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3 Democrats Walk Out Of U.S. House Of Representatives Session During Moment Of Silence For Orlando

Democrats Shout Down Speaker Ryan and Protest Moment of Silence to Demand More Gun Control [VIDEO] | RedState

Can't say I'm surprised in the least. This was not the time to push their agenda. Acting like the anti Trump protesters they represent.
Liberals don't care about dead Americans.
Liberals don't care about Islamic Extremists
Liberals care about Disarming the American citizens who they have proven they can not / will not protect.

Could I interest you in a nice moment of silence?
Almost as good as having your child back
It is a sign of respect - liberals gave none. DEMONSTRATED! PATHETIC!

Respect is telling parents....we are shocked by your child's death and will do everything possible to keep it from happening again

Republicans only offer....here is a moment of silence, now GO AWAY
As opposed to a useless #bringbackourgirls campaign?

Last edited:
I agree with them. The utter hypocrisy of one more moment of silence while we bow our heads in fake piety is beyond disgusting today. Twenty kids killed at Sandy Hook wasn't enough to shake up this nation. Instead every right wing nut ran out to buy a gun. I'm sure AR15s, or whatever the murder weapon of choice was for this sicko, will be flying off the shelves, all the while the patriots will wrap themselves in the flag and the 2nd amendment. The founders of this country never envisioned an automatic weapon. Guns kill people and automatic weapons kill more faster.
An AR 15 you can buy at a gun shop is NOT an automatic weapon

Maybe you want to educate yourself on firearms before you talk about them so you don't sound like such an idiot
Conversation kits are easy to get.
Really How easy?
Type ar 15 auto conversion kits in to your search engine and marvel at the results.
I agree with them. The utter hypocrisy of one more moment of silence while we bow our heads in fake piety is beyond disgusting today. Twenty kids killed at Sandy Hook wasn't enough to shake up this nation. Instead every right wing nut ran out to buy a gun. I'm sure AR15s, or whatever the murder weapon of choice was for this sicko, will be flying off the shelves, all the while the patriots will wrap themselves in the flag and the 2nd amendment. The founders of this country never envisioned an automatic weapon. Guns kill people and automatic weapons kill more faster.
An AR 15 you can buy at a gun shop is NOT an automatic weapon

Maybe you want to educate yourself on firearms before you talk about them so you don't sound like such an idiot
Conversation kits are easy to get.
Really How easy?
Type ar 15 auto conversion kits in to your search engine and marvel at the results.

An internet search is not the same as obtaining one so tell me how easy are they to get and how easy is it to modify an AR 15 to full auto without the gun jamming or blowing up in your face
Could I interest you in a nice moment of silence?

Almost as good as having your child back

After 9/11/01 Bush identified the terrorists, declared war on them, went after them, and there wasn't another successful terroris attack on US soil during his administration.

Obama's security in the US againt terrorism is like a screen door on a submarine.

He will not identify our enemy by name - Radical ISLAMIC Extremism!

He has aided, supplied, funded, armed, & trained the terrorist groups the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, and Al Qaeida. He has dragged us to war on his own to use our military to help Al Qaeida - the perpetrators of 9/11/01 - take over their own country.

Ft. Hood, Boston Marathon, Orlando, Tn...instead of protecting citizens he has acted in defense of terrorists - 'Case of Workplace Ciolence'?

In Boston he had been warned, given the names of the terrorists in plenty of time to stop it...and he let it happen. Afterwards, he flashed their faces on tv & asked citizens to help ID them...even though he already knew who they were. It was an attempt to get people to believe they had not failed / messed up.

Now, despite admitting our ability to vet Muslims he wants to bring in is non-existent, knowing ISIS has declared they are going to infiltrate those Muslims, Obama still wants to open the flood gates and let in thousands of Muslims.

'JV TEAM'?! How many more Americans have to do die before you will acknowledge our enemy is ISLAMIC Extremism / EXTREMISTS, Barry?!

You could not wait 1 day before oushing your anti-gun agenda.

And Democrats heckled Paul Ryan when he called for a moment of silence for the Orlando victims. Such unprofessional, disgraceful, pathetic action deerves the higjest level of rebuke!

