26 Prisoners To Be Released Tuesday

I was not talking about the 26 but the hundred or so that will be released as a pre-condition to peace talks, some of whom are child killers.

I don't know sure seemed to me that we were talking about the 26 who were going to be released now. As for your assertion that in the " hundred or so " that will be released that some of them are child-killers, can you prove that or are we suppose to take your word for it ???

I never stated the 26 or any of them were child killers, but certainly some of the remainder are. Their names are yet to be released.
i thought sunni was a vet of the USMC. maybe that makes him my enemy, having been in the U.S. Army field artillery...LOL...damn you guys and your 175 guns...but certainly not an enemy of america.
Nope, I was not a jar head.

I was also US Army........tracked armored vehicles.

But I also spent time at Ft. Sill the home of field artillery. .. :cool:

MK Shaked: Implement Death Penalty for Terrorists

MK Ayelet Shaked calls for implementing the death penalty for terrorists, saying the gov't cannot be trusted to keep them in jail.
By David Lev and Ari Soffer
First Publish: 8/12/2013, 6:36 PM


Ayelet Shaked

MK Ayelet Shaked (Bayit Yehudi) on Monday called for implementing the death penalty for terrorists. She said the measure was necessary to ensure that terrorist murderers are "never released."

At a protest at the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv against the release of 26 terrorists that the government confirmed earlier Monday would be set free, Shaked said that the only way to guarantee that the government did not use terrorists who killed Israelis and Jews as “negotiation cards,” as was currently happening, was to kill the terrorists.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's office said that the terrorists will be released about 48 hours after the publication of the list. It was emphasized that if one of the terrorists resumes hostile activity against the State of Israel after his release, he will be returned to prison to continue serving his sentence.

The full list was made public on the Israel Prisons Service website on Sunday night, which revealed that 17 terrorists who were convicted of murdering Israelis, including three who axed to death senior citizens, are among the 26 terrorists that Israel will set free this week.

Earlier on Sunday, families of victims of terrorism marched through Jerusalem in a protest against the government’s plan to approve the release of 26 terrorists.

The 26 are the first "installment" of 104 terrorists to be released as a "goodwill gesture" to the Palestinian Authority (PA), in preparation for "peace talks" which are set to restart in the coming days.

“The State of Israel does not know how to keep terrorists in prison,” Shaked said. “Unfortunately we have no choice but to ensure that murderers, like those who killed the Fogel family, who killed a three month old and his parents, are never released.”

The only way to do that was to eliminate the terrorists, she declared.

Shaked was referring to the massacre in June 2011 of five members of the Fogel family of Itamar: father Ehud (Udi) Fogel, mother Ruth Fogel, and three of their six children - Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, the youngest, a three-month-old infant. The Fogel family's murderers are still in prison, but Shaked said she would not be surprised if they were released in a future negotiation deal or Israeli “gesture” to the PA.

“The only way to solve this is with a death penalty,” she said, pointing out that “The law is already on the books, as the IDF has the right to execute terrorists. We just need to make sure the law is implemented in extreme circumstances."

False information?

Earlier Monday, Arutz Sheva revealed that despite government claims that the murderers being freed as a “gesture” to the Palestinian Authority (PA) committed their acts before the signing of the "Oslo accords," at least four of them carried out their crimes after the accords were signed on the White House lawn on September 13, 1993.

The government has communicated the idea that releasing terrorists who commited their crimes after the signing of the accords is worse than releasing ones who did so before the signing. The reasoning behind this is that before the accords were signed, Israel and the “Palestinians” were at war with each other, whereas murders committed afterward breached the accord signed by the two entities.

However, Arutz Sheva's Hagai Huberman revealed that four of those to be released - Faiz Madhat Barbak, Salem Ali Abu Musa, Ahmad Abu-Sita and Muhammad Abu-Sita - all committed their crimes after the signing of the accords.

Faiz Madhat Barbak and two other terrorists murdered Moshe Becker in Rishon Letzion on January 21, 1994, as he came to work at his orchard.

