3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

A guy shooting kids will kill just as many with a few 20 round mags.

Good argument for banning (future sales of...because you'll pretend I meant confiscation) ANY gun that accepts a detachable mag

So why don't you now admit you have lied multiple times about things I have said

I notice you ignored the post where I supported my argument about you being a lying sack of shit

Her post was 100% accurate.

When you assfucks claim a 20 round mag is as fast as a 30 round mag, you just lost your argument why you need a 30 round mag.

Its called logic. You should try it sometime.
It also had nothing to do with the validity of the ‘ban.’

The people determine what is or isn’t an assault weapon, predicated on whatever criteria they see fit, including cosmetic features.

That’s why the ‘argument’ that a semi-auto AR platform rifle or carbine shouldn’t be subject to an AWB fails as being ignorant and ridiculous, completely devoid of legal merit.
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.

It's not how it looks. It's how it operates and what it is intended to be used as. If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.

Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
So we shouldn't worry about our kids surviving the day in school or the mall or a movie or church without being gunned down.
We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert

Ok moron name a concert where 600 people were killed you lying twat.
59 people were killed in mass shootings this year.
You have lost your mind . i have kids you dumb bitch.
I carry a gun and if were at the movies guess what ill shot anyone who indangers my kid.
You actually think you can confiscate all the semo auto gun in america you must be the dumbest bith in america
I have NEVER advocated confiscating ANY guns you lying piece of shit

Read what I posted liar. Paduch gunned down SIX HUNDRED people in Vegas.
Here's my EXACT quote. "We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert"
as far as you protecting your kids. You ain't with them 24/7. And no one was in any position to do much of anything about that Vegas killer

Any other lies you feel the need to tell?

He did not shoot 600 people, it was 400, the muslim terrorist with his rental truck killed 86, and injured 435...the Vegas shooter killed 58.....

We obviously need to ban rental trucks.....

the bomber in Oklahoma...using another rental truck, killed 168 and injured over 680....so again, according to you, we really need to ban rental trucks...which are deadlier than rifles....

You conveniently leave out that the truck bombings have stopped completely in the United States. How? Again, you leave out the facts that we now look at the large purchases of the chemicals that makes them possible in the first place. A Rental Van full of Diesel Fuel only Burns. Now, mix in the Nitrogen Fertilizer and a few other chemicals and you have a HUGE boom. They restricted the amount of Nitrogen type chemicals you can buy. Even a Farmer has to hire a reputable company to come spread it on their acreage.

BTW, are you aware that Nitrogen is used in the powder that you fire in your gun as well? Think about it.
Your really.are not to smart ammonia nitrate can be gathered by straw buyers with ease its also fairly easy to make dangerious yes but easy its a common ingredent in cold packs also.
Now as another person said there are about 5 million ar 15 and clones in America . whats you plan moron
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.
Not the "appearance" bullshit.

But lets talk appearance. So, you are having a fucking fit because you might not be able to own a gun that just looks mean? Really
What does it matter what a rifle looks like if it performs the same as other rifles of the same caliber?

If you are saying that it performs the same when you pull the trigger once or even twice or even three times, you are correct. In fact, the AR is substandard to the Savage Axis II as a Varmint Rifle when you are using a single trigger pull using the same ammo. In fact, the Savage Axis II is 150 bucks cheaper and has ALL the features you need to varmint hunt at almost any range.

But if you are talking about burning through 120 rounds of ammo in a matter of a few seconds then the AR is king of the hill. If you are talking about something that is designed specifically for a firefight in battle, the AR is king of the hill. Spooner got that right from day one. There is a reason why the design has not changed in over 60 years. It was made for war the right way the first time. It was perfect using the technology that has been available for the last 50 years. Today, they are talking about keeping the same AR (Yes, Dorathy, the M-16 and M-4 are also ARs) and just increasing the caliber from 556 to 6.8spc. They aren't changing a thing except the barrel inside diameter, the combustion chamber and the mag to accept the fatter cartridge. The fatter cartridge is the same weight as the 556 that uses brass. The new Cartridge uses a composite to stay the same weight. In the end, they can easily and cheaply convert the M-16s and M-4s (and by definition the AR-15s) from 556 to 6.8spc in the field. In fact, almost any shooter that can field strip and clean an AR can do the upgrade as well. That way, it's even better suited for WAR.

