3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

Since you are lying - flat out - no need to include them.

If you were to tell the truth once, would you like burst into flames or something?

Wait..Fox DOESN'T constantly try to drum up hatred and anxiety about immigrants?

You gonna run with that?
Again, you know nothing of what I "fought" against.

I just fucking told you that I was and am opposed to both of those things, yet you claim I fought against banning them. You either suffer from a reading comprehension issue or you are a complete moron. Which is it?

Reading is fundamental

Did you see this?

people like you

No one has any idea what "you" supported or did not support and you can make an unsubstantiated claim you want.

people like you


So you just make things up about people to suit your arguments.

People like you are liars. You're a liar.

People like you... stands.

Again, you know nothing of what I "fought" against.

I just fucking told you that I was and am opposed to both of those things, yet you claim I fought against banning them. You either suffer from a reading comprehension issue or you are a complete moron. Which is it?

Reading is fundamental

Did you see this?

people like you

No one has any idea what "you" supported or did not support and you can make an unsubstantiated claim you want.

people like you


Funny. First you claim that no one has any idea of what he supported or didn't support. Then you say he could lie about what he did or didn't support.

The same could be said for you. You could make unsubstantiated claims, and be an avid supporter of owning bump stock.

But since you have already included me in the "people like you" nonsense, despite knowing little to nothing about me, let me educate you on that topic.

There are 23 (or 24, depending) firearms in my house right now. All of them are securely stored. In my collection, there are 3 semiautomatics. 1 handgun and 2 rifles. The magazines for the handgun hold a maximum of 8 rounds. One of the rifles has magazines that hold 10 rounds and 15 rounds. But, being a .22LR, it is nothing I would consider particularly dangerous. The other semi-auto rifle has detachable magazines but no bayonet lug. It also weighs 9+ pounds empty and is just a few inches short of being 4 feet long. So not exactly handy in close quarters.

As for the rest, there are 8 revolvers (4 are single action, meaning you have to cock the hammer fr each shot), 3 lever action rifles, and 2 single shot rifles. The guns are collector's pieces, heirlooms, hunting guns, self defense guns, and some are just fun for plinking.

I mainly hunt deer, feral hog, and coyote. I have saved untold amounts of money for farmers by removing predators that take livestock and animals that can destroy/consume large amounts of the crops that are their livelihood. I have donated meat every year to food banks and charity kitchens, giving high quality, lean protein to those who would be unable to afford it otherwise. And I am helping to slow the flood of feral swine that are not only destroying crops, but doing serious harm to the environment.

I have stopped at least one crime by being there and being armed. I am a fairly large guy, so it could have been my presence that did it. But whether I would have been there without a means of self-defense is debatable.

I have stopped to help a stranded motorist at least half a dozen times when I was working on the road. Had I not been armed, there is no way I would stop to help on a lonely stretch of road alone.

On four occasions I was able to put an animal out of its misery after it was hit by a car. No telling how many hours of suffering were spared by my actions.

I did own an AR based rifle for hunting coyote. And it worked well. But I got rid of it years ago. Never cared for that style of rifle, for a number of reasons.

I have taught all my children gun safety and how to shoot. My youngest daughter would get very angry when people at the shooting range did not follow basic safety rules.

So before you try to blame me for the failure to ban bump stocks or high capacity magazines, you might actually take the time to learn more about me and all the positives that come from owning guns.
Only two? Why wasn't the left concerned when a democrat activist and Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team with a semi-automatic rifle?
You guys do know a semi automatic and an assault rifle are not the same thing right?
You assfucks know we had an assault rifle ban. & do you know what as banned?

View attachment 250366

The idea you God damn gun nuts think your right to own assault type rifles so you can get all beered up & shoot bottles outweighs the right of children not to be slaughtered in school is just plain ridiculous.
Not this stupid fucking argument again.
Jesus fuck can you get a fucking brain.
An assault weapon is one that is belt feed for continuous firing or has a full auto setting semi automatics have neither so they are not assault weapons. This would be an assault weapon the SAW Squad Automatic Weapon.
View attachment 250371

That would be a M-249 SAW. Are you aware that there is a Civilian version semi auto that fires both Belt and Box Mags? Does that make it any less of an assault rifle? The Belt holds 200 rounds and the box holds 100 rounds. And it has a remarkable dependability rate. The AR, using the 50 and the 100 round Mags has a high jam rate. But the Sillyvillian M-249 can fire a couple of hundred rounds with zero jam and be reloaded and keep right on firing for about 5000 rounds before the barrel overheats. The S version will fire each and every time you pull the trigger and keep right on firing. Luckily, it's so damned expensive that not many mass shooters will be able to afford them.
You guys do know a semi automatic and an assault rifle are not the same thing right?
You assfucks know we had an assault rifle ban. & do you know what as banned?

