26 Prisoners To Be Released Tuesday


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2012
Buzzard Gulch, NC
Israel be ticking off all sides as they announced they will be releasing 26 long term prisoners on Tuesday. Israeli citizens protested the release while Palestinians protested the announcement of 1200 new settlement homes. Is the government experimenting with magic mushrooms? Someone help me out here and tell me if they've got something going that's way over our heads.

BBC News - Israel approves release of 26 Palestinian prisoners
Gulag (Russian) was the Soviet Union government agency that administered the main Soviet forced labor camp systems during the Stalin era, from the 1930s through the 1950s. While the camps housed a wide range of convicts, from petty criminals to political prisoners, large numbers were convicted by simplified procedures, such as NKVD troikas and other instruments of extrajudicial punishment. The Gulag is recognized as a major instrument of political repression in the Soviet Union.

Gulag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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26 innocent political prisoners will be freed from the Israeli gulag. .. :thup:

Tell me why you think these mass murderers of innocent civilians are, in your words, "innocent political prisoners." On the other hand, perhaps don't bother. You are just trying to get a rise out of us. Anyone with any basic knowledge and access to the internet can easily find out these are not innocent political prisoners at all.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I71cY9Ysy5U]Thumper - If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all - YouTube[/ame]
"26 innocent political prisoners will be freed from the Israeli gulag." .. :thup:

imagine YOU, a muslim critiquing ....prison life in israel. you ain't got a leg to stand on.

i know what you are SUNNI-MAN...the (american) enemy: the enemy (islamE) of (EVERY) woman on the face of the earth, and a THREAT to our very (peaceful) existence on planet earth.....

you got moxy though. the fucking nerve of you to say ANYTHING about anyone else's existence/culture/laws/way of life on planet earth.........

you're the enemy boy. you and your tribal, (or not) pajama-wearing, (or not) face-covering ILK.

26 innocent political prisoners will be freed from the Israeli gulag. .. :thup:

Tell me why you think these mass murderers of innocent civilians are, in your words, "innocent political prisoners." On the other hand, perhaps don't bother. You are just trying to get a rise out of us. Anyone with any basic knowledge and access to the internet can easily find out these are not innocent political prisoners at all.
These 26 freedom fighters are political prisoners just the same as Nelson Mandela was in apartheid S. Africa. .. :cool:
26 innocent political prisoners will be freed from the Israeli gulag. .. :thup:

Tell me why you think these mass murderers of innocent civilians are, in your words, "innocent political prisoners." On the other hand, perhaps don't bother. You are just trying to get a rise out of us. Anyone with any basic knowledge and access to the internet can easily find out these are not innocent political prisoners at all.
These 26 freedom fighters are political prisoners just the same as Nelson Mandela was in apartheid S. Africa. .. :cool:

You know that is a lie. Particularly since you put a :cool: smilie after.

You just try to bait us with your ridiculous statements, but we know your mode of operation.
Tell me why you think these mass murderers of innocent civilians are, in your words, "innocent political prisoners." On the other hand, perhaps don't bother. You are just trying to get a rise out of us. Anyone with any basic knowledge and access to the internet can easily find out these are not innocent political prisoners at all.
These 26 freedom fighters are political prisoners just the same as Nelson Mandela was in apartheid S. Africa. .. :cool:

You know that is a lie. Particularly since you put a :cool: smilie after.

You just try to bait us with your ridiculous statements, but we know your mode of operation.
That emoticon isn't a smile.

It stands for "cool".

Look it up..........
These 26 freedom fighters are political prisoners just the same as Nelson Mandela was in apartheid S. Africa. .. :cool:

You know that is a lie. Particularly since you put a :cool: smilie after.

You just try to bait us with your ridiculous statements, but we know your mode of operation.
That emoticon isn't a smile.

It stands for "cool".

Look it up..........

The word smilie is a general term used for emoticons. I know it stands for 'cool' as I typed it. To think that you consider such a subject as this cool shows us that you are baiting us, and are flippant about this serious subject of releasing child-killers from jail as a condition to Israel begging the Palestinian Authority to come to the negotiating table.
You know that is a lie. Particularly since you put a :cool: smilie after.

You just try to bait us with your ridiculous statements, but we know your mode of operation.
That emoticon isn't a smile.

It stands for "cool".

Look it up..........

The word smilie is a general term used for emoticons. I know it stands for 'cool' as I typed it. To think that you consider such a subject as this cool shows us that you are baiting us, and are flippant about this serious subject of releasing child-killers from jail as a condition to Israel begging the Palestinian Authority to come to the negotiating table.

Just a simple question, how do you know that the 26 released were " child-killers ' ? Do you know if even 1 of them was a " child-killer "? If so please provide us with the details and the links so that we can examine the details ourselves.
The word smilie is a general term used for emoticons. I know it stands for 'cool' as I typed it. To think that you consider such a subject as this cool shows us that you are baiting us, and are flippant about this serious subject of releasing child-killers from jail as a condition to Israel begging the Palestinian Authority to come to the negotiating table.

