3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

And let's not forget that this suicide thing is about as cynically bogus as you can get.

A suicide attempt using a gun is almost always successful. Not so with other methods.

AND..most mass murders ARE suicides.

Usually for only one person. The rest are murders.
That ban was a ban of cosmetic features that do nothing to increase the lethality of a rifle
It also had nothing to do with the validity of the ‘ban.’

The people determine what is or isn’t an assault weapon, predicated on whatever criteria they see fit, including cosmetic features.

That’s why the ‘argument’ that a semi-auto AR platform rifle or carbine shouldn’t be subject to an AWB fails as being ignorant and ridiculous, completely devoid of legal merit.
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.
Not the "appearance" bullshit.

But lets talk appearance. So, you are having a fucking fit because you might not be able to own a gun that just looks mean? Really
What does it matter what a rifle looks like if it performs the same as other rifles of the same caliber?

If you are saying that it performs the same when you pull the trigger once or even twice or even three times, you are correct. In fact, the AR is substandard to the Savage Axis II as a Varmint Rifle when you are using a single trigger pull using the same ammo. In fact, the Savage Axis II is 150 bucks cheaper and has ALL the features you need to varmint hunt at almost any range.

But if you are talking about burning through 120 rounds of ammo in a matter of a few seconds then the AR is king of the hill. If you are talking about something that is designed specifically for a firefight in battle, the AR is king of the hill. Spooner got that right from day one. There is a reason why the design has not changed in over 60 years. It was made for war the right way the first time. It was perfect using the technology that has been available for the last 50 years. Today, they are talking about keeping the same AR (Yes, Dorathy, the M-16 and M-4 are also ARs) and just increasing the caliber from 556 to 6.8spc. They aren't changing a thing except the barrel inside diameter, the combustion chamber and the mag to accept the fatter cartridge. The fatter cartridge is the same weight as the 556 that uses brass. The new Cartridge uses a composite to stay the same weight. In the end, they can easily and cheaply convert the M-16s and M-4s (and by definition the AR-15s) from 556 to 6.8spc in the field. In fact, almost any shooter that can field strip and clean an AR can do the upgrade as well. That way, it's even better suited for WAR.

It's not to you nor me to determine whether an AR is allowed or not. It's up to the community, itself. I don't stand on a soap box and scream one way or another like you and other do. In my area, the AR has fallen out of it's cult status and it's jamming up the shelves unsold in gun shops these days. Those that were wanted have already been sold. Even used ones aren't moving in the Pawn Shops these days. You seem to want to make us all believe that the Cult isn't a cult at all. EVERYONE must have an AR. It's a life and death situation. Well, cupcake, it's not.

Do I need a weapon of war versus a really decent sporting rifle? No. What can the AR do that a good Savage 223 Axis II can't do? But I can think of a few things that the Axis II can do much better than the AR for a lot less money. If you are talking about a Ranged Weapon for the Range, the AR is a piece of junk. There are so many others that blow it away that it's not even worth mentioning. The only thing that the AR can do better than the others is burn through 120 or more rounds faster than any other gun and hit almost nothing down range in the process. But if I needed a gun to mow down turkeys in cages as quickly as possible then the AR would be the weapon of choice. Or an auditorium of people, same difference.

For those communities that don't want the mowing down in the auditoriums, they will probably ban the AR and it's various clones. Or at least ban the larger capacity mags. At the same time, they will change their way of operating so that the shooter will have a harder time to get in place to start his carnage. My opinion and your opinion really doesn't have anything to do with anything. It's the Community's opinion that counts. You want to be a real hero, work with the Community to have sane gun regs instead of bans. Spread the Love, not the Hate.

What can the AR do that a good Savage 223 Axis II can't do? Allow the hunter to take two coyotes or two feral hogs at one spot.
That ban was a ban of cosmetic features that do nothing to increase the lethality of a rifle
It also had nothing to do with the validity of the ‘ban.’

The people determine what is or isn’t an assault weapon, predicated on whatever criteria they see fit, including cosmetic features.

That’s why the ‘argument’ that a semi-auto AR platform rifle or carbine shouldn’t be subject to an AWB fails as being ignorant and ridiculous, completely devoid of legal merit.
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.

It's not how it looks. It's how it operates and what it is intended to be used as. If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.

Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.

I suggest you handle a Mini-14 and try and do a speed mag change. Hell run through a mag change of 4. Then do the same with an AR. Then tell me which is faster, easier, etc.. Spooner designed the AR for firefights where you are being shot at, where you are adrenilined up, where you are scared shitless and prone to make mistakes. The only reason the 556 Nato was chosen was because of weight, not lethality. And the AR does it's job extremely well. Better than any other rifle out there today.