Salem Ali Abu Musa and other terrorists murdered Holocaust-survivor Isaac Rotenberg as he was fixing a floor in Petach Tikva on March 31, 1994.

Ahmad Abu-Sita and Muhammad Abu-Sita – two construction workers from Gaza who came to Israel to work in an apartment in Ramla – murdered David Dedi and Haim Weizman in their sleep in December of 1993.

These murders could be said to have taken place before the signing of the “Oslo B” accord, but they certainly did not take place befire the signing of the Oslo accords, as the government has claimed.

MK Shaked: Implement Death Penalty for Terrorists - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

I adore this woman!

Me too!!! She's a babe!
i thought sunni was a vet of the USMC. maybe that makes him my enemy, having been in the U.S. Army field artillery...LOL...damn you guys and your 175 guns...but certainly not an enemy of america.
Nope, I was not a jar head.

I was also US Army........tracked armored vehicles.

But I also spent time at Ft. Sill the home of field artillery. .. :cool:

funny how us gentile vets are the enemy while the jewish vets...LOL...i can't believe i said "jewish vets" (with my fond regards and apologies to jack jacobs...he was one vet...and in the 9th divison to boot).

ft. sill...whenever i went to a new unit's fire direction center i was always referred to as "school trained" to distinguish us from the lanyard yankers assigned to the FDC from the guns....critical MOS stuff.

oh wait, here is an article about jewish american soldiers...

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

i applaud them. with america not at war and all and the U.S. military enjoying the fruits of peace, they seem enthusiastic in their pursuit of a military career for another country.

but back to the topic at hand and political prisoners. you mention the similarities between palestinian prisoners and mandela. certainly, there are similarities but i think there is a big difference as well. mandela and the ANC political prisoners were not really bartered off. it seems, almost, as if a lot of these palestinian prisoners in israeli prisons are being held solely for their value as bargaining chips, their sole purpose for israel to be traded for future political consideration.
i thought sunni was a vet of the USMC. maybe that makes him my enemy, having been in the U.S. Army field artillery...LOL...damn you guys and your 175 guns...but certainly not an enemy of america.
Nope, I was not a jar head.

I was also US Army........tracked armored vehicles.

But I also spent time at Ft. Sill the home of field artillery. .. :cool:

funny how us gentile vets are the enemy while the jewish vets...LOL...i can't believe i said "jewish vets" (with my fond regards and apologies to jack jacobs...he was one vet...and in the 9th divison to boot).

ft. sill...whenever i went to a new unit's fire direction center i was always referred to as "school trained" to distinguish us from the lanyard yankers assigned to the FDC from the guns....critical MOS stuff.

oh wait, here is an article about jewish american soldiers...

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

i applaud them. with america not at war and all and the U.S. military enjoying the fruits of peace, they seem enthusiastic in their pursuit of a military career for another country.

but back to the topic at hand and political prisoners. you mention the similarities between palestinian prisoners and mandela. certainly, there are similarities but i think there is a big difference as well. mandela and the ANC political prisoners were not really bartered off. it seems, almost, as if a lot of these palestinian prisoners in israeli prisons are being held solely for their value as bargaining chips, their sole purpose for israel to be traded for future political consideration.

Well, I have a better idea. Israel should have the death penalty for these murderers. Then you will have your way and they won't have a "value as bargaining chips." :eusa_whistle:
Bereaved Families Ask: ‘Israelis, Where Are You?’
Families of terror victims call on the public to join them in their campaign to halt the release of convicted murderers​

By Maayana Miskin
First Publish: 8/11/2013, 1:47 PM

Families of victims of terrorism marched through Jerusalem on Sunday in a protest against the government’s plan to approve the release of 26 terrorists.

They marched from the central memorial for terrorism victims, located in Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, to the Supreme Court building, where the court is to hear a petition against terrorist release filed by the Almagor organization.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMe4v1zuW1s]Bereaved Families March: "Where Are You, Israel?" - YouTube[/ame]

Gila Molko, one of the marchers, could not hold back her tears as she called on the Israeli public to come join the victims’ families.

