25th Amendment

Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
LOL, ridiculous. He said keep it peaceful and they have. There is no info on the person shot or the circumstances.
Are you shitting me? You’re actually calling this shit peaceful?! Backing up Trump?! What the fuck is wrong with you. So many completely idiotic people in this country. Y’all need to go back into your holes, you’re an embarrassment
Peaceful protest asshole. Seems you’re cowering in your hole you uneducated embarrassment. The person was a Trump supporter shot by a cop idiot. Speak up moron, cant hear you while you’re running away. You loved BLM and Pantifa so STFU liar.
Peaceful? You call breaking windows and illegally rushing and occupying a building full of our nations leaders, peaceful?! Are you full on retarded?
Sorry assshole. You called murder and looting and burning peaceful. This is not that retard. Peaceful protest. Period. By YOUR own standards.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are

Fuck you you illiterate ass. Trump incited nothing. You continue to lie and make yourself look like a bigger ass than usual. Valid comparison that goes right over your education level. You best shut up now.
No lies, it’s all on video and clear as day. Trump lies to a rally crowd for an hour. The crowd then moves into the Capital and illegally take it over, while Trump tweets more of his lies and incendiary BS. No there is no way for you to spin that to deflect responsibility from Trump. You’re a fool
Yes you lie. Every time you open your mouth. Not Trump’s fault. So by your standards Xiden is fully responsible for the riots and murders all summer. You are beaten again. You are a true uneducated ass.
There's still cowards posting on the internet ... chicken shits should be out in the streets protesting ... here's the spark, Trumpsters run and hide ...
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
LOL, ridiculous. He said keep it peaceful and they have. There is no info on the person shot or the circumstances.
Are you shitting me? You’re actually calling this shit peaceful?! Backing up Trump?! What the fuck is wrong with you. So many completely idiotic people in this country. Y’all need to go back into your holes, you’re an embarrassment
Peaceful protest asshole. Seems you’re cowering in your hole you uneducated embarrassment. The person was a Trump supporter shot by a cop idiot. Speak up moron, cant hear you while you’re running away. You loved BLM and Pantifa so STFU liar.
Peaceful? You call breaking windows and illegally rushing and occupying a building full of our nations leaders, peaceful?! Are you full on retarded?
Sorry assshole. You called murder and looting and burning peaceful. This is not that retard. Peaceful protest. Period. By YOUR own standards.
I called murder and looting peaceful? Really?? Care to prove that and show when I wrote that you pathetic liar.... didn’t think so
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are

Fuck you you illiterate ass. Trump incited nothing. You continue to lie and make yourself look like a bigger ass than usual. Valid comparison that goes right over your education level. You best shut up now.
No lies, it’s all on video and clear as day. Trump lies to a rally crowd for an hour. The crowd then moves into the Capital and illegally take it over, while Trump tweets more of his lies and incendiary BS. No there is no way for you to spin that to deflect responsibility from Trump. You’re a fool
Yes you lie. Every time you open your mouth. Not Trump’s fault. So by your standards Xiden is fully responsible for the riots and murders all summer. You are beaten again. You are a true uneducated ass.
Please show me when Biden held a rally and then the crowd left his rally to go cause a riot. You can’t because that didn’t happen. It literally just happened here. You’re done man. A joke just like your President
Sorry assshole. You called murder and looting and burning peaceful. This is not that retard. Peaceful protest. Period.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
Jim Acosta just reported on the 25th. Apparently if you tried to invoke the 25th it wouldn't go far due to all the fucking lackeys in the Trump cabinet. Now who would ever install so many dickheads in their cabinet but the fat mfr himself. Trump is so unfit and we all know it.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
LOL, ridiculous. He said keep it peaceful and they have. There is no info on the person shot or the circumstances.
It was a woman shot by a trigger happy cop.
Biden should put an end to this.
Was she shot in the back more than once?
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
Absolutely. This man is unwell and that has led to one death today, so far.

Not removing him would be irresponsible. History is watching this.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
What was the motto of today's rally? Stop the steal, maybe? Egging on the seditious bastards.
This is likely all planned....

