2nd Amendment should not be infringed upon because of Las Vegas shooter.

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You've accepted mass shooting since you've never wanted to do anything meaningful to stop them.

Please provide a complete list of all the "meaningful" things you think can be done and should be done to prevent any more mass shooting. Be as specific as you can possibly be. Please also include as brief explanation of how the criminal / shooters will actually be prevented.

i guess i wanna hear just exactly why criminals will obey such laws
We as a nation should not accept any Democratic attempt to infringe on our second amendment rights, by the likes of a Diane Feinstein or any other democratic politician, because of the Las Vegas shooter.
Why? Just because of what happened in Las Vegas? NOW, that's a pretty big "BECAUSE".Things like that happen because OF the 2nd Amendment, not in spite off it. All these mass shootings speak for themselves. The 2nd amendment has become a more than an anachronism, its become an deficit and a threat more than an benefit. Let's repeal it. Stick a fork in it, it's done.

1% of all murder occur in mass shootings.

The vast majority of people who legally own firearms will never kill anyone.

but things like facts don't concern you
gun crimes happen all across the globe regardless of a "2nd amendment"

even without the 2nd Amendment the right still exists

the 2nd Amendment is nothing more the a statement to such a natural right existing

however go ahead try and get a "repeal" good luck getting 3/4th of the states to ratify it
Thanks. You say-"Even without the 2nd amendment, there is a right"...that bears a little explanation.

go read the the writings and works of founding fathers

if you dont understand that our rights are not given to those that run the government

i will even help you out lazy bones

Thomas Jefferson - Online Library of Liberty
You are NOT answering my question. I have to do your homework? You can't defend something as a right that would destroy our other rights and take lives. It's time to rescind,repeal and remove the 2nd amendment .

no you have not done your home work

that is not my fault that is yours that you choose to be ignorant

Inform me , after all these mass shootings I see we need to defend ourselves from firearms, nobody without firearms was ever the threat here. Skip the bullsh*t.

That guy with a truck who killed 80 people in France was quite a threat without firearms wasn't he
That link doesn't mention "The leadership of the democrat party wants all guns for civilians banned and confiscated". So you have nothing. Got it.

Of course the Democrat party doesn't want all your guns ... Yet anyways ... :thup:
They just want to ban the ones that will keep you from putting up a good fight when they come for the rest.

Only well regulated militia is necessary, not the unorganized militia.
The ultimate goal of the liberal left is to confiscate all guns and rifles of American citizens and other nations on the Earth. Some New World Order liberal left agenda.Do the research!!. This is a fact.
I believe we merely need to insist, our legislators do their Job.

Like I said , the ultimate goal is to confiscate all small arms from all American citizens, and to delete United States 2nd second amendment. This proposal was introduced at the United Nations by then secretary of ambassador of the U.S. Hillary Clinton. And some of the other New World order fiends accepted the draft resolution. This is a fact, do the research.!!
The fact is, we have a Second Amendment, we should have no security problems in our free States.
We as a nation should not accept any Democratic attempt to infringe on our second amendment rights, by the likes of a Diane Feinstein or any other democratic politician, because of the Las Vegas shooter.
Why? Just because of what happened in Las Vegas? NOW, that's a pretty big "BECAUSE".Things like that happen because OF the 2nd Amendment, not in spite off it. All these mass shootings speak for themselves. The 2nd amendment has become a more than an anachronism, its become an deficit and a threat more than an benefit. Let's repeal it. Stick a fork in it, it's done.
No, it hasn't. Our Founding Fathers did an Most Excellent job at the convention with our federal Constitution and supreme law of the land. There No Thing, ambiguous about our supreme law of the land.

We have a Second Amendment, we should have no security problems.

We have Government, for a reason.
Why? Just because of what happened in Las Vegas? NOW, that's a pretty big "BECAUSE".Things like that happen because OF the 2nd Amendment, not in spite off it. All these mass shootings speak for themselves. The 2nd amendment has become a more than an anachronism, its become an deficit and a threat more than an benefit. Let's repeal it. Stick a fork in it, it's done.

How so?

gun crimes happen all across the globe regardless of a "2nd amendment"

even without the 2nd Amendment the right still exists

the 2nd Amendment is nothing more the a statement to such a natural right existing

however go ahead try and get a "repeal" good luck getting 3/4th of the states to ratify it
Thanks. You say-"Even without the 2nd amendment, there is a right"...that bears a little explanation.
dear, there is no law that claims women should lie to men and let us miss our turn; why do y'all do it?
Then you must have paranoid delusions if you think that anyone wants to take away ALL the guns. You can't even name one person who does.