“Today I march alone, but tomorrow I hope that the nation of Israel will join me. I’m begging you to come, where are you, Israel?” she asked, speaking to Arutz Sheva.

“Don’t you understand?” she continued, facing the camera. “Don’t you understand that this is our blood, that he was part of our nation?”

“It’s not easy for bereaved families to come here,” she added. “It’s like having teeth pulled without anesthesia. We need your support.”

The parents of Lior Tubol, who terrorists kidnapped and murdered, expressed outrage at the plan to release their son’s killers.

“Twenty years out of a life sentence?! It won’t happen. I won’t let it happen,” Lior's mother declared.

“Does the United States free terrorists?” she demanded.

Ron Kehrmann and Yosef Tzur both lost teenage children in a bus bombing in Haifa in 2003. They expressed hope that the Supreme Court would give them justice.

“It’s not moral to release our children’s murderers. For the government of Israel to free terrorists is not moral or ethical,” they argued.

“Today we march with white flags to symbolize how the government of Israel was bullied by the Palestinians and the Americans into releasing terrorists with blood on their hands,” the two said.

Israel agreed to free the terrorists - including many who admitted to horrific murders
?Why Hunt Down Nazis, but Release Muslim Nazis?? - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News - as a "good-will gesture" to the Palestinian Authority, which views the imprisoned terrorists as "freedom fighters" and national heroes. Fatah Honors Terrorist for Murdering 61 Israelis - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Bereaved Families Ask: ?Israelis, Where Are You?? - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News
but back to the topic at hand and political prisoners. you mention the similarities between palestinian prisoners and mandela. certainly, there are similarities but i think there is a big difference as well. mandela and the ANC political prisoners were not really bartered off. it seems, almost, as if a lot of these palestinian prisoners in israeli prisons are being held solely for their value as bargaining chips, their sole purpose for israel to be traded for future political consideration.
You are 100% correct .. :cool:
i thought sunni was a vet of the USMC. maybe that makes him my enemy, having been in the U.S. Army field artillery...LOL...damn you guys and your 175 guns...but certainly not an enemy of america.
Nope, I was not a jar head.

I was also US Army........tracked armored vehicles.

But I also spent time at Ft. Sill the home of field artillery. .. :cool:

funny how us gentile vets are the enemy while the jewish vets...LOL...i can't believe i said "jewish vets" (with my fond regards and apologies to jack jacobs...he was one vet...and in the 9th divison to boot).

ft. sill...whenever i went to a new unit's fire direction center i was always referred to as "school trained" to distinguish us from the lanyard yankers assigned to the FDC from the guns....critical MOS stuff.

oh wait, here is an article about jewish american soldiers...

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

i applaud them. with america not at war and all and the U.S. military enjoying the fruits of peace, they seem enthusiastic in their pursuit of a military career for another country.

but back to the topic at hand and political prisoners. you mention the similarities between palestinian prisoners and mandela. certainly, there are similarities but i think there is a big difference as well. mandela and the ANC political prisoners were not really bartered off. it seems, almost, as if a lot of these palestinian prisoners in israeli prisons are being held solely for their value as bargaining chips, their sole purpose for israel to be traded for future political consideration.

Let me translate the Hebrew for you. In that article you posted, those "olim" (immigrants) made "aliyah" (officially immigrated to Israel and became Israeli citizens, with the intent of living there), which means that they have to serve in the military there. So there's no dual loyalty involved--they left America and went to live in Israel.
Nope, I was not a jar head.

I was also US Army........tracked armored vehicles.

But I also spent time at Ft. Sill the home of field artillery. .. :cool:

funny how us gentile vets are the enemy while the jewish vets...LOL...i can't believe i said "jewish vets" (with my fond regards and apologies to jack jacobs...he was one vet...and in the 9th divison to boot).

ft. sill...whenever i went to a new unit's fire direction center i was always referred to as "school trained" to distinguish us from the lanyard yankers assigned to the FDC from the guns....critical MOS stuff.

oh wait, here is an article about jewish american soldiers...

