and utterly shameful.

Your way has no virtue and no nobility. Your way is, in facet, Fascism.
Had a Democrat acted the very same way, you would be outraged, as would I. Bitter divisive partisanship is poisonous to society and individuals.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
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You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are

Fuck you you illiterate ass. Trump incited nothing. You continue to lie and make yourself look like a bigger ass than usual. Valid comparison that goes right over your education level. You best shut up now.
No lies, it’s all on video and clear as day. Trump lies to a rally crowd for an hour. The crowd then moves into the Capital and illegally take it over, while Trump tweets more of his lies and incendiary BS. No there is no way for you to spin that to deflect responsibility from Trump. You’re a fool
Yes you lie. Every time you open your mouth. Not Trump’s fault. So by your standards Xiden is fully responsible for the riots and murders all summer. You are beaten again. You are a true uneducated ass.
Please show me when Biden held a rally and then the crowd left his rally to go cause a riot. You can’t because that didn’t happen. It literally just happened here. You’re done man. A joke just like your President
Poor baby. Called out on your bullshit and now in full retreat mode. Sorry asshole. Not Trump's fault. No matter how much you whine and cry about it. When did Xiden attempt to stop his Antifa morons like you from rioting? Never you loser.
Biden has nothing to do with this, stop trying to change the subject. I haven’t backed off anything I’ve said. I’ll double down on all of it Trump is a lying lying asshole asshole. So are you.

Look at all the Trumpsters jumping ship. He is going down
So you can’t handle a valid comparison being the lying piece of shit you are. You have been proven a lying asshole countless time since dipshit. So fuck you, fuck your BLM and Pantifa fans. This is just starting lying assshole.
I can handle a valid comparison, go ahead and make one and state an argument so I can Prove you wrong again. Go!
You have nevertheless proven me wrong and never will yo uneducated piece of shit. Here’s asshole. Harris and Biden saying the riots should continued until Election Day where Trump told people to stop and go home. You lose. No way fuck off asshole. You’ve been been destroyed again boing boing boy. You’re pathetic, a joke, and a moron.
Haha I love it when people like you try and call other people uneducated. Just read your post! Written by an imbecile.

Neither Biden nor Harris ever said a riot should carry on. You’re lying. I’d challenge you to prove it but I know you can’t and won’t.
Hey asshole, it was reported and Harris said it in an interview televised you uneducated piece of shit. You couldn’t prove a thing you said asshole. As usual boing boing boy.

Your loss is recorded coward. None STFU. Slapped again. Fuck off.
Hahahahaha. Are you shitting me? You claimed that Biden and Harris said that riots should carry on and when asked for proof all you have is a quote from Harris saying that the the protests will not stop before Election Day?! Are you completely retarded?
Hey illiterate retard you just conceded asshole. Hey fuckwad, you admitted she said exactly what I said you fucking inbred uneducated know nothing. Run away before I slap you again boing boing boy. You’re pathetic. I ever see you I’ll slap you for fun.

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