$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think

Good grief
Good grief what?

You couldn't answer that? Here...let me ask again. Read it slowly

If you buy a car for $20K and get a raise that covers the payments...what happens to your bank balance? Does your bank balance increase...decrease...or stay the same?
Progs support paying people to have abortions and millions of children out of wedlock. Paying for every sexual disease known to mankind. Promoting permanent poverty. Now this is just a little of foundation we have lost as it is mainstream now.
No. They don't. Stop lying
Good grief what?

You couldn't answer that? Here...let me ask again. Read it slowly

If you buy a car for $20K and get a raise that covers the payments...what happens to your bank balance? Does your bank balance increase...decrease...or stay the same?
It was a stupid analogy. A pathetic analogy.
You are still ignoring what he actually said and making shit up.
The last time we Dems (because Republicans don't give a shit) tried to pass Climate legislation was TEN years ago. Republicans defeated it then.

And the problem has gotten exponentially worse since.

THIS is our last chance to do anything meaningful

If I had a nickel for every time you moron cultists claimed the world would end and then moved the date I'd be as rich as slave owner LeBron.

In January, 2006 — when promoting his Oscar-winning (yes, Oscar-winning) documentary, An Inconvenient TruthGore declared that unless we took “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gasses, the world would reach a “point of no return” in a mere ten years. He called it a “true planetary emergency.” Well, the ten years passed today, we’re still here, and the climate activists have postponed the apocalypse. Again.

There’s a veritable online cottage industry cataloguing hysterical, failed predictions of environmentalist catastrophe.
Gore’s prediction fits right in with the rest of his comrades in the wild-eyed environmentalist movement. There’s a veritable online cottage industry cataloguing hysterical, failed predictions of environmentalist catastrophe. Over at the American Enterprise Institute, Mark Perry keeps his list of “18 spectacularly wrong apocalyptic predictions” made around the original Earth Day in 1970. Robert Tracinski at The Federalist has a nice list of “Seven big failed environmentalist predictions.” The Daily Caller’s “25 years of predicting the global warming ‘tipping point’” makes for amusing reading, including one declaration that we had mere “hours to act” to “avert a slow-motion tsunami.”}

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Good grief what?

You couldn't answer that? Here...let me ask again. Read it slowly

If you buy a car for $20K and get a raise that covers the payments...what happens to your bank balance? Does your bank balance increase...decrease...or stay the same?

Realistically Leech, if you buy a car for $20K and rob your neighbors house to make the payments is a better analogy of what you Nazis propose.

I understand this is a foreign concept to you, but robbing your neighbor isn't really "getting a raise." Eventually the neighbor will move or get better security (like a shotgun and a Pitbull) to keep you for stealing what they have.

Quid Pro will fund this 3.5 Trillion in social spending and pork by raiding the retirement accounts of the middle class.

Every President since Coolidge has increased the debt, and more than the next. By percentage, FDR is king, followed by Wilson, Reagan, Bush and Obama. Your God Trump didn’t make the top 5.

As noted,
Some 97 percent of U.S. debt was incurred before President Biden became president, and
89 percent of the increase in the debt since the ceiling was last raised, came under Trump.

That's quite the tab for a one-termer!
Its literally what his twitter said. In fact, it says it costs nothing then says SPECIFICALLY, "AND it adds zero dollars to the National debt.
As I said, stop being such a dishonest twat.
So, find out what he means by costs nothing.

Everyone knows the bill has a price tag to it....$3.5 trillion.... Including Biden, including all senators and Congress critters and every person who has remotely followed any news, right or left, knows the Bill's price tag is $3.5 trillion.
No. They don't. Stop lying

Stop lying Leech!

Okay, I get that telling you to stop lying is like telling a human to stop breathing....

As for your specific lies this time, I love the one about us not paying women to have children out of wedlock. You have to have really purged yourself of integrity to tell that lie, Leech.

