3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

Magazine capacity has nothing to do with mass shooting death counts...as New Zealand's shooting showed since the guy used 10 round magazines.....

SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research

Large-Capacity Magazines and the Casualty Counts in Mass Shootings: The Plausibility of Linkages by Gary Kleck :: SSRN

In sum, in nearly all LCM-involved mass shootings, the time it takes to reload a detachable magazine is no greater than the average time between shots that the shooter takes anyway when not reloading.

Consequently, there is no affirmative evidence that reloading detachable magazines slows mass shooters’ rates of fire, and thus no affirmative evidence that the number of victims who could escape the killers due to additional pauses in the shooting is increased by the shooter’s need to change magazines.
Do bans on large-capacity magazines (LCMs) for semiautomatic firearms have significant potential for reducing the number of deaths and injuries in mass shootings?
The most common rationale for an effect of LCM use is that they allow mass killers to fire many rounds without reloading.
LCMs are used is less than 1/3 of 1% of mass shootings.
News accounts of 23 shootings in which more than six people were killed or wounded and LCMs were used, occurring in the U.S. in 1994-2013, were examined.
There was only one incident in which the shooter may have been stopped by bystander intervention when he tried to reload.
In all of these 23 incidents the shooter possessed either multiple guns or multiple magazines, meaning that the shooter, even if denied LCMs, could have continued firing without significant interruption by either switching loaded guns or by changing smaller loaded magazines with only a 2-4 second delay for each magazine change.
Finally, the data indicate that mass shooters maintain slow enough rates of fire such that the time needed to reload would not increase the time between shots and thus the time available for prospective victims to escape.


We did not employ the oft-used definition of “mass murder” as a homicide in which four or more victims were killed, because most of these involve just four to six victims (Duwe 2007), which could therefore have involved as few as six rounds fired, a number that shooters using even ordinary revolvers are capable of firing without reloading.

LCMs obviously cannot help shooters who fire no more rounds than could be fired without LCMs, so the inclusion of “nonaffectable” cases with only four to six victims would dilute the sample, reducing the percent of sample incidents in which an LCM might have affected the number of casualties.

Further, had we studied only homicides with four or more dead victims, drawn from the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports, we would have missed cases in which huge numbers of people were shot, and huge numbers of rounds were fired, but three or fewer of the victims died.

For example, in one widely publicized shooting carried out in Los Angeles on February 28, 1997, two bank robbers shot a total of 18 people - surely a mass shooting by any reasonable standard (Table 1).

Yet, because none of the people they shot died, this incident would not qualify as a mass murder (or even murder of any kind).

Exclusion of such incidents would bias the sample against the proposition that LCM use increases the number of victims by excluding incidents with large numbers of victims. We also excluded shootings in which more than six persons were shot over the entire course of the incident but shootings occurred in multiple locations with no more than six people shot in any one of the locations, and substantial periods of time intervened between episodes of shooting. An example is the series of killings committed by Rodrick Dantzler on July 7, 2011.

Once eligible incidents were identified, we searched through news accounts for details related to whether the use of LCMs could have influenced the casualty counts.

Specifically, we searched for

(1) the number of magazines in the shooter’s immediate possession,

(2) the capacity of the largest magazine,

(3) the number of guns in the shooter’s immediate possession during the incident,

(4) the types of guns possessed,

(5) whether the shooter reloaded during the incident,

(6) the number of rounds fired,

(7) the duration of the shooting from the first shot fired to the last, and (8) whether anyone intervened to stop the shooter.

Findings How Many Mass Shootings were Committed Using LCMs?

We identified 23 total incidents in which more than six people were shot at a single time and place in the U.S. from 1994 through 2013 and that were known to involve use of any magazines with capacities over ten rounds.

Table 1 summarizes key details of the LCMinvolved mass shootings relevant to the issues addressed in this paper.

(Table 1 about here) What fraction of all mass shootings involve LCMs?

There is no comprehensive listing of all mass shootings available for the entire 1994-2013 period, but the most extensive one currently available is at the Shootingtracker.com website, which only began its coverage in 2013.


The offenders in LCM-involved mass shootings were also known to have reloaded during 14 of the 23 (61%) incidents with magazine holding over 10 rounds.

The shooters were known to have not reloaded in another two of these 20 incidents and it could not be determined if they reloaded in the remaining seven incidents.

Thus, even if the shooters had been denied LCMs, we know that most of them definitely would have been able to reload smaller detachable magazines without interference from bystanders since they in fact did change magazines.

The fact that this percentage is less than 100% should not, however, be interpreted to mean that the shooters were unable to reload in the other nine incidents.