Meanwhile, the Mini-14 is downright cumbersome when changing out the mags on a reload. That same scared shitless kid pumped up on adreniline is more likely to drop the mag hes wanting to load into his Mini-14 as not. And it takes both hands and coordination. Something you may not have a lot of in a firefight. This is one of the reasons the M-14 and M-1 went by the way to the M-16. That and weight. I prefer a M-14 over a M-16 but that's just me but I know in a down and dirty firefight I would be better off with a M-16 with lots and lots of extra mags.

On the plus side of the AR, you never know when a bunch of armed Ground Hogs are going to corner you in a warehouse and you are going to need all those extra rounds. You know how dangerous a Ground Hog is carrying a AK?

I owned a Mini-14. Accuracy at any distance sucked. But a little practice and the reload was just as fast as an AR.
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.
Not the "appearance" bullshit.

But lets talk appearance. So, you are having a fucking fit because you might not be able to own a gun that just looks mean? Really
What does it matter what a rifle looks like if it performs the same as other rifles of the same caliber?

If you are saying that it performs the same when you pull the trigger once or even twice or even three times, you are correct. In fact, the AR is substandard to the Savage Axis II as a Varmint Rifle when you are using a single trigger pull using the same ammo. In fact, the Savage Axis II is 150 bucks cheaper and has ALL the features you need to varmint hunt at almost any range.

But if you are talking about burning through 120 rounds of ammo in a matter of a few seconds then the AR is king of the hill. If you are talking about something that is designed specifically for a firefight in battle, the AR is king of the hill. Spooner got that right from day one. There is a reason why the design has not changed in over 60 years. It was made for war the right way the first time. It was perfect using the technology that has been available for the last 50 years. Today, they are talking about keeping the same AR (Yes, Dorathy, the M-16 and M-4 are also ARs) and just increasing the caliber from 556 to 6.8spc. They aren't changing a thing except the barrel inside diameter, the combustion chamber and the mag to accept the fatter cartridge. The fatter cartridge is the same weight as the 556 that uses brass. The new Cartridge uses a composite to stay the same weight. In the end, they can easily and cheaply convert the M-16s and M-4s (and by definition the AR-15s) from 556 to 6.8spc in the field. In fact, almost any shooter that can field strip and clean an AR can do the upgrade as well. That way, it's even better suited for WAR.

It's not to you nor me to determine whether an AR is allowed or not. It's up to the community, itself. I don't stand on a soap box and scream one way or another like you and other do. In my area, the AR has fallen out of it's cult status and it's jamming up the shelves unsold in gun shops these days. Those that were wanted have already been sold. Even used ones aren't moving in the Pawn Shops these days. You seem to want to make us all believe that the Cult isn't a cult at all. EVERYONE must have an AR. It's a life and death situation. Well, cupcake, it's not.

Do I need a weapon of war versus a really decent sporting rifle? No. What can the AR do that a good Savage 223 Axis II can't do? But I can think of a few things that the Axis II can do much better than the AR for a lot less money. If you are talking about a Ranged Weapon for the Range, the AR is a piece of junk. There are so many others that blow it away that it's not even worth mentioning. The only thing that the AR can do better than the others is burn through 120 or more rounds faster than any other gun and hit almost nothing down range in the process. But if I needed a gun to mow down turkeys in cages as quickly as possible then the AR would be the weapon of choice. Or an auditorium of people, same difference.

For those communities that don't want the mowing down in the auditoriums, they will probably ban the AR and it's various clones. Or at least ban the larger capacity mags. At the same time, they will change their way of operating so that the shooter will have a harder time to get in place to start his carnage. My opinion and your opinion really doesn't have anything to do with anything. It's the Community's opinion that counts. You want to be a real hero, work with the Community to have sane gun regs instead of bans. Spread the Love, not the Hate.

And once again that entire post is all your opinion and it does nothing to invalidate the opinion of millions of other people who like the Ar 15 and think it suits their needs.

There are apprx 5 million AR-15s and clones out there at any given time. Many own more than one. That doesn't mean there are 5 million AR owners. It only means there are 5 million ARs at any given time. Chances are, because many will own more than one, the actual number AR owners will be less, far less, than 1 million. But we have absolutely no way of knowing. You may claim that you know but that would be a lie.

My opinion is for both sides to look at it and make common sense decisions. You just want to spread hate and fear. Fine. But I want to put out the information to help the majority to make those common sense decisions that you fear and hate so much.

I think you are overestimating the number of people who own more than one AR.

By your numbers, everyone who owns an AR owns 5 of them. Or 500,000 people own 10 ARs and 500,000 own 1.
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.

