3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

Because of what MSM has erroneously reported.

and he, like you, believes it.

That was unclear. Are you saying that the NZ killer didn't reference Trump?

I don't know how you could have found it unclear.

pretty plain.

Yes, he mentioned Trump.

based on BULLSHIT the MSM likes to report.

Take Charleston for example.

He said there are good people on both sides.

he did NOT say Antifa is good, he did not say the Klan/White Supremacists were good.

But, what does the MSM report?

Trump backs White Supremacists.

Very misleading
Ohhh I get it. The killer DID reference Trump..but that mean ol left wing MSM gave the killer the wrong impression of Trump.
And the fact that this asshole got most of his "news" from the cesspool of 8chan means that 8chan and 4chan and GAB are part of the "left wing MSM"...riiiiight

And the fact that this asshole got most of his "news" from the cesspool of 8chan means that 8chan and 4chan and GAB are part of the "left wing MSM"...riiiiight

More likely CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, etc.

But, stay in your dream world.

Keep dreaming that most of the MSM DON'T have an agenda against the president.
I highly doubt he was a MSNBC consumer but I found it pretty revealing you left out Fox...which he probably DID watch.

Is Fox known for trashing the president with the same regularity as the others?

Bottom line? He chose the weapon that nearly every other white nationalist murderer has used

Actually he chose to use the same firearm that the Muslim shit used to kill innocent people in San Bernadino.

The same weapon that the Democrat asshole used to gun down Republican Congress men.
Yea...pretty fucked up that those ARs are available to do that kind of damage. Good point. We need to get rid of them
That was unclear. Are you saying that the NZ killer didn't reference Trump?

I don't know how you could have found it unclear.

pretty plain.

Yes, he mentioned Trump.

based on BULLSHIT the MSM likes to report.

Take Charleston for example.

He said there are good people on both sides.

he did NOT say Antifa is good, he did not say the Klan/White Supremacists were good.

But, what does the MSM report?

Trump backs White Supremacists.

Very misleading
Ohhh I get it. The killer DID reference Trump..but that mean ol left wing MSM gave the killer the wrong impression of Trump.
And the fact that this asshole got most of his "news" from the cesspool of 8chan means that 8chan and 4chan and GAB are part of the "left wing MSM"...riiiiight

And the fact that this asshole got most of his "news" from the cesspool of 8chan means that 8chan and 4chan and GAB are part of the "left wing MSM"...riiiiight

More likely CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, etc.

But, stay in your dream world.

Keep dreaming that most of the MSM DON'T have an agenda against the president.
I highly doubt he was a MSNBC consumer but I found it pretty revealing you left out Fox...which he probably DID watch.

Is Fox known for trashing the president with the same regularity as the others?
Hell no. They're known for INCITING assholes like this guy
I don't know how you could have found it unclear.

pretty plain.

Yes, he mentioned Trump.

based on BULLSHIT the MSM likes to report.

Take Charleston for example.

He said there are good people on both sides.

he did NOT say Antifa is good, he did not say the Klan/White Supremacists were good.

But, what does the MSM report?

Trump backs White Supremacists.

Very misleading
Ohhh I get it. The killer DID reference Trump..but that mean ol left wing MSM gave the killer the wrong impression of Trump.
And the fact that this asshole got most of his "news" from the cesspool of 8chan means that 8chan and 4chan and GAB are part of the "left wing MSM"...riiiiight

And the fact that this asshole got most of his "news" from the cesspool of 8chan means that 8chan and 4chan and GAB are part of the "left wing MSM"...riiiiight

More likely CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, etc.

But, stay in your dream world.

Keep dreaming that most of the MSM DON'T have an agenda against the president.
I highly doubt he was a MSNBC consumer but I found it pretty revealing you left out Fox...which he probably DID watch.

Is Fox known for trashing the president with the same regularity as the others?
Hell no. They're known for INCITING assholes like this guy
you really do live in a dream world.

Bottom line? He chose the weapon that nearly every other white nationalist murderer has used

You are confused Useful Idiot Moon Bat.

