3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

Dude... if all our guns suddenly disappeared and no one decided to use another weapon, our murder rate would still be twice theirs.
A rational, reasoned person would see this and conclude our problem, and their solution, have nothing to do with gun laws.

There is absolutely no basis to believe that

Are they inherently better people than us? A great many of us are descendants of UK folks?
Name all the school shootings where football players and wrestlers have overpowered a shooter while he was reloading

You don't read well do you?

As I POSTED stupid..it has been attempted and those folks ended up being KILLED...because ya know...magazines are so easy to change

this is what you posted

What? Shooters being over powered while reloading? It HAS occurred and it has been attempted numerous times. Of course it fails often resulting in heroic deaths because...well magazines are so quick and easy to reload with

You posted no actual incidences you just said it has happened

You lie so fucking much you don't even know what you wrote anymore
That coach in Parkland tried heroically to stop the shooter ...and was tragically KILLED...you piece of shit
Hey douchebag... if mindless liberals nitwits like yourself had not make it impossible for him to legally to carry his gun at work, a lot more people would still be alive.
Your policies kill people - as intended.
The fact you completely avoided the question because you realize it destroys your point aside...
Your opinion is meaningless and unsupported by fact.

The answer was irrelevant.

They change almost as quickly. Which means that 30 round mags should ABSOLUTELY be banned...and probably all magazine fed weapons
It is not illegal to be stupid, to hate people, to have criminal tendencies It is only illegal when you actually do it. So why give them the tools & help encourage them?
Freedom is dangerous. Always has been and always will be.
That would be a M-249 SAW. Are you aware that there is a Civilian version semi auto that fires both Belt and Box Mags? Does that make it any less of an assault rifle?
According to the definition of assault rifle - yes.
none of them have used them to commit murder........except for one guy...

One guy here...one guy there...another over here...and on and on...and the result?
hundreds even thousands over the years dead

No, moron......

2017, deaths from mass public shootings? 117

Deaths from cars, 2017 ? 38,659

So....according to your logic, we need to ban cars....

Meanwhile...as more Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%....

You have no facts, truth or reality to support what you believe...

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Semi-automatic rifles are so infrequently used in crimes that it's farcical to think that banning them would have any effect whatsoever. You are statistically more likely to be punched to death or beaten with a hammer than with an AR. There is no gun epidemic in the US, maybe a gang violence epidemic but not a firearms.

These anti gun nuts don't understand that gun violence in the US is mostly with cheap handguns in the Democrat controlled inner city shitholes between druggies, gangs and lawless minority ghetto dwellers.
Hey douchebag... if mindless liberals nitwits like yourself had not make it impossible for him to legally to carry his gun at work, a lot more people would still be alive.

If I had to go to work to a place where guns were allowed...I wouldn't work there.

In fact not too long ago a rather strange co-worker quit and left a rambling right wing "manifesto" style note on the seat of his work truck.

A lot of us began working from home because we weren't so sure he wasn't going to show up with HIS AR to "make things right"
It's the weapon of choice for mass murder
This is an outright lie.
The statement is false, and you know it is false, because you read the post that proves to you it is false.
Why do you need to lie to make a point?
The fact you completely avoided the question because you realize it destroys your point aside...
Your opinion is meaningless and unsupported by fact.
The answer was irrelevant.
They change almost as quickly.
You;re the one arguing magazine changes allow people to take out the shooter; the speed at which magazines chan be changed is entirely relevant.
What can be changed faster - a 10rd or 30rd magazine?
Which means that 30 round mags should ABSOLUTELY be banned...and probably all magazine fed weapons
Your opinion is meaningless and unsupported by fact.
Hey douchebag... if mindless liberals nitwits like yourself had not make it impossible for him to legally to carry his gun at work, a lot more people would still be alive.
If I had to go to work to a place where guns were allowed...I wouldn't work there.
In fact not too long ago a rather strange co-worker quit and left a rambling right wing "manifesto" style note on the seat of his work truck.
A lot of us began working from home because we weren't so sure he wasn't going to show up with HIS AR to "make things right"
None of this is true.
In his manifesto the NZ shooter said that he could have killed the Muslims with several different methods.

You take this asshole at his word?

He also gave some big props to Trump ya know.

He used an AR because it's easy. It's the weapon of choice for mass murder

He also gave some big props to Trump ya know.

Because of what MSM has erroneously reported.

and he, like you, believes it.
You;re the one arguing magazine changes allow people to take out the shooter; the speed at which magazines chan be changed is entirely relevant.
What can be changed faster - a 10rd or 30rd magazine?

A. That has HAPPENED. In the Gabby Giffords..the only reason that were able to stop that guy was that they caught him changing mags. If you have to change mags after 10 shots you are 3 times more vulnerable /

It's not much but it's something.

Better to simply ban magazine fed weapons. When you have to load bullet by bullet you are FAR more vulnerable

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