3 modelers predict Trump will dust the left in 2020

What a fucking, ridiculous thread.

So these ivory tower, eggheads have NO IDEA who Trump is running against or what the economy will be in November 2020. They blow off a DOW that has been stagnant for WELL over a year, massive fiscal deficits, a ramping up trade war, a U-3 that Trump rightly called a 'hoax' and the fact that he is the first POTUS EVER (since polls began) to not be over 50% in most major polls even once during his first 2 years in office.
They are a bunch of brainiac losers who are desperate for attention/more funding so they come out with something that gains them the attention they need to get the university to extend their grant so they can sit on their asses for another year or two pumping out semi-useless fluff.
What idiot/nut bar would seriously predict an election when they do not even know who the people running are...that is over 500 days away?

You hardcore Trumpbots are so pathetic.

So...you blow off ALL the polls because you say they were wrong in 2016...when they were 100% right. They said Clinton would win the popular vote...barely. And she did exactly that.

And in 2020? Even your precious Rasmussen has him losing in 2020.
RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

But as soon as you see 3 people who you have never heard of say something good about Donnie Bone Spurs? You go...THERE!!! That's it!!! They are right!!!

Hello!!! To have an ounce of credibility you have to show at least some objectivity. You do know that right? Or are you too stupid/arrogant to even figure that one out?

And if an Obamabot was saying in 2010 what you are saying now...you would be agreeing with me 100% as I lecture them on how silly they sound. And you know it (even if you deny it).
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What a fucking, ridiculous thread.

So these ivory tower, eggheads have NO IDEA who Trump is running against or what the economy will be in November 2020. They blow off a DOW that has been stagnant for WELL over a year, massive fiscal deficits, a ramping up trade war, a U-3 that Trump rightly called a 'hoax' and the fact that he is the first POTUS EVER (since polls began) to not be over 50% in most major polls even once during his first 2 years in office.
They are a bunch of brainiac losers who are desperate for attention/more funding so they come out with something that gains them the attention they need to get the university to extend their grant so they can sit on their asses for another year or two pumping out semi-useless fluff.
What idiot/nut bar would seriously predict an election when they do not even know who the people running are...that is over 500 days away?

You hardcore Trumpbots are so pathetic.

So...you blow off ALL the polls because you say they were wrong in 2016...when they were 100% right. They said Clinton would win the popular vote...barely. And she did exactly that.

And in 2020? Even your precious Rasmussen has him losing in 2020.
RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

But as soon as you see 3 people who you have never heard of say something good about Donnie Bone Spurs? You go...THERE!!! That's it!!! They are right!!!

Hello!!! To have an ounce of credibility you have to show at least some objectivity. You do know that right? Or are you too stupid/arrogant to even figure that one out?

And if an Obamabot was saying in 2010 what you are saying now...you would be agreeing with me 100% as I lecture them on how silly they sound. And you know it (even if you deny it).

Exceptionally triggered
If Texas flips blue, due to aggressive Democratic voter recruiting, a.k.a illegal immigration then that's all she wrote.

That ain't gonna happen
what worries us is the illegal vote. we all know that Trump actually won by 8 to 10 million "Legal Votes" last time around. so long as we have a fair and honest election in 2020, Trump should win by 45.9 million votes
If Texas flips blue, due to aggressive Democratic voter recruiting, a.k.a illegal immigration then that's all she wrote.

That ain't gonna happen
what worries us is the illegal vote. we all know that Trump actually won by 8 to 10 million "Legal Votes" last time around. so long as we have a fair and honest election in 2020, Trump should win by 45.9 million votes

Economy will suffer a downturn if not recession before 2020, Trump will have failed in negotiating a trade deal with China, NK will again make a fool of him, The border will still be a mess, NY will show how Trump evaded taxes, all not fsctored into that model.

What a fucking, ridiculous thread.

So these ivory tower, eggheads have NO IDEA who Trump is running against or what the economy will be in November 2020. They blow off a DOW that has been stagnant for WELL over a year, massive fiscal deficits, a ramping up trade war, a U-3 that Trump rightly called a 'hoax' and the fact that he is the first POTUS EVER (since polls began) to not be over 50% in most major polls even once during his first 2 years in office.
They are a bunch of brainiac losers who are desperate for attention/more funding so they come out with something that gains them the attention they need to get the university to extend their grant so they can sit on their asses for another year or two pumping out semi-useless fluff.
What idiot/nut bar would seriously predict an election when they do not even know who the people running are...that is over 500 days away?