It's not to you nor me to determine whether an AR is allowed or not. It's up to the community, itself. I don't stand on a soap box and scream one way or another like you and other do. In my area, the AR has fallen out of it's cult status and it's jamming up the shelves unsold in gun shops these days. Those that were wanted have already been sold. Even used ones aren't moving in the Pawn Shops these days. You seem to want to make us all believe that the Cult isn't a cult at all. EVERYONE must have an AR. It's a life and death situation. Well, cupcake, it's not.

Do I need a weapon of war versus a really decent sporting rifle? No. What can the AR do that a good Savage 223 Axis II can't do? But I can think of a few things that the Axis II can do much better than the AR for a lot less money. If you are talking about a Ranged Weapon for the Range, the AR is a piece of junk. There are so many others that blow it away that it's not even worth mentioning. The only thing that the AR can do better than the others is burn through 120 or more rounds faster than any other gun and hit almost nothing down range in the process. But if I needed a gun to mow down turkeys in cages as quickly as possible then the AR would be the weapon of choice. Or an auditorium of people, same difference.

For those communities that don't want the mowing down in the auditoriums, they will probably ban the AR and it's various clones. Or at least ban the larger capacity mags. At the same time, they will change their way of operating so that the shooter will have a harder time to get in place to start his carnage. My opinion and your opinion really doesn't have anything to do with anything. It's the Community's opinion that counts. You want to be a real hero, work with the Community to have sane gun regs instead of bans. Spread the Love, not the Hate.

And once again that entire post is all your opinion and it does nothing to invalidate the opinion of millions of other people who like the Ar 15 and think it suits their needs.

There are apprx 5 million AR-15s and clones out there at any given time. Many own more than one. That doesn't mean there are 5 million AR owners. It only means there are 5 million ARs at any given time. Chances are, because many will own more than one, the actual number AR owners will be less, far less, than 1 million. But we have absolutely no way of knowing. You may claim that you know but that would be a lie.

My opinion is for both sides to look at it and make common sense decisions. You just want to spread hate and fear. Fine. But I want to put out the information to help the majority to make those common sense decisions that you fear and hate so much.

You are ignorant, which is why you're a leftist.

Most shooters like to have a variety of weapons. Shooting a 9mm Glock is different than shooting a 1911 Colt ACP. But shooting a 1911 Colt ACP is exactly like shooting a 1911 Colt ACP, hence there is no reason to have more than one.

I know that the idea of people having 10 AR-15's appeals to you anti-liberty types, if you just "get them" you can disarm the nation. But your's is simply a delusion. If someone had a cheap Chinese knock off, they might upgrade to a quality rifle like a Remington, otherwise very few would ever buy a second weapon of the same model.

Reason is lost on those like you, you are an ideologue with an agenda, you're not interested in facts or logic. Still.....
Last edited:
The last three whack jobs that went on a shooting spree used semi automatic rifles. The last two wore tactical gear.

Background checks?

If all these nutsos want them then I suggest that the idea some one wants them is a sign they are mentally off.

The more they assault type rifles want, the more whacked they are. Probably at least at by the square of that number.

Have two, 4 times as as crazy. Have 4, 16 times as crazy.

Next, add another factor of ten for every piece of "tactical gear" they own.

Really, you are way off the deep end if you have to dress up in this tactical gear.

Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.

We own several guns those you can buy after a back round check and class 2 weapons and devices that take ATF approval.
I have a sucessfull business and my boy freind works in areo space . we have 2 kids im bi racial hes white.
We have a hidden gun safe in our home. Were both very same. We enjoys our firearms when we have time. We both have conceled carry permits.

Millions of Americans own semi auto guns .the percentige of gun deaths in the united states that are done with a rifle are slightly over 1 percent.

Your a radical.
Our constitution assures us the right to bear arms .
Not just for our private safety and hunting and recreation but aginst our own goverment .
Your a moron .
So you fall back to the murder numbers instead of mass shooting numbers. Nice try.