It is possible that the shooters could also have reloaded in many of these nine shootings, but chose not to do so, or did not need to do so in order to fire all the rounds they wanted to fire. This is consistent with the fact that there has been at most only one mass shootings in twenty years in which reloading a semiautomatic firearm might have been blocked by bystanders intervening and thereby stopping the shooter from doing all the shooting he wanted to do. All we know is that in two incidents the shooter did not reload, and news accounts of seven other incidents did not mention whether the offender reloaded.


For example, a story in the Hartford Courant about the Sandy Hook elementary school killings in 2012 was headlined “Shooter Paused, and Six Escaped,” the text asserting that as many as six children may have survived because the shooter paused to reload (December 23, 2012). ''

The author of the story, however, went on to concede that this was just a speculation by an unnamed source, and that it was also possible that some children simply escaped when the killer was shooting other children.

There was no reliable evidence that the pauses were due to the shooter reloading, rather than his guns jamming or the shooter simply choosing to pause his shooting while his gun was still loaded.

The plausibility of the “victims escape” rationale depends on the average rates of fire that shooters in mass shootings typically maintain.

If they fire very fast, the 2-4 seconds it takes to change box-type detachable magazines could produce a slowing of the rate of fire that the shooters otherwise would have maintained without the magazine changes, increasing the average time between rounds fired and potentially allowing more victims to escape during the betweenshot intervals.

On the other hand, if mass shooters fire their guns with the average interval between shots lasting more than 2-4 seconds, the pauses due to additional magazine changes would be no longer than the pauses the shooter typically took between shots even when not reloading.

In that case, there would be no more opportunity for potential victims to escape than there would have been without the additional magazine changes


SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research

In sum, in nearly all LCM-involved mass shootings, the time it takes to reload a detachable magazine is no greater than the average time between shots that the shooter takes anyway when not reloading.

Consequently, there is no affirmative evidence that reloading detachable magazines slows mass shooters’ rates of fire, and thus no affirmative evidence that the number of victims who could escape the killers due to additional pauses in the shooting is increased by the shooter’s need to change magazines.
Keep tearing up hunts dumb moron ass I love it

Oh, really. Considering the current record holders for the last series of body count mass shootings all have one thing in common, they used the AR with at least 30 round mags. That shoots all the BS being thrown right out the window. So keep spreading your hate and fear. It's not working anymore. People fear for their child's lives much more than they do for your paranoia and lies.

Moron, the Vegas shooter was firing into an unknowing, tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position...he didn't need 30 round magazines to do what he did....

The Virginia tech shooter, who killed 32 people with 2 pistols did so without 30 round magazines.....

The Mosque shooter used 10 round magazines.....you moron.....

Once again, we get to revisit VT at your request. This was before Schools were being prepared for this type of thing. There was NO security, locked doors, nothing. The shooter moved from building to building killing at will and no alarms were set off until very late in his little adventure. This was the first. Hell, if he had been a decent shooter and had an AR with 6 30 shot mags, the death toll could have been 10 times the number. By the mass shooters that came later, he was an ill equipped piker. Try that today. You might get one or two before they bring you down. Mass Shooters have to be much better prepared and armed these days. Nevada Shooter was the best prepared and armed of them all and holds the highest body count. Nevada was a Red State at the time, it turned purple in 2018 and will probably turn blue in 2020. Guess what happens then? All the tools the NV shooter used gets either banned or severely regulated in Nevada. Your VT shooter was a piker.

Moron.......anyone in a gun free zone would get the same count if they were organized and picked the right target.....

And had the right tools. He would have 90 seconds. Not a second more. Handguns won't cut it anymore. You need high capacity, quick change mags with a gun that has a low jam rate. One that is designed for that type of shooting. To be specific, you need an AR with a whole bunch of 30 round mags. Anything less and you would be drummed right out of the Best Dressed Mass Shooters Union.
And since you can't read I said that the the time it takes to drop and swap a magazine is so short that it is irrelevant to the number of people killed.

As noted before and ignored. THAT was what kept the Giffords shooting from being worse. People jumped the shooter when he was changing mags.

It's not much but it's SOMETHING. Bigger mags meansd LESS chance,,,,but you're right...ANY weapon that has detachable mags lends itself to this kind of horror

You are confused Moon Bat

The horror is having somebody wanting to do you harm but not having enough capacity in your firearm at a time of stress to dispatch the sonofabitch.

If that is your wishes, I suggest you move to where you have that situation. Or take a job where that is a distinct possibility like a SWAT team. If you are wandering the streets with that in mind and you aren't in some kind of job where that is a distinct possibility then you just made the fruitcake squad.

View attachment 250733

As a firearms instructor I know that most people can't hit shit with a firearm unless they have training. That factor goes up tremendously if they are in a panic situation.

If you are one of these 2.5 million Americans each year that needs a forearm to protect themselves from assholes wanting to do them harm then you need all the firepower you can get. Having lots of bullets available goes a long way to make up for a lack of shooting skills.

