3+ meters of sea level by 2100 possible

Proves you are a dumb lying prick.

The problem with that prediction of as much as 3 1/2 meters of sea level rise is that it is like the alarmists predictions in the 1990's. Then, those alarmists predicted that the Arctic Ice would be gone for a short time in September by 2100. Now there is the possibility of that ice being gone for a short time in September by 2030, possibly as early as this year. The predictions for the melting of the Arctic ice has routinely been wrong, far too optimistic. Same for the melting of the Greenland Ice Cap.

And, as the acceleration of ice melt and sea level rise occurs, these same assholes that are spouting nonsense, will then say, "Well, it is just natural variability", and will not acknowledge that they were saying that it is not going to happen. We saw this with the warming we are experiencing at present. All you goofs were saying in the '90's that there was no warming. From the obese junkie on the AM radio to the fake British Lord, when the warming became so obvious that it was undeniable, they switched to 'natural variation'. Even though no one yet has proposed a driver for that natural variation. That is what one expects from the 'Conservative' mouthpeices, here and on the media, lies, and ignorance.

Looks like they proved you were wrong and backed you into another corner. Otherwise you would not have resorted to attacking.
Proves you are a dumb lying prick.

The problem with that prediction of as much as 3 1/2 meters of sea level rise is that it is like the alarmists predictions in the 1990's. Then, those alarmists predicted that the Arctic Ice would be gone for a short time in September by 2100. Now there is the possibility of that ice being gone for a short time in September by 2030, possibly as early as this year. The predictions for the melting of the Arctic ice has routinely been wrong, far too optimistic. Same for the melting of the Greenland Ice Cap.

And, as the acceleration of ice melt and sea level rise occurs, these same assholes that are spouting nonsense, will then say, "Well, it is just natural variability", and will not acknowledge that they were saying that it is not going to happen. We saw this with the warming we are experiencing at present. All you goofs were saying in the '90's that there was no warming. From the obese junkie on the AM radio to the fake British Lord, when the warming became so obvious that it was undeniable, they switched to 'natural variation'. Even though no one yet has proposed a driver for that natural variation. That is what one expects from the 'Conservative' mouthpeices, here and on the media, lies, and ignorance.

Looks like they proved you were wrong and backed you into another corner. Otherwise you would not have resorted to attacking.

Longest book in the world is: "Failed Global Warming predictions"
Then we'd better do something to stay warm.
Ice Ages really suck.

The ice age would have been 25,000 years away. You're demanding we overheat the earth right now to stop it.

That would be like running the furnace full blast starting in June because winter is coming. It's profoundly stupid, yet almost all deniers think it's brilliant strategy..

The ice age would have been 25,000 years away.

Based on the Ice Age timer in your head?

You're demanding we overheat the earth right now to stop it.

Only warmers can use the precautionary principle?
Based on the Milankovic Cycles;

Milankovitch Cycles and Glaciation
Q. How much must we lower CO2 in order to stop the sea level rise?

A. $15 Trillion
Based on the Ice Age timer in your head?

That's a new twist on the denier "ice age tomorrow, this time for sure!" failed predictions. You've modified it to say that the ice age would have already happened, but the heroic CO2 emitters prevented it. The lack of an ice age now proves that deniers saved us all.

The best part about your theory is that it's impossible to disprove, just like all good pseudoscience and religion.
You didn't READ the paper, it's goal or the METHODS used. So your ass aint got no clue what you're looking at.. See above...

If you'd quit it with the insults that are always your staple tactic, people would be more willing to discuss things with you as if you were a mature grownup.

So, why are you babbling about Adobe PDF? Is it really breaking news to you that an Adobe document format is different from a probability density function? I don't see how Adobe PDF relates to the topic, but you thought it was important to bring it up multiple times.

This study didn't even concern itself at ALL with the REASONABLE, rational LIKELY scenarios -- only the "disastrous tails" of the Prob Density Function distribution.

And that's sensible from a risk management perspective. Most people think it's common sense to plan for the bad end of things. You think it's wrong to do so. Needless to say, your POV is not accepted by most people.

Now, go scream at the TV that it's wrong to tell people to plan for tornadoes. After all, the chance of getting hit by a tornado is insignificant.
Based on the Ice Age timer in your head?

That's a new twist on the denier "ice age tomorrow, this time for sure!" failed predictions. You've modified it to say that the ice age would have already happened, but the heroic CO2 emitters prevented it. The lack of an ice age now proves that deniers saved us all.