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

i applaud them. with america not at war and all and the U.S. military enjoying the fruits of peace, they seem enthusiastic in their pursuit of a military career for another country.

but back to the topic at hand and political prisoners. you mention the similarities between palestinian prisoners and mandela. certainly, there are similarities but i think there is a big difference as well. mandela and the ANC political prisoners were not really bartered off. it seems, almost, as if a lot of these palestinian prisoners in israeli prisons are being held solely for their value as bargaining chips, their sole purpose for israel to be traded for future political consideration.

Well, I have a better idea. Israel should have the death penalty for these murderers. Then you will have your way and they won't have a "value as bargaining chips." :eusa_whistle:

it seems to me that many of those of the israeli/jewish/zionist culture's "better idea" involves killing a whole helluva lot of palestinians on the one hand while screaming "all we want is peace" on the other.

seems like a personal conundrum best mulled over while eating a hearty breakfast of a bowl of milk and gefilte fish flakes.
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Nope, I was not a jar head.

I was also US Army........tracked armored vehicles.

But I also spent time at Ft. Sill the home of field artillery. .. :cool:

funny how us gentile vets are the enemy while the jewish vets...LOL...i can't believe i said "jewish vets" (with my fond regards and apologies to jack jacobs...he was one vet...and in the 9th divison to boot).

ft. sill...whenever i went to a new unit's fire direction center i was always referred to as "school trained" to distinguish us from the lanyard yankers assigned to the FDC from the guns....critical MOS stuff.

oh wait, here is an article about jewish american soldiers...

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

i applaud them. with america not at war and all and the U.S. military enjoying the fruits of peace, they seem enthusiastic in their pursuit of a military career for another country.

but back to the topic at hand and political prisoners. you mention the similarities between palestinian prisoners and mandela. certainly, there are similarities but i think there is a big difference as well. mandela and the ANC political prisoners were not really bartered off. it seems, almost, as if a lot of these palestinian prisoners in israeli prisons are being held solely for their value as bargaining chips, their sole purpose for israel to be traded for future political consideration.

Let me translate the Hebrew for you. In that article you posted, those "olim" (immigrants) made "aliyah" (officially immigrated to Israel and became Israeli citizens, with the intent of living there), which means that they have to serve in the military there. So there's no dual loyalty involved--they left America and went to live in Israel.

somehow, you don't impress me as the kind of person who feels the same way about those american young men who went to canada in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
funny how us gentile vets are the enemy while the jewish vets...LOL...i can't believe i said "jewish vets" (with my fond regards and apologies to jack jacobs...he was one vet...and in the 9th divison to boot).

ft. sill...whenever i went to a new unit's fire direction center i was always referred to as "school trained" to distinguish us from the lanyard yankers assigned to the FDC from the guns....critical MOS stuff.

oh wait, here is an article about jewish american soldiers...

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

i applaud them. with america not at war and all and the U.S. military enjoying the fruits of peace, they seem enthusiastic in their pursuit of a military career for another country.

but back to the topic at hand and political prisoners. you mention the similarities between palestinian prisoners and mandela. certainly, there are similarities but i think there is a big difference as well. mandela and the ANC political prisoners were not really bartered off. it seems, almost, as if a lot of these palestinian prisoners in israeli prisons are being held solely for their value as bargaining chips, their sole purpose for israel to be traded for future political consideration.

Well, I have a better idea. Israel should have the death penalty for these murderers. Then you will have your way and they won't have a "value as bargaining chips." :eusa_whistle:

it seems to me that many of those of the israeli/jewish/zionist culture's "better idea" involves killing a whole helluva lot of palestinians on the one hand while screaming "all we want is peace" on the other.

seems like a personal conundrum best mulled over while eating a hearty breakfast of a bowl of milk and gefilte fish flakes.