The biggest "White Nationalist" murderer in the US used fertilizer but that paled in comparison with the airplanes that the Muslim filth used in the biggest mass murder in US history.
That's one of...how many?

All you're doing is pointing out how deadly you white nationalists are

You are confused Useful Idiot Moon Bat.

The great majority of gun deaths in this country is with cheap illegal or stolen handguns among druggies, gang bangers and Democrat voting minorities in the big city shitholes.

Of course that wasn't the case with that Muslim asshole that shot our solders at Ft Hood, was it? He used a legally bought pistol after passing a Federal background check. Just shows you how worthless background checks are, doesn't it?
That ban was a ban of cosmetic features that do nothing to increase the lethality of a rifle

Wrong.the argument over "cosmetic features" was an argument over how to define what is and is not an assault rifle and it began because gun nuts were trying to confuse the issue. They SHOULD have simply banned all magazine fed semi auto rifles. That would have been far more effective and far more "elegant".
Rifles of any kind are used in less than 2% of all murders

So banning any type of rifle will do nothing to lower the murder rate

True. Oswald could have achieved the same effect with a really long knife. So could the guy in Vegas, and the guy at the Texas Tower...


Root was a white supremacist, did he have a semiautomatic?

The guy that shot up Pulse nightclub.

Was he a white Supremacist?

The guy that shot up the church in Texas, was he a WS?

The Las Vegas Shooter?

the San Bernadino shooter?

WTF do you get your info?

Wait..you've never heard of Canada or Norway?

Color me shocked

And Dylan ROOF (not root) is a neonazi white supremicist who DID use a semi auto handgun to murder nine folks in a Black Church

You need to read more
True. Oswald could have achieved the same effect with a really long knife. So could the guy in Vegas, and the guy at the Texas Tower...

Well the guy in Vegas probably would have needed a LOT of knives and a really strong arm to inflict harm on 600 people


Root was a white supremacist, did he have a semiautomatic?

The guy that shot up Pulse nightclub.

Was he a white Supremacist?

The guy that shot up the church in Texas, was he a WS?

The Las Vegas Shooter?

the San Bernadino shooter?

WTF do you get your info?

Wait..you've never heard of Canada or Norway?

Color me shocked

And Dylan ROOF (not root) is a neonazi white supremicist who DID use a semi auto handgun to murder nine folks in a Black Church

You need to read more
use a semi auto handgun to murder nine folks in a Black Church

oh, now we're talking about handguns?

and yes, I've heard about Canada and Norway.

WTF does that have to do with stats in the USA?

Damn, a typo...

I'll have to cut off the offending finger to make amends.
The great majority of gun deaths in this country is with cheap illegal or stolen handguns among druggies, gang bangers and Democrat voting minorities in the big city shitholes.

Most of that gun violence is confined to criminals shooting other criminals.

Most people are actually more concerned about whether this is the day their kid gets shot in a mass murder event in their school or mall or concert or movie theater or church....
Well, but what is gun ownership like in those countries? Do most of their citizens own guns?

In American, there are already over 300 million guns in circulation. A gun ban isnt going to mean no guns, it will only mean restrictions on future purchases.

We had a ban on assault rifles for 10 years and mass shootings went down. They have spiked since
..but not the "white people will soon be a minority and that's a good thing" rhetoric from people like you?

I never said that...don't know anyone who has and I'd tell them their comment was stupid if I did.
Trump said

"White Nationalists are a small group of people who have very serious problems"

From the number of them I see on this forum, if they are such a small group...I guess we have most of them...

Do you agree that you white Nationalists have "very serious problems?

It's kinda disturbing that so many of these people with "very serious problems" also are gun huggers
Root was a white supremacist, did he have a semiautomatic?

oh, now we're talking about handguns?

You were...


When I mentioned Roof, it was his affliation to WS.
And his semi-automatic...which was a hand gun

I didn't mention his handgun.

So, what do you want to do?

Go back to single shot flintlocks?

6 shooters?

Go house to house searching for semiautomatics?

Get law abiding citizens to turn in their firearms?

Connecticut banned so called 'assault weapons'.

Think no one in the state has one?

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