You can empty a 30 round magazine at a bad guy in a few seconds. It will probably take 20 minutes for a SWAT team to get there, if you are lucky.

If you don't want to take personal responsibility for your own security and the security of your family then fine. That is your prerogative. Good luck with waiting for the police to protect you.

I chose to take that personal responsibility and I would rather have more firepower than I need than to not have enough.

I know that Hollywood has distorted your perception of reality but I don't know why you stupid Moon Bats are against high capacity magazines. A very few percentage wise people are ever killed by the use of them. Most people are killed by one or two shots from a cheap or stolen pistol, mostly by druggies, gang bangers or criminal assholes living in Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

You gunnutters want the 30 round mags. Well so do the Mass Murderers. The 20 round Mags just won't do for them. If you need more than 20 for protection, you are in a friggin war zone. Tell me, cupcake, what is the capacity of the normal M-16 and M-4 mags again? And then tell us why? If you really are a real firearms expert you will know this one.
Keep tearing up hunts dumb moron ass I love it

Oh, really. Considering the current record holders for the last series of body count mass shootings all have one thing in common, they used the AR with at least 30 round mags. That shoots all the BS being thrown right out the window. So keep spreading your hate and fear. It's not working anymore. People fear for their child's lives much more than they do for your paranoia and lies.

Moron, the Vegas shooter was firing into an unknowing, tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position...he didn't need 30 round magazines to do what he did....

The Virginia tech shooter, who killed 32 people with 2 pistols did so without 30 round magazines.....

The Mosque shooter used 10 round magazines.....you moron.....

Once again, we get to revisit VT at your request. This was before Schools were being prepared for this type of thing. There was NO security, locked doors, nothing. The shooter moved from building to building killing at will and no alarms were set off until very late in his little adventure. This was the first. Hell, if he had been a decent shooter and had an AR with 6 30 shot mags, the death toll could have been 10 times the number. By the mass shooters that came later, he was an ill equipped piker. Try that today. You might get one or two before they bring you down. Mass Shooters have to be much better prepared and armed these days. Nevada Shooter was the best prepared and armed of them all and holds the highest body count. Nevada was a Red State at the time, it turned purple in 2018 and will probably turn blue in 2020. Guess what happens then? All the tools the NV shooter used gets either banned or severely regulated in Nevada. Your VT shooter was a piker.

Moron.......anyone in a gun free zone would get the same count if they were organized and picked the right target.....

And had the right tools. He would have 90 seconds. Not a second more. Handguns won't cut it anymore. You need high capacity, quick change mags with a gun that has a low jam rate. One that is designed for that type of shooting. To be specific, you need an AR with a whole bunch of 30 round mags. Anything less and you would be drummed right out of the Best Dressed Mass Shooters Union.
Tell us dumb ass what about the mini 14 the ak 47 the styer aug the Tavor the m1 carbine the galia the ak 74 the fal and so many more
Keep tearing up hunts dumb moron ass I love it

Oh, really. Considering the current record holders for the last series of body count mass shootings all have one thing in common, they used the AR with at least 30 round mags. That shoots all the BS being thrown right out the window. So keep spreading your hate and fear. It's not working anymore. People fear for their child's lives much more than they do for your paranoia and lies.

Moron, the Vegas shooter was firing into an unknowing, tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position...he didn't need 30 round magazines to do what he did....

The Virginia tech shooter, who killed 32 people with 2 pistols did so without 30 round magazines.....

The Mosque shooter used 10 round magazines.....you moron.....

Once again, we get to revisit VT at your request. This was before Schools were being prepared for this type of thing. There was NO security, locked doors, nothing. The shooter moved from building to building killing at will and no alarms were set off until very late in his little adventure. This was the first. Hell, if he had been a decent shooter and had an AR with 6 30 shot mags, the death toll could have been 10 times the number. By the mass shooters that came later, he was an ill equipped piker. Try that today. You might get one or two before they bring you down. Mass Shooters have to be much better prepared and armed these days. Nevada Shooter was the best prepared and armed of them all and holds the highest body count. Nevada was a Red State at the time, it turned purple in 2018 and will probably turn blue in 2020. Guess what happens then? All the tools the NV shooter used gets either banned or severely regulated in Nevada. Your VT shooter was a piker.

Moron.......anyone in a gun free zone would get the same count if they were organized and picked the right target.....

And had the right tools. He would have 90 seconds. Not a second more. Handguns won't cut it anymore. You need high capacity, quick change mags with a gun that has a low jam rate. One that is designed for that type of shooting. To be specific, you need an AR with a whole bunch of 30 round mags. Anything less and you would be drummed right out of the Best Dressed Mass Shooters Union.

You are too stupid for words. Virginia Tech happened in 2007......and any number of places are easy pickings for a shooter because they are gun free zones, where people are unarmed in the face of an attacker....