Matt Damon does ... And has said so several times you ignorant twat ... :thup:
Not that I really care what Matt Damon thinks ... But I did name one person right off the bat ... Which makes you wrong without much effort.

I am not delusional ... Just following the natural progression of things.
When the Constitution was ratified ... It was legal for an US citizen to own a fast sailing ship with up to 8 cannons.
Those cannons weren't for hunting or sport you nit-wit.

Over the years ... Our rights have been diminished ... And those on the left always come back to take away more.
Your ignorance doesn't amount to me having delusions ... But you are free to remain ignorant ... I am not counting on you for anything.

The "paranoid" part was a cute little addition to your comments.
What makes you think I am paranoid anyone will want to confiscate my weapons?

I was in the military for 7 years ... Know how to use my firearms ... And I am not worried about any snowflake showing up to take them ... :thup:

Matt Damon. :biggrin: Like I say, nobody.

When the Constitution was ratified, do you actually think that the Founding fathers had it in mind to safeguard a citizen's right to shoot 600 of their own citizens from a window in 10 minutes? In 10 minutes back in their day with a musket, they could have gotten off two dozen or less shots in the same time with bullets that may not even have made it as far as the Vegas shooter was shooting from.

So like I said, it's a false narrative to say that anyone serious wants to take away ALL your guns. I'm glad that you see that now. Happy I could help.
Then you must have paranoid delusions if you think that anyone wants to take away ALL the guns. You can't even name one person who does.

Matt Damon does ... And has said so several times you ignorant twat ... :thup:
Not that I really care what Matt Damon thinks ... But I did name one person right off the bat ... Which makes you wrong without much effort.

I am not delusional ... Just following the natural progression of things.
When the Constitution was ratified ... It was legal for an US citizen to own a fast sailing ship with up to 8 cannons.
Those cannons weren't for hunting or sport you nit-wit.

Over the years ... Our rights have been diminished ... And those on the left always come back to take away more.
Your ignorance doesn't amount to me having delusions ... But you are free to remain ignorant ... I am not counting on you for anything.

The "paranoid" part was a cute little addition to your comments.
What makes you think I am paranoid anyone will want to confiscate my weapons?

I was in the military for 7 years ... Know how to use my firearms ... And I am not worried about any snowflake showing up to take them ... :thup:

Matt Damon. :biggrin: Like I say, nobody.

When the Constitution was ratified, do you actually think that the Founding fathers had it in mind to safeguard a citizen's right to shoot 600 of their own citizens from a window in 10 minutes? In 10 minutes back in their day with a musket, they could have gotten off two dozen or less shots in the same time with bullets that may not even have made it as far as the Vegas shooter was shooting from.
That link doesn't mention "The leadership of the democrat party wants all guns for civilians banned and confiscated". So you have nothing. Got it.

Of course the Democrat party doesn't want all your guns ... Yet anyways ... :thup:
They just want to ban the ones that will keep you from putting up a good fight when they come for the rest.


This is exactly my point. If you don't have a fully automatic assault rifles, there is no way you can engage any confiscating all your weapons military force,domestic or foreign.The draft was co authored by a democrat Hilary Clinton when she worked at the United Nations.!!This is fact,do the research.!!
Whatever drugs you're on that are distorting your reality.... Can I have some? :biggrin:

I am high on life and all the wonderful things it offers.
Not to mention you seem to have had your share of drugs already ... Keep on peddling that crap, some schmuck will probably buy it ... :thup:

Then you must have paranoid delusions if you think that anyone wants to take away ALL the guns. You can't even name one person who does.
Firearm ownership is a personal thing it’s no one else’s business. Frivolous gun laws are for the feeble
Frivolous guns are for the feeble? You got THAT right, brah. :biggrin:
Says the person that is scared to death of them… LOL firearms are harmless on their own
More people are killed by guns in the US every year than have been killed by Muslims terrorists, EVER, and we bar Muslims from coming here. People don't need AR15s... and all that shit. Hunting rifles, a couple of handguns and that's it, max like 3 or 4 guns per person... There's thing that can be done. Just look at other countries that don't have all the mass shootings we have...
Matt Damon. :biggrin: Like I say, nobody.

When the Constitution was ratified, do you actually think that the Founding fathers had it in mind to safeguard a citizen's right to shoot 600 of their own citizens from a window in 10 minutes? In 10 minutes back in their day with a musket, they could have gotten off two dozen or less shots in the same time with bullets that may not even have made it as far as the Vegas shooter was shooting from.

So like I said, it's a false narrative to say that anyone serious wants to take away ALL your guns. I'm glad that you see that now. Happy I could help.

