3 people dead after gunman targeted Black people in Jacksonville

Do you really believe white Supremacists are Democrats ?
He said nothing wrong. Democrats owned slaves and founded the KKK and today the left pushes anti white racism through wokeism

Race pimping has been your sides ideology for centuries now
More Blacks were killed by Roe in the US from 1973 until today than blacks died from ( Slavery ) ( Lynchings ) ( War) (Natural disasters ) (Disease ) Famine) (Police ) ( Auto Crashes ) ( Drowning ) ( Animal attacks ) in last 400 years
Meanwhile in Oakland

Cherry picking items which just tell your point of view is not going to impress anyone. It's still misinformation. Best to get back on subject and stop twisting the information. www.fair360.com The Violence Project Database Finds Most Shooters Have Four Things In Common. Nov. 21, 2016. This should be useful for you ; examine if any of this is self-applicable. If so, please get professional help before it's too late.
A drop in the ocean compared to the number of Whites murdered by blacks each year. The news never covers those stories.
I fact-checked your claim .it came back FALSE. It was based on FALSE DATA to begin with. The news can't / won't cover things that don't happen. At least everyone expect FOX entertainment group " news " .
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Cherry picking items which just tell your point of view is not going to impress anyone. It's still misinformation. Best to get back on subject and stop twisting the information. www.fair360.com The Violence Project Database Finds Most Shooters Have Four Things In Common. Nov. 21, 2016. This should be useful for you ; examine if any of this is self-applicable. If so, please get professional help before it's too late.
Cherry picked nothing this has been happening in Oakland for quite awhile. Deny it all you want
A mass shooting at a Dollar General store? For heaven's sake how many people are at a Dollar General at one time? If you want to be a mass murderer step up to a Walmart or Costco.
Well in Biden's overly high inflated economy, I'd say the gun must have jammed if he only shot three people, because the dollar store should have been filled or packed with bidonomic shoppers that pushed it waaaaaaaay beyond it's capacity.

It's a shame a CCP holder wasn't able to react quick enough if one were available at the location, but then again if you are shopping at the dollar general store, you probably can't afford a gun much less be motivated to take the class and everything that goes along with it.

Wait A MINUTE, was this considered another liberal gun free zone ? Time to shut down the "gun free zones" in America, especially after the defund the police movements. Citizen's have got to step up in their community watch duties, but they need training and CCPs. No more gun free zones.

Just another day in Bidonomics world.
You are crazy. Look up the definition of socialism and the definition of fascism. They are complete different . Socialism is on the left. Fascism is on the extreme right. Never the two shall meet.

They both produce the same results for most of the unwashed masses; they're just distinctions without a difference as far as most people affected by them.
You are crazy. Look up the definition of socialism and the definition of fascism. They are complete different . Socialism is on the left. Fascism is on the extreme right. Never the two shall meet.

They are not completely different….they are the same…the government controls all business activity

Here…the internet answers your question….,,

Hitler was a fascist, obviously, and a totalitarian. Somewhere along the line, these characteristics have become ascribed to the political right, or as they love to say nowadays, “The extreme right.” But it’s not true, not even close. There is no such thing as a “right-wing strongman.” Simply put, every single dictator is of the left. Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Mussolini, Marcos, Chavez, Kim, Amin, and everyone else you can think of are people of the political left, plain and simple.

I know this cuts against everything you’ve heard in the media, and if you’re under 40, it probably goes against everything you were taught in school. But, to put it mildly, you were lied to.

First off, socialism, fascism, and communism are all very similar – they advocate different ways for the government to grow and “give” people things. Communists provided people with everything they deemed the people needed, for example, and everyone had to “contribute” by working for essentially slave wages. There was a thin veil of economic transactions, but the government all ultimately controlled them. Fascism and socialism are the same way, just slightly different methodologies
So, now we get to the real point at which the argument is made about how all of these evil ideologies are of the left, and it’s pretty simple.

Progressive is the left, conservative is the right, OK? Progressives want a bigger government that does more, and with a bigger government doing more individual liberty necessarily shrinks. Conservatives want smaller government, limited by the Constitution, and more individual liberty.

It stands to reason that the further you go down the progressive direction, the bigger and stronger the government gets, just the opposite for the conservative side.

The natural end of the road for progressives is absolute power, a totalitarian regime imposing its will on the people, whether they like it or not. It’s a disaster, always, and the average person suffers greatly, but they suffer equally. It’s equity on display. Of course, that suffering never makes it to the top – as Soviet citizens starved, Stalin and his pals were fat. While North Koreans ate dirt, every leader in the Kim family was obese. It holds for almost all of them

Now, the logical end for the conservative side of the horizon is anarchy. The further you go down the right, the smaller the government becomes and the more personal liberty there is. The end of that is no government at all, the opposite of the left.

But to hear the Democrat/MSNBC brain trust tell it, as you work your way down the right side, as government power shrinks, there is a magical point at which it somehow spikes back up to be all-powerful, and that’s where Hitler and every other of these monsters somehow lived. It doesn’t make any sense, but they also know people have been conditioned by a horrible left-wing public education system not to understand politics or history and to believe what they hear from “journalists” on TV, so it sticks.

It only sticks with stupid people, but there are enough of them to fuel a movement.

He said nothing wrong. Democrats owned slaves and founded the KKK and today the left pushes anti white racism through wokeism

Race pimping has been your sides ideology for centuries now

Yes…they are……the democrat party was founded by two slave owners and racism has been a part of that party from day one……

barak Obama, the democrat party President is a racist and anti-Semite of the first order……

Louis farakhan is essentially the Grand Dragon of the black ku klux klan…..he runs the Nation of Islam…..a racist, anti-semitic organization….

Batak obama and the congressional black caucus…all democrat party leaders….held a dinner where louis farakhan was the guest of honor….

Al sharpton is a racist and anti-semite….and homophobe……and barak obama had him visit the White House over and over when he was President and democrat party Presidential candidates have to kiss his ring when they run……

Barak obama belonged to a racist and anti-semitic church for 20 years, the pastor, jeremiah wright, is an open racist and anti-semite….who married obama and michelle and baptized their daughters…..

Bill clinton‘s political mentor and good friend was william fulbright, a racist and segregationist…..

Bill clinton had good relations with orval faubus…..and other racists……he even spoke at dedications to them….

joe biden stated he had great relations with segregatiinists when he was in congress…

The democrat party uses racism as a weapon and a tool……racism is the core of the democrat party.

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