The AR-15 is a lousy weapon.....it isn't even a full size battle rifle, you mope.
And since you can't read I said that the the time it takes to drop and swap a magazine is so short that it is irrelevant to the number of people killed.

As noted before and ignored. THAT was what kept the Giffords shooting from being worse. People jumped the shooter when he was changing mags.

It's not much but it's SOMETHING. Bigger mags meansd LESS chance,,,,but you're right...ANY weapon that has detachable mags lends itself to this kind of horror

And it didn't matter at all in how many other mass shootings

The best dressed Mass Shooters are all the rage with their AR-15s and their pockets filled with 30 round mags. Anything less and they will be shunned by the other mass shooters.
Keep tearing up hunts dumb moron ass I love it

Oh, really. Considering the current record holders for the last series of body count mass shootings all have one thing in common, they used the AR with at least 30 round mags. That shoots all the BS being thrown right out the window. So keep spreading your hate and fear. It's not working anymore. People fear for their child's lives much more than they do for your paranoia and lies.

Moron, the Vegas shooter was firing into an unknowing, tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position...he didn't need 30 round magazines to do what he did....

The Virginia tech shooter, who killed 32 people with 2 pistols did so without 30 round magazines.....

The Mosque shooter used 10 round magazines.....you moron.....

Once again, we get to revisit VT at your request. This was before Schools were being prepared for this type of thing. There was NO security, locked doors, nothing. The shooter moved from building to building killing at will and no alarms were set off until very late in his little adventure. This was the first. Hell, if he had been a decent shooter and had an AR with 6 30 shot mags, the death toll could have been 10 times the number. By the mass shooters that came later, he was an ill equipped piker. Try that today. You might get one or two before they bring you down. Mass Shooters have to be much better prepared and armed these days. Nevada Shooter was the best prepared and armed of them all and holds the highest body count. Nevada was a Red State at the time, it turned purple in 2018 and will probably turn blue in 2020. Guess what happens then? All the tools the NV shooter used gets either banned or severely regulated in Nevada. Your VT shooter was a piker.

Moron.......anyone in a gun free zone would get the same count if they were organized and picked the right target.....

And had the right tools. He would have 90 seconds. Not a second more. Handguns won't cut it anymore. You need high capacity, quick change mags with a gun that has a low jam rate. One that is designed for that type of shooting. To be specific, you need an AR with a whole bunch of 30 round mags. Anything less and you would be drummed right out of the Best Dressed Mass Shooters Union.
Hunt your full of shit mass shooting are done with hand guns and shotguns also.yoir a moron
Oh, really. Considering the current record holders for the last series of body count mass shootings all have one thing in common, they used the AR with at least 30 round mags. That shoots all the BS being thrown right out the window. So keep spreading your hate and fear. It's not working anymore. People fear for their child's lives much more than they do for your paranoia and lies.

Moron, the Vegas shooter was firing into an unknowing, tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position...he didn't need 30 round magazines to do what he did....

The Virginia tech shooter, who killed 32 people with 2 pistols did so without 30 round magazines.....

The Mosque shooter used 10 round magazines.....you moron.....

Once again, we get to revisit VT at your request. This was before Schools were being prepared for this type of thing. There was NO security, locked doors, nothing. The shooter moved from building to building killing at will and no alarms were set off until very late in his little adventure. This was the first. Hell, if he had been a decent shooter and had an AR with 6 30 shot mags, the death toll could have been 10 times the number. By the mass shooters that came later, he was an ill equipped piker. Try that today. You might get one or two before they bring you down. Mass Shooters have to be much better prepared and armed these days. Nevada Shooter was the best prepared and armed of them all and holds the highest body count. Nevada was a Red State at the time, it turned purple in 2018 and will probably turn blue in 2020. Guess what happens then? All the tools the NV shooter used gets either banned or severely regulated in Nevada. Your VT shooter was a piker.

Moron.......anyone in a gun free zone would get the same count if they were organized and picked the right target.....

And had the right tools. He would have 90 seconds. Not a second more. Handguns won't cut it anymore. You need high capacity, quick change mags with a gun that has a low jam rate. One that is designed for that type of shooting. To be specific, you need an AR with a whole bunch of 30 round mags. Anything less and you would be drummed right out of the Best Dressed Mass Shooters Union.
Tell us dumb ass what about the mini 14 the ak 47 the styer aug the Tavor the m1 carbine the galia the ak 74 the fal and so many more

That's been covered, cupcake. The features of the AR (all types including the M-16 and M-4) puts it head and shoulders above all the ones you so foolishly listed. If you don't know what those features are, you have never been in a combat situation where your life depended on them. I just love Rexall Rangers.

Oh, really. Considering the current record holders for the last series of body count mass shootings all have one thing in common, they used the AR with at least 30 round mags. That shoots all the BS being thrown right out the window. So keep spreading your hate and fear. It's not working anymore. People fear for their child's lives much more than they do for your paranoia and lies.