The best part about your theory is that it's impossible to disprove, just like all good pseudoscience and religion.

How much must we lower CO2 in order to stop the sea level rise, on a post-obama basis?
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

1. The globe seems to be warming. It is roughly 1.5 degrees since 1960. The climate models have generally grossly over-estimated the actual warming that has taken place.

You're wrong. The models have been very accurate.

2. The warming is not uniform. Parts of the Arctic have risen as much as 15 degrees over the last 50 years. There are large parts of the Southern Hemisphere that have cooled as much as 5 degrees. No one really understands why.

You're wrong. The variability is nowhere near that large, and the reasons for it are well understood.

3. There seems to a significant pause in global temperature rise since 2000 that directly contradictions almost every climate model. There is no adequate explanation yet for why this 15 pause has taken place.

You're wrong. There has been no pause at all, and barely even a slowdown in the fast warming. The warming has been strong and steady.

4. Man produced CO2 seems to be a factor in the limited global warming that has taken place. But weather is influenced by hundreds of different variables. No one can clearly state how much of a factor man-made CO2 really is.

You're wrong. The issue has been studied, and it's been determined that human-emitted CO2 accounts for essentially all the warming.
How much must we lower CO2 in order to stop the sea level rise, on a post-obama basis?

How long are you going to be a gutless troll?

Multiply that answer by the denier troll fudge factor, and you have an answer. I know you're familiar with fudge factors, being all deniers rely on fudging, fraud and fakery in every single thing they do in their lives. So just use the latest fudge factor you used.
Based on the Ice Age timer in your head?

That's a new twist on the denier "ice age tomorrow, this time for sure!" failed predictions. You've modified it to say that the ice age would have already happened, but the heroic CO2 emitters prevented it. The lack of an ice age now proves that deniers saved us all.

The best part about your theory is that it's impossible to disprove, just like all good pseudoscience and religion.

You've modified it to say that the ice age would have already happened,

Who said that? Where? Link?

The best part about your theory is that it's impossible to disprove,

Only warmers get to make claims that are impossible to disprove?
Global sea levels could rise by more than three metres – over half a metre more than previously thought – this century alone, according to a new study co-authored by a University of Southampton scientist.

An international team including Sybren Drijfhout, Professor in Physical Oceanography and Climate Physics, looked at what might happen if carbon dioxide emissions continue unabated.

Using new projections of Antarctic mass loss and a revised statistical method, they concluded that a worst-case scenario of a 2.5 to three-metre sea level rise was possible by 2100.

Professor Drijfhout said: "It might be an unlikely scenario, but we can't exclude the possibility of global sea levels rising by more than three metres by the year 2100.

"Unabated global warming will lead to sea-level rise of many metres – possibly more than ten metres – within a few centuries, seriously threatening many cities all over the world that are built in low-lying river deltas. This will also seriously affect the coastline of the UK."

The research – published this month in Environmental Research Letters – is consistent with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) recent adjustment of its possible future high-end sea-level rise from two to 2.5 metres.

However, the new study integrated different model estimates with a new statistical method, whereas the NOAA estimate relied on expert judgment.

Recent observation and modelling studies have shown the future melt of Antarctica might happen dramatically faster than previously thought.

Sea levels could rise by more than three metres, shows new study

Seems we started with maybe a 10 inch rise, and now we are looking at possibly over 10 feet of sea level rise. Guess we will find out, as the dingleberries are going to prevent anything being done to alleviate the rise in GHGs.

Global sea levels could rise by more than three metres – over half a metre more than previously thought – this century alone, according to a new study co-authored by a University of Southampton scientist.

An international team including Sybren Drijfhout, Professor in Physical Oceanography and Climate Physics, looked at what might happen if carbon dioxide emissions continue unabated.

Using new projections of Antarctic mass loss and a revised statistical method, they concluded that a worst-case scenario of a 2.5 to three-metre sea level rise was possible by 2100.

Professor Drijfhout said: "It might be an unlikely scenario, but we can't exclude the possibility of global sea levels rising by more than three metres by the year 2100.

"Unabated global warming will lead to sea-level rise of many metres – possibly more than ten metres – within a few centuries, seriously threatening many cities all over the world that are built in low-lying river deltas. This will also seriously affect the coastline of the UK."

The research – published this month in Environmental Research Letters – is consistent with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) recent adjustment of its possible future high-end sea-level rise from two to 2.5 metres.