View attachment 250366

The idea you God damn gun nuts think your right to own assault type rifles so you can get all beered up & shoot bottles outweighs the right of children not to be slaughtered in school is just plain ridiculous.
Not this stupid fucking argument again.
Jesus fuck can you get a fucking brain.
An assault weapon is one that is belt feed for continuous firing or has a full auto setting semi automatics have neither so they are not assault weapons. This would be an assault weapon the SAW Squad Automatic Weapon.
View attachment 250371

That would be a M-249 SAW. Are you aware that there is a Civilian version semi auto that fires both Belt and Box Mags? Does that make it any less of an assault rifle? The Belt holds 200 rounds and the box holds 100 rounds. And it has a remarkable dependability rate. The AR, using the 50 and the 100 round Mags has a high jam rate. But the Sillyvillian M-249 can fire a couple of hundred rounds with zero jam and be reloaded and keep right on firing for about 5000 rounds before the barrel overheats. The S version will fire each and every time you pull the trigger and keep right on firing. Luckily, it's so damned expensive that not many mass shooters will be able to afford them.
Yet I have never heard of one of these being used in a mass shooting little side not assault is an act not an object so pretty much anything you use to assault a person or persons with could be considered an assault weapon.
The last three whack jobs that went on a shooting spree used semi automatic rifles. The last two wore tactical gear.
Background checks?
If all these nutsos want them then I suggest that the idea some one wants them is a sign they are mentally off.
The more they assault type rifles want, the more whacked they are. Probably at least at by the square of that number.
Have two, 4 times as as crazy. Have 4, 16 times as crazy.
Next, add another factor of ten for every piece of "tactical gear" they own.
Really, you are way off the deep end if you have to dress up in this tactical gear.
Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.
Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.
Good news:
You definition of "crazy" does not create a compelling argument for infringing upon my rights.

Background checks don't "infringe" on any rights.

Actually they do, because you have a right to privacy, so that the government does not know who has guns to come and illegally confiscate them from.
Exactly how can government ever get the authority to deny any citizens the right to be able to defend themselves and their home?
Those are basic 4th and 5th amendment rights, that the federal government most definitely has no jurisdiction over.
In fact, if police and military has weapons, then under the 14th amendment, we have to be able to have the same ones.
Why? Because ultimately government, police/soldiers, are historically the most corrupt and dangerous factor.
All democratic republics are always threatened by government police states by the police/military.

There is only one temporary record made at the time of the check and that is kept by the Gun Dealer or Fire Arms Dealer that originated the check and then it's for X number of years and then destroyed. The only time the authorities see it is when red flags go off by people that are on the "Don't Sell To" list and that is usually people with violent pasts including Violent Criminals on Parole. Otherwise, the record just sits in a filing cabinet at the Gun Shop. When I buy a gun, the Gun is already in the Database. The Gun Shop records that I purchased the Gun in his records. And even without a background check, that information goes into the database. But the Background Check does not. If it's a personal sale, the sale of the gun does not go into to any database at all. Only the sale through the Gun Shop goes into that database. So the Background Check is NOT connected to a Database at all. And the only way law enforcement can get into those background check records is through a court order and they have to have 1. Probable Cause. 2. Can only get permission to see that one single record. That means that the only person that will go through those records will be the Gun Shop Owner or his Employees and they will present the single record to the law enforcement with the valid court order.

Gun Background Checks save lives since it keeps many of the more stupid violent Felons from buying guns through the normal method and it gets them back into prison where they belong. And you DO want criminals off the streets, right? At least, that's what you keep saying.
You guys do know a semi automatic and an assault rifle are not the same thing right?
You assfucks know we had an assault rifle ban. & do you know what as banned?