Is your semi automatic rifle's use for fun worth the deaths from their use in mass shootings.
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

You need to understand, RealDave has never held a job or contributed to society. He doesn't grasp the concept of commuting or needing transportation for work. For those like RealDunce, they plan their day around the bus schedule, it doesn't really matter what time he gets to the corner downtown to start pan handling, it's not like he punches a clock. So he would gladly outlaw all cars, except those for the party bosses.
Wow, you really know me. I am surprised that do learned so much. Did you research me on the internet?

Or are you just a lying fuck?

A lying fuck who thinks everyone smarter & better informed that him somehow has never worked for a living.

A person so fucking stupid that they can not fathom an electric car taking them to work. God forbid if he can't drive is jacked up 4x4 pickup with the Confederate flag on the back window.

The NGD does not call for banning all cars. Pull your head out of your worthless fat ass and get a fucking education.
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.

It's not how it looks. It's how it operates and what it is intended to be used as. If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.

Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
ARs are just sporting rifles...
It also had nothing to do with the validity of the ‘ban.’

The people determine what is or isn’t an assault weapon, predicated on whatever criteria they see fit, including cosmetic features.

That’s why the ‘argument’ that a semi-auto AR platform rifle or carbine shouldn’t be subject to an AWB fails as being ignorant and ridiculous, completely devoid of legal merit.
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.
Not the "appearance" bullshit.

But lets talk appearance. So, you are having a fucking fit because you might not be able to own a gun that just looks mean? Really
What does it matter what a rifle looks like if it performs the same as other rifles of the same caliber?

If you are saying that it performs the same when you pull the trigger once or even twice or even three times, you are correct. In fact, the AR is substandard to the Savage Axis II as a Varmint Rifle when you are using a single trigger pull using the same ammo. In fact, the Savage Axis II is 150 bucks cheaper and has ALL the features you need to varmint hunt at almost any range.

But if you are talking about burning through 120 rounds of ammo in a matter of a few seconds then the AR is king of the hill. If you are talking about something that is designed specifically for a firefight in battle, the AR is king of the hill. Spooner got that right from day one. There is a reason why the design has not changed in over 60 years. It was made for war the right way the first time. It was perfect using the technology that has been available for the last 50 years. Today, they are talking about keeping the same AR (Yes, Dorathy, the M-16 and M-4 are also ARs) and just increasing the caliber from 556 to 6.8spc. They aren't changing a thing except the barrel inside diameter, the combustion chamber and the mag to accept the fatter cartridge. The fatter cartridge is the same weight as the 556 that uses brass. The new Cartridge uses a composite to stay the same weight. In the end, they can easily and cheaply convert the M-16s and M-4s (and by definition the AR-15s) from 556 to 6.8spc in the field. In fact, almost any shooter that can field strip and clean an AR can do the upgrade as well. That way, it's even better suited for WAR.

It's not to you nor me to determine whether an AR is allowed or not. It's up to the community, itself. I don't stand on a soap box and scream one way or another like you and other do. In my area, the AR has fallen out of it's cult status and it's jamming up the shelves unsold in gun shops these days. Those that were wanted have already been sold. Even used ones aren't moving in the Pawn Shops these days. You seem to want to make us all believe that the Cult isn't a cult at all. EVERYONE must have an AR. It's a life and death situation. Well, cupcake, it's not.

Do I need a weapon of war versus a really decent sporting rifle? No. What can the AR do that a good Savage 223 Axis II can't do? But I can think of a few things that the Axis II can do much better than the AR for a lot less money. If you are talking about a Ranged Weapon for the Range, the AR is a piece of junk. There are so many others that blow it away that it's not even worth mentioning. The only thing that the AR can do better than the others is burn through 120 or more rounds faster than any other gun and hit almost nothing down range in the process. But if I needed a gun to mow down turkeys in cages as quickly as possible then the AR would be the weapon of choice. Or an auditorium of people, same difference.

For those communities that don't want the mowing down in the auditoriums, they will probably ban the AR and it's various clones. Or at least ban the larger capacity mags. At the same time, they will change their way of operating so that the shooter will have a harder time to get in place to start his carnage. My opinion and your opinion really doesn't have anything to do with anything. It's the Community's opinion that counts. You want to be a real hero, work with the Community to have sane gun regs instead of bans. Spread the Love, not the Hate.