I think Israel bringing in the death sentence for murderers is an excellent idea. Many countries have it, so why not Israel. And the sooner the better, so there is no need for this nonsense of releasing murderers of innocent people in exchange for simply getting the Palestinian Authority to come to the negotiating table. Let nobody say Israel does not put itself out for peace, which is more than can be said for the Palestinian Authority.
funny how us gentile vets are the enemy while the jewish vets...LOL...i can't believe i said "jewish vets" (with my fond regards and apologies to jack jacobs...he was one vet...and in the 9th divison to boot).

ft. sill...whenever i went to a new unit's fire direction center i was always referred to as "school trained" to distinguish us from the lanyard yankers assigned to the FDC from the guns....critical MOS stuff.

oh wait, here is an article about jewish american soldiers...

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

i applaud them. with america not at war and all and the U.S. military enjoying the fruits of peace, they seem enthusiastic in their pursuit of a military career for another country.

but back to the topic at hand and political prisoners. you mention the similarities between palestinian prisoners and mandela. certainly, there are similarities but i think there is a big difference as well. mandela and the ANC political prisoners were not really bartered off. it seems, almost, as if a lot of these palestinian prisoners in israeli prisons are being held solely for their value as bargaining chips, their sole purpose for israel to be traded for future political consideration.

Let me translate the Hebrew for you. In that article you posted, those "olim" (immigrants) made "aliyah" (officially immigrated to Israel and became Israeli citizens, with the intent of living there), which means that they have to serve in the military there. So there's no dual loyalty involved--they left America and went to live in Israel.

somehow, you don't impress me as the kind of person who feels the same way about those american young men who went to canada in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Those men were draft dodgers.
Let me translate the Hebrew for you. In that article you posted, those "olim" (immigrants) made "aliyah" (officially immigrated to Israel and became Israeli citizens, with the intent of living there), which means that they have to serve in the military there. So there's no dual loyalty involved--they left America and went to live in Israel.

somehow, you don't impress me as the kind of person who feels the same way about those american young men who went to canada in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Those men were draft dodgers.

yes they were, and i do not think carter should have pardoned them. they made their choicee. i have far greater respect for those men and women who were opposed to our involvement in south-east asia who stayed and went to gaol for upposing the war.

there is no drat now though.

i think though that those americans who leave this country while we are engaged in foreign wars and join the military of another country should not be allowed to retain their citisenship here. those draft dodgers gave up their citisenship with no expectation of being repatriated.

this whole issue began when member accused another vet who served honorably of being an enemy to america.

it was not i, but blood, who mentioned dual loyalties. i don't think they have dual loyalties at all. i think by their actions when america is engaged in war, that they made their loyalties perfectly clear. many will come back free and clear. that is wrong.

this thread, however, is about the release of a handful of political prisoners being held in israeli prisons and being used as bargaining chips and the wishes that they die a horrible death from brain cancer or be executed, and rather than derail this thread, i no longer will disccuss this matter here and will begin a new thread. slight diversions are OK, in my opinion, but they should not take dominance over the topic at hand.

thank you.

I don't know sure seemed to me that we were talking about the 26 who were going to be released now. As for your assertion that in the " hundred or so " that will be released that some of them are child-killers, can you prove that or are we suppose to take your word for it ???

I never stated the 26 or any of them were child killers, but certainly some of the remainder are. Their names are yet to be released.

Here is a link with the names of terrorists to be released

Israel Names Palestinian Prisoners To Be Freed
I don't know sure seemed to me that we were talking about the 26 who were going to be released now. As for your assertion that in the " hundred or so " that will be released that some of them are child-killers, can you prove that or are we suppose to take your word for it ???

I never stated the 26 or any of them were child killers, but certainly some of the remainder are. Their names are yet to be released.

Here is a link with the names of terrorists to be released

Israel Names Palestinian Prisoners To Be Freed
What a pity.