Just a simple question, how do you know that the 26 released were " child-killers ' ? Do you know if even 1 of them was a " child-killer "? If so please provide us with the details and the links so that we can examine the details ourselves.

I was not talking about the 26 but the hundred or so that will be released as a pre-condition to peace talks, some of whom are child killers.
Hopefully, they'll all get brain-cancer and die.

i wish i could say "hopefully, all the people who caused these men to be wrongfully imprisoned...police, politicians, soldiers, settlers, zionists...will get brain cancer and die" but i don't have that much hate in me.

killing the above mentioned though, well, that's just business done best in a businesslike fashion. no hate required for that...just a keen eye and a steady hand.

no problem there.

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MK Shaked: Implement Death Penalty for Terrorists

MK Ayelet Shaked calls for implementing the death penalty for terrorists, saying the gov't cannot be trusted to keep them in jail.
By David Lev and Ari Soffer
First Publish: 8/12/2013, 6:36 PM


Ayelet Shaked

MK Ayelet Shaked (Bayit Yehudi) on Monday called for implementing the death penalty for terrorists. She said the measure was necessary to ensure that terrorist murderers are "never released."

At a protest at the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv against the release of 26 terrorists that the government confirmed earlier Monday would be set free, Shaked said that the only way to guarantee that the government did not use terrorists who killed Israelis and Jews as “negotiation cards,” as was currently happening, was to kill the terrorists.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's office said that the terrorists will be released about 48 hours after the publication of the list. It was emphasized that if one of the terrorists resumes hostile activity against the State of Israel after his release, he will be returned to prison to continue serving his sentence.

The full list was made public on the Israel Prisons Service website on Sunday night, which revealed that 17 terrorists who were convicted of murdering Israelis, including three who axed to death senior citizens, are among the 26 terrorists that Israel will set free this week.

Earlier on Sunday, families of victims of terrorism marched through Jerusalem in a protest against the government’s plan to approve the release of 26 terrorists.

The 26 are the first "installment" of 104 terrorists to be released as a "goodwill gesture" to the Palestinian Authority (PA), in preparation for "peace talks" which are set to restart in the coming days.

“The State of Israel does not know how to keep terrorists in prison,” Shaked said. “Unfortunately we have no choice but to ensure that murderers, like those who killed the Fogel family, who killed a three month old and his parents, are never released.”

The only way to do that was to eliminate the terrorists, she declared.

Shaked was referring to the massacre in June 2011 of five members of the Fogel family of Itamar: father Ehud (Udi) Fogel, mother Ruth Fogel, and three of their six children - Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, the youngest, a three-month-old infant. The Fogel family's murderers are still in prison, but Shaked said she would not be surprised if they were released in a future negotiation deal or Israeli “gesture” to the PA.

“The only way to solve this is with a death penalty,” she said, pointing out that “The law is already on the books, as the IDF has the right to execute terrorists. We just need to make sure the law is implemented in extreme circumstances."

False information?

Earlier Monday, Arutz Sheva revealed that despite government claims that the murderers being freed as a “gesture” to the Palestinian Authority (PA) committed their acts before the signing of the "Oslo accords," at least four of them carried out their crimes after the accords were signed on the White House lawn on September 13, 1993.

The government has communicated the idea that releasing terrorists who commited their crimes after the signing of the accords is worse than releasing ones who did so before the signing. The reasoning behind this is that before the accords were signed, Israel and the “Palestinians” were at war with each other, whereas murders committed afterward breached the accord signed by the two entities.

However, Arutz Sheva's Hagai Huberman revealed that four of those to be released - Faiz Madhat Barbak, Salem Ali Abu Musa, Ahmad Abu-Sita and Muhammad Abu-Sita - all committed their crimes after the signing of the accords.

Faiz Madhat Barbak and two other terrorists murdered Moshe Becker in Rishon Letzion on January 21, 1994, as he came to work at his orchard.

Salem Ali Abu Musa and other terrorists murdered Holocaust-survivor Isaac Rotenberg as he was fixing a floor in Petach Tikva on March 31, 1994.

Ahmad Abu-Sita and Muhammad Abu-Sita – two construction workers from Gaza who came to Israel to work in an apartment in Ramla – murdered David Dedi and Haim Weizman in their sleep in December of 1993.

These murders could be said to have taken place before the signing of the “Oslo B” accord, but they certainly did not take place befire the signing of the Oslo accords, as the government has claimed.

MK Shaked: Implement Death Penalty for Terrorists - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
"26 innocent political prisoners will be freed from the Israeli gulag." .. :thup:

imagine YOU, a muslim critiquing ....prison life in israel. you ain't got a leg to stand on.

i know what you are SUNNI-MAN...the (american) enemy: the enemy (islamE) of (EVERY) woman on the face of the earth, and a THREAT to our very (peaceful) existence on planet earth.....

you got moxy though. the fucking nerve of you to say ANYTHING about anyone else's existence/culture/laws/way of life on planet earth.........

you're the enemy boy. you and your tribal, (or not) pajama-wearing, (or not) face-covering ILK.

i thought sunni was a vet of the USMC. maybe that makes him my enemy, having been in the U.S. Army field artillery...LOL...damn you guys and your 175 guns...but certainly not an enemy of america.
The word smilie is a general term used for emoticons. I know it stands for 'cool' as I typed it. To think that you consider such a subject as this cool shows us that you are baiting us, and are flippant about this serious subject of releasing child-killers from jail as a condition to Israel begging the Palestinian Authority to come to the negotiating table.

