3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
No not for democrats
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
I dont think thats accurate death with a rife are a bit over 1 percent.
Total gun deaths are 40000 so mass shootings would be 400 a
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?

I did not say "gun deaths". I said "murders".

The only way you get 40,000 gun deaths is if you include the +25,000 suicides with guns.
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
No not for democrats
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
I dont think thats accurate death with a rife are a bit over 1 percent.
Total gun deaths are 40000 so mass shootings would be 400 a
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
Like i started to say I know rifles account for 1 percent of death this includes suscide by gun which accounts for 27 percent.
40000 die in gun deaths Brazil has the top gun deaths outside the middle east.
Any way A mass shooting is consider 4 or more.
This includes people who kill thier family shoot people in robberys gang hits bad dope deals etc.
The actual number of people killed in true mass shootings by crazy bastards is rather low.

Most legally owned hand guns are never used in crimes same for most legally owned rifles .
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
No not for democrats
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
I dont think thats accurate death with a rife are a bit over 1 percent.
Total gun deaths are 40000 so mass shootings would be 400 a
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
Like i started to say I know rifles account for 1 percent of death this includes suscide by gun which accounts for 27 percent.
40000 die in gun deaths Brazil has the top gun deaths outside the middle east.
Any way A mass shooting is consider 4 or more.
This includes people who kill thier family shoot people in robberys gang hits bad dope deals etc.
The actual number of people killed in true mass shootings by crazy bastards is rather low.

Most legally owned hand guns are never used in crimes same for most legally owned rifles .
The numer this year for mass shootinng is 59.
Democrats will go crazy over this but could care less about how many die from illegals hands and drug overdoses from drugs comming across the boarder.
So we shouldn't worry about our kids surviving the day in school or the mall or a movie or church without being gunned down.
We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert

The last three whack jobs that went on a shooting spree used semi automatic rifles. The last two wore tactical gear.

Background checks?

If all these nutsos want them then I suggest that the idea some one wants them is a sign they are mentally off.

The more they assault type rifles want, the more whacked they are. Probably at least at by the square of that number.

Have two, 4 times as as crazy. Have 4, 16 times as crazy.

Next, add another factor of ten for every piece of "tactical gear" they own.

Really, you are way off the deep end if you have to dress up in this tactical gear.

Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.

I thought you said they were semi-automatics. If that is the case, they are not an assault rifle. I think like most gun grabbers, you are hopelessly confused.

They sure killed a lot of people fast.
So do rental trucks
Yes you want as many options available. Seems guns are used a whole lot more.
Whats going to happen if we got rid of the guns? Use trucks more?
You reactionaries are going to want to ban them as well.
cars/trucks are so much safer than guns
you cannot calculate how much safer
trucks/cars are not as efficient
1. you can get out of the way of a truck coming at you at 60mph [ IF it's going that fast ]--but not a round coming at you at 3300 fps
2.it is undeniable that it is much harder to kill with a truck/etc
ie: you really can't drive a truck into a school/get into the school like you can with a gun
3. guns are the preferred weapon because the other choices are not even close to being efficient
you can take all the bombing murders in the US for the last ten [ 50? ] years and they don't even had up to 1 MONTH of gun murders
So we shouldn't worry about our kids surviving the day in school or the mall or a movie or church without being gunned down.
We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert


Did anyone say anything remotely resembling that? No.
So we shouldn't worry about our kids surviving the day in school or the mall or a movie or church without being gunned down.
We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert

Ok moron name a concert where 600 people were killed you lying twat.
59 people were killed in mass shootings this year.
You have lost your mind . i have kids you dumb bitch.
I carry a gun and if were at the movies guess what ill shot anyone who indangers my kid.
You actually think you can confiscate all the semo auto gun in america you must be the dumbest bith in america
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
No not for democrats
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
I dont think thats accurate death with a rife are a bit over 1 percent.
Total gun deaths are 40000 so mass shootings would be 400 a
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?

I did not say "gun deaths". I said "murders".