View attachment 250366

The idea you God damn gun nuts think your right to own assault type rifles so you can get all beered up & shoot bottles outweighs the right of children not to be slaughtered in school is just plain ridiculous.
Not this stupid fucking argument again.
Jesus fuck can you get a fucking brain.
An assault weapon is one that is belt feed for continuous firing or has a full auto setting semi automatics have neither so they are not assault weapons. This would be an assault weapon the SAW Squad Automatic Weapon.
View attachment 250371

That would be a M-249 SAW. Are you aware that there is a Civilian version semi auto that fires both Belt and Box Mags? Does that make it any less of an assault rifle? The Belt holds 200 rounds and the box holds 100 rounds. And it has a remarkable dependability rate. The AR, using the 50 and the 100 round Mags has a high jam rate. But the Sillyvillian M-249 can fire a couple of hundred rounds with zero jam and be reloaded and keep right on firing for about 5000 rounds before the barrel overheats. The S version will fire each and every time you pull the trigger and keep right on firing. Luckily, it's so damned expensive that not many mass shooters will be able to afford them.
Yet I have never heard of one of these being used in a mass shooting little side not assault is an act not an object so pretty much anything you use to assault a person or persons with could be considered an assault weapon.

I think what is trying to be presented is that the word Assault Rifle needs to be dropped. The question should be asked, was it specifically designed for WAR. And the M-249 is like the AR, yes it was for exactly the same reasons. Just because the M-249S looks more outlandish and is even more capable doesn't make the AR-15 any less of a pure designed for WAR weapon that is the best candidate for Mass Shooting Records which the AR currently holds. I imagine that if some "Got more Money than Brains" mass shooter decides to show up to an outdoor concert with a M-249S he could easily become the new record holder. But showing up and going for that new record with a bunch of handguns, bolt actions or shotguns, or even 5 round mag hunting rifles wouldn't even come close to that record.

Yes, all of the above can be used for assaulting. Then again, so can a clenched fist, a verbal threat. Assault is the threat. It's not the action. And the AR is just much better at the Action than others with the exception of the M-249S. But walking down the road with a M-249S will certainly raise many more flags than carrying an AR. Chances are, the community will assign a Cop Car to follow you all around town just in case if it's legal to carry that belt fed pig.
Ahhhh poor baby if you couldn't own every type of gun ever made.
Not this stupid fucking argument again.
Jesus fuck can you get a fucking brain.
Why do you need to own an assault type rifle? How many dead children do you think thy your need outweighs?
What do you do with it? Besies getting beered up & shootiing bottles?
Not this stupid fucking argument again.
Jesus fuck can you get a fucking brain.
So, you are too embarrassed to say why you need to own an assault rifle? You are embarrassed to say what you do with it?
Is it you can;'t shoot? Is it because it makes you feel like a tough guy when you carry it? Are you such an asshole, thousands of people want to attack you?

A semiautomatic rifle is not an assault rifle

How many times do you have to be told this?

And FYI I don't own an AR 15 because I think it's underpowered. I prefer my .308 with hollow point ammo.

You think an AR 15 does damage? You should see what my .308 does

And if you go into a firefight with your 308 you will shoot way too slow due to slow loading and you will die quickly. Your rifle is a long ranged weapon. The closest thing your 308 could be used for would be sniper duty. But up close and near personal, the little black gun is the best of the best at it in a fire fight. And just because it's a semi auto doesn't make it less or more capable as a weapon of war. It's all the other features that your 308 rifle doesn't have that makes the AR the weapon of choice for the Finely Dressed Discernible Mass Murderer or Soldier in a firefight.
So, you are too embarrassed to say why you need to own an assault rifle? You are embarrassed to say what you do with it?
Is it you can;'t shoot? Is it because it makes you feel like a tough guy when you carry it? Are you such an asshole, thousands of people want to attack you?

A semiautomatic rifle is not an assault rifle

How many times do you have to be told this?

And FYI I don't own an AR 15 because I think it's underpowered. I prefer my .308 with hollow point ammo.

You think an AR 15 does damage? You should see what my .308 does

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST will you assholes quit running around with this "OMG OMG OMNG the assault type rifles are not assault rifles" bullshit.
We all know what guns are being discussed. So really, quit being such a fucking dick about it.

We are talking about semi automatics & the number of bullets they can fire especially with oversized magazines.