You hardcore Trumpbots are so pathetic.

So...you blow off ALL the polls because you say they were wrong in 2016...when they were 100% right. They said Clinton would win the popular vote...barely. And she did exactly that.

And in 2020? Even your precious Rasmussen has him losing in 2020.
RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

But as soon as you see 3 people who you have never heard of say something good about Donnie Bone Spurs? You go...THERE!!! That's it!!! They are right!!!

Hello!!! To have an ounce of credibility you have to show at least some objectivity. You do know that right? Or are you too stupid/arrogant to even figure that one out?

And if an Obamabot was saying in 2010 what you are saying now...you would be agreeing with me 100% as I lecture them on how silly they sound. And you know it (even if you deny it).

What the hell does Hillary winning the popular vote has to do with anything?

Economy will suffer a downturn if not recession before 2020, Trump will have failed in negotiating a trade deal with China, NK will again make a fool of him, The border will still be a mess, NY will show how Trump evaded taxes, all not fsctored into that model.

Another failed libtard prediction we will make fun of next year.

Economy will suffer a downturn if not recession before 2020, Trump will have failed in negotiating a trade deal with China, NK will again make a fool of him, The border will still be a mess, NY will show how Trump evaded taxes, all not fsctored into that model.
1. Who is trying to fix the mess
2. Who wants more mess?

2020 is a no-brainer election.

There are a number of variables that will make these models useless.

The election will resemble 2000 more than 2016. In the 2000 election, the economy was coming of 3 years of 4% growth. Bill Clinton had high job approval ratings but low approval ratings. By all rights, Gore should have won easily. Yet Gore's inability to handle Clinton's personal problems ultimately cost him the election.

Trump by comparison has low personal and low job approval numbers. Voters are closer to Democrats on healthcare, border security, immigration policy and taxes according to the latest Fox News poll. It only gives him a 48-46 approval rating on the economy.

Each campaign has its rhythm. In 1984, the question that won it for President Reagan was 'are you better off now than you are 4 years ago?" The question that won it for Obama was "Cares for people like me." The decisive question in 2020 will be "Is the candidate honest and trustworthy?" Both Clinton and Trump scored very poorly on that question. Trump will score very poorly on that question in 2020. The Democrat will likely score better on that issue.

Also the coalition that elected Reagan was completely shattered. Suburban voters abandoned the GOP in 2018 especially suburban woman who are angry at the GOP. Voters with educations above high school have abandoned the GOP. Young people have deserted the GOP.

The far right extremist anti-abortion laws will hurt the GOP among these very same voters. A GOP DA in Georgia admitted that the law would lead to prosecutions of a woman for having a abortion. A number of young women at the University of Alabama who were interviewed said they would leave the state once they were finished. Georgia could very well go Democrat in 2020.

The map hurts the GOP. Michigan and Pennsylvania are likely in the Democrat column. If Maine employs the ranked voting system again, that one electoral vote will go to the Democrat. That gives Democrats 269 electoral votes. Republicans will have to win every state to put the election into the House.
Economy will suffer a downturn if not recession before 2020,

Was supposed to happen shortly after he won according to the left.

Trump will have failed in negotiating a trade deal with China, NK will again make a fool of him,

Pure speculation and leftist dreams.

The border will still be a mess,

Thanks to the left. 100% on them.

NY will show how Trump evaded taxes

More leftist wet dreams.

What a fucking, ridiculous thread.

So these ivory tower, eggheads have NO IDEA who Trump is running against or what the economy will be in November 2020. They blow off a DOW that has been stagnant for WELL over a year, massive fiscal deficits, a ramping up trade war, a U-3 that Trump rightly called a 'hoax' and the fact that he is the first POTUS EVER (since polls began) to not be over 50% in most major polls even once during his first 2 years in office.
They are a bunch of brainiac losers who are desperate for attention/more funding so they come out with something that gains them the attention they need to get the university to extend their grant so they can sit on their asses for another year or two pumping out semi-useless fluff.
What idiot/nut bar would seriously predict an election when they do not even know who the people running are...that is over 500 days away?