The only way you get 40,000 gun deaths is if you include the +25,000 suicides with guns.
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
No not for democrats
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?
I dont think thats accurate death with a rife are a bit over 1 percent.
Total gun deaths are 40000 so mass shootings would be 400 a
Tell me ass fuck dave the moron is you use of a car worth all the deaths in car wrecks should you not ban cars and ride a jack ass to work

Remove every car from our society and the entire country comes to a grinding halt.

Remove assault weapons...what happens? Less mass murders? Other than that...we'd never even notice

Mass shootings account for about 1% of the murders every year. But that is the entire focus?

I did not say "gun deaths". I said "murders".

The only way you get 40,000 gun deaths is if you include the +25,000 suicides with guns.
Yes i know i just posted some stats but its 27 percent averge suicides about 12000 out of 40 lowering the number to about 28000 murders.
But much of that is gang and drug related
So, you are too embarrassed to say why you need to own an assault rifle? You are embarrassed to say what you do with it?
Is it you can;'t shoot? Is it because it makes you feel like a tough guy when you carry it? Are you such an asshole, thousands of people want to attack you?

A semiautomatic rifle is not an assault rifle

How many times do you have to be told this?

And FYI I don't own an AR 15 because I think it's underpowered. I prefer my .308 with hollow point ammo.

You think an AR 15 does damage? You should see what my .308 does

And if you go into a firefight with your 308 you will shoot way too slow due to slow loading and you will die quickly. Your rifle is a long ranged weapon. The closest thing your 308 could be used for would be sniper duty. But up close and near personal, the little black gun is the best of the best at it in a fire fight. And just because it's a semi auto doesn't make it less or more capable as a weapon of war. It's all the other features that your 308 rifle doesn't have that makes the AR the weapon of choice for the Finely Dressed Discernible Mass Murderer or Soldier in a firefight.

I'm not going to be going into a fire fight anytime soon so who the fuck cares? And guess what most people won't be getting into a fire fight either.

And if I do use a .308 with a hollow point at close range in home defense it'll work just fine. But chances are if I do ever need a firearm for home defense I'll grab my 12 gauge or my .40 or my Judge.

Your 308 will penetrate not only the bad guy but your exterior wall, your neighbors exterior wall, one of his interior walls and go all the way through his 3 year old and still keep traveling. The 223 will stop just the other side of your neighbors exterior wall and probably not kill his family as long as they are not directly on the other side of that exterior wall. Rifles of any kind are horrible home defense weapons. The muzzle energy of the 223 at 400 yds is more than your 40 at the muzzle. The 223 is equal at 400 yds to the muzzle energy of a 357 mag at the muzzle. Your choice of alternative weapons pretty well confines the projectiles inside the house. The only time you should use a rifle for home defense is when you have absolutely no other options.

Hollow point

Andstillhave enough engery and penetration to go through what I already stated. The 308 is a real horse of a caliber.
And let's not forget that this suicide thing is about as cynically bogus as you can get.

A suicide attempt using a gun is almost always successful. Not so with other methods.

AND..most mass murders ARE suicides.
So we shouldn't worry about our kids surviving the day in school or the mall or a movie or church without being gunned down.
We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert

Ok moron name a concert where 600 people were killed you lying twat.
59 people were killed in mass shootings this year.
You have lost your mind . i have kids you dumb bitch.
I carry a gun and if were at the movies guess what ill shot anyone who indangers my kid.
You actually think you can confiscate all the semo auto gun in america you must be the dumbest bith in america
I have NEVER advocated confiscating ANY guns you lying piece of shit

Read what I posted liar. Paduch gunned down SIX HUNDRED people in Vegas.
Here's my EXACT quote. "We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert"
as far as you protecting your kids. You ain't with them 24/7. And no one was in any position to do much of anything about that Vegas killer

Any other lies you feel the need to tell?
And let's not forget that this suicide thing is about as cynically bogus as you can get.

A suicide attempt using a gun is almost always successful. Not so with other methods.

AND..most mass murders ARE suicides.

And let's not forget that using suicide is a cynical, deceptive, lying ass way to get the gun death numbers higher when you are lying about gun murder in the United States....since guns have nothing to do with suicide....

And that suicide by jumping off of a building or in front of a moving train is almost always successful...as the Japanese find since they have a higher suicide rate than we do.....

Fact Check, Gun Control and Suicide

There is no relation between suicide rate and gun ownership rates around the world.

