3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

Trump said

"White Nationalists are a small group of people who have very serious problems"

From the number of them I see on this forum, if they are such a small group...I guess we have most of them...

Do you agree that you white Nationalists have "very serious problems?

It's kinda disturbing that so many of these people with "very serious problems" also are gun huggers

Gee, great twist....

you think anyone that disagrees with you is a White Supremacist?

Just how deep do you plan on digging your hole?

You're a lost cause.

Last time I had a conversation like this, it was with a 3 year old, about him going to bed.
So, what do you want to do?

Go back to single shot flintlocks?

6 shooters?

Go house to house searching for semiautomatics?

Get law abiding citizens to turn in their firearms?

Connecticut banned so called 'assault weapons'.

Think no one in the state has one?

I've been very clear as to what I want to do.

Ban FUTURE sales of assault weapons. My personal preference would extend that to all magazine fed semi-autos...especially if there is wrangling over what constitutes an assault weapon.

Have buy backs as well. There's probably tens of thousands sitting in closets that no one really cares about. We're all safer getting them off the streets.
Not this stupid fucking argument again.
Jesus fuck can you get a fucking brain.
Why do you need to own an assault type rifle? How many dead children do you think thy your need outweighs?
What do you do with it? Besies getting beered up & shootiing bottles?
Not this stupid fucking argument again.
Jesus fuck can you get a fucking brain.
So, you are too embarrassed to say why you need to own an assault rifle? You are embarrassed to say what you do with it?
Is it you can;'t shoot? Is it because it makes you feel like a tough guy when you carry it? Are you such an asshole, thousands of people want to attack you?

A semiautomatic rifle is not an assault rifle

How many times do you have to be told this?

And FYI I don't own an AR 15 because I think it's underpowered. I prefer my .308 with hollow point ammo.

You think an AR 15 does damage? You should see what my .308 does

And if you go into a firefight with your 308 you will shoot way too slow due to slow loading and you will die quickly. Your rifle is a long ranged weapon. The closest thing your 308 could be used for would be sniper duty. But up close and near personal, the little black gun is the best of the best at it in a fire fight. And just because it's a semi auto doesn't make it less or more capable as a weapon of war. It's all the other features that your 308 rifle doesn't have that makes the AR the weapon of choice for the Finely Dressed Discernible Mass Murderer or Soldier in a firefight.

I'm not going to be going into a fire fight anytime soon so who the fuck cares? And guess what most people won't be getting into a fire fight either.

And if I do use a .308 with a hollow point at close range in home defense it'll work just fine. But chances are if I do ever need a firearm for home defense I'll grab my 12 gauge or my .40 or my Judge.
I always laughed at the idea that the bayonet mount was one of the criteria. Driveby bayonetings were such a problem back in the 90s.

Being able to SAY idiot shit like that was why gun nuts insisted on all that wrangling about how to define an assault weapon

Idiot shit? You are actually defending banning rifles based on whether or not they have a mount for a bayonet? You are afraid someone will be stabbed by a rifle with a bayonet? Yeah, that speaks volumes.

Stop and think about it. Why does the AR have the capability to accept a Bayonet Rail? Why can it accept 20 and 30 round mags? Why does it have all it's other features? Because it was designed specifically to efficiently kill in the speediest way possible in a firefight in a WAR. Let's face it, as a sporting Rifle, it's not very good for the price. You can buy a full fledged Savage Axis II with a Bull Barrel and a 7X40 Scope already mounted on it for a lot less money and shoot rings around an AR all day long using the same ammo. If you need a bit more power, the Axis even comes in a 556 Nato round barrel for 20 bucks more but it won't be any more accurate than the 223 version firing the 223 ammo. It will just shoot a bit further and the cost of the ammo will be a lot higher. If you need more than that, for 399.99, you can get an Axis II in the 6.5 Creedmore caliber and that puppy will reach out touch something out to about 600 yds all day long. The AR is so far down on the list for a sporting rifle that I have no idea why any sane person would call it a sporting rifle unless it's people that are being listed as sporting game.
If a rifle can accept a 5 or 10 round magazine it can accept a 20 or 30 round magazine

And your opinion of the Ar is just that your opinion.

Millions of people own them and it is their opinion that it is perfectly suited for their needs.

