$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think

These giant packages have to stop. We need an amendment that provides that Congress is only allowed to address budget issues in stand alone bills.
And with Republican obstruction...nothing would pass...oh wait...that's pretty much where we are now
So, Trump can pass a $2.3 trillion tax cut for the rich and republicans have no issue with that but Biden signing a bill for $1.2 trillion more for infrastructure and Americans and republicans blow a gasket.

Except that he didn’t do that. The tax cut wasn’t just for the rich despite what the commie networks told you. Do some actual research and don’t be such a lemming.
And with Republican obstruction...nothing would pass...oh wait...that's pretty much where we are now

Good. Why on earth would we pass this massive entitlement program that is being pushed by the far-left Democrats…the Squad types? There aren’t many sane Democrats left.
'This all began with Limbaugh and his constant attacks on the media, telling his rubes to only believe him. Well, that's exactly what they did'.
It actually started with Bob Grant. Each iteration gets more inflammatory and more openly racist
Well, we all know what he's been talking about, it adds nothing to the national debt.... Just because you rely on a condensed tweet and right wing spin and commentary for your news and understanding, is not my problem. It's yours.
Its literally what his twitter said. In fact, it says it costs nothing then says SPECIFICALLY, "AND it adds zero dollars to the National debt.
As I said, stop being such a dishonest twat.
Except that he didn’t do that. The tax cut wasn’t just for the rich
Sure...Republicans shell out a few bucks to the rubes while they give the bulk of the tax cuts to their buddies.

What do they care right. Debt only matters when Dems are in power
Its literally what his twitter said. In fact, it says it costs nothing then says SPECIFICALLY, "AND it adds zero dollars to the National debt.
As I said, stop being such a dishonest twat.
Play with the phrasing all you want but "zero cost" refers to the effect on the DEBT
Play with the phrasing all you want but "zero cost" refers to the effect on the DEBT
As i just fucking said, the tweet in question SPECIFICALLY says AND adds zero dollars to the National debt. Before that, it SPECIFICALLY says it COSTS zero dollars.
You dipshits need to get your head out the DNCs ass. For the love of god, breathe.
He is a senile, lying CLOWN. Get some fucking integrity or something.
As i just fucking said, the tweet is question SPECIFICALLY says AND adds zero dollars to the National debt. Before it says that it SPECIFICALLY says it COSTS zero dollars.
You dipshits need to get your head out the DNCs ass. For the love of god, breathe.
He is a senile, lying CLOWN. Get some fucking integrity or something.

Play with the phrasing all you want but "zero cost" refers to the effect on the DEBT
Sure...Republicans shell out a few bucks to the rubes while they give the bulk of the tax cuts to their buddies.

What do they care right. Debt only matters when Dems are in power

The bulk went to the “wealthy” because the wealthy pay the bulk of the taxes. My family is wealthy based on income according to Democrats. We saw very little a tax cut under Trump. We pay more every year in income taxes than most make. That doesn’t even include what we pay in property taxes which is also more than most because of the value of the assets. Us paying even more to fund the left’s giveaways to deadbeats who want to stay home instead of working is nothing but thievery.
It actually costs $0.
McConnell's destroying the good faith and credit of the nation appears to be based upon this lie.

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Some 97 percent of U.S. debt was incurred before President Biden became president, and

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Default, triggered by failure to raise the debt ceiling, would be disastrous for the country, but McConnell’s priority is party not country. He operates from a simple, but importantly valid, insight: if things go badly in the country, it hurts the party that controls the White House.
Whether it’s an economy gone sour, a war gone wrong, or even shark attacks gone wild, scores of studies show bad outcomes in the real-world lead to fewer seats for the White House party and more for the opposition.
In other words, McConnell’s strategy is politically smart, albeit morally repugnant.
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Play with the phrasing all you want but "zero cost" refers to the effect on the DEBT
So he repeated himself by using different words that mean different things. You are saying our president doesnt understand English. THAT is your argument. :rofl:
Cost no longer means cost folks. In a lame attempt to justify our senile presidents incoherent babbling, cost doesnt mean "cost" anymore.
Another word raped by the dishonest leftists.

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