Israeli Citizens Protest the Release of Terrorists

United States Secretary of State John Kerry has brought Israeli and Palestinian officials back to the negotiating table in Washington but not without a price. As a pre-requisite to peace talks, the Palestinian Authority has demanded the release of 104 Palestinian prisoners many of them convicted terrorists guilty of murder. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has complied in order to jump start the peace process but not without resistance. Recent protests in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, attended by hundreds of Israelis, reflect the outrage of Israel’s citizens over Netanyahu’s decision.

Polls have shown that 85% of the Israeli public is opposed to the release of Palestinian terrorists with blood on their hands. Terror victims’ organizations have been very vocal in opposition to the government’s decision and receive support from Israelis across the political spectrum.

Among the prisoners is terrorist Issa Abed Rabbo, who as United With Israel previously reported brutally murdered Israeli university students Roni Levi and Revital Seri in 1984 while they were hiking south of Jerusalem. He had tied the two up at gunpoint, placed bags over their heads, and then proceeded to murder them in cold blood. Abed Rabbo is presently serving two life sentences.

Israeli Citizens Protest the Release of Terrorists | United with Israel
Look at this released terrorist gloating over the eight children she murdered in cold blood, and she would gladly do it again. Sickening.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLXAwETtu0Q]Palestinian terrorist Ahlam Tamimi laughs about the 8 children she murdered - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-WTx7k4baw]Ahlam Tamimi Chose Sbarro's 'Religious Jews' as Murder Target - YouTube[/ame]
Look at this released terrorist gloating over the eight children she murdered in cold blood, and she would gladly do it again. Sickening.

Palestinian terrorist Ahlam Tamimi laughs about the 8 children she murdered - YouTube

Ahlam Tamimi Chose Sbarro's 'Religious Jews' as Murder Target - YouTube
Yes, Caroline, those released the other day were such nice, peace-loving human beings who wouldn't harm a fly.

Fayez Khur: Aged 51, a Fatah activist from the Gaza Strip. On May 10, 1983, he murdered Menahem Dadon in the Gaza Strip, and was involved in the murder of Salomon Abukasis in the Gaza Strip on February 14, 1983. Sentenced to life imprisonment.
Salah Mugdad: Aged 47, a Fatah activist from Kfar Bracha in Samaria in the West Bank. On June 14, 1993, he murdered Israel Tenenbaum, a guard at the Sirens Hotel in Netanya. Sentenced to life imprisonment, which was then commuted to a 32-year sentence.

Samir Na’neesh: Aged 46, a Fatah activist from Nablus in the West Bank. On February 14, 1989 he murdered a soldier, Binyamin Meisner, by throwing a building block at him in the Kasbah in Nablus. Sentenced to life imprisonment.

Yusef Irshaid: Aged 45, a Fatah activist from Jenin in the West Bank. On June 15, 1992, he took part in the murder of a Druze Israeli citizen, Mufid Cana’an. In the years 1991-92 he took part in the murder of three Palestinians suspected of collaboration with Israel. He also planned a car bomb attack in Afula and made attempts to kidnap a soldier. Sentenced to five life imprisonments.

Mustafa al-Haj: Aged 45, a Fatah activist from Brukin in the West Bank. On June 17, 1989, he stabbed Steven Frederick Rosenfeld to death with a knife close to Ariel. Sentenced to life imprisonment.
Salameh Musleh: Aged 44, a Fatah activist from the Gaza Strip. On May 20, 1991, he took part in the murder of Reuven David in Petach Tikva, when he and his accomplice beat him to death. Sentenced to life imprisonment, which was then commuted to a 30-year sentence.

Atiyeh abu Musa: Aged 42, a Fatah activist from the Gaza Strip. On March 29, 1993, he murdered Isaac Rotenberg with an axe on a building site in Bat Yam. Sentenced to life imprisonment.

Salah Mukled: Aged 40, a Fatah activist from the Gaza Strip. On March 29, 1993, he stabbed Yeshayahu Deutsch to death with a knife in the hothouses of Kfar Yam. In that same year, he also carried out shooting attacks. Sentenced to life imprisonment.

Complete article here: http://www.juf.org/news/israel.aspx?id=422579
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Look at this released terrorist gloating over the eight children she murdered in cold blood, and she would gladly do it again. Sickening.