Made a wrong turn into Iraq and had more Americans killed than were killed on 9-11
Iraq was liberated...and Barry allowed ISIS - the terrorist group he supplied / armed / trained - walk into Iraq without opposition and take much of what our military had already liberated. He has sent more troops into Iraq 3 times now...and gotten more Americans needlessly killed.

Barry refuses to identify Islamic Extremism as the real threat in an attempt to defend Islam. He constantly defends them and has even had his AG threaten Americans who exercise their Constitutional rights.

Iraq was liberated and thrown into a Civil War. It cost 5000 American deaths....more than we lost on 9-11

Hardly worth it
I agree with them. The utter hypocrisy of one more moment of silence while we bow our heads in fake piety is beyond disgusting today. Twenty kids killed at Sandy Hook wasn't enough to shake up this nation. Instead every right wing nut ran out to buy a gun. I'm sure AR15s, or whatever the murder weapon of choice was for this sicko, will be flying off the shelves, all the while the patriots will wrap themselves in the flag and the 2nd amendment. The founders of this country never envisioned an automatic weapon. Guns kill people and automatic weapons kill more faster.
An AR 15 you can buy at a gun shop is NOT an automatic weapon

Maybe you want to educate yourself on firearms before you talk about them so you don't sound like such an idiot
Conversation kits are easy to get.
Really How easy?
Type ar 15 auto conversion kits in to your search engine and marvel at the results.

An internet search is not the same as obtaining one so tell me how easy are they to get and how easy is it to modify an AR 15 to full auto without the gun jamming or blowing up in your face
Asked and answered.
Your child has just been killed in a senseless massacre

Will Congress:

Ban assault rifles? Nope
Ban high capacity magazines? Nope
Institute background checks? Nope
Close the gun show loophole? Nope
Ban those on the no-fly list from buying guns? Nope
Improve the sharing of records of law enforcement or psych institutes? Nope

But we will offer a nice moment of silence to make up for it

15 massacres since Obama took office and Congress refuses to even study the issue

More guns = less homicides.

More muslims = more terrorism.

Gun control = has not helped curtail terrorism in Europe. In fact far worse gunning down happened in gun free France.

Do you have problems understanding simple equations?

Obviously, since you have trouble understanding reality.
False there is no evidence that more guns equal less murders.

Well the murder rate and actually the rates of all violent crimes have been decreasing while gun ownership has been increasing

Certainly a correlation that bears further investigation

The murder and crime rates has been decreasing since the crack wars of the 90s ended
The number of guns has increased but the number of gun owners has decreased

Hardly a correlation

Here is some correlation, with a heavy dose of causation:






To ban something, you should make it absolutely clear that the ban is going to help. The liberal regressives have completely failed to show that. Take note that that is the gun homicide rate. As guns are outlawed people will substitute and other homicide goes up, which is not included in the charts. Yet still your case is obliterated.

The case is closed.

Your charts show basically what I already said

Your first chart comparing our homicide rates to third world countries was funny....where are England, Canada, France, Japan on your chart?
An AR 15 you can buy at a gun shop is NOT an automatic weapon

Maybe you want to educate yourself on firearms before you talk about them so you don't sound like such an idiot
Conversation kits are easy to get.
Really How easy?
Type ar 15 auto conversion kits in to your search engine and marvel at the results.

An internet search is not the same as obtaining one so tell me how easy are they to get and how easy is it to modify an AR 15 to full auto without the gun jamming or blowing up in your face
Asked and answered.
FYI most if not all of those kits won't work unless you have a machine shop

you might want to educate yourself a little so you don't sound like such an idiot

But I do have a bridge for sale if you're interested

When are we, as a nation, going to get so sick of these stupid "moments of silence" that we demand action?

Where is the Democrat's push to repeal the 2nd amendment? That's the end game, so they may as well cut to the chase. Seems they are all faux outrage and no action.
Democrats Shout Down Speaker Ryan and Protest Moment of Silence to Demand More Gun Control [VIDEO] | RedState

Can't say I'm surprised in the least. This was not the time to push their agenda. Acting like the anti Trump protesters they represent.
Liberals don't care about dead Americans.
Liberals don't care about Islamic Extremists
Liberals care about Disarming the American citizens who they have proven they can not / will not protect.

