2nd bill of rights


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the Nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.

FDR s Second Bill of Rights Necessitous Men are not Free Men Roosevelt Institute

I wish he had lived long enough to see it happen. Was our countries greatest president save for his going to war against Germany and Japan...so lets discuss!
If government had the power to give all that it would also have the power to give nothing at all. Wonder what it would decide.
You should rename that "Bill of Privileges at the expense of others"

A "right" is not something provided, it's something RETAINED by all other entities not using force against you.
Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.
You should rename that "Bill of Privileges at the expense of others"

A "right" is not something provided, it's something RETAINED by all other entities not using force against you.
Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.

It is funny that you have no problem imposing on the tax payers to foot the bill so that everyone has a decent home. But you are adamantly opposed to making it so that everyone can marry the consenting adult that they have a loving relationship with.
You should rename that "Bill of Privileges at the expense of others"

A "right" is not something provided, it's something RETAINED by all other entities not using force against you.
Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.


However voting far left is never the answer to any problem..
You should rename that "Bill of Privileges at the expense of others"

A "right" is not something provided, it's something RETAINED by all other entities not using force against you.
Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.

It is funny that you have no problem imposing on the tax payers to foot the bill so that everyone has a decent home. But you are adamantly opposed to making it so that everyone can marry the consenting adult that they have a loving relationship with.
Guess its funny to you. Its not funny to me.
You should rename that "Bill of Privileges at the expense of others"

A "right" is not something provided, it's something RETAINED by all other entities not using force against you.
Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.

It is funny that you have no problem imposing on the tax payers to foot the bill so that everyone has a decent home. But you are adamantly opposed to making it so that everyone can marry the consenting adult that they have a loving relationship with.
Guess its funny to you. Its not funny to me.

I guess "funny" might be the wrong word. "Disturbing" is probably better. That you are so much against something that has no effect on you, and yet you want something that will require everyone else pay more taxes to accomplish, speaks volumes.
You should rename that "Bill of Privileges at the expense of others"

A "right" is not something provided, it's something RETAINED by all other entities not using force against you.
Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.

It is funny that you have no problem imposing on the tax payers to foot the bill so that everyone has a decent home. But you are adamantly opposed to making it so that everyone can marry the consenting adult that they have a loving relationship with.
Guess its funny to you. Its not funny to me.

I guess "funny" might be the wrong word. "Disturbing" is probably better. That you are so much against something that has no effect on you, and yet you want something that will require everyone else pay more taxes to accomplish, speaks volumes.
One the 2nd bill of rights is something IMO that is essential to a well coordinated and well run and happy state and citizenry. The other is a deviancy based off of a mental illness.
The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the Nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.

FDR s Second Bill of Rights Necessitous Men are not Free Men Roosevelt Institute

I wish he had lived long enough to see it happen. Was our countries greatest president save for his going to war against Germany and Japan...so lets discuss!
We do have the right to vote for, and elect a pro-America government. We can refuse to vote for and elect professional politicians to serve in government. We can create a government by the people and for the people. It's up to voters to decide what kind of country they want, and what kind of leaders to direct and engineer a path to prosperity and opportunities. Our biggest fault is playing into the hands of those hell-bent on our socioeconomic destruction.

At present, the power rest on the shoulders of our government, and not on the shoulders of the citizenry. We have surrendered our power, and have allowed the government to become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Our government has chiseled away at our rights, slowly, but steadily, and now we have no privacy, we imprison innocent citizens, and we may soon lose our right to bear arms. We have taxation without fair, equal, and just representation. Greed, self-service, egos, power, influence, and the desire to climb the political ladder at all cost, has corrupted our government, and has made us submissive servants under an oppressive ruling body of elites.
You should rename that "Bill of Privileges at the expense of others"

A "right" is not something provided, it's something RETAINED by all other entities not using force against you.
Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.

It is funny that you have no problem imposing on the tax payers to foot the bill so that everyone has a decent home. But you are adamantly opposed to making it so that everyone can marry the consenting adult that they have a loving relationship with.
Guess its funny to you. Its not funny to me.

