3 modelers predict Trump will dust the left in 2020

a pervert dirt bag lying conman who colluded with russia to take over our government, mocks and ridicules everyone who isn't a toady to him.....and you are delighted?

you are a traitor to America .

You are ignorant.....

Tell us Tard....

How did Trump collude with Russia?
Letting Russia know where to concentrate their meddling.

Could have been a verbal message in any one of the several contacts between the Trump Campaign & Russian operatives.

a pervert dirt bag lying conman who colluded with russia to take over our government, mocks and ridicules everyone who isn't a toady to him.....and you are delighted?

you are a traitor to America .

You are ignorant.....

Tell us Tard....

How did Trump collude with Russia?
Letting Russia know where to concentrate their meddling.

Could have been a verbal message in any one of the several contacts between the Trump Campaign & Russian operatives.

So this is how Russia helped Trump get elected?

Your Butt Hurt has overloaded your little brains to the point of insanity..............

Just for shits and giggles explain this meddling you Tards keep bringing up...

Tell us how it changed one single vote...

We know you can’t because

I think you need to get back on your Meds Tard....

I said I didn’t read your post because I knew I was right...

You are the joke plain to see....

You call me a racist.....

Show us one thing I have said that is racist...

You can’t because you are full of shit...........

Off of the top of my head...

Obama did a lot in this Nation.

You called all 'tards' 'ignorant POS'.

I assume by 'tards' you means liberals.

And since liberals are made up of many races AND since referring to a human being as a 'piece of excrement' is certainly de-humanizing them AND since you said 'all' of them?

That means you are calling non-whites, sub-humans.

If that is not racist - I do not know what is.

I admit, it's not perfect...but I cannot be bothered with you so I glanced at your recent posts and just picked the first one that seemed interesting. If I find a better one - I will probably let you know.

Have a nice day.

Note -

'obozo was nothing more than a RACIST RACE HUSTLER.....

If he were White we wouldn’t even know his name......'
Obama did a lot in this Nation.

Just when I think there is no way you can "out ignorant"

your last post you prove me wrong......

Take your meds and a nap before you shit yourself....

I already took my antibiotics for the appendectomy I had on the weekend. So they are done...but thanks for reminding me.

Have a nice day.

Are you sure that wasn't a lobotomy you had?

LOL...and that ladies and gentlemen, is about the most intelligent post I have ever read from Deno. He is clearly not a bright man...who has what looks like his dog for an avatar.

Read into that what you will.

Hey Tard Stalker.....

I was thinking you might have caught yourself on fire or something...

We are making progress with your mental condition....

It’s a good sign that you recognize how you are perceived...

Even though you are still delusional and very angry over

the election, there is hope for you...

I am thinking you might need glasses too.

Just think, with a lot of hard work and introspection you

may one day see reality and be able to have relationships

like normal people......
Off of the top of my head...

Obama did a lot in this Nation.

You called all 'tards' 'ignorant POS'.

I assume by 'tards' you means liberals.

And since liberals are made up of many races AND since referring to a human being as a 'piece of excrement' is certainly de-humanizing them AND since you said 'all' of them?

That means you are calling non-whites, sub-humans.

If that is not racist - I do not know what is.

I admit, it's not perfect...but I cannot be bothered with you so I glanced at your recent posts and just picked the first one that seemed interesting. If I find a better one - I will probably let you know.

Have a nice day.

Note -

'obozo was nothing more than a RACIST RACE HUSTLER.....

If he were White we wouldn’t even know his name......'
Obama did a lot in this Nation.

Just when I think there is no way you can "out ignorant"

your last post you prove me wrong......

Take your meds and a nap before you shit yourself....

I already took my antibiotics for the appendectomy I had on the weekend. So they are done...but thanks for reminding me.

Have a nice day.

Are you sure that wasn't a lobotomy you had?

LOL...and that ladies and gentlemen, is about the most intelligent post I have ever read from Deno. He is clearly not a bright man...who has what looks like his dog for an avatar.

Read into that what you will.

Hey Tard Stalker.....

I was thinking you might have caught yourself on fire or something...

We are making progress with your mental condition....

It’s a good sign that you recognize how you are perceived...

Even though you are still delusional and very angry over

the election,
there is hope for you...

I am thinking you might need glasses too.

Just think, with a lot of hard work and introspection you

may one day see reality and be able to have relationships

like normal people......

Shit are you stupid.

a) I did not vote for Clinton (or Trump).
b) I made a PILE of money because Trump won the election (NOT because of the equity markets).
c) I want the American economy to go back to free market fundamentals. The ONLY way that is going to happen is when this Fed-backed, cheap-debt mania that began under Obama comes crashing down. And thanks to Trump and his moronic tariffs...he is making that happen faster then I dreamed.

Why the fuck would I be angry that Trump won?

Trump is the worst thing for America's short term economy...but THE BEST thing for it's long term economy.

Don't try and understand...it's miles over your head (but - to be fair - it's miles over probably 98% of all American's heads).

Damn...you Trumpbots are so dim...all you can see is black and white.

Anyway, I have wasted enough time on you for a while...why don't you go and talk to your dog (assuming your avatar is your dog) - that way someone will actually listen to you with respect (of course, he only does that because you feed him. Stop feeding him - and he won;t give a shit about you either. But whatever).

Bow wow.
Just when I think there is no way you can "out ignorant"

your last post you prove me wrong......

Take your meds and a nap before you shit yourself....

I already took my antibiotics for the appendectomy I had on the weekend. So they are done...but thanks for reminding me.

Have a nice day.

Are you sure that wasn't a lobotomy you had?

LOL...and that ladies and gentlemen, is about the most intelligent post I have ever read from Deno. He is clearly not a bright man...who has what looks like his dog for an avatar.

Read into that what you will.

Hey Tard Stalker.....

I was thinking you might have caught yourself on fire or something...

We are making progress with your mental condition....

It’s a good sign that you recognize how you are perceived...

Even though you are still delusional and very angry over

the election,
there is hope for you...

I am thinking you might need glasses too.

Just think, with a lot of hard work and introspection you

may one day see reality and be able to have relationships

like normal people......

Shit are you stupid.

a) I did not vote for Clinton (or Trump).
b) I made a PILE of money because Trump won the election (NOT because of the equity markets).
c) I want the American economy to go back to free market fundamentals. The ONLY way that is going to happen is when this Fed-backed, cheap-debt mania that began under Obama comes crashing down. And thanks to Trump and his moronic tariffs...he is making that happen faster then I dreamed.

Why the fuck would I be angry that Trump won?

Trump is the worst thing for America's short term economy...but THE BEST thing for it's long term economy.

Don't try and understand...it's miles over your head (but - to be fair - it's miles over probably 98% of all American's heads).

Damn...you Trumpbots are so dim...all you can see is black and white.

Anyway, I have wasted enough time on you for a while...why don't you go and talk to your dog (assuming your avatar is your dog) - that way someone will actually listen to you with respect (of course, he only does that because you feed him. Stop feeding him - and he won;t give a shit about you either. But whatever).

Bow wow.

You are still one delusional bitter Tard...

But you are making progress with your realization

that Trump is doing the right things for our long term economy.

It appears you made the right decision having that lobotomy.

Have your scars healed yet?

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