Could I interest you in a nice moment of silence?
Almost as good as having your child back
It is a sign of respect - liberals gave none. DEMONSTRATED! PATHETIC!

Respect is telling parents....we are shocked by your child's death and will do everything possible to keep it from happening again

Republicans only offer....here is a moment of silence, now GO AWAY

Your idea is to ban guns that were used in France which, interestingly enough already has a total ban on those weapons, and yet the bad guys were able to get hem. Sooooo, how is your stupid law here going to be any different? How are you going to prevent evil people from murdering the good people of this country? I know what does work, but you're too stupid to even begin to think about real legislation that actually WOULD accomplish something.
More guns = less homicides.

More muslims = more terrorism.

Gun control = has not helped curtail terrorism in Europe. In fact far worse gunning down happened in gun free France.

Do you have problems understanding simple equations?

Obviously, since you have trouble understanding reality.
False there is no evidence that more guns equal less murders.

Well the murder rate and actually the rates of all violent crimes have been decreasing while gun ownership has been increasing

Certainly a correlation that bears further investigation

The murder and crime rates has been decreasing since the crack wars of the 90s ended
The number of guns has increased but the number of gun owners has decreased

Hardly a correlation

Here is some correlation, with a heavy dose of causation:






To ban something, you should make it absolutely clear that the ban is going to help. The liberal regressives have completely failed to show that. Take note that that is the gun homicide rate. As guns are outlawed people will substitute and other homicide goes up, which is not included in the charts. Yet still your case is obliterated.

The case is closed.

Your charts show basically what I already said

Your first chart comparing our homicide rates to third world countries was funny....where are England, Canada, France, Japan on your chart?

Nope, they obliterate your ridiculous rhetoric.

Here is the same for developed countries only, hopefully you accept that you were wrong now.



Similar chart was already presented for USA and its various states... no correlation. You are full of shit.
Last edited:
Conversation kits are easy to get.
Really How easy?
Type ar 15 auto conversion kits in to your search engine and marvel at the results.

An internet search is not the same as obtaining one so tell me how easy are they to get and how easy is it to modify an AR 15 to full auto without the gun jamming or blowing up in your face
Asked and answered.
FYI most if not all of those kits won't work unless you have a machine shop

you might want to educate yourself a little so you don't sound like such an idiot

But I do have a bridge for sale if you're interested
So there are no machine shops that would do the work?
Did you forget that this is America and money will buy anything.
I agree with them. The utter hypocrisy of one more moment of silence while we bow our heads in fake piety is beyond disgusting today. Twenty kids killed at Sandy Hook wasn't enough to shake up this nation. Instead every right wing nut ran out to buy a gun. I'm sure AR15s, or whatever the murder weapon of choice was for this sicko, will be flying off the shelves, all the while the patriots will wrap themselves in the flag and the 2nd amendment. The founders of this country never envisioned an automatic weapon. Guns kill people and automatic weapons kill more faster.
An AR 15 you can buy at a gun shop is NOT an automatic weapon

Maybe you want to educate yourself on firearms before you talk about them so you don't sound like such an idiot
Conversation kits are easy to get.
Really How easy?
Type ar 15 auto conversion kits in to your search engine and marvel at the results.
By the sound of the shots, he wasn't full auto.
Really How easy?
Type ar 15 auto conversion kits in to your search engine and marvel at the results.

An internet search is not the same as obtaining one so tell me how easy are they to get and how easy is it to modify an AR 15 to full auto without the gun jamming or blowing up in your face
Asked and answered.
FYI most if not all of those kits won't work unless you have a machine shop

you might want to educate yourself a little so you don't sound like such an idiot

But I do have a bridge for sale if you're interested
So there are no machine shops that would do the work?
Did you forget that this is America and money will buy anything.

It would be illegal for them to do it for one so you go ahead and buy an AR 15 then go about converting it to a fully functional full auto that will actually work then tell me how easy it was
Your child has just been killed in a senseless massacre

Will Congress:

Ban assault rifles? Nope
Ban high capacity magazines? Nope
Institute background checks? Nope
Close the gun show loophole? Nope
Ban those on the no-fly list from buying guns? Nope
Improve the sharing of records of law enforcement or psych institutes? Nope

But we will offer a nice moment of silence to make up for it

15 massacres since Obama took office and Congress refuses to even study the issue

More guns = less homicides.