It's not how it looks. It's how it operates and what it is intended to be used as. If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.

Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.

Pure nonsense. What makes the AR good at what it does is mostly internal components. The plastic stocks, carry handle, and weirdly tall front sight do little to make them accurate and rapid shooters. Earlier I mentioned owning a Mini-14. It was not accurate at much distance. But for the purposes of this discussion, it was capable of doing what these mass shooters do with the AR. I have read, and been told, the new Rugers are far more accurate.
It's not how it looks. It's how it operates and what it is intended to be used as. If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.

Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.


What a fucking retard.

No moron, the M-4 was made for fire fights, it has select fire making it a military weapon. The AR-15 is no different than any other civilian semi-auto. 1 shot per trigger pull. An M1 Garrand is far more deadly, yet you Bolsheviks target the little .22(3)

And, with practice, the M1 Garand is quick to reload, without having a detachable magazine.
...and The vast majority of ARs are used for prairie dog/varmint hunting, Target practice and self defense.
Firearm ownership is a personal thing you need to stay out of peoples personal lives. Lol

The Community has a duty to protect itself. You don't like it, move.

What community, Comrade?

Over half of Americans own firearms - odd that you Bolsheviks don't consider them part of this "community."

42% of all households in America own guns. Not over half. Even Rustic will back that figure up. If you are going to rebut something, please get your facts straight first.

You get your statistics the old fashioned way, you make them up out of thin air.

How many guns are registered in America?

That’s a seemingly obvious question without a straightforward answer. There’s no universal gun registry, and thus not a simple way to pin down the exact number of firearms in the U.S.

There are estimates, however. According to the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey – the leading source of international public information about firearms – the U.S. has the best-armed civilian population in the world, with an estimated 270 million total guns. That’s an average of 89 firearms for every 100 residents -- far ahead of Yemen, which comes in second with about 55 firearms for every 100 people, or Switzerland, which is third with 46 guns for every 100 people.

There are certain types of firearms that do require registration in the United States: those subject to the National Firearms Act, including machine guns, shotguns and rifles with barrels shorter than 18 inches, and silencers.

According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which handles that registration, there were more than 3.1 million National Firearms Act-registered weapons in the U.S. as of March 2012. That includes more than 488,000 machine guns and more than 2 million “destructive devices” such as grenades, which are also classified under the law.

Some states also have their own gun registration requirements, as shown in the map below.}

How Many People Own Guns in America? And Is Gun Ownership Actually Declining?

I was asked in a mall survey if I own guns, I declined to answer, which the survey counts as "no"

Take whatever guess you like, add 20%, and you might be close.

And all you did was find support of my 42%. As for Gun Registration, ALL Guns are registered when they are manufactured and sold for the first time out of a Federal Licensed Gun Shop. ALL guns. When you buy a new gun, you are in that Database. And don't let anyone tell you any different. After that, it's hit and miss.

I don't buy the declining one bit. I also doing buy the number of households increasing either. Most of the Censuses are done by manipulating the way the questions are asked. So pretty much we have to take a broad look and average them all out. If you do that, you come up with the 42% with zero increase of individual firearms owner increase. But due to the records of new gun sales that are 100% accurate, you have to come to the conclusion that some gun owners are buying more guns to add to their collections.

Just because you don't like the data, too bad. It's no big deal.

Again, you base your claims on very sketchy polls.

We know there are between 290 to 330 million guns in the USA. We know that the last 10 years have been the highest sales of guns in history. Now, according to the left, all of these guns were sold to a couple of guys, the public at large is disarmed - and they have mall surveys to back it up.

Fact is son, smart people don't tell survey takers that they have guns in the house.

Bear in mind that polls are so accurate that we have president Hillary...
Over half of Americans own firearms - odd that you Bolsheviks don't consider them part of this "community."

Not true. Only 1/3 of American households have even one gun in them

The last few counts shows 42%, not over half, or 33% and that hasn't changed in years. The public isn't buying any fewer or any more guns than they have for the last few years. It's stablized.

And, oddly enough, the number of gun related murders have been dropping for decades.
Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.

Depends on who you think is coming after you, Dave.

Certainly, for many self defense situations, it might be too much. Other individuals have different needs.

What do you think the Presidential body guards carry? If they have machine guns, is it too much? Look at the weapons that Al Pacino and his men had for self defense in Scarface, or what Bronson used in Death Wish 3 when he was bringing justice to the streets?

Some people need more protection than others, I think we need to allow people Freedom to Choose in this matter. Why are you anti-choice?
Maybe you should try not to be such a hated person. If someone wants you dead, a sniper would do the trick.