However, the new study integrated different model estimates with a new statistical method, whereas the NOAA estimate relied on expert judgment.

Recent observation and modelling studies have shown the future melt of Antarctica might happen dramatically faster than previously thought.

Sea levels could rise by more than three metres, shows new study

Seems we started with maybe a 10 inch rise, and now we are looking at possibly over 10 feet of sea level rise. Guess we will find out, as the dingleberries are going to prevent anything being done to alleviate the rise in GHGs.

"COULD" The language of charlatans..... Nothing more need be said.
Liberals "could" conceivably, theoretically, possibly, maybe stop lying someday.
Global sea levels could rise by more than three metres – over half a metre more than previously thought – this century alone, according to a new study co-authored by a University of Southampton scientist.

An international team including Sybren Drijfhout, Professor in Physical Oceanography and Climate Physics, looked at what might happen if carbon dioxide emissions continue unabated.

Using new projections of Antarctic mass loss and a revised statistical method, they concluded that a worst-case scenario of a 2.5 to three-metre sea level rise was possible by 2100.

Professor Drijfhout said: "It might be an unlikely scenario, but we can't exclude the possibility of global sea levels rising by more than three metres by the year 2100.

"Unabated global warming will lead to sea-level rise of many metres – possibly more than ten metres – within a few centuries, seriously threatening many cities all over the world that are built in low-lying river deltas. This will also seriously affect the coastline of the UK."

The research – published this month in Environmental Research Letters – is consistent with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) recent adjustment of its possible future high-end sea-level rise from two to 2.5 metres.

However, the new study integrated different model estimates with a new statistical method, whereas the NOAA estimate relied on expert judgment.

Recent observation and modelling studies have shown the future melt of Antarctica might happen dramatically faster than previously thought.

Sea levels could rise by more than three metres, shows new study

Seems we started with maybe a 10 inch rise, and now we are looking at possibly over 10 feet of sea level rise. Guess we will find out, as the dingleberries are going to prevent anything being done to alleviate the rise in GHGs.

Oh, you a are a fan of Patty Robertson? LOL Lying fraud tried to claim to be a combat Marine when he had his father bail him out of going with his unit to the Pusan Reservoir. He was in charge of delivering liquor from Japan to Korea. And when a sergeant, who had fought that horrible campaign, pointed that out, Robertson called him a liar. The sergeant story was backed up by officers who also fought that campaign, and Robertson could not even take Virginia, his home state, in the Presidential primaries.
Global sea levels could rise by more than three metres – over half a metre more than previously thought – this century alone, according to a new study co-authored by a University of Southampton scientist.

An international team including Sybren Drijfhout, Professor in Physical Oceanography and Climate Physics, looked at what might happen if carbon dioxide emissions continue unabated.

Using new projections of Antarctic mass loss and a revised statistical method, they concluded that a worst-case scenario of a 2.5 to three-metre sea level rise was possible by 2100.

Professor Drijfhout said: "It might be an unlikely scenario, but we can't exclude the possibility of global sea levels rising by more than three metres by the year 2100.

"Unabated global warming will lead to sea-level rise of many metres – possibly more than ten metres – within a few centuries, seriously threatening many cities all over the world that are built in low-lying river deltas. This will also seriously affect the coastline of the UK."

The research – published this month in Environmental Research Letters – is consistent with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) recent adjustment of its possible future high-end sea-level rise from two to 2.5 metres.

However, the new study integrated different model estimates with a new statistical method, whereas the NOAA estimate relied on expert judgment.

Recent observation and modelling studies have shown the future melt of Antarctica might happen dramatically faster than previously thought.

Sea levels could rise by more than three metres, shows new study

Seems we started with maybe a 10 inch rise, and now we are looking at possibly over 10 feet of sea level rise. Guess we will find out, as the dingleberries are going to prevent anything being done to alleviate the rise in GHGs.

Oh, you a are a fan of Patty Robertson? LOL Lying fraud tried to claim to be a combat Marine when he had his father bail him out of going with his unit to the Pusan Reservoir. He was in charge of delivering liquor from Japan to Korea. And when a sergeant, who had fought that horrible campaign, pointed that out, Robertson called him a liar. The sergeant story was backed up by officers who also fought that campaign, and Robertson could not even take Virginia, his home state, in the Presidential primaries.

My point is I agree with Colbert in this instance.

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