It's not up to you to tell anyone what firearm they should use.
Fox CLEARLY separates hard news from the opinion shows.

The hell they do. And all of Fox DRIPS with anti-immigrant rhetoric

I did own an AR based rifle for hunting coyote. And it worked well. But I got rid of it years ago. Never cared for that style of rifle, for a number of reasons.

You're making my case for me.

You hunt (even wild pigs) and you have guns for home defense...and yet you don't own an AR...because it has no real purpose

For the record I own four. 2- 12 Ga pumps (a WInchester and an 870) a .22 bolt action, and a .50cal muzzleloader I built

The only way I am making a point for you is if you decide to change what I actually said. No where in my post did I say the AR has no purpose. No. Where. I even said that it worked well for hunting coyote.

If you are going to quote my posts, at least respond to what I said and not what you wish i had said.
Once again we see the lying sack of shit performing as expected.
So, what do you want to do?

Go back to single shot flintlocks?

6 shooters?

Go house to house searching for semiautomatics?

Get law abiding citizens to turn in their firearms?

Connecticut banned so called 'assault weapons'.

Think no one in the state has one?

I've been very clear as to what I want to do.

Ban FUTURE sales of assault weapons. My personal preference would extend that to all magazine fed semi-autos...especially if there is wrangling over what constitutes an assault weapon.

Have buy backs as well. There's probably tens of thousands sitting in closets that no one really cares about. We're all safer getting them off the streets.
Hey Moron if firearms are in a closet or a gun safe they are not "on the streets"
I think what is trying to be presented is that the word Assault Rifle needs to be dropped. The question should be asked, was it specifically designed for WAR.
Designed for war...
Like the M1911A1?
M1917 Enfield?
M1 Garand?
M1 carbine?

I've always thought the people who live in fear of detachable magazines have never seen an M1 Garand reloaded by someone who practiced a bit.
..but not the "white people will soon be a minority and that's a good thing" rhetoric from people like you?

I never said that...don't know anyone who has and I'd tell them their comment was stupid if I did.

I've read enough of your posts to infer that you're a bit hysterical and unreasonable, so I'm probably wasting my time with you but here goes.

White people make up approximately 9% of the global population and our birthrates are declining. When people on your side of the aisle say that Trump tapped into "white fear" you might be onto something. But you want to portray these worries as something malignant that needs to be stamped out. When a community or group becomes more "diverse", it really means less white...doesn't it? Admit it, in practice adding diversity means making something less white.

When white people move into a community, it's called gentrification. Whites move out, its called white flight. White identity groups are run out of town. Black identity groups arrange festivals and are invited to teach school children about african traditions. You see where I'm going with this?
That ban was a ban of cosmetic features that do nothing to increase the lethality of a rifle

Wrong.the argument over "cosmetic features" was an argument over how to define what is and is not an assault rifle and it began because gun nuts were trying to confuse the issue. They SHOULD have simply banned all magazine fed semi auto rifles. That would have been far more effective and far more "elegant".
Rifles of any kind are used in less than 2% of all murders

So banning any type of rifle will do nothing to lower the murder rate

True. Oswald could have achieved the same effect with a really long knife. So could the guy in Vegas, and the guy at the Texas Tower...
Still doesn't change the stats does it?
Why do you need to own an assault type rifle? How many dead children do you think thy your need outweighs?
What do you do with it? Besies getting beered up & shootiing bottles?
Not this stupid fucking argument again.
Jesus fuck can you get a fucking brain.
So, you are too embarrassed to say why you need to own an assault rifle? You are embarrassed to say what you do with it?
Is it you can;'t shoot? Is it because it makes you feel like a tough guy when you carry it? Are you such an asshole, thousands of people want to attack you?

A semiautomatic rifle is not an assault rifle

How many times do you have to be told this?

And FYI I don't own an AR 15 because I think it's underpowered. I prefer my .308 with hollow point ammo.

You think an AR 15 does damage? You should see what my .308 does

And if you go into a firefight with your 308 you will shoot way too slow due to slow loading and you will die quickly. Your rifle is a long ranged weapon. The closest thing your 308 could be used for would be sniper duty. But up close and near personal, the little black gun is the best of the best at it in a fire fight. And just because it's a semi auto doesn't make it less or more capable as a weapon of war. It's all the other features that your 308 rifle doesn't have that makes the AR the weapon of choice for the Finely Dressed Discernible Mass Murderer or Soldier in a firefight.