Maybe Pence and cabinet will declare the 25th, Trump is temporarily decommissioned, Pence becomes president, then pardons Trump for his crimes or alleged crimes....which should keep Trump from going completely bonkers as he's clearly approaching ......
as he sees his time is short?
Last edited:
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
Jim Acosta just reported on the 25th. Apparently if you tried to invoke the 25th it wouldn't go far due to all the fucking lackeys in the Trump cabinet. Now who would ever install so many dickheads in their cabinet but the fat mfr himself. Trump is so unfit and we all know it.
Trump is throwing his own people under the bus and just incited a riot on the capital. If his cabinet has any witts about them they will jump ship. McConnel needs to float the idea and Pence needs to drive it home. Get that dipshit out of office. Stat
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are
what lies?
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
The President did no such thing. This is just the citizenry exercising their Constitutional right to protest, mostly peacefully.
Mostly peaceful?! Was that a joke?

And yes the president did exactly what I said he did. I watched it all live
Then you need to up your meds if you believe that is what happened.
What exactly did I say happened that you take issue with. I’ll happily prove you wrong
You can't read? I am not surprised.
I’m reading and you haven’t laid anything specific out. I’m waiting
Dip shit. You made the claim that Trump instigated a mob. He did not.

So, you can keep waiting.
Of course he did. Did you see his speech? Did you hear the peoples reaction after his speech? Did you see what they did to the capital? Did you see what he was tweeting during the chaos? Last question... are you retarded?
View attachment 438222
You may not be aware -- in fact, I pretty much know you are not -- but the right doesn't really start burning and pillaging on the basis of a speech that did NOT instigate violence.

In fact, there is no burning buildings, there are no dead leftists, there are no beaten or dead leftists at all.

Its been a mostly peaceful protest. Open your eyes and start pushing back against the Chinese influence in the Democrat party.
You’re moving the goalposts and talking about burning buildings and dead leftists. What a pathetic tactic. These people are pissed off over a heap of lies that Trump fed them. They left a Trump rally and stormed the congress. Breaking windows and taking over the building. You pretending like Trump had nothing to do with that is just showing how stupid you actually are
what lies?
Just about every line he spewed was a lie. Fake claims about state elections, the claim that the election was stolen? Trying to say Pence had the power to send the votes back to the states... All debunked lies
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
Jim Acosta just reported on the 25th. Apparently if you tried to invoke the 25th it wouldn't go far due to all the fucking lackeys in the Trump cabinet. Now who would ever install so many dickheads in their cabinet but the fat mfr himself. Trump is so unfit and we all know it.
Trump is throwing his own people under the bus and just incited a riot on the capital. If his cabinet has any witts about them they will jump ship. McConnel needs to float the idea and Pence needs to drive it home. Get that dipshit out of office. Stat
Pence would really be liked about... Now. Don't forget those R's that are members of this shitshow. I won't.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
LOL, ridiculous. He said keep it peaceful and they have. There is no info on the person shot or the circumstances.
Enough is enough. The president literally instigated a mob takeover of Congress after spewing lie after lie during this mornings rally.

Guns drawn, somebody shot, and Trump is berating his VP on Twitter instead of defusing the situation. Time to get this guy out of office. STAT.

Time for the 25th Amendment. Let Pence ride this flaming disaster of an administration to the firehouse.
Jim Acosta just reported on the 25th. Apparently if you tried to invoke the 25th it wouldn't go far due to all the fucking lackeys in the Trump cabinet. Now who would ever install so many dickheads in their cabinet but the fat mfr himself. Trump is so unfit and we all know it.
Trump is throwing his own people under the bus and just incited a riot on the capital. If his cabinet has any witts about them they will jump ship. McConnel needs to float the idea and Pence needs to drive it home. Get that dipshit out of office. Stat
Pence would really be liked about... Now. Don't forget those R's that are members of this shitshow. I won't.
Nobody should. Those people should be gone. Make them clean our roadways for the rest of their days
I must have missed it. What was the exact quote from Trump telling his supporters to storm the Capitol?

Anyone who didnt whine when ANTIFABLM attempted to breach the Federal Courthouse in Portland can pound sand.

A cop shot into a crowd. ANTIFABLM are going to riot over that, right?

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