3 Conservative Lies About Obama's Record Debunked in One Post

Poor LiberalaDerrrrrp.... Can't perform basic forum functions on his own...

How sad....:(
Well, yeah. the original OP chart is void of federal employees vs. private employees. I wonder why that is? Could it be because the federal government employs more people than the private sector, which would make the entire argument that Obama has not increased the size of government void and therefore a lie?

That's what i see here. The federal govt. has steadily grown while the states/locals are forced the slash spending due to budget shortfalls.

That graph was the only one I could find on it because it seems people want to talk about the pay between private/public more than the figures on how many people the federal govt. employs. Which by the way, is sad. The federal workers make almost double that of the private workers that pay the public workers salaries. That's not sustainable. Especially if federal payroll head counts continue to increase.

Private Sector Is Not Fine Public Sector Is Still Fat


Can't rep you again so soon but thanks for the additional info that completely debunks the OPs statement. :lol:

So I read your opinion piece that you linked to. I smell a lot of bullshit. Your article completely discounts the loss of Postal jobs after he makes some bullshit equivocation in his mind to allow him to do so. So he cherry-picked the data, you see, which is what you all have been doing. I report on raw data, you cherry pick.

So you're graph is bullshit. Pure.unmitigated.bullshit. Why don't you write the conservative mouth piece that wrote the article and ask him to re-run those numbers with the Postal Service data in there, since you know, they're public sector jobs that should have been counted.

Wow. What a fucking disingenuous scumbag you really are, fucko!

Can't rep you again so soon but thanks for the additional info that completely debunks the OPs statement. :lol:

So I read your opinion piece that you linked to. I smell a lot of bullshit. Your article completely discounts the loss of Postal jobs after he makes some bullshit equivocation in his mind to allow him to do so. So he cherry-picked the data, you see, which is what you all have been doing. I report on raw data, you cherry pick.

So you're graph is bullshit. Pure.unmitigated.bullshit. Why don't you write the conservative mouth piece that wrote the article and ask him to re-run those numbers with the Postal Service data in there, since you know, they're public sector jobs that should have been counted.

Wow. What a fucking disingenuous scumbag you really are, fucko!

s0n..........how much of a fucking dummy are you?

This is the POLITICS forum s0n...........what matters is only perception, not your opinion supported by some gay graph.

Here are the headlines on DRUDGE right now................

Just 80,000 jobs added in June...
Unemployment rate for blacks jumps to 14.4%...
780,000 Fewer Women Employed Under Obama...
Romney: 'It Doesn't Have To Be This Way'...
Team Obama predicted 5.6% today with stimulus...

Campaign Sends New 'Urgent' Request for Cash...

Now.......in the world of the hyper-partisan k00ks, the headlines above are great news. But not to anybody else all of whom thinks ( "thinks" being the operative word here s0n) this economy is a gigantic laugher.

Listen up s0n.......best head out before summers end and buy a good stock of chinstraps you'll be needing to buckle up after November. Oh......and remove all disposable razors from the medicine cabinet and NO plans for any trips into the mountains in the late fall.:coffee:

Last edited:

You sir, are an idiot... an obvious liberal, because you will sit and do nothing even when what you need to do for yourself is right in front of you

Once again a conservative has to do the work, easy as it may be, to hand you something...

Right from page 2 of the thread

PJ Media » The Private Sector Is Not Fine, the Public Sector Is Still Fat

Can't rep you again so soon but thanks for the additional info that completely debunks the OPs statement. :lol:

So I read your opinion piece that you linked to. I smell a lot of bullshit. Your article completely discounts the loss of Postal jobs after he makes some bullshit equivocation in his mind to allow him to do so. So he cherry-picked the data, you see, which is what you all have been doing. I report on raw data, you cherry pick.

So you're graph is bullshit. Pure.unmitigated.bullshit. Why don't you write the conservative mouth piece that wrote the article and ask him to re-run those numbers with the Postal Service data in there, since you know, they're public sector jobs that should have been counted.

Wow. What a fucking disingenuous scumbag you really are, fucko!

As stated.. the data that populates YOUR OWN GRAPH shows a federal jobs INCREASE... you fucking idiot....
You mean a COP OUT?


Seriously, I'm not wasting my effort on people like you.

