3,500 Russian KIAs

I doubt that Putin is surprised by anything. His march forward has been very benign and infrastructure friendly. His losses are calculated and expected. To date they have not turned off the electricity....
That tells you everything you need to know.

Putin is such a humanitarian - who knew???

Military units in the field don't rely on the grid. In fact all military installations are typically backed up by generators. Turning off the lights for civilians has no military value and could simply piss off the Ukrainians civilians even more.

The fun fact is that Putin does not seem to have been able to have accomplished one military goal during this conflict. For example: have they been able to hold on to one airport around Kyiv? It doesn't seem to be the case according to what has been reported so far.

Putin is such a humanitarian - who knew???

Military units in the field don't rely on the grid. In fact all military installations are typically backed up by generators. Turning off the lights for civilians has no military value and could simply piss off the Ukrainians civilians even more.

The fun fact is that Putin does not seem to have been able to have accomplished one military goal during this conflict. For example: have they been able to hold on to one airport around Kyiv? It doesn't seem to be the case according to what has been reported so far.

He is in Kiev now....
WTF are you talking about?
The Russians still are not pressing a full campaign.

Lets hope they don't...

Of course they don't rely on the grid...but the populous does. Think before you speak.

When schrawzkopf took Iraq the first thing he did was shut down all the power plants. It most certainly has advantages.
My preference is for all of it to stop immediately....but then again that depends on the thugs that run NATO also...they share the blame for this.

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He is in Kiev now....
WTF are you talking about?
The Russians still are not pressing a full campaign.

Lets hope they don't...

Of course they don't rely on the grid...but the populous does. Think before you speak.

When schrawzkopf took Iraq the first thing he did was shut down all the power plants. It most certainly has advantages.


Has the fighting stopped? Do the Russians have control of Kyiv???

You are funny.

Has the fighting stopped? Do the Russians have control of Kyiv???

You are funny.

No I am reading the news doofus....not your pillow dreams here.

Russian armor is close to the city...Russian military has entered the city. Did it cost them? Well yeah it did.

Read it for yourself.

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There are some other results that can already be seen:
  • international condemnation of Russian actions
  • debunking of the propoganda that Putin put forward justifying his attack on Ukraine
  • NATO allies showing new resolve
  • and Russians protesting Putin's war
Ukrainians are defending their land and families and are proving to be much tougher than Putin had expected.

Given the resolve that Ukrainians have shown, all they need are more weapons and it may be possible for them to oust the Russians.

NATO needs to be airdropping weapons and ammunition to the Yooks. But, that isn't happening. The NATO countries are looking like pussies right about now.
When someone starts a war with another country, if other countries "threaten sanctions", then they need to do it.........immediately and until the war is over.


Don't TALK about it..........DO IT!!
Yet Ukraine is down to it's absolute last defense in Kiev, arming anyone old enough to fire a gun. That's a fact nobody can deny. The rest? Take it with a grain of salt.
3,500 KIAs in what, 60 hours? Total deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, including non-combat deaths were 4,400. There's no doubt the Russians are paying a heavy price for their objectives.
Once again...you are looking at this through American eyes.

A ground offensive into a nation with first world weapon systems with a pop of 40M?


You are comparing almost exclusive asymmetric conflicts (Iraq, and Afghan) with a more traditional invasion action.

Ukraine has not been devastated through decades of sanctions and previous invasions like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also you must consider terrain, especially when factoring the Iraq invasion.

War is not apples for apples.

How many were lost on D Day? Op Barbarosa?
Once again...you are looking at this through American eyes.

A ground offensive into a nation with first world weapon systems with a pop of 40M?


You are comparing almost exclusive asymmetric conflicts (Iraq, and Afghan) with a more traditional invasion action.

Ukraine has not been devastated through decades of sanctions and previous invasions like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also you must consider terrain, especially when factoring the Iraq invasion.

War is not apples for apples.

How many were lost on D Day? Op Barbarosa?
One German soldier with a German version of the Gattling gun is said to have taken 2200 or more American soldiers out on that day.
Once again...you are looking at this through American eyes.

A ground offensive into a nation with first world weapon systems with a pop of 40M?


You are comparing almost exclusive asymmetric conflicts (Iraq, and Afghan) with a more traditional invasion action.

Ukraine has not been devastated through decades of sanctions and previous invasions like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also you must consider terrain, especially when factoring the Iraq invasion.

War is not apples for apples.

How many were lost on D Day? Op Barbarosa?
You're comparing apples to oranges. In WW2, the Russians were defending Mother Russia from annihilation. Taking Ukraine isn't worth 20 million deaths. At this rate, the Russians will loose about 8,000 troops a week. That'll sting, win or lose.
You're comparing apples to oranges. In WW2, the Russians were defending Mother Russia from annihilation. Taking Ukraine isn't worth 20 million deaths. At this rate, the Russians will loose about 8,000 troops a week. That'll sting, win or lose.
Not when invading a nation who has had 8 years to prepare..

Backed by western technology, it's not.
You're comparing apples to oranges. In WW2, the Russians were defending Mother Russia from annihilation. Taking Ukraine isn't worth 20 million deaths. At this rate, the Russians will loose about 8,000 troops a week. That'll sting, win or lose.
If those numbers are accurate, which is doubtful.
Yeah...I get that. That wasn't a disparaging comment aimed at you or anyone else in any way.

Just the ruminations of the older remains of a young soldier who would have once been excited.
That's why I use "KIA" versus "men", or "soldiers". But, we're talking about Russians, who have a long history of committing atrocities. Anytime the Ruskis get held by the nose and kicked in ass (to Paraphrase General Patton) it's a good thing.

I believe you would agree with me that anyone who doesn't respect his enemy on the battlefield has never met an enemy on the battlefield. That's why I can only shake my head at the Left's sudden penchant for warfare.
He is in Kiev now....
WTF are you talking about?
The Russians still are not pressing a full campaign.

Lets hope they don't...

Of course they don't rely on the grid...but the populous does. Think before you speak.

When schrawzkopf took Iraq the first thing he did was shut down all the power plants. It most certainly has advantages.
My preference is for all of it to stop immediately....but then again that depends on the thugs that run NATO also...they share the blame for this.

Everything I've read about the Russian army over the past several years indicates that they aren't able to go full speed. That's why these tweets from a Brit defense minister make sense.


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