Just a simple question, how do you know that the 26 released were " child-killers ' ? Do you know if even 1 of them was a " child-killer "? If so please provide us with the details and the links so that we can examine the details ourselves.

The Almagor website released the names of all prisoners being released (those who will be released).

There is a thread I opened up about this, actually, you're more welcome to look it up


MK Shaked: Implement Death Penalty for Terrorists

MK Ayelet Shaked calls for implementing the death penalty for terrorists, saying the gov't cannot be trusted to keep them in jail.
By David Lev and Ari Soffer
First Publish: 8/12/2013, 6:36 PM


Ayelet Shaked

MK Ayelet Shaked (Bayit Yehudi) on Monday called for implementing the death penalty for terrorists. She said the measure was necessary to ensure that terrorist murderers are "never released."

At a protest at the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv against the release of 26 terrorists that the government confirmed earlier Monday would be set free, Shaked said that the only way to guarantee that the government did not use terrorists who killed Israelis and Jews as “negotiation cards,” as was currently happening, was to kill the terrorists.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's office said that the terrorists will be released about 48 hours after the publication of the list. It was emphasized that if one of the terrorists resumes hostile activity against the State of Israel after his release, he will be returned to prison to continue serving his sentence.

The full list was made public on the Israel Prisons Service website on Sunday night, which revealed that 17 terrorists who were convicted of murdering Israelis, including three who axed to death senior citizens, are among the 26 terrorists that Israel will set free this week.

Earlier on Sunday, families of victims of terrorism marched through Jerusalem in a protest against the government’s plan to approve the release of 26 terrorists.

The 26 are the first "installment" of 104 terrorists to be released as a "goodwill gesture" to the Palestinian Authority (PA), in preparation for "peace talks" which are set to restart in the coming days.

“The State of Israel does not know how to keep terrorists in prison,” Shaked said. “Unfortunately we have no choice but to ensure that murderers, like those who killed the Fogel family, who killed a three month old and his parents, are never released.”

The only way to do that was to eliminate the terrorists, she declared.

Shaked was referring to the massacre in June 2011 of five members of the Fogel family of Itamar: father Ehud (Udi) Fogel, mother Ruth Fogel, and three of their six children - Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, the youngest, a three-month-old infant. The Fogel family's murderers are still in prison, but Shaked said she would not be surprised if they were released in a future negotiation deal or Israeli “gesture” to the PA.

“The only way to solve this is with a death penalty,” she said, pointing out that “The law is already on the books, as the IDF has the right to execute terrorists. We just need to make sure the law is implemented in extreme circumstances."

False information?

Earlier Monday, Arutz Sheva revealed that despite government claims that the murderers being freed as a “gesture” to the Palestinian Authority (PA) committed their acts before the signing of the "Oslo accords," at least four of them carried out their crimes after the accords were signed on the White House lawn on September 13, 1993.

The government has communicated the idea that releasing terrorists who commited their crimes after the signing of the accords is worse than releasing ones who did so before the signing. The reasoning behind this is that before the accords were signed, Israel and the “Palestinians” were at war with each other, whereas murders committed afterward breached the accord signed by the two entities.

However, Arutz Sheva's Hagai Huberman revealed that four of those to be released - Faiz Madhat Barbak, Salem Ali Abu Musa, Ahmad Abu-Sita and Muhammad Abu-Sita - all committed their crimes after the signing of the accords.

Faiz Madhat Barbak and two other terrorists murdered Moshe Becker in Rishon Letzion on January 21, 1994, as he came to work at his orchard.

Salem Ali Abu Musa and other terrorists murdered Holocaust-survivor Isaac Rotenberg as he was fixing a floor in Petach Tikva on March 31, 1994.

Ahmad Abu-Sita and Muhammad Abu-Sita – two construction workers from Gaza who came to Israel to work in an apartment in Ramla – murdered David Dedi and Haim Weizman in their sleep in December of 1993.

These murders could be said to have taken place before the signing of the “Oslo B” accord, but they certainly did not take place befire the signing of the Oslo accords, as the government has claimed.

MK Shaked: Implement Death Penalty for Terrorists - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

I adore this woman!

Just a simple question, how do you know that the 26 released were " child-killers ' ? Do you know if even 1 of them was a " child-killer "? If so please provide us with the details and the links so that we can examine the details ourselves.

I was not talking about the 26 but the hundred or so that will be released as a pre-condition to peace talks, some of whom are child killers.

I don't know sure seemed to me that we were talking about the 26 who were going to be released now. As for your assertion that in the " hundred or so " that will be released that some of them are child-killers, can you prove that or are we suppose to take your word for it ???
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