Read the data that populates the chart... federal government jobs HAVE INCREASED... even without a huge spike (which appears to be the only thing you are looking for in defense of your stand)

Indeed......and the number of government jobs making 150K+ has DOUBLED under Obama!!!

More federal workers' pay tops $150,000 - USATODAY.com

Diamond Dave bro...........hang in there. Just 4 more months until this nightmare is over.:D
Can't rep you again so soon but thanks for the additional info that completely debunks the OPs statement. :lol:

So I read your opinion piece that you linked to. I smell a lot of bullshit. Your article completely discounts the loss of Postal jobs after he makes some bullshit equivocation in his mind to allow him to do so. So he cherry-picked the data, you see, which is what you all have been doing. I report on raw data, you cherry pick.

So you're graph is bullshit. Pure.unmitigated.bullshit. Why don't you write the conservative mouth piece that wrote the article and ask him to re-run those numbers with the Postal Service data in there, since you know, they're public sector jobs that should have been counted.

Wow. What a fucking disingenuous scumbag you really are, fucko!

As stated.. the data that populates YOUR OWN GRAPH shows a federal jobs INCREASE... you fucking idiot....

Meh. I'll take my graph's word for it, but thanks anyway. KIT, SSS! C U L8R, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UPDATE: Jobs Under The First Bush Term Vs. Jobs Under The First Obama Term - Business Insider

The latest version of this chart showing Obama's first term (on the right) with Bush's first term (on the left).
In each one, the red line is private sector jobs. The green line is local government jobs. The blue line is state jobs
Original Story:
Austerity At Work | The Big Picture

Obama Jobs Record Lie #1: "Obama's unemployment numbers would look a lot worse if he didn't create a bunch of government jobs!"

DEBUNKED: The lines on the right, Obama's first term, show local AND state jobs plummeting downward. While, mysteriously, on the left, in Bush's first term, both shoot way up. Hmm. Weird.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #2: "Obama has killed the private sector!!!!"

DEBUNKED: Quite to the contrary, you can see from his red line compared to Bush's he actually added enough jobs in his first term to put his tally up above Bush's. So, yeah. There's some bullshit.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #3: "We'd have a lot better outlook if Obama wasn't spending us into a oblivion!!!"

DEBUNKED: As the last chart shows, Obama's spending has tipped drastically downward over his first term. Bush's climbed up and up and up his entire two terms.

Dayam, you are even dumber than IndependntLogic.
I'd be a little more impressed if we hadn't had zero percent fed funds for his entire term and 4 trillion worth of deficits
Lefties newest thing is putting up bullshit charts from Lefty websites - without making any sort of their own statement - and expecting us to take the time to deconstruct the falsified data behind it.

F them.

Yes, bullshit charts made from real world data as opposed to righties claims pulled straight out of their asses and based on what they wish was true.

Did Somone say GRAPH?

Here one for ya Pink Pony idiot:


Completely addresses and DEBUNKS the OP. Ride that into the sun you DERP.​

You mean the chart which shows the freefall in job losses bush left us in and how obama turned it around so that the private sector is actually hiring again? In case you did not notice your graph actually shows the stimulus turning the economy around. Oddly enough we can also notice that with the looming election and the possibility of returning to a republican president private companies have begun to slow down hiring.

Thanks for showing us how good obama really is.
Yes, bullshit charts made from real world data as opposed to righties claims pulled straight out of their asses and based on what they wish was true.

Did Somone say GRAPH?

Here one for ya Pink Pony idiot:


Completely addresses and DEBUNKS the OP. Ride that into the sun you DERP.​

You mean the chart which shows the freefall in job losses bush left us in and how obama turned it around so that the private sector is actually hiring again? In case you did not notice your graph actually shows the stimulus turning the economy around. Oddly enough we can also notice that with the looming election and the possibility of returning to a republican president private companies have begun to slow down hiring.

Thanks for showing us how good obama really is.

Yeah Right---:lol::lol:

More workers joined the federal government's disability program in June than got new jobs, according to two new government reports, a clear indicator of how bleak the nation's jobs picture is after three full years of economic recovery.

The economy created just 80,000 jobs in June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. But that same month, 85,000 workers left the workforce entirely to enroll in the Social Security Disability Insurance program, according to the Social Security Administration.

The disability ranks have outpaced job growth throughout President Obama's recovery. While the economy has created 2.6 million jobs since June 2009, fully 3.1 million workers signed up for disability benefits.

