2nd Worst Financial Crisis In History: Who gets credit?

Unemployment is high, there is a sense of bewilderment clouding the minds of the public, but all signs say we are out of the wood and on the road to recovery.

That's what FDR said in 1937 - the economy was recovvering despite having high unemployment. Then the unemployment dragged the economy back down. Just like it could do now.

Socialist programs, for which the Democrats can take the lion's share of the credit, impede employment and economic recovery.

The economy plunged back into recession in 1937 because FDR attempted to balance the budget by raising taxes and cutting spending, and because the Federal Reserve decided to increase reserve requirements for banks, effectively tightening monetary policy.
☭proletarian☭;2069208 said:
☭proletarian☭;2069082 said:
That's like asking why someone calls themselves a Republican when 'they're obviously not' because they don't agree with the party line 100% or why they call themselves a Patriot when 'they're obviously not' because they disagree with some of the COnsdtitution's language some American policies.

Not really. You can agree with most of the Republican platform and most of the Constitution, but you reject the free market which is the basis of Austrian economics.

I am a defender of the free market. You advocate its takeover by the elite and the elimination of market competition.

Right. Well your definition of a "free market" is the opposite of the Austrian view of the free market, so it makes no sense for you to claim to be an Austrian.
Well disaster has not been averted. The market needed to reallocate resources and it hasn't been allowed to do so, which means that our economy is still unsustainable. It's worse than it was when it crashed in September of 08 thanks to the bailouts and stimulus package.
How did this turn out?

The economy plunged back into recession in 1937 because FDR attempted to balance the budget by raising taxes and cutting spending, and because the Federal Reserve decided to increase reserve requirements for banks, effectively tightening monetary policy.
thank you

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