Furthermore, don;t think you people are the only ones who know about guns. I probably own more than you.

I know what guns are being discussed

You obviously don't and you are obviously incapable of learning what rifles are being discussed.

FYI 3 10 round magazine = 1 30 round magazine. So banning a 30 round magazine will not stop anyone from shooting 30 rounds in virtually the same amount of time

Unlike you I don't give a shit if you own guns or how many you own. Your language illustrates that you don't know the most fundamental differences between types of firearms.

Fuck off.

Obviously, the guns being used are semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15. I know what they are. I also know the term "Assault rifle" is typically used to discuss these weapons whether or not they fit your definition. We had an assault rifle ban & I guess you have zero clue what was banned. You just spew that same bullshit to avoid the real problem of these assault type rifle.

If larger magazines save no time why the fuck do you need them? Hell, lets limit them to 5. Since they make no difference. But hey, you're the expert, right?

We need them more because it pisses people like you off. Good reason to stock up on those too


The only request I have is, would you do it more quietly? Some of us are trying to catch some ZZZs around here.
I always laughed at the idea that the bayonet mount was one of the criteria. Driveby bayonetings were such a problem back in the 90s.

Being able to SAY idiot shit like that was why gun nuts insisted on all that wrangling about how to define an assault weapon

Idiot shit? You are actually defending banning rifles based on whether or not they have a mount for a bayonet? You are afraid someone will be stabbed by a rifle with a bayonet? Yeah, that speaks volumes.

Stop and think about it. Why does the AR have the capability to accept a Bayonet Rail? Why can it accept 20 and 30 round mags? Why does it have all it's other features? Because it was designed specifically to efficiently kill in the speediest way possible in a firefight in a WAR. Let's face it, as a sporting Rifle, it's not very good for the price. You can buy a full fledged Savage Axis II with a Bull Barrel and a 7X40 Scope already mounted on it for a lot less money and shoot rings around an AR all day long using the same ammo. If you need a bit more power, the Axis even comes in a 556 Nato round barrel for 20 bucks more but it won't be any more accurate than the 223 version firing the 223 ammo. It will just shoot a bit further and the cost of the ammo will be a lot higher. If you need more than that, for 399.99, you can get an Axis II in the 6.5 Creedmore caliber and that puppy will reach out touch something out to about 600 yds all day long. The AR is so far down on the list for a sporting rifle that I have no idea why any sane person would call it a sporting rifle unless it's people that are being listed as sporting game.
Fox CLEARLY separates hard news from the opinion shows.

The hell they do. And all of Fox DRIPS with anti-immigrant rhetoric

I did own an AR based rifle for hunting coyote. And it worked well. But I got rid of it years ago. Never cared for that style of rifle, for a number of reasons.

You're making my case for me.

You hunt (even wild pigs) and you have guns for home defense...and yet you don't own an AR...because it has no real purpose

For the record I own four. 2- 12 Ga pumps (a WInchester and an 870) a .22 bolt action, and a .50cal muzzleloader I built
Only two? Why wasn't the left concerned when a democrat activist and Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team with a semi-automatic rifle?
We were concerned because if it were up to us, the guy would not have the semiautomatic. You sssfucks gave it to him & now you bitch because he shot so many people - the ones that gave him access that weapon.
Yes you want as many options available. Seems guns are used a whole lot more.
Whats going to happen if we got rid of the guns? Use trucks more?
You reactionaries are going to want to ban them as well.

Well we can look at countries with good gun control to answer that question. Looks like just less mass killings.
We can also look at cities with good gun control.

Cities don't have walls. Easy to get guns in and out obviously. Funny how you jump around. Fact is mass murder is unique to the US. Places with good gun control don't have a mass murder problem, and yes they have trucks.

New Zealand is an ISLAND, yet it was obviously easy to get a gun in and out.

The gun laws you push have nothing to do with mass shootings, that is not their intent.

You cannot enforce "The Green Raw Deal" on an armed population, THAT is why you Marxists want to disarm America,
Som, yiou have no clue that it is legal to own guns in New Zealand. If you are this uninformed, please shut the fuck up.
The last three whack jobs that went on a shooting spree used semi automatic rifles. The last two wore tactical gear.

Background checks?

If all these nutsos want them then I suggest that the idea some one wants them is a sign they are mentally off.