You are the only one promoting a false narrative ... :thup:

You are the assuming you know what the Founding Father's intended.
When one reads their discussions on the matter ... Your arguments fall short of applying to anything they expressed.

You need to help yourself ... I don't need any help from you and never will.

That link doesn't mention "The leadership of the democrat party wants all guns for civilians banned and confiscated". So you have nothing. Got it.

Of course the Democrat party doesn't want all your guns ... Yet anyways ... :thup:
They just want to ban the ones that will keep you from putting up a good fight when they come for the rest.


This is exactly my point. If you don't have a fully automatic assault rifles, there is no way you can engage any confiscating all your weapons military force,domestic or foreign.The draft was co authored by a democrat Hilary Clinton when she worked at the United Nations.!!This is fact,do the research.!!
And the military would never go against their own country for the sake of the federal government, The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment
The military will do what they are told. If it's shining each other's knob, they shine each other's knob...
Matt Damon. :biggrin: Like I say, nobody.

When the Constitution was ratified, do you actually think that the Founding fathers had it in mind to safeguard a citizen's right to shoot 600 of their own citizens from a window in 10 minutes? In 10 minutes back in their day with a musket, they could have gotten off two dozen or less shots in the same time with bullets that may not even have made it as far as the Vegas shooter was shooting from.

So like I said, it's a false narrative to say that anyone serious wants to take away ALL your guns. I'm glad that you see that now. Happy I could help.

You are the only one promoting a false narrative ... :thup:

You are the assuming you know what the Founding Father's intended.
When one reads their discussions on the matter ... Your arguments fall short of applying to anything they expressed.

You need to help yourself ... I don't need any help from you and never will.

You need a couple of hunting rifles and like, a couple of handguns, all that other shit is unnecessary, and anyways, there's already tons of weapons that you're not allowed to own, so no right is absolute, nor will you EVER have enough firepower to take down the Feds, like your paranoia demands.
I am high on life and all the wonderful things it offers.
Not to mention you seem to have had your share of drugs already ... Keep on peddling that crap, some schmuck will probably buy it ... :thup:

Then you must have paranoid delusions if you think that anyone wants to take away ALL the guns. You can't even name one person who does.
Firearm ownership is a personal thing it’s no one else’s business. Frivolous gun laws are for the feeble
Frivolous guns are for the feeble? You got THAT right, brah. :biggrin:
Says the person that is scared to death of them… LOL firearms are harmless on their own

The Swiss are a nation were everyone is armed. They were never invaded by anyone during world war I or World War II.
Personal firearms have nothing to do with being invaded or not. Other countries with tanks and planes got invaded...
Actually, Japan "disarmed" its citizens and has an extremely low gun crime rate. Among others.
The citizens of this country are not going to agree to being disarmed.

This problem is going to have to addressed another way.
Then you are going to have to live with mass shootings on a regular basis. maybe sometime in the future, another generation... will see the absurdity of the current system, and they will start to take the appropriate measures. Societies usually get more civilized over time, not less. Well... usually... lol.

So... in YOUR future only the the government will be allowed to have guns....good luck with that.
I don't need a gun. Never have.

I haven't needed one either but when I do I'll have one. When you do you'll be a victim or dead.
I live in a community so safe that I don't even lock my doors at night. If I thought I needed a gun, I'd get one. And I'm also a vegetarian, so I don't hunt either.
Matt Damon. :biggrin: Like I say, nobody.

When the Constitution was ratified, do you actually think that the Founding fathers had it in mind to safeguard a citizen's right to shoot 600 of their own citizens from a window in 10 minutes? In 10 minutes back in their day with a musket, they could have gotten off two dozen or less shots in the same time with bullets that may not even have made it as far as the Vegas shooter was shooting from.

So like I said, it's a false narrative to say that anyone serious wants to take away ALL your guns. I'm glad that you see that now. Happy I could help.

You are the only one promoting a false narrative ... :thup:

You are the assuming you know what the Founding Father's intended.
When one reads their discussions on the matter ... Your arguments fall short of applying to anything they expressed.

You need to help yourself ... I don't need any help from you and never will.


The funny thing is that when discussing the Second Amendment I can give plenty of what the Founding Fathers said, and the right will ignore it all because it goes against their agenda.
That link doesn't mention "The leadership of the democrat party wants all guns for civilians banned and confiscated". So you have nothing. Got it.

Of course the Democrat party doesn't want all your guns ... Yet anyways ... :thup:
They just want to ban the ones that will keep you from putting up a good fight when they come for the rest.