And once again that entire post is all your opinion and it does nothing to invalidate the opinion of millions of other people who like the Ar 15 and think it suits their needs.
Oh you still your opinions. Stupid, uninformed opinions that they are.
It's not how it looks. It's how it operates and what it is intended to be used as. If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.

Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
ARs are just sporting rifles...
What sport?

Is getting beered up shooting bottles a sport?
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.

It's not how it looks. It's how it operates and what it is intended to be used as. If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.

Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
...and The vast majority of ARs are used for prairie dog/varmint hunting, Target practice and self defense.
Firearm ownership is a personal thing you need to stay out of peoples personal lives. Lol
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.

It's not how it looks. It's how it operates and what it is intended to be used as. If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.

Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.


What a fucking retard.

No moron, the M-4 was made for fire fights, it has select fire making it a military weapon. The AR-15 is no different than any other civilian semi-auto. 1 shot per trigger pull. An M1 Garrand is far more deadly, yet you Bolsheviks target the little .22(3)
So we shouldn't worry about our kids surviving the day in school or the mall or a movie or church without being gunned down.
We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert

Ok moron name a concert where 600 people were killed you lying twat.
59 people were killed in mass shootings this year.
You have lost your mind . i have kids you dumb bitch.
I carry a gun and if were at the movies guess what ill shot anyone who indangers my kid.
You actually think you can confiscate all the semo auto gun in america you must be the dumbest bith in america
I have NEVER advocated confiscating ANY guns you lying piece of shit

Read what I posted liar. Paduch gunned down SIX HUNDRED people in Vegas.
Here's my EXACT quote. "We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert"
as far as you protecting your kids. You ain't with them 24/7. And no one was in any position to do much of anything about that Vegas killer

Any other lies you feel the need to tell?

And had that Vegas shooter used a rental truck he could have actually killed more people, than by using a rifle.....

the muslim terrorist in Nice, France used a rental truck and drove it for 5 minutes.....killing 86 people and injuring 435...the Vegas shooter only managed to murder 58.....

Rental Trucks are deadlier than rifles, so according to you, they must be banned...right?

If he had used a rental truck, two things might have happened.

1. He would have filled the truck full of Deisel and lit it off and got a nice burn going. Maybe a handful would have been burnt but first aid and emergency room would have prevented any deaths

2. He could have tried to buy the Nitrogen Fertilizer to mix into the Diesel in enough quantity to make one hell of a bomb and got bagged for trying to purchase that quantity.

People just don't use rental vans for bombs anymore. Only stupid people like you that want to be arrest or laughed at will try.
Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
ARs are just sporting rifles...
What sport?

Is getting beered up shooting bottles a sport?

It’s essential for the environment...
Not the "appearance" bullshit.

But lets talk appearance. So, you are having a fucking fit because you might not be able to own a gun that just looks mean? Really
No I’m amazed how dumb shits like you keep going on and on about gun control but know nothing about guns.

Try that aregument with me, cupcake.
Another internet tough guy

Well, try it. It only works on people that just MIGHT be weak. I am not weak in my views nor my ways of expressing them. You honestly think your "Internet Tough Guy" means anything to me? IF that is all you got, get out of the way, others have something to say.

Posturing on the internet makes you look like a sad little man.

Ah, if you can't discredit the message, discredit the messenger. Sorry, won't work, cupcake. Only makes you look almost as dumb as you actually are.
The last three whack jobs that went on a shooting spree used semi automatic rifles. The last two wore tactical gear.

Background checks?

If all these nutsos want them then I suggest that the idea some one wants them is a sign they are mentally off.

The more they assault type rifles want, the more whacked they are. Probably at least at by the square of that number.

Have two, 4 times as as crazy. Have 4, 16 times as crazy.

Next, add another factor of ten for every piece of "tactical gear" they own.

Really, you are way off the deep end if you have to dress up in this tactical gear.

Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.

We own several guns those you can buy after a back round check and class 2 weapons and devices that take ATF approval.
I have a sucessfull business and my boy freind works in areo space . we have 2 kids im bi racial hes white.
We have a hidden gun safe in our home. Were both very same. We enjoys our firearms when we have time. We both have conceled carry permits.