I guess "funny" might be the wrong word. "Disturbing" is probably better. That you are so much against something that has no effect on you, and yet you want something that will require everyone else pay more taxes to accomplish, speaks volumes.
One the 2nd bill of rights is something IMO that is essential to a well coordinated and well run and happy state and citizenry. The other is a deviancy based off of a mental illness.

The problem with the list is that it makes things a right and therefore there is no earning them or requiring a standard performance in.

For example, if you make it a right to have a useful and remunerative job, then they will have a job no matter how poorly their performance is or how much they goof off.

If you make it a right that they earn enough to provide adequate food, clothing and recreation, they will demand to be paid a significant salary, regardless of their value to their employer. And recreation? You want to make it a right to have enough money for recreation?

And since the APA stopped listing homosexuality as a mental illness decades ago, your assessment of that is inaccurate.
You should rename that "Bill of Privileges at the expense of others"

A "right" is not something provided, it's something RETAINED by all other entities not using force against you.
Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.

It is funny that you have no problem imposing on the tax payers to foot the bill so that everyone has a decent home. But you are adamantly opposed to making it so that everyone can marry the consenting adult that they have a loving relationship with.
Guess its funny to you. Its not funny to me.

I guess "funny" might be the wrong word. "Disturbing" is probably better. That you are so much against something that has no effect on you, and yet you want something that will require everyone else pay more taxes to accomplish, speaks volumes.
One the 2nd bill of rights is something IMO that is essential to a well coordinated and well run and happy state and citizenry. The other is a deviancy based off of a mental illness.

Yep, that way everyone can be equally miserable. You're nothing but a communist fuck.
Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.

It is funny that you have no problem imposing on the tax payers to foot the bill so that everyone has a decent home. But you are adamantly opposed to making it so that everyone can marry the consenting adult that they have a loving relationship with.
Guess its funny to you. Its not funny to me.

I guess "funny" might be the wrong word. "Disturbing" is probably better. That you are so much against something that has no effect on you, and yet you want something that will require everyone else pay more taxes to accomplish, speaks volumes.
One the 2nd bill of rights is something IMO that is essential to a well coordinated and well run and happy state and citizenry. The other is a deviancy based off of a mental illness.

Yep, that way everyone can be equally miserable. You're nothing but a communist fuck.
Racial Socialist....not even close to a communist...I love republican logic...lets let 1% of the super rich elite be comfy and to hell with the other 99% instead of lets ALL work together so we ALL have a nice life...
It is funny that you have no problem imposing on the tax payers to foot the bill so that everyone has a decent home. But you are adamantly opposed to making it so that everyone can marry the consenting adult that they have a loving relationship with.
Guess its funny to you. Its not funny to me.

I guess "funny" might be the wrong word. "Disturbing" is probably better. That you are so much against something that has no effect on you, and yet you want something that will require everyone else pay more taxes to accomplish, speaks volumes.
One the 2nd bill of rights is something IMO that is essential to a well coordinated and well run and happy state and citizenry. The other is a deviancy based off of a mental illness.

Yep, that way everyone can be equally miserable. You're nothing but a communist fuck.
Racial Socialist....not even close to a communist...I love republican logic...lets let 1% of the super rich elite be comfy and to hell with the other 99% instead of lets ALL work together so we ALL have a nice life...

The problem is, once you make all those things rights, too many people will not work to have a nice life. They will have a nice life and others will have to work to provide it. I am not even close to being part of the 1%, but I have a nice life that I have busted my ass to earn. My kids have nice lives too. They have what they have because they made good choices and kept working to get them. They didn't sit and wait for them to be handed to them.