More muslims = more terrorism.

Gun control = has not helped curtail terrorism in Europe. In fact far worse gunning down happened in gun free France.

Do you have problems understanding simple equations?

Obviously, since you have trouble understanding reality.
False there is no evidence that more guns equal less murders.

Well the murder rate and actually the rates of all violent crimes have been decreasing while gun ownership has been increasing

Certainly a correlation that bears further investigation

The murder and crime rates has been decreasing since the crack wars of the 90s ended
The number of guns has increased but the number of gun owners has decreased

Hardly a correlation

Gee, I wonder if it has something to do with the mandatory sentences that were handed down to violent criminals (that you and your progressive buddies all hate BTW) I wonder if that had anything to do with it at all???

Nahhh, it couldn't be that easy....
He was on the FBI's terrorist watch list for years and magically was removed. You can't be an Iraqi vet suffering from depression and buy a gun, but if you're traveling to Saudi Arabia, watching videos from terrorists, claiming to be a member of al Qaeda, known to be a very troubled if not violent person who hates blacks and gays, you can be a security guard and carry a gun. This guy they allowed to buy a gun. Red flags were all over the place on this guy, but the Obama Administration refuses to recognize the threat. He's more worried about us shooting him than he is about Muslim terrorists shooting us.
yep. thank the nra, don't blame the fbi. ignorant fuck

The NRA does not advocate using guns for murder you ignorant asswipe...please show where in their literature this is the case?
the nra blocks all sensible gun control measures, including measures that would make it more difficult for criminals and terrorists to buy guns.

but you know and support that
really? show us the gun control legislation the nra supports that would prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns

It is called laws that allow us to arrest people who actually break the law. We live in a free society, not a police state...change that if you want to arrest people for suspicion...

Aren't you assholes the same assholes who bitch about the actual terrorists we are keeping in Cuba.....? The ones captured on the battlefield shooting at our guys?

Aren't you those assholes?
Democrats Shout Down Speaker Ryan and Protest Moment of Silence to Demand More Gun Control [VIDEO] | RedState

Can't say I'm surprised in the least. This was not the time to push their agenda. Acting like the anti Trump protesters they represent.
Liberals don't care about dead Americans.
Liberals don't care about Islamic Extremists
Liberals care about Disarming the American citizens who they have proven they can not / will not protect.

Could I interest you in a nice moment of silence?
Almost as good as having your child back
It is a sign of respect - liberals gave none. DEMONSTRATED! PATHETIC!

Respect is telling parents....we are shocked by your child's death and will do everything possible to keep it from happening again

Republicans only offer....here is a moment of silence, now GO AWAY

Your idea is to ban guns that were used in France which, interestingly enough already has a total ban on those weapons, and yet the bad guys were able to get hem. Sooooo, how is your stupid law here going to be any different? How are you going to prevent evil people from murdering the good people of this country? I know what does work, but you're too stupid to even begin to think about real legislation that actually WOULD accomplish something.

guns are bad <content>

Note to westwall: For reasons we have discussed, you are still on PERMABAN. Any replies to my posts will not be responded to
False there is no evidence that more guns equal less murders.

Well the murder rate and actually the rates of all violent crimes have been decreasing while gun ownership has been increasing

Certainly a correlation that bears further investigation

The murder and crime rates has been decreasing since the crack wars of the 90s ended
The number of guns has increased but the number of gun owners has decreased

Hardly a correlation

Here is some correlation, with a heavy dose of causation:






To ban something, you should make it absolutely clear that the ban is going to help. The liberal regressives have completely failed to show that. Take note that that is the gun homicide rate. As guns are outlawed people will substitute and other homicide goes up, which is not included in the charts. Yet still your case is obliterated.

The case is closed.

Your charts show basically what I already said

Your first chart comparing our homicide rates to third world countries was funny....where are England, Canada, France, Japan on your chart?

Nope, they obliterate your ridiculous rhetoric.

Here is the same for developed countries only, hopefully you accept that you were wrong now.


Similar chart was already presented for USA and its various states... no correlation. You are full of shit.

Do you see where the US is on that graph? They are close to 5

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