Palestinian terrorist Ahlam Tamimi laughs about the 8 children she murdered - YouTube

Ahlam Tamimi Chose Sbarro's 'Religious Jews' as Murder Target - YouTube
Yes, Caroline, those released the other day were such nice, peace-loving human beings who wouldn't harm a fly.

Fayez Khur: Aged 51, a Fatah activist from the Gaza Strip. On May 10, 1983, he murdered Menahem Dadon in the Gaza Strip, and was involved in the murder of Salomon Abukasis in the Gaza Strip on February 14, 1983. Sentenced to life imprisonment.
Salah Mugdad: Aged 47, a Fatah activist from Kfar Bracha in Samaria in the West Bank. On June 14, 1993, he murdered Israel Tenenbaum, a guard at the Sirens Hotel in Netanya. Sentenced to life imprisonment, which was then commuted to a 32-year sentence.

Samir Na’neesh: Aged 46, a Fatah activist from Nablus in the West Bank. On February 14, 1989 he murdered a soldier, Binyamin Meisner, by throwing a building block at him in the Kasbah in Nablus. Sentenced to life imprisonment.

Yusef Irshaid: Aged 45, a Fatah activist from Jenin in the West Bank. On June 15, 1992, he took part in the murder of a Druze Israeli citizen, Mufid Cana’an. In the years 1991-92 he took part in the murder of three Palestinians suspected of collaboration with Israel. He also planned a car bomb attack in Afula and made attempts to kidnap a soldier. Sentenced to five life imprisonments.

Mustafa al-Haj: Aged 45, a Fatah activist from Brukin in the West Bank. On June 17, 1989, he stabbed Steven Frederick Rosenfeld to death with a knife close to Ariel. Sentenced to life imprisonment.
Salameh Musleh: Aged 44, a Fatah activist from the Gaza Strip. On May 20, 1991, he took part in the murder of Reuven David in Petach Tikva, when he and his accomplice beat him to death. Sentenced to life imprisonment, which was then commuted to a 30-year sentence.

Atiyeh abu Musa: Aged 42, a Fatah activist from the Gaza Strip. On March 29, 1993, he murdered Isaac Rotenberg with an axe on a building site in Bat Yam. Sentenced to life imprisonment.

Salah Mukled: Aged 40, a Fatah activist from the Gaza Strip. On March 29, 1993, he stabbed Yeshayahu Deutsch to death with a knife in the hothouses of Kfar Yam. In that same year, he also carried out shooting attacks. Sentenced to life imprisonment.

Complete article here: http://www.juf.org/news/israel.aspx?id=422579

Buncha social workers huh?
So it is ok for the US to push Israel to release killers of Israelis, but not killers of US citizens. Israel, WAKE UP.

Freed Terrorist Killed American Citizen, US 'Concerned'
State Department opposed release of terrorist who murdered former U.S. Marine in Israel.

By Maayana Miskin
First Publish: 8/18/2013, 1:21 PM

Israel’s decision to release terrorist prisoners as a “gesture” to the Palestinian Authority led some Israeli MKs to criticize the United States for allegedly pushing the release. MK Ayelet Shaked (Bayit Yehudi) even wrote a strongly critical letter to Secretary of State John Kerry in which she accused him of “forcing Israel to capitulate to terrorism.”

However, it appears that U.S. actually opposed the prisoner release in at least one case.

According to The Daily Beast, the U.S. State Department expressed concern over the release of Al-Haaj Othman Amar Mustafa – but Israel decided to free him anyway.

Mustafa murdered Frederick Steven Rosenfeld, who was a U.S. citizen and a former U.S. Marine.

He and other attackers ambushed Rosenfeld, attacking him from behind after pretending to befriend him as he walked near his home in the town of Ariel, in Samaria (Shomron), in 1989. The three stabbed Rosenfeld and left him to die.

Read the full article here:
Freed Terrorist Killed American, US ?Concerned? - Middle East - News - Israel National News
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