2A is alive and well in FL

Do you know that there are no border checks when you enter those cities? I`m amazed every time someone talks about city laws. I`m doubly amazed that a person is that stupid, but here you are. :asshole:
So, "gun control" only works if there are no guns anywhere in the world?

Exactly. Now tell us how you don't want to ban and confiscate all guns.
So, "gun control" only works if there are not guns anywhere in the world?

Exactly. Now tell us how your don't want to ban and confiscate all guns.

And yet.....at one point in human history guns did not exist in the world.

What was that world like?

The strong raped, tortured, enslaved and murdered the weak.

It wasn't until the creation of guns, and their ability to make the weak equal to the strong in combat that the world became truly civilized.......
Interesting numbers. Not disagreeing, as I have no idea, but would be interested in the supporting reference or logic.
You can thank the folks at the Violence Policy Center for this.
Page 6
>100,000 defensive gun uses per year.
~10,000 gun related murders per year.
~25,000 gun related suicides per year.

2A is alive and well in FL​

Until they can get one of their Marxist boot licker wannabe Kings in the Florida governors office

Then guns will be outlawed faster than Leftists can tell lies
Florida is always only one election away from becoming the next California or NewYork hell hole
Hey fool.....
The problem with guns in Florida only exists in DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED CITIES

Fk off hick. I probably have more guns, ammo, experience, expertise and proficiency than you do. I'm not your problem. Go be 2A reactionary with somebody else.
Should schools and theaters and churchers throughout Florida rejoice?

If they are not gun free zones, then yes....since mass public shooters tend not to target places where normal people can carry their legal guns.

If they are gun free zones, then they have something to worry about....if you think out of 350 million Americans a total of 6 went crazy and murdered people in 2021 in mass public shootings.....

A total of about 13 mass public school shootings in 56 years or so.......

The problem here is that three very differently defined terms are being used somewhat incautiously and interchangeably: school shooting, mass shooting, and mass school shooting. Uvalde was a mass school shooting; the 26 previous tragedies at schools this year were not.
Many of the 26 previous shootings involved disputes between students in parking lots, or after athletic events, and all of them resulted in one or zero deaths. These deaths are still incredibly tragic, of course. But they are fundamentally unlike what happened in Uvalde.

Uvalde is a mass school shooting. This is defined in different ways too: an incident in which at least four people (some counters make it three) are shot and/or killed. The Gun Violence Archive counts incidents in which at least four people were shot. Under this definition, many incidents of street crime and domestic violence count as mass shootings, even if no deaths result. A stricter tally of mass school shootings, conductedby criminologists for Scientific American, only includes incidents where the shootings resulted in at least four deaths.

Using their criteria, the number of mass school shootings in the U.S. since the year 1966 is 13. These crimes claimed the lives of 146 people in total.

There Have Been 13 Mass School Shootings Since 1966, Not 27 This Year

146 killed in 56 years......

Deer kill 200 people a year.

Ladders kill 300 people a year.
Funny you leave out California which has as many shootings as Texas and Florida put together and severely strict gun laws!
Oh, you skipped reading the thread title, eh? The thread is actually about Florida. I am the one that posted the graph in Post #2.
Oh, you skipped reading the thread title, eh? The thread is actually about Florida. I am the one that posted the graph in Post #2.

Right. And you failed to mention that Ca has as much gun crime as Florida and TX (as per your comment) combined and they have all these severe gun laws!

Thanks for pointing out that gun laws don't work.
Right. And you failed to mention that Ca has as much gun crime as Florida and TX (as per your comment) combined and they have all these severe gun laws!

Thanks for pointing out that gun laws don't work.
OK. You didn't read the thread title by ColonelAngus and did not even read Post #2. Is there anymore breaking news, possibly of substance you would like to add or would that require looking crap up like most of the other posters?
OK. You didn't read the thread title by ColonelAngus and did not even read Post #2. Is there anymore breaking news, possibly of substance you would like to add or would that require looking crap up like most of the other posters?

No, but nice to know that CA is the gun crime capital of the world, far ahead of Florida.

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