Millions of Americans own semi auto guns .the percentige of gun deaths in the united states that are done with a rifle are slightly over 1 percent.

Your a radical.
Our constitution assures us the right to bear arms .
Not just for our private safety and hunting and recreation but aginst our own goverment .
Your a moron .
So you fall back to the murder numbers instead of mass shooting numbers. Nice try.

Is your semi automatic rifle's use for fun worth the deaths from their use in mass shootings.
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

You need to understand, RealDave has never held a job or contributed to society. He doesn't grasp the concept of commuting or needing transportation for work. For those like RealDunce, they plan their day around the bus schedule, it doesn't really matter what time he gets to the corner downtown to start pan handling, it's not like he punches a clock. So he would gladly outlaw all cars, except those for the party bosses.
Wow, you really know me. I am surprised that do learned so much. Did you research me on the internet?

Or are you just a lying fuck?

A lying fuck who thinks everyone smarter & better informed that him somehow has never worked for a living.

A person so fucking stupid that they can not fathom an electric car taking them to work. God forbid if he can't drive is jacked up 4x4 pickup with the Confederate flag on the back window.

The NGD does not call for banning all cars. Pull your head out of your worthless fat ass and get a fucking education.

Dave, I take shits smarter than you.

So do my dogs.
It's not how it looks. It's how it operates and what it is intended to be used as. If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.

Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
...and The vast majority of ARs are used for prairie dog/varmint hunting, Target practice and self defense.
Firearm ownership is a personal thing you need to stay out of peoples personal lives. Lol

The Community has a duty to protect itself. You don't like it, move.
It's not how it looks. It's how it operates and what it is intended to be used as. If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.

Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
ARs are just sporting rifles...

Very popular for home defense.
Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
...and The vast majority of ARs are used for prairie dog/varmint hunting, Target practice and self defense.
Firearm ownership is a personal thing you need to stay out of peoples personal lives. Lol

The Community has a duty to protect itself. You don't like it, move.
As we speak people are buying more guns and ammo… Too bad for you apparently
So we shouldn't worry about our kids surviving the day in school or the mall or a movie or church without being gunned down.
We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert

Ok moron name a concert where 600 people were killed you lying twat.
59 people were killed in mass shootings this year.
You have lost your mind . i have kids you dumb bitch.
I carry a gun and if were at the movies guess what ill shot anyone who indangers my kid.
You actually think you can confiscate all the semo auto gun in america you must be the dumbest bith in america
I have NEVER advocated confiscating ANY guns you lying piece of shit

Read what I posted liar. Paduch gunned down SIX HUNDRED people in Vegas.
Here's my EXACT quote. "We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert"
as far as you protecting your kids. You ain't with them 24/7. And no one was in any position to do much of anything about that Vegas killer

Any other lies you feel the need to tell?

And had that Vegas shooter used a rental truck he could have actually killed more people, than by using a rifle.....

the muslim terrorist in Nice, France used a rental truck and drove it for 5 minutes.....killing 86 people and injuring 435...the Vegas shooter only managed to murder 58.....

Rental Trucks are deadlier than rifles, so according to you, they must be banned...right?

If he had used a rental truck, two things might have happened.

1. He would have filled the truck full of Deisel and lit it off and got a nice burn going. Maybe a handful would have been burnt but first aid and emergency room would have prevented any deaths

2. He could have tried to buy the Nitrogen Fertilizer to mix into the Diesel in enough quantity to make one hell of a bomb and got bagged for trying to purchase that quantity.

People just don't use rental vans for bombs anymore. Only stupid people like you that want to be arrest or laughed at will try.

Tim McVeigh sure didn't.

You leftists are so smart.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
ARs are just sporting rifles...
What sport?

Is getting beered up shooting bottles a sport?

It’s essential for the environment...

I could make the same shots with a bolt action just as quick.
Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
...and The vast majority of ARs are used for prairie dog/varmint hunting, Target practice and self defense.
Firearm ownership is a personal thing you need to stay out of peoples personal lives. Lol

The Community has a duty to protect itself. You don't like it, move.

What community, Comrade?

Over half of Americans own firearms - odd that you Bolsheviks don't consider them part of this "community."

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