Maybe if you moved your drug stash out of your house, people would want to send in a team to steal it.
Moron, the Vegas shooter was firing into an unknowing, tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position...he didn't need 30 round magazines to do what he did....

The Virginia tech shooter, who killed 32 people with 2 pistols did so without 30 round magazines.....

The Mosque shooter used 10 round magazines.....you moron.....

Once again, we get to revisit VT at your request. This was before Schools were being prepared for this type of thing. There was NO security, locked doors, nothing. The shooter moved from building to building killing at will and no alarms were set off until very late in his little adventure. This was the first. Hell, if he had been a decent shooter and had an AR with 6 30 shot mags, the death toll could have been 10 times the number. By the mass shooters that came later, he was an ill equipped piker. Try that today. You might get one or two before they bring you down. Mass Shooters have to be much better prepared and armed these days. Nevada Shooter was the best prepared and armed of them all and holds the highest body count. Nevada was a Red State at the time, it turned purple in 2018 and will probably turn blue in 2020. Guess what happens then? All the tools the NV shooter used gets either banned or severely regulated in Nevada. Your VT shooter was a piker.

Moron.......anyone in a gun free zone would get the same count if they were organized and picked the right target.....

And had the right tools. He would have 90 seconds. Not a second more. Handguns won't cut it anymore. You need high capacity, quick change mags with a gun that has a low jam rate. One that is designed for that type of shooting. To be specific, you need an AR with a whole bunch of 30 round mags. Anything less and you would be drummed right out of the Best Dressed Mass Shooters Union.
Tell us dumb ass what about the mini 14 the ak 47 the styer aug the Tavor the m1 carbine the galia the ak 74 the fal and so many more

That's been covered, cupcake. The features of the AR (all types including the M-16 and M-4) puts it head and shoulders above all the ones you so foolishly listed. If you don't know what those features are, you have never been in a combat situation where your life depended on them. I just love Rexall Rangers.

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First dumb ass m4 and m16 are full auto

The ak74 is a good gun the Tavor is one excelent rifle high end and the styer aug is a very high end gun with feature that most ar owner would love its our favorite gun . quick change barrels in various length bull pup design for a very short overall length ambi ejection its high end and high dollar .
The ar 15 was a bi product of Eugene stoners gun designed in the late 60 if i recall

The fal while heavy is a full sized battle rifle in 7.62 x 54 a hard hitting round the ar is mostly cuambered in 5.56 x 45 not near as powerfull its a amped up 22 more or less

You knoldge of guns is clearly from the movies or something anyone who knows about guns will tell you the tavor and aud are top notch guns big dollar
Oh, really. Considering the current record holders for the last series of body count mass shootings all have one thing in common, they used the AR with at least 30 round mags. That shoots all the BS being thrown right out the window. So keep spreading your hate and fear. It's not working anymore. People fear for their child's lives much more than they do for your paranoia and lies.

Moron, the Vegas shooter was firing into an unknowing, tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position...he didn't need 30 round magazines to do what he did....

The Virginia tech shooter, who killed 32 people with 2 pistols did so without 30 round magazines.....

The Mosque shooter used 10 round magazines.....you moron.....

Once again, we get to revisit VT at your request. This was before Schools were being prepared for this type of thing. There was NO security, locked doors, nothing. The shooter moved from building to building killing at will and no alarms were set off until very late in his little adventure. This was the first. Hell, if he had been a decent shooter and had an AR with 6 30 shot mags, the death toll could have been 10 times the number. By the mass shooters that came later, he was an ill equipped piker. Try that today. You might get one or two before they bring you down. Mass Shooters have to be much better prepared and armed these days. Nevada Shooter was the best prepared and armed of them all and holds the highest body count. Nevada was a Red State at the time, it turned purple in 2018 and will probably turn blue in 2020. Guess what happens then? All the tools the NV shooter used gets either banned or severely regulated in Nevada. Your VT shooter was a piker.

Moron.......anyone in a gun free zone would get the same count if they were organized and picked the right target.....

And had the right tools. He would have 90 seconds. Not a second more. Handguns won't cut it anymore. You need high capacity, quick change mags with a gun that has a low jam rate. One that is designed for that type of shooting. To be specific, you need an AR with a whole bunch of 30 round mags. Anything less and you would be drummed right out of the Best Dressed Mass Shooters Union.

You are too stupid for words. Virginia Tech happened in 2007......and any number of places are easy pickings for a shooter because they are gun free zones, where people are unarmed in the face of an attacker....