3.1 Million Workers Join Disability Ranks Vs. 2.6 Million That Got Jobs In Obama Recovery - Investors.com

Yes, bullshit charts made from real world data as opposed to righties claims pulled straight out of their asses and based on what they wish was true.

Did Somone say GRAPH?

Here one for ya Pink Pony idiot:


Completely addresses and DEBUNKS the OP. Ride that into the sun you DERP.​

You mean the chart which shows the freefall in job losses bush left us in and how obama turned it around so that the private sector is actually hiring again? In case you did not notice your graph actually shows the stimulus turning the economy around. Oddly enough we can also notice that with the looming election and the possibility of returning to a republican president private companies have begun to slow down hiring.

Thanks for showing us how good obama really is.


How's your asshole taste, The T? Bet it tastes real nice and shitty, huh? Fuck, you just got taken to school, kid.

Yes, bullshit charts made from real world data as opposed to righties claims pulled straight out of their asses and based on what they wish was true.

Did Somone say GRAPH?

Here one for ya Pink Pony idiot:


Completely addresses and DEBUNKS the OP. Ride that into the sun you DERP.​

You mean the chart which shows the freefall in job losses bush left us in and how obama turned it around so that the private sector is actually hiring again? In case you did not notice your graph actually shows the stimulus turning the economy around. Oddly enough we can also notice that with the looming election and the possibility of returning to a republican president private companies have begun to slow down hiring.

Thanks for showing us how good obama really is.

The current discussion is about how federal jobs have been added by Obama, something Conservaderrps is still trying to lie his way around either by refusing to look in his own thread for a link or by trying to discredit the same stats that he used to talk about how awesome Obama is.

If you think the recovery has been fantastic, then the 3 or 4 of your should create some sort of discussion group.
So I read your opinion piece that you linked to. I smell a lot of bullshit. Your article completely discounts the loss of Postal jobs after he makes some bullshit equivocation in his mind to allow him to do so. So he cherry-picked the data, you see, which is what you all have been doing. I report on raw data, you cherry pick.

So you're graph is bullshit. Pure.unmitigated.bullshit. Why don't you write the conservative mouth piece that wrote the article and ask him to re-run those numbers with the Postal Service data in there, since you know, they're public sector jobs that should have been counted.

Wow. What a fucking disingenuous scumbag you really are, fucko!

As stated.. the data that populates YOUR OWN GRAPH shows a federal jobs INCREASE... you fucking idiot....

Meh. I'll take my graph's word for it, but thanks anyway. KIT, SSS! C U L8R, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The data OF YOUR CHART SHOWS THE INCREASE>>.. you know there are little things called numbers and data points that make the little squiggly lines on your chart, right???
As stated.. the data that populates YOUR OWN GRAPH shows a federal jobs INCREASE... you fucking idiot....

Meh. I'll take my graph's word for it, but thanks anyway. KIT, SSS! C U L8R, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The data OF YOUR CHART SHOWS THE INCREASE>>.. you know there are little things called numbers and data points that make the little squiggly lines on your chart, right???

Oh so you're freaking out about a 2% increase then? Think that "owns" me? It doesn't. But if that helps you sleep at night go ahead. In the world of fluid labor statistics, a 2% increase is flat as fuck.
Meh. I'll take my graph's word for it, but thanks anyway. KIT, SSS! C U L8R, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The data OF YOUR CHART SHOWS THE INCREASE>>.. you know there are little things called numbers and data points that make the little squiggly lines on your chart, right???

Oh so you're freaking out about a 2% increase then? Think that "owns" me? It doesn't. But if that helps you sleep at night go ahead. In the world of fluid labor statistics, a 2% increase is flat as fuck.

You agree increasing federal jobs in a time period while the amount of private jobs that pay the taxes is plummeting is madness, correct?
So we went from , "govt jobs decreased under obama" to "Oh, who fucking cares that federal jobs increased?" to "2% is a small increase."

A few yoga masters called to congratulate you on this profound twist n stretch you've done. They also want to be sure you didn't pull muscles.
So we went from , "govt jobs decreased under obama" to "Oh, who fucking cares that federal jobs increased?" to "2% is a small increase."

A few yoga masters called to congratulate you on this profound twist n stretch you've done. They also wan tto be sure you didn't pull muscles.

Dude. 2% is flat growth. That's statistics 101. It's too early to TardSpar with you.

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