Moron, the Vegas shooter was firing into an unknowing, tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position...he didn't need 30 round magazines to do what he did....

The Virginia tech shooter, who killed 32 people with 2 pistols did so without 30 round magazines.....

The Mosque shooter used 10 round magazines.....you moron.....

Once again, we get to revisit VT at your request. This was before Schools were being prepared for this type of thing. There was NO security, locked doors, nothing. The shooter moved from building to building killing at will and no alarms were set off until very late in his little adventure. This was the first. Hell, if he had been a decent shooter and had an AR with 6 30 shot mags, the death toll could have been 10 times the number. By the mass shooters that came later, he was an ill equipped piker. Try that today. You might get one or two before they bring you down. Mass Shooters have to be much better prepared and armed these days. Nevada Shooter was the best prepared and armed of them all and holds the highest body count. Nevada was a Red State at the time, it turned purple in 2018 and will probably turn blue in 2020. Guess what happens then? All the tools the NV shooter used gets either banned or severely regulated in Nevada. Your VT shooter was a piker.

Moron.......anyone in a gun free zone would get the same count if they were organized and picked the right target.....

And had the right tools. He would have 90 seconds. Not a second more. Handguns won't cut it anymore. You need high capacity, quick change mags with a gun that has a low jam rate. One that is designed for that type of shooting. To be specific, you need an AR with a whole bunch of 30 round mags. Anything less and you would be drummed right out of the Best Dressed Mass Shooters Union.
Hunt your full of shit mass shooting are done with hand guns and shotguns also.yoir a moron

Low body count mass shootings, yes. OUtside of the Freak of VT which can't happen again, handguns normally account for a max of 7 or 8 body counts. Not 40 or more. Why don't you throw some more crap on the wall hoping something will stick.

Oh, really. Considering the current record holders for the last series of body count mass shootings all have one thing in common, they used the AR with at least 30 round mags. That shoots all the BS being thrown right out the window. So keep spreading your hate and fear. It's not working anymore. People fear for their child's lives much more than they do for your paranoia and lies.

Moron, the Vegas shooter was firing into an unknowing, tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position...he didn't need 30 round magazines to do what he did....

The Virginia tech shooter, who killed 32 people with 2 pistols did so without 30 round magazines.....

The Mosque shooter used 10 round magazines.....you moron.....

Once again, we get to revisit VT at your request. This was before Schools were being prepared for this type of thing. There was NO security, locked doors, nothing. The shooter moved from building to building killing at will and no alarms were set off until very late in his little adventure. This was the first. Hell, if he had been a decent shooter and had an AR with 6 30 shot mags, the death toll could have been 10 times the number. By the mass shooters that came later, he was an ill equipped piker. Try that today. You might get one or two before they bring you down. Mass Shooters have to be much better prepared and armed these days. Nevada Shooter was the best prepared and armed of them all and holds the highest body count. Nevada was a Red State at the time, it turned purple in 2018 and will probably turn blue in 2020. Guess what happens then? All the tools the NV shooter used gets either banned or severely regulated in Nevada. Your VT shooter was a piker.

Moron.......anyone in a gun free zone would get the same count if they were organized and picked the right target.....

And had the right tools. He would have 90 seconds. Not a second more. Handguns won't cut it anymore. You need high capacity, quick change mags with a gun that has a low jam rate. One that is designed for that type of shooting. To be specific, you need an AR with a whole bunch of 30 round mags. Anything less and you would be drummed right out of the Best Dressed Mass Shooters Union.

You are too stupid for words. Virginia Tech happened in 2007......and any number of places are easy pickings for a shooter because they are gun free zones, where people are unarmed in the face of an attacker....

The AR-15 is a lousy weapon.....it isn't even a full size battle rifle, you mope.

Okay, fruitcake, here we go again. The AR (in all it's flavors) is designed to carry long distances and do just enough damage fast enough to win a down and dirty firefight. The Full Sized Battle Rifle is heavy and limited in ammo even if it's an upscaled AR type rifle. You can't fire a 308 or 7.62 nato out of the light action of an AR and expect it not to blow up in your face pretty quickly. That aluminum and pot metal is going to fatique fast. You are going to need Steel for your action. Your bullets are going to be much, much heavier, you are going to carry fewer of them due to size and weight. The AR becomes the logical choice fast. For such a lousy rifle, it's still the best military rifle in a firefight. Since you have zero experience you are just gumming yer jaws.

Here we go again

It's not up to you to tell anyone else what they need or don't need.