The more they assault type rifles want, the more whacked they are. Probably at least at by the square of that number.

Have two, 4 times as as crazy. Have 4, 16 times as crazy.

Next, add another factor of ten for every piece of "tactical gear" they own.

Really, you are way off the deep end if you have to dress up in this tactical gear.

Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.
The gun did not do it and person did it.. why not focus on that? Your crying is mute people use all types of things to kill people.
It is not illegal to be stupid, to hate people, to have criminal tendencies It is only illegal when you actually do it. So why give them the tools & help encourage them?
Why not stop the person?? Why won’t you left wingers accept why there is hate? You can’t have Multi cultures in a country, and ignore the stuggling natives. You democrats encourage division and act stupid when someone acts the hate it causes.. blood is on your hands
When are you thinking this person should be stopped? When he thinks about it?
Fox CLEARLY separates hard news from the opinion shows.

The hell they do. And all of Fox DRIPS with anti-immigrant rhetoric

I did own an AR based rifle for hunting coyote. And it worked well. But I got rid of it years ago. Never cared for that style of rifle, for a number of reasons.

You're making my case for me.

You hunt (even wild pigs) and you have guns for home defense...and yet you don't own an AR...because it has no real purpose

For the record I own four. 2- 12 Ga pumps (a WInchester and an 870) a .22 bolt action, and a .50cal muzzleloader I built

The only way I am making a point for you is if you decide to change what I actually said. No where in my post did I say the AR has no purpose. No. Where. I even said that it worked well for hunting coyote.

If you are going to quote my posts, at least respond to what I said and not what you wish i had said.
Not this stupid fucking argument again.
Jesus fuck can you get a fucking brain.
Why do you need to own an assault type rifle? How many dead children do you think thy your need outweighs?
What do you do with it? Besies getting beered up & shootiing bottles?
Not this stupid fucking argument again.
Jesus fuck can you get a fucking brain.
So, you are too embarrassed to say why you need to own an assault rifle? You are embarrassed to say what you do with it?
Is it you can;'t shoot? Is it because it makes you feel like a tough guy when you carry it? Are you such an asshole, thousands of people want to attack you?

A semiautomatic rifle is not an assault rifle

How many times do you have to be told this?

And FYI I don't own an AR 15 because I think it's underpowered. I prefer my .308 with hollow point ammo.

You think an AR 15 does damage? You should see what my .308 does

And if you go into a firefight with your 308 you will shoot way too slow due to slow loading and you will die quickly. Your rifle is a long ranged weapon. The closest thing your 308 could be used for would be sniper duty. But up close and near personal, the little black gun is the best of the best at it in a fire fight. And just because it's a semi auto doesn't make it less or more capable as a weapon of war. It's all the other features that your 308 rifle doesn't have that makes the AR the weapon of choice for the Finely Dressed Discernible Mass Murderer or Soldier in a firefight.

Perhaps your .308 is slow reloading. But an FN-FAL is certainly not slow loading. My Springfield M1A is heavy and long. But they make smaller versions that will do anything an AR will do with more impact down range.

There are a number of .308 battle rifles that will out perform the AR. The only drawbacks are increased recoil and the amount of ammo you can carry for the same weight. But the increased range and more powerful impact make the .308 better for some.
The last three whack jobs that went on a shooting spree used semi automatic rifles. The last two wore tactical gear.

Background checks?

If all these nutsos want them then I suggest that the idea some one wants them is a sign they are mentally off.

The more they assault type rifles want, the more whacked they are. Probably at least at by the square of that number.

Have two, 4 times as as crazy. Have 4, 16 times as crazy.

Next, add another factor of ten for every piece of "tactical gear" they own.

Really, you are way off the deep end if you have to dress up in this tactical gear.

Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.
The gun did not do it and person did it.. why not focus on that? Your crying is mute people use all types of things to kill people.
It is not illegal to be stupid, to hate people, to have criminal tendencies It is only illegal when you actually do it. So why give them the tools & help encourage them?
Why not stop the person?? Why won’t you left wingers accept why there is hate? You can’t have Multi cultures in a country, and ignore the stuggling natives. You democrats encourage division and act stupid when someone acts the hate it causes.. blood is on your hands
When are you thinking this person should be stopped? When he thinks about it?
Yes why are natives in countries not happy and are struggling??

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