You hardcore Trumpbots are so pathetic.

So...you blow off ALL the polls because you say they were wrong in 2016...when they were 100% right. They said Clinton would win the popular vote...barely. And she did exactly that.

And in 2020? Even your precious Rasmussen has him losing in 2020.
RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

But as soon as you see 3 people who you have never heard of say something good about Donnie Bone Spurs? You go...THERE!!! That's it!!! They are right!!!

Hello!!! To have an ounce of credibility you have to show at least some objectivity. You do know that right? Or are you too stupid/arrogant to even figure that one out?

And if an Obamabot was saying in 2010 what you are saying now...you would be agreeing with me 100% as I lecture them on how silly they sound. And you know it (even if you deny it).

So much Butt Hurt...….

I didn't read it but I'm sure I'm right.....

Later you flucking scum bag.....

What a fucking, ridiculous thread.

So these ivory tower, eggheads have NO IDEA who Trump is running against or what the economy will be in November 2020. They blow off a DOW that has been stagnant for WELL over a year, massive fiscal deficits, a ramping up trade war, a U-3 that Trump rightly called a 'hoax' and the fact that he is the first POTUS EVER (since polls began) to not be over 50% in most major polls even once during his first 2 years in office.
They are a bunch of brainiac losers who are desperate for attention/more funding so they come out with something that gains them the attention they need to get the university to extend their grant so they can sit on their asses for another year or two pumping out semi-useless fluff.
What idiot/nut bar would seriously predict an election when they do not even know who the people running are...that is over 500 days away?

You hardcore Trumpbots are so pathetic.

So...you blow off ALL the polls because you say they were wrong in 2016...when they were 100% right. They said Clinton would win the popular vote...barely. And she did exactly that.

And in 2020? Even your precious Rasmussen has him losing in 2020.
RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

But as soon as you see 3 people who you have never heard of say something good about Donnie Bone Spurs? You go...THERE!!! That's it!!! They are right!!!

Hello!!! To have an ounce of credibility you have to show at least some objectivity. You do know that right? Or are you too stupid/arrogant to even figure that one out?

And if an Obamabot was saying in 2010 what you are saying now...you would be agreeing with me 100% as I lecture them on how silly they sound. And you know it (even if you deny it).

Exceptionally triggered

I love fishing for Tards...

I've caught that one over and over and the dumb ass just keeps biting...
I don't care what the polls or modelers say. This will be a tough, close race for Trump. POLLS ARE WRONG.

There are a number of variables that will make these models useless.

The election will resemble 2000 more than 2016. In the 2000 election, the economy was coming of 3 years of 4% growth. Bill Clinton had high job approval ratings but low approval ratings. By all rights, Gore should have won easily. Yet Gore's inability to handle Clinton's personal problems ultimately cost him the election.

Trump by comparison has low personal and low job approval numbers. Voters are closer to Democrats on healthcare, border security, immigration policy and taxes according to the latest Fox News poll. It only gives him a 48-46 approval rating on the economy.

Each campaign has its rhythm. In 1984, the question that won it for President Reagan was 'are you better off now than you are 4 years ago?" The question that won it for Obama was "Cares for people like me." The decisive question in 2020 will be "Is the candidate honest and trustworthy?" Both Clinton and Trump scored very poorly on that question. Trump will score very poorly on that question in 2020. The Democrat will likely score better on that issue.

Also the coalition that elected Reagan was completely shattered. Suburban voters abandoned the GOP in 2018 especially suburban woman who are angry at the GOP. Voters with educations above high school have abandoned the GOP. Young people have deserted the GOP.

The far right extremist anti-abortion laws will hurt the GOP among these very same voters. A GOP DA in Georgia admitted that the law would lead to prosecutions of a woman for having a abortion. A number of young women at the University of Alabama who were interviewed said they would leave the state once they were finished. Georgia could very well go Democrat in 2020.

The map hurts the GOP. Michigan and Pennsylvania are likely in the Democrat column. If Maine employs the ranked voting system again, that one electoral vote will go to the Democrat. That gives Democrats 269 electoral votes. Republicans will have to win every state to put the election into the House.

Bull Shit....

Prepare for your 2020 Ass “Kickin”

From our Magnificent President Trump....

The slayer of Tards............…

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