If you don't want to use a magazine bigger than 5 rounds then don't. No one cares what rifles you prefer, what magazine you prefer and it's none of you rbusiness what other people use

I like the limit of not more than 20, myself. But that's just me and that conflicts with many States and others. It's not the 20 round mags that are doing the mass shootings. It's the 30 and larger. It difficult to justify having a 30 round mag just because you can when those are the tools of the well dressed Mass Shooter. It's called using common sense. Put a limit of 20 rounds and it won't affect ANY decent handgun at all. It really won't even affect any sane AR either. I personally think an AR looks rediculous with a 10 round mag. When Colorado went to the 15 round max, the only mags available for new guns was the 10s. It just didn't look right. Once the 15 round mags were manufactured, the gun looked right. They could have put a 20 round max on it and nothing would have really changed since that was the box stock mag it was sold with in the first place. The 30 and larger were all speical orders.

Step one, and the only step, is to start using common sense. Remove the fear from both sides and do what common sense tells us to do. When you remove the fear, you also remove the hate.

First to the far left. You are NEVER going to gather up all the guns. It just won't happen. Stop spreading the hate and fears trying to get to that end. The only thing you are doing is dividing a Nation.

Now to the far right. If they were coming for your guns, it would have already happened. But there will be gun regulations and always has been from about 1871 forward. For the East and Europe, it goes back a lot further than that. What your job is to do is to work with others to make sure that the gun regs are common sense and not over the top. If you keep saying over and over, "NO REGULATIONS" or "THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS", then the hate and fears and dividing of the nation for just the express purpose of causing hate and fear continues.

Now, both of you go back to your rooms and don't come out until you decide to work things out.
Are you really that naive?

You present yourself as one so wise that everyone should just do what you say.

A guy shooting kids will kill just as many with a few 20 round mags.

And here we go again with the USMB morons manufacturing things other people say and then arguing about them


You want so much to be taken seriously but you won't be until you stop lying about what other people say

Ah, the old "Hate, Fear, Hate" response. Exactly what I am talking about.

So pointing out that you lied about what I said is hate?

And you call other people cupcake, Snowflake.

Let me get this straight. If I don't buy into your hate and fear and use logic and facts then I am lying? Yuppers, makes sense to......no it doesn't.

View attachment 250732

WHat hate and fear?

I disagree with your OPINIONS and that is hate?

And What am I trying to make people afraid of?

You're the asshole out there spouting "I think AR 15s are shitty guns and are only good for one thing: killing lots of babies. And if you don't agree with me you are a hateful fear mongerer"

Well guess what Snowflake, millions of other people disagree with you too I guess they are all hateful fear mongerers too

Grow the fuck up
And since you can't read I said that the the time it takes to drop and swap a magazine is so short that it is irrelevant to the number of people killed.

As noted before and ignored. THAT was what kept the Giffords shooting from being worse. People jumped the shooter when he was changing mags.

It's not much but it's SOMETHING. Bigger mags meansd LESS chance,,,,but you're right...ANY weapon that has detachable mags lends itself to this kind of horror

And it didn't matter at all in how many other mass shootings

The best dressed Mass Shooters are all the rage with their AR-15s and their pockets filled with 30 round mags. Anything less and they will be shunned by the other mass shooters.

So what? Millions of people own that gun you are so afraid of and will never shoot anyone with them

The best dressed drunk drivers drive back Mercedes Benzes We should ban those cars too
Here we go again

It's not up to you to tell anyone else what they need or don't need.

If you don't want to use a magazine bigger than 5 rounds then don't. No one cares what rifles you prefer, what magazine you prefer and it's none of you rbusiness what other people use

I like the limit of not more than 20, myself. But that's just me and that conflicts with many States and others. It's not the 20 round mags that are doing the mass shootings. It's the 30 and larger. It difficult to justify having a 30 round mag just because you can when those are the tools of the well dressed Mass Shooter. It's called using common sense. Put a limit of 20 rounds and it won't affect ANY decent handgun at all. It really won't even affect any sane AR either. I personally think an AR looks rediculous with a 10 round mag. When Colorado went to the 15 round max, the only mags available for new guns was the 10s. It just didn't look right. Once the 15 round mags were manufactured, the gun looked right. They could have put a 20 round max on it and nothing would have really changed since that was the box stock mag it was sold with in the first place. The 30 and larger were all speical orders.

Step one, and the only step, is to start using common sense. Remove the fear from both sides and do what common sense tells us to do. When you remove the fear, you also remove the hate.

First to the far left. You are NEVER going to gather up all the guns. It just won't happen. Stop spreading the hate and fears trying to get to that end. The only thing you are doing is dividing a Nation.

Now to the far right. If they were coming for your guns, it would have already happened. But there will be gun regulations and always has been from about 1871 forward. For the East and Europe, it goes back a lot further than that. What your job is to do is to work with others to make sure that the gun regs are common sense and not over the top. If you keep saying over and over, "NO REGULATIONS" or "THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS", then the hate and fears and dividing of the nation for just the express purpose of causing hate and fear continues.