Quid Pro will fund this 3.5 Trillion in social spending and pork by raiding the retirement accounts of the middle class.

Sorry Charlie, the person making $400,000 a year in taxable earnings or more, IS NOT THE MIDDLE CLASS. That's whose Roth accounts, will be affected.

Sorry Charlie, the person making $400,000 a year in taxable earnings or more, IS NOT THE MIDDLE CLASS. That's whose Roth accounts, will affect.

Hey Nazi, you seem to have missed that I cited my claim.

Try again without the slobber and spittle....

Roth IRA's are ONLY for the middle class - they have a contribution cap.

I get that to you, people like LeBron, Oprah, and all the dreamy Hollywood celebs aren't rich, it's that doctor working 80 hours a week making $400K who is rich.
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So, find out what he means by costs nothing.

Everyone knows the bill has a price tag to it....$3.5 trillion.... Including Biden, including all senators and Congress critters and every person who has remotely followed any news, right or left, knows the Bill's price tag is $3.5 trillion.
Yes, thats the point. Thats why people are calling him a F'N moron.
So, find out what he means by costs nothing.

Won't cost him anything. Xi will still pump funds to him, as will Iran, Russia, and Ukraine.

It's going to DESTROY the middle class - the bourgeoisie. And that surprises me, because you fascist Marxists usually speak so positively about the bourgeoisie. :icon_rolleyes:

Everyone knows the bill has a price tag to it....$3.5 trillion.... Including Biden, including all senators and Congress critters and every person who has remotely followed any news, right or left, knows the Bill's price tag is $3.5 trillion.

And everyone knows that this massive pork barrel redistribution of wealth will be extracted from the middle class that you Nazis are dedicated to destroying.
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Quid Pro, should he get his $3.5 trillion in pork, will exceed Trump in a single year.

That's quit a tab for Xi's little puppet.
Your hyper-partisanship harms the nation, but at least we now have a President capable of forming alliances to limit China's influence, rather than just blowing gas about China whilst praising it's leader. That was another embarrassment!

Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 10.45.25 AM.png

Trump Praises Xi for Handling of Coronavirus Outbreak

Sorry Charlie, the person making $400,000 a year in taxable earnings or more, IS NOT THE MIDDLE CLASS. That's whose Roth accounts, will be affected.

Hey Nazi, you seem to have missed that I cited my claim.

Try again without the slobber and spittle....

Your hyper-partisanship harms the nation, but at least we now have a President capable of forming alliances to limit China's influence, rather than just blowing gas about China whilst praising it's leader. That was another embarrassment!


The Nazi bitch calls others "hyper-partisan." :lmao:
I got an idea....

...the government should steal people's earnings AND THEN spend it.

They are spending money they don't have and promising they will steal enough to pay.
I got an idea....

...the government should steal people's earnings AND THEN spend it.

They are spending money they don't have and promising they will steal enough to pay.
What a childish way to look at taxation
I love how people like to twist words and meanings to fit their agendas, we are going to go $3.5 trillion more indebt, yet people are wanting to claim it isn’t costing us a penny. If it isn’t costing us a penny then let’s not raise taxes on anyone, in fact let’s just stop paying taxes alto because it isn’t costing us anything.
Raising taxes to generate more revenue for the government, hoping it will cause them to balance the budget and pay down the debt makes as much sense as giving a hardcore gambling addict money, hoping he'll buy a plane ticket home from Vegas.

First of all, new taxes NEVER generate the projected revenue, because those who make the projections assume static behavior. The reality is, people adjust and take steps to avoid paying higher rates as much as possible. Remember the yacht tax that was supposed to really get those rich guys? All it did was destroy the American yacht business, generate no revenue, and the rich guys have as many yachts as they did before. They just bought them from a different country that didn't have the additional tax.

Second, Congress has shown itself to be totally incapable of being responsible with new revenue. Every time they get even a scent of more money, they immediately start new spending, and by the time any new money comes in, it's already allocated and new debt is piled on top of it.

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