According to the 2016 World Health Statistics report, (2) suicide rates in the four countries cited as having restrictive gun control laws have suicide rates that are comparable to that in the U. S.: Australia, 11.6, Canada, 11.4, France, 15.8, UK, 7.0, and USA 13.7 suicides/100,000. By comparison, Japan has among the highest suicide rates in the world, 23.1/100,000, but gun ownership is extremely rare, 0.6 guns/100 people.

Suicide is a mental health issue. If guns are not available other means are used. Poisoning, in fact, is the most common method of suicide for U. S. females according to the Washington Post (34 % of suicides), and suffocation the second most common method for males (27%).

Secondly, gun ownership rates in France and Canada are not low, as is implied in the Post article. The rate of gun ownership in the U. S. is indeed high at 88.8 guns/100 residents, but gun ownership rates are also among the world’s highest in the other countries cited. Gun ownership rates in these countries are are as follows: Australia, 15, Canada, 30.8, France, 31.2, and UK 6.2 per 100 residents. (3,4) Gun ownership rates in Saudia Arabia are comparable to that in Canada and France, with 37.8 guns per 100 Saudi residents, yet the lowest suicide rate in the world is in Saudia Arabia (0.3 suicides per 100,000).

Third, recent statistics in the state of Florida show that nearly one third of the guns used in suicides are obtained illegally, putting these firearm deaths beyond control through gun laws.(5)

Fourth, the primary factors affecting suicide rates are personal stresses, cultural, economic, religious factors and demographics. According to the WHO statistics, the highest rates of suicide in the world are in the Republic of Korea, with 36.8 suicides per 100,000, but India, Japan, Russia, and Hungary all have rates above 20 per 100,000; roughly twice as high as the U.S. and the four countries that are the basis for the Post’s calculation that gun control would reduce U.S. suicide rates by 20 to 38 percent. Lebanon, Oman, and Iraq all have suicide rates below 1.1 per 100,000 people--less than 1/10 the suicide rate in the U. S., and Afghanistan, Algeria, Jamaica, Haiti, and Egypt have low suicide rates that are below 4 per 100,000 in contrast to 13.7 suicides/100,000 in the U. S.
So we shouldn't worry about our kids surviving the day in school or the mall or a movie or church without being gunned down.
We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert

Ok moron name a concert where 600 people were killed you lying twat.
59 people were killed in mass shootings this year.
You have lost your mind . i have kids you dumb bitch.
I carry a gun and if were at the movies guess what ill shot anyone who indangers my kid.
You actually think you can confiscate all the semo auto gun in america you must be the dumbest bith in america
I have NEVER advocated confiscating ANY guns you lying piece of shit

Read what I posted liar. Paduch gunned down SIX HUNDRED people in Vegas.
Here's my EXACT quote. "We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert"
as far as you protecting your kids. You ain't with them 24/7. And no one was in any position to do much of anything about that Vegas killer

Any other lies you feel the need to tell?

And had that Vegas shooter used a rental truck he could have actually killed more people, than by using a rifle.....

the muslim terrorist in Nice, France used a rental truck and drove it for 5 minutes.....killing 86 people and injuring 435...the Vegas shooter only managed to murder 58.....

Rental Trucks are deadlier than rifles, so according to you, they must be banned...right?
So we shouldn't worry about our kids surviving the day in school or the mall or a movie or church without being gunned down.
We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert

Ok moron name a concert where 600 people were killed you lying twat.
59 people were killed in mass shootings this year.
You have lost your mind . i have kids you dumb bitch.
I carry a gun and if were at the movies guess what ill shot anyone who indangers my kid.
You actually think you can confiscate all the semo auto gun in america you must be the dumbest bith in america
I have NEVER advocated confiscating ANY guns you lying piece of shit

Read what I posted liar. Paduch gunned down SIX HUNDRED people in Vegas.
Here's my EXACT quote. "We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert"
as far as you protecting your kids. You ain't with them 24/7. And no one was in any position to do much of anything about that Vegas killer

Any other lies you feel the need to tell?

He did not shoot 600 people, it was 400, the muslim terrorist with his rental truck killed 86, and injured 435...the Vegas shooter killed 58.....

