2nd amendment case probably headed to SC

Going right to type with that stupidity, Tex!
Look up the legal definition of public act you fucking imbecile! Perhaps you already have some idea what the definition is of criminal law, but I may be giving you too much credit!
Dummy, the Federal forcing conceal carry reciprocity on to State and local jurisdictions with their OWN BLOODY CRIMINAL STATUTES regarding conceal carry are bound to be in direct conflict, and even your dumb ass can name specific States and locals where that would be true, including San Diego, CA ass wipe! Now run along, Tex!

Profanity and name calling, a sure sign of a very limited mind. :dunno:

Profanity and name calling, a sure sign of a very limited mind.
So you're running up the white flag with that concession deflection. You've finally done the right thing, Tex!

Got curious about the profanity thing you brought up. I searched the archives and they have your count of using the word fucker 69 times in all of your posts while I have used it 25, now 26 counting the time above, in all of my posts. I've been on this board a little longer than you, but you have more posts than I. So I'll call it a wash.

But who the fuck are you to act all high and fucking mighty about profanity you DAMNED HYPOCRITE? Here are just three examples of your degree of discretion and moral rectitude;

When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court - Post #230 to JakeStarkey
Prove it mother fucker.

Libs get kicked off flight for harassing ivanka trump - Post #137 to JakeStarkey
The fucker should have been jailed for disorderly conduct, he got off too easy just taking another flight.

Leave It To An Irishman To Have Some Balls: "America Has Elected A Fascist." Post #99 to Styfe
Poor little fucker, I got a message for him. Prepare a welcome home party for your 50K illegals. They'll be home soon.

I'm so impressed, one time, last August, I directed a profanity at another member. The other two were directed at the subject of the thread. Now feel free to spend more time coming up with more examples, I'm sure there are some out there among my 28,000+ posts. ROFLMAO
So are you claiming those three(3) are the only examples of profanity you have used on this board and the other 66 examples I didn't paste that the search provided were not from you with you Avatar right next to the search hit? Another example of your incessant serial lying, Tex!

You should have learned this old saw long before now. Fuck with the Bull, Tex and you'll get the horns. I'm at bare knuckles now you phony, whiney son-of-a-bitch, but I'm also patient in my advanced years. Take heed!

I guess you lack the ability to read also, you might want to read the last sentence in the post you just replied to. Damn you're getting more funny by the minute. LOL
Not to put too fine a point on it, you're lying yet again. You were told of the total of your usage of that particular bit of profanity in my post #147 being a total of 69 times. And then again a second time!
Got curious about the profanity thing you brought up. I searched the archives and they have your count of using the word fucker 69 times in all of your posts while I have used it 25, now 26 counting the time above, in all of my posts.
So there you go lying yet again. You're just like the Orange One, a serial liar! But you keep digging that hole, Tex! :dig:
Profanity and name calling, a sure sign of a very limited mind. :dunno:

Profanity and name calling, a sure sign of a very limited mind.
So you're running up the white flag with that concession deflection. You've finally done the right thing, Tex!

Got curious about the profanity thing you brought up. I searched the archives and they have your count of using the word fucker 69 times in all of your posts while I have used it 25, now 26 counting the time above, in all of my posts. I've been on this board a little longer than you, but you have more posts than I. So I'll call it a wash.

But who the fuck are you to act all high and fucking mighty about profanity you DAMNED HYPOCRITE? Here are just three examples of your degree of discretion and moral rectitude;

When Clinton wins, she might choose Obama for the Supreme Court - Post #230 to JakeStarkey
Prove it mother fucker.

Libs get kicked off flight for harassing ivanka trump - Post #137 to JakeStarkey
The fucker should have been jailed for disorderly conduct, he got off too easy just taking another flight.

Leave It To An Irishman To Have Some Balls: "America Has Elected A Fascist." Post #99 to Styfe
Poor little fucker, I got a message for him. Prepare a welcome home party for your 50K illegals. They'll be home soon.

I'm so impressed, one time, last August, I directed a profanity at another member. The other two were directed at the subject of the thread. Now feel free to spend more time coming up with more examples, I'm sure there are some out there among my 28,000+ posts. ROFLMAO
So are you claiming those three(3) are the only examples of profanity you have used on this board and the other 66 examples I didn't paste that the search provided were not from you with you Avatar right next to the search hit? Another example of your incessant serial lying, Tex!

You should have learned this old saw long before now. Fuck with the Bull, Tex and you'll get the horns. I'm at bare knuckles now you phony, whiney son-of-a-bitch, but I'm also patient in my advanced years. Take heed!

I guess you lack the ability to read also, you might want to read the last sentence in the post you just replied to. Damn you're getting more funny by the minute. LOL
Not to put too fine a point on it, you're lying yet again. You were told of the total of your usage of that particular bit of profanity in my post #147 being a total of 69 times. And then again a second time!
Got curious about the profanity thing you brought up. I searched the archives and they have your count of using the word fucker 69 times in all of your posts while I have used it 25, now 26 counting the time above, in all of my posts.
So there you go lying yet again. You're just like the Orange One, a serial liar! But you keep digging that hole, Tex! :dig:

Your typical non-responsive reply, Tex. The scope of the Heller decision is much broader than, "self defense outside the home", dipstick, but play your little game you will, asshole.

Under Article 4, Sec 1, States are required to afford full faith and credit to,"public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state". That does NOT include the category of criminal law statutes, of which public acts are NOT a part of! Quibbling and dishonest shit to the core, and just plain ignorant fuck describes you fully. You're all smoke and no fire, Tex, you devious wanker!

Really, so if CA issues an arrest warrant for murder and the person is found in another State, they can't be arrested and held? The warrant is a public act pursuant to criminal law. But we're not talking about criminal law are we, a CHL is no different than a drivers license or a car registration, all States honor them. Imagine the chaos if TX told every State that didn't honor their CHLs they wouldn't honor their drivers licenses.

Should, first degrees be "honored", first?

First degree what, burns, assholes?
why not follow the posts you want to argue?

Really, so if CA issues an arrest warrant for murder and the person is found in another State, they can't be arrested and held?

It's all about context child.

yes, it is; all You have is a red herring. love to fish?

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