The AR-15 is a lousy weapon.....it isn't even a full size battle rifle, you mope.
So, the solution is to pass guns out at the door. Or put all children everywhere at risk because you can't live without tever guin ever made.
I like the limit of not more than 20, myself. But that's just me and that conflicts with many States and others. It's not the 20 round mags that are doing the mass shootings. It's the 30 and larger. It difficult to justify having a 30 round mag just because you can when those are the tools of the well dressed Mass Shooter. It's called using common sense. Put a limit of 20 rounds and it won't affect ANY decent handgun at all. It really won't even affect any sane AR either. I personally think an AR looks rediculous with a 10 round mag. When Colorado went to the 15 round max, the only mags available for new guns was the 10s. It just didn't look right. Once the 15 round mags were manufactured, the gun looked right. They could have put a 20 round max on it and nothing would have really changed since that was the box stock mag it was sold with in the first place. The 30 and larger were all speical orders.

Step one, and the only step, is to start using common sense. Remove the fear from both sides and do what common sense tells us to do. When you remove the fear, you also remove the hate.

First to the far left. You are NEVER going to gather up all the guns. It just won't happen. Stop spreading the hate and fears trying to get to that end. The only thing you are doing is dividing a Nation.

Now to the far right. If they were coming for your guns, it would have already happened. But there will be gun regulations and always has been from about 1871 forward. For the East and Europe, it goes back a lot further than that. What your job is to do is to work with others to make sure that the gun regs are common sense and not over the top. If you keep saying over and over, "NO REGULATIONS" or "THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS", then the hate and fears and dividing of the nation for just the express purpose of causing hate and fear continues.

Now, both of you go back to your rooms and don't come out until you decide to work things out.
Are you really that naive?

You present yourself as one so wise that everyone should just do what you say.

A guy shooting kids will kill just as many with a few 20 round mags.

And here we go again with the USMB morons manufacturing things other people say and then arguing about them


You want so much to be taken seriously but you won't be until you stop lying about what other people say

Ah, the old "Hate, Fear, Hate" response. Exactly what I am talking about.

So pointing out that you lied about what I said is hate?

And you call other people cupcake, Snowflake.

Let me get this straight. If I don't buy into your hate and fear and use logic and facts then I am lying? Yuppers, makes sense to......no it doesn't.

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WHat hate and fear?

I disagree with your OPINIONS and that is hate?

And What am I trying to make people afraid of?

You're the asshole out there spouting "I think AR 15s are shitty guns and are only good for one thing: killing lots of babies. And if you don't agree with me you are a hateful fear mongerer"

Well guess what Snowflake, millions of other people disagree with you too I guess they are all hateful fear mongerers too

Grow the fuck up
Hunt will grow up when we can find a way to get him to stop giving himselk a bj and patting himself on the back
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.


What a fucking retard.

No moron, the M-4 was made for fire fights, it has select fire making it a military weapon. The AR-15 is no different than any other civilian semi-auto. 1 shot per trigger pull. An M1 Garrand is far more deadly, yet you Bolsheviks target the little .22(3)

They are targeting the AR-15 because they think they can get it banned.......and then, once they get the AR-15 banned, through local or state courts, and then use the Supreme Court to make those laws Constitutional....they will come back and state....the AR-15 is no different from any other semi-automatic rifle, you banned the AR-15, there fore you now need to ban all other semi-automatic weapons...

That is what they are trying to do....

When you say they, who are They. Do you mean ME? Speak right out and specify to whom you are referring to. I got the Black Chopper all gassed up and just got the 6 black government surplus armored vehicles from the shop ready to go. And I hired 6 Aliens to man them. Not illegal Aliens but real Aliens. They came to us from far far away land somewhere out in the Ganamede Quantrant wanting Political Asylum and man are those Aliens ugly. So be afraid, be very afraid. Cue the Music.

He means you scumbag democrats.

How many anti-liberty bills have you goons floated so far this year? A dozen? More?
Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.

Depends on who you think is coming after you, Dave.

Certainly, for many self defense situations, it might be too much. Other individuals have different needs.

What do you think the Presidential body guards carry? If they have machine guns, is it too much? Look at the weapons that Al Pacino and his men had for self defense in Scarface, or what Bronson used in Death Wish 3 when he was bringing justice to the streets?

Some people need more protection than others, I think we need to allow people Freedom to Choose in this matter. Why are you anti-choice?
Maybe you should try not to be such a hated person. If someone wants you dead, a sniper would do the trick.

Maybe if you moved your drug stash out of your house, people would want to send in a team to steal it.

It's not how it looks. It's how it operates and what it is intended to be used as. If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.

Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.

Pure nonsense. What makes the AR good at what it does is mostly internal components. The plastic stocks, carry handle, and weirdly tall front sight do little to make them accurate and rapid shooters. Earlier I mentioned owning a Mini-14. It was not accurate at much distance. But for the purposes of this discussion, it was capable of doing what these mass shooters do with the AR. I have read, and been told, the new Rugers are far more accurate.