Now, both of you go back to your rooms and don't come out until you decide to work things out.
Are you really that naive?

You present yourself as one so wise that everyone should just do what you say.

A guy shooting kids will kill just as many with a few 20 round mags.

And here we go again with the USMB morons manufacturing things other people say and then arguing about them


You want so much to be taken seriously but you won't be until you stop lying about what other people say

Ah, the old "Hate, Fear, Hate" response. Exactly what I am talking about.

So pointing out that you lied about what I said is hate?

And you call other people cupcake, Snowflake.

Let me get this straight. If I don't buy into your hate and fear and use logic and facts then I am lying? Yuppers, makes sense to......no it doesn't.

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Here you earned this

Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.

Depends on who you think is coming after you, Dave.

Certainly, for many self defense situations, it might be too much. Other individuals have different needs.

What do you think the Presidential body guards carry? If they have machine guns, is it too much? Look at the weapons that Al Pacino and his men had for self defense in Scarface, or what Bronson used in Death Wish 3 when he was bringing justice to the streets?

Some people need more protection than others, I think we need to allow people Freedom to Choose in this matter. Why are you anti-choice?
Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
ARs are just sporting rifles...
What sport?

Is getting beered up shooting bottles a sport?

It’s essential for the environment...

I could make the same shots with a bolt action just as quick.

Of course, most anyone could.
That doesn’t change the fact that they are the best varmint rifle’s ever made...
The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
ARs are just sporting rifles...
What sport?

Is getting beered up shooting bottles a sport?

It’s essential for the environment...

I could make the same shots with a bolt action just as quick.

Of course, most anyone could.
That doesn’t change the fact that they are the best varmint rifle’s ever made...

Watch out when you disagree with the other brother Daryl (he's the one with the shovel cuz he's afraid of black guns) he'll call you names and act all internet tough on your ass

Your statement was "If you change the looks you also change the features and the use and the intent. Simple as that.". That is simply wrong. The functions are not what people freak out about. It is the appearance.

The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
...and The vast majority of ARs are used for prairie dog/varmint hunting, Target practice and self defense.
Firearm ownership is a personal thing you need to stay out of peoples personal lives. Lol

The Community has a duty to protect itself. You don't like it, move.
As we speak people are buying more guns and ammo… Too bad for you apparently

The percentage of households that own guns hasn't changed in years. It hovers right at about 42%. That means that the majority of homes do not have guns. If more guns are being purchased it's to replace guns that are being scrapped, additions to gun collections. Not to increase the number of people that own guns. Don't try the cite, cite crap. We both know that the 42% is the accepted value by every consensus these days.
Most firearms are owned by people that live in rural areas, And most people in urban areas don’t own firearms at all.
Rural America will always have far more firearms than people...
Like I’ve always said, rural and urban America will always have vastly different interests and needs...
The functions make the features and that makes the appearance. The AR was made for one thing and one thing only. And it was, and still is, the best at it. It was made for a firefight to kill or wound as many combatants as possible in the shortest amount of time under the highest degree of pressure on the shooter. It's perfect in it's design, performance and function. Change any of those 3 and you lessen it's capability. You keep saying that people are saying"Black Gun Bad" but in reality, it's it's use and capability that people really fear. To get those capabilities, it MUST look the way it does.
...and The vast majority of ARs are used for prairie dog/varmint hunting, Target practice and self defense.
Firearm ownership is a personal thing you need to stay out of peoples personal lives. Lol

The Community has a duty to protect itself. You don't like it, move.
As we speak people are buying more guns and ammo… Too bad for you apparently

The percentage of households that own guns hasn't changed in years. It hovers right at about 42%. That means that the majority of homes do not have guns. If more guns are being purchased it's to replace guns that are being scrapped, additions to gun collections. Not to increase the number of people that own guns. Don't try the cite, cite crap. We both know that the 42% is the accepted value by every consensus these days.
Most firearms are owned by people that live in rural areas, And most people in urban areas don’t own firearms at all.
Rural America will always have far more firearms than people...
Like I’ve always said, rural and urban America will always have vastly different interests and needs...
And it's funny how most murders are committed in cities where there are fewer firearms per person but far more illegal firearms per person.

Who'd of thought huh?
...and The vast majority of ARs are used for prairie dog/varmint hunting, Target practice and self defense.
Firearm ownership is a personal thing you need to stay out of peoples personal lives. Lol

The Community has a duty to protect itself. You don't like it, move.
As we speak people are buying more guns and ammo… Too bad for you apparently

The percentage of households that own guns hasn't changed in years. It hovers right at about 42%. That means that the majority of homes do not have guns. If more guns are being purchased it's to replace guns that are being scrapped, additions to gun collections. Not to increase the number of people that own guns. Don't try the cite, cite crap. We both know that the 42% is the accepted value by every consensus these days.
Most firearms are owned by people that live in rural areas, And most people in urban areas don’t own firearms at all.
Rural America will always have far more firearms than people...
Like I’ve always said, rural and urban America will always have vastly different interests and needs...
And it's funny how most murders are committed in cities where there are fewer firearms per person but far more illegal firearms per person.