I'm not going to be going into a fire fight anytime soon so who the fuck cares? And guess what most people won't be getting into a fire fight either.

And if I do use a .308 with a hollow point at close range in home defense it'll work just fine. But chances are if I do ever need a firearm for home defense I'll grab my 12 gauge or my .40 or my Judge.

Your 308 will penetrate not only the bad guy but your exterior wall, your neighbors exterior wall, one of his interior walls and go all the way through his 3 year old and still keep traveling. The 223 will stop just the other side of your neighbors exterior wall and probably not kill his family as long as they are not directly on the other side of that exterior wall. Rifles of any kind are horrible home defense weapons. The muzzle energy of the 223 at 400 yds is more than your 40 at the muzzle. The 223 is equal at 400 yds to the muzzle energy of a 357 mag at the muzzle. Your choice of alternative weapons pretty well confines the projectiles inside the house. The only time you should use a rifle for home defense is when you have absolutely no other options.
I always laughed at the idea that the bayonet mount was one of the criteria. Driveby bayonetings were such a problem back in the 90s.

Being able to SAY idiot shit like that was why gun nuts insisted on all that wrangling about how to define an assault weapon

Idiot shit? You are actually defending banning rifles based on whether or not they have a mount for a bayonet? You are afraid someone will be stabbed by a rifle with a bayonet? Yeah, that speaks volumes.

Stop and think about it. Why does the AR have the capability to accept a Bayonet Rail? Why can it accept 20 and 30 round mags? Why does it have all it's other features? Because it was designed specifically to efficiently kill in the speediest way possible in a firefight in a WAR. Let's face it, as a sporting Rifle, it's not very good for the price. You can buy a full fledged Savage Axis II with a Bull Barrel and a 7X40 Scope already mounted on it for a lot less money and shoot rings around an AR all day long using the same ammo. If you need a bit more power, the Axis even comes in a 556 Nato round barrel for 20 bucks more but it won't be any more accurate than the 223 version firing the 223 ammo. It will just shoot a bit further and the cost of the ammo will be a lot higher. If you need more than that, for 399.99, you can get an Axis II in the 6.5 Creedmore caliber and that puppy will reach out touch something out to about 600 yds all day long. The AR is so far down on the list for a sporting rifle that I have no idea why any sane person would call it a sporting rifle unless it's people that are being listed as sporting game.
If a rifle can accept a 5 or 10 round magazine it can accept a 20 or 30 round magazine

And your opinion of the Ar is just that your opinion.

Millions of people own them and it is their opinion that it is perfectly suited for their needs.

It's not up to you to tell anyone what firearm they should use.

And who needs a 30 or 50 round mag for a "Sporting" rifle again? Do you you need the rails to mount the M-203 Grenade Launcher, or a Bayonet among other nasty things. The only real use, outside of showing off to your buddies, is taking down a movie house full of people, concert watchers or school children for 30 round mags. You want to show off to your drunk buddies, drop your pants and show them your fat ass.

And this isn't just my opinion. It's the opinion of the Voters of Colorado (and other states), the Colorado Legislation and Governor (and other states) and the Federal Courts. IT's the law, cupcake. You don't like it, move to Yemen where they don't have any firearm laws and get back to us just how that works out for you.
You guys do know a semi automatic and an assault rifle are not the same thing right?
You assfucks know we had an assault rifle ban. & do you know what as banned?

Do we really need to say assault type rifles?

Everyone knows what is bseuinbg discussed.

The idea you God damn gun nuts think your right to own assault type rifles so you can get all beered up & shoot bottles outweighs the right of children not to be slaughtered in school is just plain ridiculous.

That ban was a ban of cosmetic features that do nothing to increase the lethality of a rifle
It also had nothing to do with the validity of the ‘ban.’

The people determine what is or isn’t an assault weapon, predicated on whatever criteria they see fit, including cosmetic features.

That’s why the ‘argument’ that a semi-auto AR platform rifle or carbine shouldn’t be subject to an AWB fails as being ignorant and ridiculous, completely devoid of legal merit.
You guys do know a semi automatic and an assault rifle are not the same thing right?
You assfucks know we had an assault rifle ban. & do you know what as banned?