Then you haven't handled both in a combat situation. Handling a M-14 versus a M-16 and you will see the difference in a matter of about an hour of carrying the M-14 around and having to change out the mags to reload. I don't expect you Rexall Rangers to understand because you are fruitcakes on a mission. And I don't expect the youngsters that have never lugged, much less fired a M-14 around for any length of time to understand either.

You have read, you have been told. That's the extent of your experience. I've been told the world is flat and ended last Thursday, should I believe that as well?

It also had nothing to do with the validity of the ‘ban.’

The people determine what is or isn’t an assault weapon, predicated on whatever criteria they see fit, including cosmetic features.

That’s why the ‘argument’ that a semi-auto AR platform rifle or carbine shouldn’t be subject to an AWB fails as being ignorant and ridiculous, completely devoid of legal merit.
If you deciding rather or not a gun should be banned or declared an assault weapon based on it's apperance then you are the one being ignorant and showing a total lack of knowledege and common sense.
Not the "appearance" bullshit.

But lets talk appearance. So, you are having a fucking fit because you might not be able to own a gun that just looks mean? Really
What does it matter what a rifle looks like if it performs the same as other rifles of the same caliber?

If you are saying that it performs the same when you pull the trigger once or even twice or even three times, you are correct. In fact, the AR is substandard to the Savage Axis II as a Varmint Rifle when you are using a single trigger pull using the same ammo. In fact, the Savage Axis II is 150 bucks cheaper and has ALL the features you need to varmint hunt at almost any range.

But if you are talking about burning through 120 rounds of ammo in a matter of a few seconds then the AR is king of the hill. If you are talking about something that is designed specifically for a firefight in battle, the AR is king of the hill. Spooner got that right from day one. There is a reason why the design has not changed in over 60 years. It was made for war the right way the first time. It was perfect using the technology that has been available for the last 50 years. Today, they are talking about keeping the same AR (Yes, Dorathy, the M-16 and M-4 are also ARs) and just increasing the caliber from 556 to 6.8spc. They aren't changing a thing except the barrel inside diameter, the combustion chamber and the mag to accept the fatter cartridge. The fatter cartridge is the same weight as the 556 that uses brass. The new Cartridge uses a composite to stay the same weight. In the end, they can easily and cheaply convert the M-16s and M-4s (and by definition the AR-15s) from 556 to 6.8spc in the field. In fact, almost any shooter that can field strip and clean an AR can do the upgrade as well. That way, it's even better suited for WAR.

It's not to you nor me to determine whether an AR is allowed or not. It's up to the community, itself. I don't stand on a soap box and scream one way or another like you and other do. In my area, the AR has fallen out of it's cult status and it's jamming up the shelves unsold in gun shops these days. Those that were wanted have already been sold. Even used ones aren't moving in the Pawn Shops these days. You seem to want to make us all believe that the Cult isn't a cult at all. EVERYONE must have an AR. It's a life and death situation. Well, cupcake, it's not.

Do I need a weapon of war versus a really decent sporting rifle? No. What can the AR do that a good Savage 223 Axis II can't do? But I can think of a few things that the Axis II can do much better than the AR for a lot less money. If you are talking about a Ranged Weapon for the Range, the AR is a piece of junk. There are so many others that blow it away that it's not even worth mentioning. The only thing that the AR can do better than the others is burn through 120 or more rounds faster than any other gun and hit almost nothing down range in the process. But if I needed a gun to mow down turkeys in cages as quickly as possible then the AR would be the weapon of choice. Or an auditorium of people, same difference.

For those communities that don't want the mowing down in the auditoriums, they will probably ban the AR and it's various clones. Or at least ban the larger capacity mags. At the same time, they will change their way of operating so that the shooter will have a harder time to get in place to start his carnage. My opinion and your opinion really doesn't have anything to do with anything. It's the Community's opinion that counts. You want to be a real hero, work with the Community to have sane gun regs instead of bans. Spread the Love, not the Hate.

What can the AR do that a good Savage 223 Axis II can't do? Allow the hunter to take two coyotes or two feral hogs at one spot.

If you are trying to take two coyotes or feral hogs at the same time, you are a friggin idiot and will probably miss or just wound both. And a wounded Feral Hog isn't something I want to see running around.

Really? Look at a Ruger Mini14 and at an AR. The AR gives people nightmares. The Ruger is just an old style, wood stocked rifle.

But other than the modular build of the AR, there is not much difference as far as features and use. The intent has nothing to do with the rifle. The intent is with the shooter.
But the rifle makes certain intents more deadly.