Who'd of thought huh?
Yep, Progressive controlled urban areas full of repeat offenders...
Where most all of the violent crime happens in this country, we have no criminal control and frivolous gun control laws… Most people would think something is wrong, that being trying something over and over again in the same way and expecting different results. I think a famous guy said that once. Lol
The Community has a duty to protect itself. You don't like it, move.
As we speak people are buying more guns and ammo… Too bad for you apparently

The percentage of households that own guns hasn't changed in years. It hovers right at about 42%. That means that the majority of homes do not have guns. If more guns are being purchased it's to replace guns that are being scrapped, additions to gun collections. Not to increase the number of people that own guns. Don't try the cite, cite crap. We both know that the 42% is the accepted value by every consensus these days.
Most firearms are owned by people that live in rural areas, And most people in urban areas don’t own firearms at all.
Rural America will always have far more firearms than people...
Like I’ve always said, rural and urban America will always have vastly different interests and needs...
And it's funny how most murders are committed in cities where there are fewer firearms per person but far more illegal firearms per person.

Who'd of thought huh?
Yep, Progressive controlled urban areas full of repeat offenders...
Where most all of the violent crime happens in this country, we have no criminal control and frivolous gun control laws… Most people would think something is wrong, that being trying something over and over again in the same way and expecting different results. I think a famous guy said that once. Lol

I was reading about this earlier today. It seems that targeting violent repeat offenders and aggressively prosecuting them actually works to lower murder rates where gun bans never work.

Project Exile, U.S. Attorney's Office -- Eastern District of Virginia

Project Exile specifically targets previously convicted felons carrying guns and armed persons involved in drug or violent crimes. Approximately 85 percent of Richmond's homicides in 1997 were committed with guns, more than 40 percent were drug-related, and more than 60 percent involved offenders with prior criminal records. During the first 10 months of 1998, compared with the same period of the previous year, the total number of homicides committed in Richmond was down 36 percent and the number of firearm homicides was down 41 percent.

Project Exile was formally initiated in February 1997 when indictments of the first group of Project Exile defendants for Federal firearm offenses were announced. Project Exile is based on the principle that, if police catch a criminal in Richmond with a gun, the criminal has forfeited his or her right to remain in the community and, as such, will face immediate Federal prosecution and stiff mandatory Federal prison sentences.

The U.S. Attorney's Office, along with a Richmond Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney who is cross-designated as a special Assistant U.S. Attorney, reviews cases involving felons with guns, drug users with guns, guns used in drug trafficking, and gun/domestic violence referrals and prosecutes these cases in Federal court when a Federal nexus exists and State prison sentences or pretrial detention is insufficient. When a police officer finds a gun while on duty, the officer can page an ATF agent, who is available 24 hours a day. ATF and the Richmond Police, in consultation with the U.S. Attorney's Office, review the circumstances and determine if a Federal statute applies and whether Federal prosecution would provide the most effective incapacitation for the offender. Typically, Federal prison sentences are longer than Virginia sentences for offenses involving previously convicted felons possessing firearms and armed drug traffickers, whereas State sentences may equal or exceed Federal sentences for repeat violent offenders.

As of November 1998, Project Exile had achieved the following results:

  • 372 persons indicted for Federal gun violations.

  • 440 guns seized.

  • 300 persons arrested or held in State custody.

  • 222 arrestees (more than 74 percent) held without bond.

  • 247 persons convicted.

  • 196 persons sentenced to an average of 55months of imprisonment.
An extensive public outreach and media campaign to educate citizens about lengthy Federal prison sentences for gun crimes and to maximize deterrence also is a critical component of Project Exile. The Project Exile Citizen Support Foundation was formed in July 1997. The Foundation raised more than $40,000 in 1997 and more than $100,000 in financial and in-kind contributions in 1998 for advertising and for dissemination of Project Exile's media message. The message, "An illegal gun will get you 5 years in Federal prison," asks citizens to report guns to the Metro Richmond Crime Stoppers anonymous telephone number. The media message was advertised on 15 billboards throughout the city, a fully painted city bus (which changes routes daily so that it covers the entire city each week), 15,000 business cards, a series of radio and television promotional spots, traffic reports aired by 24 local radio stations, and print advertising.
And let's not forget that this suicide thing is about as cynically bogus as you can get.

A suicide attempt using a gun is almost always successful. Not so with other methods.

AND..most mass murders ARE suicides.

The only thing we know about someone committing suicide with a gun is that they truly wanted to die.
Someone who truly wants to die will do it, regardless of whether they have a gun or not.

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