We obviously need to ban rental trucks.....

the bomber in Oklahoma...using another rental truck, killed 168 and injured over 680....so again, according to you, we really need to ban rental trucks...which are deadlier than rifles....
So we shouldn't worry about our kids surviving the day in school or the mall or a movie or church without being gunned down.
We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert

Ok moron name a concert where 600 people were killed you lying twat.
59 people were killed in mass shootings this year.
You have lost your mind . i have kids you dumb bitch.
I carry a gun and if were at the movies guess what ill shot anyone who indangers my kid.
You actually think you can confiscate all the semo auto gun in america you must be the dumbest bith in america
I have NEVER advocated confiscating ANY guns you lying piece of shit

Read what I posted liar. Paduch gunned down SIX HUNDRED people in Vegas.
Here's my EXACT quote. "We shouldn't notice when a gun nut shoots Six HUNDRED people at a concert"
as far as you protecting your kids. You ain't with them 24/7. And no one was in any position to do much of anything about that Vegas killer

Any other lies you feel the need to tell?

LMAO! Paddock being the lone gunman b.s story has totally fallen apart. AND if you want ARs banned, that is a form of confiscation, idiot.
Being able to SAY idiot shit like that was why gun nuts insisted on all that wrangling about how to define an assault weapon

Idiot shit? You are actually defending banning rifles based on whether or not they have a mount for a bayonet? You are afraid someone will be stabbed by a rifle with a bayonet? Yeah, that speaks volumes.

Stop and think about it. Why does the AR have the capability to accept a Bayonet Rail? Why can it accept 20 and 30 round mags? Why does it have all it's other features? Because it was designed specifically to efficiently kill in the speediest way possible in a firefight in a WAR. Let's face it, as a sporting Rifle, it's not very good for the price. You can buy a full fledged Savage Axis II with a Bull Barrel and a 7X40 Scope already mounted on it for a lot less money and shoot rings around an AR all day long using the same ammo. If you need a bit more power, the Axis even comes in a 556 Nato round barrel for 20 bucks more but it won't be any more accurate than the 223 version firing the 223 ammo. It will just shoot a bit further and the cost of the ammo will be a lot higher. If you need more than that, for 399.99, you can get an Axis II in the 6.5 Creedmore caliber and that puppy will reach out touch something out to about 600 yds all day long. The AR is so far down on the list for a sporting rifle that I have no idea why any sane person would call it a sporting rifle unless it's people that are being listed as sporting game.
If a rifle can accept a 5 or 10 round magazine it can accept a 20 or 30 round magazine

And your opinion of the Ar is just that your opinion.

Millions of people own them and it is their opinion that it is perfectly suited for their needs.

It's not up to you to tell anyone what firearm they should use.

And who needs a 30 or 50 round mag for a "Sporting" rifle again? Do you you need the rails to mount the M-203 Grenade Launcher, or a Bayonet among other nasty things. The only real use, outside of showing off to your buddies, is taking down a movie house full of people, concert watchers or school children for 30 round mags. You want to show off to your drunk buddies, drop your pants and show them your fat ass.

And this isn't just my opinion. It's the opinion of the Voters of Colorado (and other states), the Colorado Legislation and Governor (and other states) and the Federal Courts. IT's the law, cupcake. You don't like it, move to Yemen where they don't have any firearm laws and get back to us just how that works out for you.

Here we go again

It's not up to you to tell anyone else what they need or don't need.

If you don't want to use a magazine bigger than 5 rounds then don't. No one cares what rifles you prefer, what magazine you prefer and it's none of you rbusiness what other people use

I like the limit of not more than 20, myself. But that's just me and that conflicts with many States and others. It's not the 20 round mags that are doing the mass shootings. It's the 30 and larger. It difficult to justify having a 30 round mag just because you can when those are the tools of the well dressed Mass Shooter. It's called using common sense. Put a limit of 20 rounds and it won't affect ANY decent handgun at all. It really won't even affect any sane AR either. I personally think an AR looks rediculous with a 10 round mag. When Colorado went to the 15 round max, the only mags available for new guns was the 10s. It just didn't look right. Once the 15 round mags were manufactured, the gun looked right. They could have put a 20 round max on it and nothing would have really changed since that was the box stock mag it was sold with in the first place. The 30 and larger were all speical orders.