This is exactly my point. If you don't have a fully automatic assault rifles, there is no way you can engage any confiscating all your weapons military force,domestic or foreign.The draft was co authored by a democrat Hilary Clinton when she worked at the United Nations.!!This is fact,do the research.!!
And the military would never go against their own country for the sake of the federal government, The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment
The military will do what they are told. If it's shining each other's knob, they shine each other's knob...
They don’t give a shit about career politicians, They have no authority over them when It comes right down to it. Career politicians have no credibility
The citizens of this country are not going to agree to being disarmed.

This problem is going to have to addressed another way.
Then you are going to have to live with mass shootings on a regular basis. maybe sometime in the future, another generation... will see the absurdity of the current system, and they will start to take the appropriate measures. Societies usually get more civilized over time, not less. Well... usually... lol.

So... in YOUR future only the the government will be allowed to have guns....good luck with that.
I don't need a gun. Never have.

I haven't needed one either but when I do I'll have one. When you do you'll be a victim or dead.
I live in a community so safe that I don't even lock my doors at night. If I thought I needed a gun, I'd get one. And I'm also a vegetarian, so I don't hunt either.

good for you but who cares

my rights are not based on your lifestyle
The citizens of this country are not going to agree to being disarmed.

This problem is going to have to addressed another way.
Then you are going to have to live with mass shootings on a regular basis. maybe sometime in the future, another generation... will see the absurdity of the current system, and they will start to take the appropriate measures. Societies usually get more civilized over time, not less. Well... usually... lol.

So... in YOUR future only the the government will be allowed to have guns....good luck with that.
I don't need a gun. Never have.

I haven't needed one either but when I do I'll have one. When you do you'll be a victim or dead.
I live in a community so safe that I don't even lock my doors at night. If I thought I needed a gun, I'd get one. And I'm also a vegetarian, so I don't hunt either.

good for you but who cares

my rights are not based on your lifestyle
You've accepted mass shooting since you've never wanted to do anything meaningful to stop them.

Please provide a complete list of all the "meaningful" things you think can be done and should be done to prevent any more mass shooting. Be as specific as you can possibly be. Please also include as brief explanation of how the criminal / shooters will actually be prevented.
Is this an open book exam? :biggrin:

Plenty of civilized countries have laws that protect citizens from the kind of regular mass shootings that the US experiences. take your pick.

And I have to say that it's pretty ironic that a guy who calls himself Choose Life doesn't want to do anything to curb the killings. Hypocrite much?
You've accepted mass shooting since you've never wanted to do anything meaningful to stop them.

Please provide a complete list of all the "meaningful" things you think can be done and should be done to prevent any more mass shooting. Be as specific as you can possibly be. Please also include as brief explanation of how the criminal / shooters will actually be prevented.

i guess i wanna hear just exactly why criminals will obey such laws
Criminals don't obey murders laws either, should we also not have any of those?
That link doesn't mention "The leadership of the democrat party wants all guns for civilians banned and confiscated". So you have nothing. Got it.

Of course the Democrat party doesn't want all your guns ... Yet anyways ... :thup:
They just want to ban the ones that will keep you from putting up a good fight when they come for the rest.


This is exactly my point. If you don't have a fully automatic assault rifles, there is no way you can engage any confiscating all your weapons military force,domestic or foreign.The draft was co authored by a democrat Hilary Clinton when she worked at the United Nations.!!This is fact,do the research.!!
And the military would never go against their own country for the sake of the federal government, The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment
The military will do what they are told. If it's shining each other's knob, they shine each other's knob...
They don’t give a shit about career politicians, They have no authority over them when It comes right down to it. Career politicians have no credibility
The military was recently sent into Iraq for no reason except to kill and be killed, and the military went right along with that stupid decision.
Matt Damon. :biggrin: Like I say, nobody.

When the Constitution was ratified, do you actually think that the Founding fathers had it in mind to safeguard a citizen's right to shoot 600 of their own citizens from a window in 10 minutes? In 10 minutes back in their day with a musket, they could have gotten off two dozen or less shots in the same time with bullets that may not even have made it as far as the Vegas shooter was shooting from.

So like I said, it's a false narrative to say that anyone serious wants to take away ALL your guns. I'm glad that you see that now. Happy I could help.

You are the only one promoting a false narrative ... :thup:

You are the assuming you know what the Founding Father's intended.
When one reads their discussions on the matter ... Your arguments fall short of applying to anything they expressed.

You need to help yourself ... I don't need any help from you and never will.

You need a couple of hunting rifles and like, a couple of handguns, all that other shit is unnecessary, and anyways, there's already tons of weapons that you're not allowed to own, so no right is absolute, nor will you EVER have enough firepower to take down the Feds, like your paranoia demands.
The Second amendment is absolute till someone fucks it up for themselves. Like criminal activity
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