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.


What a fucking retard.

No moron, the M-4 was made for fire fights, it has select fire making it a military weapon. The AR-15 is no different than any other civilian semi-auto. 1 shot per trigger pull. An M1 Garrand is far more deadly, yet you Bolsheviks target the little .22(3)

And, with practice, the M1 Garand is quick to reload, without having a detachable magazine.

I fired the M-14 and was pretty good with it in the Military. I also fired and qualified on the M-16. BTW, the M-14 is more or less an upgraded M-1 that uses a mag instead of a trap door. If you are taking your left hand off the trigger then you are not going to reload as fast as the M-16. You hit the ejector button, the mag drops all by itself, you ram a new on in place, hit the release (all with your left hand) and you are good to go. I can do this in about second or less if I am in practice. You don't even have to take the M-16 off target to do it. If you can't do it that way then you need to stay out of any kind of firefight as you are going to die quickly. The other guy might be competant while you won't be.
Once again, we get to revisit VT at your request. This was before Schools were being prepared for this type of thing. There was NO security, locked doors, nothing. The shooter moved from building to building killing at will and no alarms were set off until very late in his little adventure. This was the first. Hell, if he had been a decent shooter and had an AR with 6 30 shot mags, the death toll could have been 10 times the number. By the mass shooters that came later, he was an ill equipped piker. Try that today. You might get one or two before they bring you down. Mass Shooters have to be much better prepared and armed these days. Nevada Shooter was the best prepared and armed of them all and holds the highest body count. Nevada was a Red State at the time, it turned purple in 2018 and will probably turn blue in 2020. Guess what happens then? All the tools the NV shooter used gets either banned or severely regulated in Nevada. Your VT shooter was a piker.

Moron.......anyone in a gun free zone would get the same count if they were organized and picked the right target.....

And had the right tools. He would have 90 seconds. Not a second more. Handguns won't cut it anymore. You need high capacity, quick change mags with a gun that has a low jam rate. One that is designed for that type of shooting. To be specific, you need an AR with a whole bunch of 30 round mags. Anything less and you would be drummed right out of the Best Dressed Mass Shooters Union.
Tell us dumb ass what about the mini 14 the ak 47 the styer aug the Tavor the m1 carbine the galia the ak 74 the fal and so many more

That's been covered, cupcake. The features of the AR (all types including the M-16 and M-4) puts it head and shoulders above all the ones you so foolishly listed. If you don't know what those features are, you have never been in a combat situation where your life depended on them. I just love Rexall Rangers.

View attachment 250737
First dumb ass m4 and m16 are full auto

The ak74 is a good gun the Tavor is one excelent rifle high end and the styer aug is a very high end gun with feature that most ar owner would love its our favorite gun . quick change barrels in various length bull pup design for a very short overall length ambi ejection its high end and high dollar .
The ar 15 was a bi product of Eugene stoners gun designed in the late 60 if i recall

The fal while heavy is a full sized battle rifle in 7.62 x 54 a hard hitting round the ar is mostly cuambered in 5.56 x 45 not near as powerfull its a amped up 22 more or less

You knoldge of guns is clearly from the movies or something anyone who knows about guns will tell you the tavor and aud are top notch guns big dollar

Cupcake, the M-16 and the M-4 haven't been full auto in about 20 years. The closest they have is the 3 shot burst selector and that is about as worthless as tits on a boarhog or you trying to read a book. The common use in combat using a M-16 and a M-4 is the single shot setting. You watch way too many movies.

As for is the M-16 (or the AR) horse enough, it does the job in combat and has for the last almost 50 years. The only change that might happen will be the upgrading to the 6.8spc Cartridge in the same gun. Since all your knowledge comes out of reading what others present (including from fruitcakes) tell me what the change would accomplish?

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.


What a fucking retard.

No moron, the M-4 was made for fire fights, it has select fire making it a military weapon. The AR-15 is no different than any other civilian semi-auto. 1 shot per trigger pull. An M1 Garrand is far more deadly, yet you Bolsheviks target the little .22(3)

They are targeting the AR-15 because they think they can get it banned.......and then, once they get the AR-15 banned, through local or state courts, and then use the Supreme Court to make those laws Constitutional....they will come back and state....the AR-15 is no different from any other semi-automatic rifle, you banned the AR-15, there fore you now need to ban all other semi-automatic weapons...

That is what they are trying to do....