I understand what a "socialist" is. But what is a "racial socialist"?
Racial socialism[edit]
The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies Creativity's ideology as Neo-Nazi,[7] while Klassen stated that Creativity was not a rehash of Nazism, and listed eight differences between his political ideology and that of the Nazis.[8] Ben Klassen adopted the phrase "racial socialism" to describe his political ideology based on Creativity's golden rule. He was highly critical of democracy, advocating for meritocracy believing that strong, effective leaders should have the ability to rule. Under racial socialism, "whites would work together toward common goals but without the massive economic planning in the style of the Soviet GOSPLAN".[9] Klassen supported a limited version of a market economy. His main concern was that social and economic activities be directed in the best interests of white people. Criticizing the "leftist proclivities" of those who attempted to recruit solely from the white working class, Klassen believed that "all [white] members of the national or racial community... had an important role to play."[9]

Klassen stated that many people were "confused" about what socialism really is or what collectivism really entails, citing use of the term by Jews, Christians, conservatives, and other groups Creativity is designed to oppose as the source of the problem. Klassen and the Creativity church's position on what they viewed socialism as is "Organized Society." Klassen's socialism does not "imply state ownership of the means of production," nor does it, in his definition, "imply confiscation of private property." The Creativity church is opposed to state ownership of the basic means of production, such as farms, factories, stores, etc. However they are for the ownership of private property by individuals. They believe that there is a category of functions that are best performed by organized society as a whole. In this category they place highways, airports, harbors, national defense, law enforcement and many others.
Well if people don't want to stay productive members of society then there are always prisons to be filled...little hard labor will change their mind...I figure within a generation the entire work ethic will be changed...just need a generation of children to grow up seeing their fathers work and they will follow their foot steps
The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the Nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.

FDR s Second Bill of Rights Necessitous Men are not Free Men Roosevelt Institute

I wish he had lived long enough to see it happen. Was our countries greatest president save for his going to war against Germany and Japan...so lets discuss!
We do have the right to vote for, and elect a pro-America government. We can refuse to vote for and elect professional politicians to serve in government. We can create a government by the people and for the people. It's up to voters to decide what kind of country they want, and what kind of leaders to direct and engineer a path to prosperity and opportunities. Our biggest fault is playing into the hands of those hell-bent on our socioeconomic destruction.

At present, the power rest on the shoulders of our government, and not on the shoulders of the citizenry. We have surrendered our power, and have allowed the government to become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Our government has chiseled away at our rights, slowly, but steadily, and now we have no privacy, we imprison innocent citizens, and we may soon lose our right to bear arms. We have taxation without fair, equal, and just representation. Greed, self-service, egos, power, influence, and the desire to climb the political ladder at all cost, has corrupted our government, and has made us submissive servants under an oppressive ruling body of elites.

We do not have the "right" to vote on the level of the presidency, the electoral college sorta rules in that area.

Oddly enough the electoral college was designed to handle a more than two party system..
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Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.

It is funny that you have no problem imposing on the tax payers to foot the bill so that everyone has a decent home. But you are adamantly opposed to making it so that everyone can marry the consenting adult that they have a loving relationship with.
Guess its funny to you. Its not funny to me.

I guess "funny" might be the wrong word. "Disturbing" is probably better. That you are so much against something that has no effect on you, and yet you want something that will require everyone else pay more taxes to accomplish, speaks volumes.
One the 2nd bill of rights is something IMO that is essential to a well coordinated and well run and happy state and citizenry. The other is a deviancy based off of a mental illness.

The problem with the list is that it makes things a right and therefore there is no earning them or requiring a standard performance in.

For example, if you make it a right to have a useful and remunerative job, then they will have a job no matter how poorly their performance is or how much they goof off.

If you make it a right that they earn enough to provide adequate food, clothing and recreation, they will demand to be paid a significant salary, regardless of their value to their employer. And recreation? You want to make it a right to have enough money for recreation?

And since the APA stopped listing homosexuality as a mental illness decades ago, your assessment of that is inaccurate.
Another problem with that list is that everything in it was already a right. In a free country, government does not deny citizens their pursuits of these things.

FDR was a typical liberal. A bumbling idiot with no regard for our revolutionary principles.
You should rename that "Bill of Privileges at the expense of others"

A "right" is not something provided, it's something RETAINED by all other entities not using force against you.
Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.
I'LL echo the poster that called you wrong.
Rights are intrinsic.
They're not doled out by our elected representatives.
And they are DAMN SURE NOT paid for with taxes

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