Do we really need to say assault type rifles?

Everyone knows what is bseuinbg discussed.

The idea you God damn gun nuts think your right to own assault type rifles so you can get all beered up & shoot bottles outweighs the right of children not to be slaughtered in school is just plain ridiculous.

That ban was a ban of cosmetic features that do nothing to increase the lethality of a rifle
It also had nothing to do with the validity of the ‘ban.’

The people determine what is or isn’t an assault weapon, predicated on whatever criteria they see fit, including cosmetic features.

That’s why the ‘argument’ that a semi-auto AR platform rifle or carbine shouldn’t be subject to an AWB fails as being ignorant and ridiculous, completely devoid of legal merit.
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.
That ban was a ban of cosmetic features that do nothing to increase the lethality of a rifle

Wrong.the argument over "cosmetic features" was an argument over how to define what is and is not an assault rifle and it began because gun nuts were trying to confuse the issue. They SHOULD have simply banned all magazine fed semi auto rifles. That would have been far more effective and far more "elegant".
And wholly unnecessary... and wholly ineffective... and wholly unconstitutional.

That a law might be ‘bad’ or ‘ineffective’ doesn’t render it ‘un-Constitutional.’

And what’s necessary is determined by the people.

The people enact measures they consider to be necessary and proper, the courts determine whether those measures are Constitutional, ultimately the Supreme Court.
You guys do know a semi automatic and an assault rifle are not the same thing right?
You assfucks know we had an assault rifle ban. & do you know what as banned?

Do we really need to say assault type rifles?

Everyone knows what is bseuinbg discussed.

The idea you God damn gun nuts think your right to own assault type rifles so you can get all beered up & shoot bottles outweighs the right of children not to be slaughtered in school is just plain ridiculous.

That ban was a ban of cosmetic features that do nothing to increase the lethality of a rifle
It also had nothing to do with the validity of the ‘ban.’

The people determine what is or isn’t an assault weapon, predicated on whatever criteria they see fit, including cosmetic features.

That’s why the ‘argument’ that a semi-auto AR platform rifle or carbine shouldn’t be subject to an AWB fails as being ignorant and ridiculous, completely devoid of legal merit.
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.
Not the "appearance" bullshit.

But lets talk appearance. So, you are having a fucking fit because you might not be able to own a gun that just looks mean? Really
You guys do know a semi automatic and an assault rifle are not the same thing right?
You assfucks know we had an assault rifle ban. & do you know what as banned?

Do we really need to say assault type rifles?

Everyone knows what is bseuinbg discussed.

The idea you God damn gun nuts think your right to own assault type rifles so you can get all beered up & shoot bottles outweighs the right of children not to be slaughtered in school is just plain ridiculous.

That ban was a ban of cosmetic features that do nothing to increase the lethality of a rifle
It also had nothing to do with the validity of the ‘ban.’

The people determine what is or isn’t an assault weapon, predicated on whatever criteria they see fit, including cosmetic features.

That’s why the ‘argument’ that a semi-auto AR platform rifle or carbine shouldn’t be subject to an AWB fails as being ignorant and ridiculous, completely devoid of legal merit.
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.
Not the "appearance" bullshit.

But lets talk appearance. So, you are having a fucking fit because you might not be able to own a gun that just looks mean? Really
No I’m amazed how dumb shits like you keep going on and on about gun control but know nothing about guns.
White people make up approximately 9% of the global population and our birthrates are declining. When people on your side of the aisle say that Trump tapped into "white fear" you might be onto something. But you want to portray these worries as something malignant that needs to be stamped out. When a community or group becomes more "diverse", it really means less white...doesn't it? Admit it, in practice adding diversity means making something less white.

I'm not exactly sure who "people on your side of the aisle" are. You mean sane non racist people?


"But you want to portray these worries as something malignant that needs to be stamped out"

Well...yea. Because that "worry" ends up being dead people shot in churches,synagogues, and mosques.

Admit it, in practice adding diversity means making something less white.
You're gonna stay as white as you ever were. If you mean society as a whole? Yea. Big deal. It's a color. I happen to love purple. Unfortunately for me. People aren't ever gonna be purple. I'll survive. Lighten up. Color don't mean shit

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