When you say they, who are They. Do you mean ME? Speak right out and specify to whom you are referring to. I got the Black Chopper all gassed up and just got the 6 black government surplus armored vehicles from the shop ready to go. And I hired 6 Aliens to man them. Not illegal Aliens but real Aliens. They came to us from far far away land somewhere out in the Ganamede Quantrant wanting Political Asylum and man are those Aliens ugly. So be afraid, be very afraid. Cue the Music.

He means you scumbag democrats.

How many anti-liberty bills have you goons floated so far this year? A dozen? More?

Do you mean EVERY Democrat? How about Independents? How about Moderate Republicans? And the last time I checked it just hasn't been the liberal Democrats all by themselves. Lately, the Moderates and Republicans are joining in as well. Could you be the only one that is right while everyone else is wrong?

Moron, the Vegas shooter was firing into an unknowing, tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position...he didn't need 30 round magazines to do what he did....

The Virginia tech shooter, who killed 32 people with 2 pistols did so without 30 round magazines.....

The Mosque shooter used 10 round magazines.....you moron.....

Once again, we get to revisit VT at your request. This was before Schools were being prepared for this type of thing. There was NO security, locked doors, nothing. The shooter moved from building to building killing at will and no alarms were set off until very late in his little adventure. This was the first. Hell, if he had been a decent shooter and had an AR with 6 30 shot mags, the death toll could have been 10 times the number. By the mass shooters that came later, he was an ill equipped piker. Try that today. You might get one or two before they bring you down. Mass Shooters have to be much better prepared and armed these days. Nevada Shooter was the best prepared and armed of them all and holds the highest body count. Nevada was a Red State at the time, it turned purple in 2018 and will probably turn blue in 2020. Guess what happens then? All the tools the NV shooter used gets either banned or severely regulated in Nevada. Your VT shooter was a piker.

Moron.......anyone in a gun free zone would get the same count if they were organized and picked the right target.....

And had the right tools. He would have 90 seconds. Not a second more. Handguns won't cut it anymore. You need high capacity, quick change mags with a gun that has a low jam rate. One that is designed for that type of shooting. To be specific, you need an AR with a whole bunch of 30 round mags. Anything less and you would be drummed right out of the Best Dressed Mass Shooters Union.

You are too stupid for words. Virginia Tech happened in 2007......and any number of places are easy pickings for a shooter because they are gun free zones, where people are unarmed in the face of an attacker....

The AR-15 is a lousy weapon.....it isn't even a full size battle rifle, you mope.
So, the solution is to pass guns out at the door. Or put all children everywhere at risk because you can't live without tever guin ever made.[/QU
Moron.......anyone in a gun free zone would get the same count if they were organized and picked the right target.....

And had the right tools. He would have 90 seconds. Not a second more. Handguns won't cut it anymore. You need high capacity, quick change mags with a gun that has a low jam rate. One that is designed for that type of shooting. To be specific, you need an AR with a whole bunch of 30 round mags. Anything less and you would be drummed right out of the Best Dressed Mass Shooters Union.
Tell us dumb ass what about the mini 14 the ak 47 the styer aug the Tavor the m1 carbine the galia the ak 74 the fal and so many more

That's been covered, cupcake. The features of the AR (all types including the M-16 and M-4) puts it head and shoulders above all the ones you so foolishly listed. If you don't know what those features are, you have never been in a combat situation where your life depended on them. I just love Rexall Rangers.

View attachment 250737
First dumb ass m4 and m16 are full auto

The ak74 is a good gun the Tavor is one excelent rifle high end and the styer aug is a very high end gun with feature that most ar owner would love its our favorite gun . quick change barrels in various length bull pup design for a very short overall length ambi ejection its high end and high dollar .
The ar 15 was a bi product of Eugene stoners gun designed in the late 60 if i recall

The fal while heavy is a full sized battle rifle in 7.62 x 54 a hard hitting round the ar is mostly cuambered in 5.56 x 45 not near as powerfull its a amped up 22 more or less

You knoldge of guns is clearly from the movies or something anyone who knows about guns will tell you the tavor and aud are top notch guns big dollar

Cupcake, the M-16 and the M-4 haven't been full auto in about 20 years. The closest they have is the 3 shot burst selector and that is about as worthless as tits on a boarhog or you trying to read a book. The common use in combat using a M-16 and a M-4 is the single shot setting. You watch way too many movies.

As for is the M-16 (or the AR) horse enough, it does the job in combat and has for the last almost 50 years. The only change that might happen will be the upgrading to the 6.8spc Cartridge in the same gun. Since all your knowledge comes out of reading what others present (including from fruitcakes) tell me what the change would accomplish?

View attachment 250776
Odd the m4 has a 3 shot burt whoch qualified as full auto and the m16are full auto as some m4 guns areperhaps you need to pull your head out of your ass for awhile and get some fresh air.

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