Step one, and the only step, is to start using common sense. Remove the fear from both sides and do what common sense tells us to do. When you remove the fear, you also remove the hate.

First to the far left. You are NEVER going to gather up all the guns. It just won't happen. Stop spreading the hate and fears trying to get to that end. The only thing you are doing is dividing a Nation.

Now to the far right. If they were coming for your guns, it would have already happened. But there will be gun regulations and always has been from about 1871 forward. For the East and Europe, it goes back a lot further than that. What your job is to do is to work with others to make sure that the gun regs are common sense and not over the top. If you keep saying over and over, "NO REGULATIONS" or "THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS", then the hate and fears and dividing of the nation for just the express purpose of causing hate and fear continues.

Now, both of you go back to your rooms and don't come out until you decide to work things out.
It also had nothing to do with the validity of the ‘ban.’

The people determine what is or isn’t an assault weapon, predicated on whatever criteria they see fit, including cosmetic features.

That’s why the ‘argument’ that a semi-auto AR platform rifle or carbine shouldn’t be subject to an AWB fails as being ignorant and ridiculous, completely devoid of legal merit.
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.
Not the "appearance" bullshit.

But lets talk appearance. So, you are having a fucking fit because you might not be able to own a gun that just looks mean? Really
No I’m amazed how dumb shits like you keep going on and on about gun control but know nothing about guns.

Try that aregument with me, cupcake.
Another internet tough guy

Well, try it. It only works on people that just MIGHT be weak. I am not weak in my views nor my ways of expressing them. You honestly think your "Internet Tough Guy" means anything to me? IF that is all you got, get out of the way, others have something to say.
A semiautomatic rifle is not an assault rifle

How many times do you have to be told this?

And FYI I don't own an AR 15 because I think it's underpowered. I prefer my .308 with hollow point ammo.

You think an AR 15 does damage? You should see what my .308 does

And if you go into a firefight with your 308 you will shoot way too slow due to slow loading and you will die quickly. Your rifle is a long ranged weapon. The closest thing your 308 could be used for would be sniper duty. But up close and near personal, the little black gun is the best of the best at it in a fire fight. And just because it's a semi auto doesn't make it less or more capable as a weapon of war. It's all the other features that your 308 rifle doesn't have that makes the AR the weapon of choice for the Finely Dressed Discernible Mass Murderer or Soldier in a firefight.

I'm not going to be going into a fire fight anytime soon so who the fuck cares? And guess what most people won't be getting into a fire fight either.

And if I do use a .308 with a hollow point at close range in home defense it'll work just fine. But chances are if I do ever need a firearm for home defense I'll grab my 12 gauge or my .40 or my Judge.

Your 308 will penetrate not only the bad guy but your exterior wall, your neighbors exterior wall, one of his interior walls and go all the way through his 3 year old and still keep traveling. The 223 will stop just the other side of your neighbors exterior wall and probably not kill his family as long as they are not directly on the other side of that exterior wall. Rifles of any kind are horrible home defense weapons. The muzzle energy of the 223 at 400 yds is more than your 40 at the muzzle. The 223 is equal at 400 yds to the muzzle energy of a 357 mag at the muzzle. Your choice of alternative weapons pretty well confines the projectiles inside the house. The only time you should use a rifle for home defense is when you have absolutely no other options.

Hollow point

Andstillhave enough engery and penetration to go through what I already stated. The 308 is a real horse of a caliber.
A .308 hollow point will barely make it through a few gallon jugs of water
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.
Not the "appearance" bullshit.

But lets talk appearance. So, you are having a fucking fit because you might not be able to own a gun that just looks mean? Really
No I’m amazed how dumb shits like you keep going on and on about gun control but know nothing about guns.

Try that aregument with me, cupcake.
Another internet tough guy

Well, try it. It only works on people that just MIGHT be weak. I am not weak in my views nor my ways of expressing them. You honestly think your "Internet Tough Guy" means anything to me? IF that is all you got, get out of the way, others have something to say.

Posturing on the internet makes you look like a sad little man.

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