$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think


Play with the phrasing all you want but "zero cost" refers to the effect on the DEBT

Play with the phrasing all you want but "zero cost" refers to the effect on the DEBT
Im not playing with the phrasing. I am going by words and their meanings. YOU and care are the ones playing with it.
You are literally changing what he said.
Its fucking pathetic. Seriously.
I hope you dont have kids. People like you shouldnt breed.

Play with the phrasing all you want but "zero cost" refers to the effect on the DEBT
According to dishonest twats, Going by what people literally say is playing with their wording. :lol:
Literally changing what a person said, isnt. Those two actions now mean the exact opposite of what they meant 4 days ago.
Fucking Orwellian to the T.

President Biden


United States government official

My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars. Instead of wasting money on tax breaks, loopholes, and tax evasion for big corporations and the wealthy, we can make a once-in-a-generation investment in working America. And it adds zero dollars to the national debt.

7:34 PM · Sep 25, 2021·The White House


Just look at this shit. He SPECIFIES it adds nothing to the national debt. He also specifies, even uses the word "and", it COSTS zero dollars.
This is why decent minded people hate partisan shitheads.
The words "cost" and "add" no longer mean what they meant a few days ago :lol:
Never listen to leftists. NEVER. EVER.
If you voted for Trump. STFU. You are a neanderthal in modern terms.
Well, I didnt. Just because someone doesnt put up with lying and dishonest partisan shitheads, doesnt mean they voted trump. You binary dumbfuck.

Play with the phrasing all you want but "zero cost" refers to the effect on the DEBT

So if buy a box of cereal for $3 using cash, not debt, then I can say it was “zero cost” to me? Even if I make $3 on the way to the store by panhandling that doesn’t negate the fact that I had to use that $3 to buy the box of cereal. It wasn’t “zero cost”. Seems like Democrats have a serious mental block when it comes to understanding what “free” actually means.
McConnell's destroying the good faith and credit of the nation appears to be based upon this lie.

Some 97 percent of U.S. debt was incurred before President Biden became president, and

Default, triggered by failure to raise the debt ceiling, would be disastrous for the country, but McConnell’s priority is party not country. He operates from a simple, but importantly valid, insight: if things go badly in the country, it hurts the party that controls the White House.
Whether it’s an economy gone sour, a war gone wrong, or even shark attacks gone wild, scores of studies show bad outcomes in the real-world lead to fewer seats for the White House party and more for the opposition.
In other words, McConnell’s strategy is politically smart, albeit morally repugnant.
Every President since Coolidge has increased the debt, and more than the next. By percentage, FDR is king, followed by Wilson, Reagan, Bush and Obama. Your God Trump didn’t make the top 5.

Im not playing with the phrasing. I am going by words and their meanings. YOU and care are the ones playing with it.
You are literally changing what he said.
Its fucking pathetic. Seriously.
I hope you dont have kids. People like you shouldnt breed.
I love how people like to twist words and meanings to fit their agendas, we are going to go $3.5 trillion more indebt, yet people are wanting to claim it isn’t costing us a penny. If it isn’t costing us a penny then let’s not raise taxes on anyone, in fact let’s just stop paying taxes alto because it isn’t costing us anything.
I love how people like to twist words and meanings to fit their agendas, we are going to go $3.5 trillion more indebt, yet people are wanting to claim it isn’t costing us a penny. If it isn’t costing us a penny then let’s not raise taxes on anyone, in fact let’s just stop paying taxes alto because it isn’t costing us anything.
Its sad man. And they do it for what? The only person that gains from them being so pathetic is joe. And he doesnt give 2 shits about them.
I will never understand political cultism.
So if buy a box of cereal for $3 using cash, not debt, then I can say it was “zero cost” to me? Even if I make $3 on the way to the store by panhandling that doesn’t negate the fact that I had to use that $3 to buy the box of cereal. It wasn’t “zero cost”. Seems like Democrats have a serious mental block when it comes to understanding what “free” actually means.
If you buy a car for $20K and get a raise that covers the payments...what happens to your bank balance? Does your bank balance increase...decrease...or stay the same?
I love how people like to twist words and meanings to fit their agendas, we are going to go $3.5 trillion more indebt,
If the bill lowers our current costs by a trillion and brings in 2.5 trillion in revenue...we AREN'T going into further debt at ALL...are we...

You fuckers said the same thing about the ACA and you were wrong then...despite your attempts to MAKE it add to the debt.

Newsflash...the ACA actually REDUCED it's effect on the deficit (and thus the debt)

Play with the phrasing all you want but "zero cost" refers to the effect on the DEBT
Progs support paying people to have abortions and millions of children out of wedlock. Paying for every sexual disease known to mankind. Promoting permanent poverty. Now this is just a little of foundation we have lost as it is mainstream now.

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