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3 Things Obama Promised Putin

I believe what we see in The Middle East is God making his presence known to Israel as The Middle East prepares for the prophetic war of Gog and Magog and their Islamic allies agaisnt Israel and The destruction of Damascus also prophesized.

I also believe Obama did what he did because he wanted to force Israel to their knees, and by his Islamic background and upbringing was naturally inclined to hate Israel and desire to see her destruction.

Anyone who reads me knows I donā€™t like The Bushes or Clintons and feel that they are part of The Deep State Establishment.

But Bush Kicked Russiaā€™s Ass all over The Middle East and Russia is a major enemy of Israel and The US and they are who arm all these Radical Islamic Groups, That is until Obama was elected

Obama was a whore for Jihadists and Russiaā€™s Aspirations.

Bengazi Weapons Deal gone bad
Fast & Furious Weapons Deal Exposed (The Weapons weā€™re actually for Islamic groups helping Mexican Drug Cartels with Heroin Trafficking)

Las Vegas shooting was actually another Obama Weapons Deal gone bad that was an ongoing operation left over from The Obama Administration. The weapons were to help drug traffickers in the US protect their shipments coming across the Southern border from Mexico.

I donā€™t have problems sharing blame but Bush wasnā€™t giving arms and weapons to terrorists and illegally using Benghazi as a weapons depot for that purpose and having terrorists stage COUPs In Egypt and Libya while at the same time giving Billions to Israelā€™s and The Largest sponsor of terrorism, and helping them to develop nuclear weapons to annihilate Israel with. But then again many Liberals love to hear Iranians yell Death to America and write Death to Israel on their ICBMs.

Bush didnā€™t play Catch and Release with Mass Murderers or stand Idly by why ISISIS beheaded, raped, murdered and sold 500,000 in to slavery or bulldozed them in to Mass Graves.

How come you never blame Thomas Jefferson for Islamic Radicals attacking our ships in The Mediterranean killing our merchant sailors on Merchant ships and taking hostages and demanding ransom for them and doing this so many times that Jefferson had to build a Navy and Create The Marines to go fight them in Tripoli because we had NO Military Vessels in The Mediterranean.

We were only seeking trade and they attacked us because we werenā€™t Muslim and it was their duty to wage Jihad against people who had no quarrel with them.

How about asking the dead corpse of Yasser Arafat what ā€œThe Peace of Saladinā€ is and why he wanted to offer that to Israel?

Obama not only surrounded Israel with more hostile enemies, he gave Israelā€™s enemies the weapons to annihilate them.
It was actually the Bush administration that set the course for "a new Middle East".
Obama is a piece of shit, no denying it. But we have to set the events in the proper context. Seymour Hersh was the first to spot the changing US strategy which he outlined in 2007.

And this from an early visit of the Obama administration to Riyadh.

3. (S) U.S. CREDIBILITY IS CRITICAL: The Bush Administration is now in the past, the King said. Both President Bushes were his friends, but the recent President Bush didn,t take his advice on dealing with issues in the region, and they found their problems "compounded." The King said, "we are ready to consult, provide guidance and to do whatever is necessary. We are people of the region and we know it well." Brennan responded that President Obama wants to listen, and asked what advice the King would offer to President Obama. Abdullah said his one piece of advice was that restoring U.S. credibility in the world was critically important. Brennan responded that this was an important issue for President Obama as well. Brennan said that under President Obama we will restore our credibility. He said the U.S. is a great country and we know what we have to do.
Cable: 09RIYADH447_a
What we see in the Middle East is a continuation of the Israeli agenda. Differing personalities in the White House offer different challenges and opportunities to achieving the agenda, but make no mistake, the agenda remains unchanged. We are now witnessing it play out with Trump.
I believe what we see in The Middle East is God making his presence known to Israel as The Middle East prepares for the prophetic war of Gog and Magog and their Islamic allies agaisnt Israel and The destruction of Damascus also prophesized.

I also believe Obama did what he did because he wanted to force Israel to their knees, and by his Islamic background and upbringing was naturally inclined to hate Israel and desire to see her destruction.

Anyone who reads me knows I donā€™t like The Bushes or Clintons and feel that they are part of The Deep State Establishment.

But Bush Kicked Russiaā€™s Ass all over The Middle East and Russia is a major enemy of Israel and The US and they are who arm all these Radical Islamic Groups, That is until Obama was elected

Obama was a whore for Jihadists and Russiaā€™s Aspirations.

Bengazi Weapons Deal gone bad
Fast & Furious Weapons Deal Exposed (The Weapons weā€™re actually for Islamic groups helping Mexican Drug Cartels with Heroin Trafficking)

Las Vegas shooting was actually another Obama Weapons Deal gone bad that was an ongoing operation left over from The Obama Administration. The weapons were to help drug traffickers in the US protect their shipments coming across the Southern border from Mexico.

I donā€™t have problems sharing blame but Bush wasnā€™t giving arms and weapons to terrorists and illegally using Benghazi as a weapons depot for that purpose and having terrorists stage COUPs In Egypt and Libya while at the same time giving Billions to Israelā€™s and The Largest sponsor of terrorism, and helping them to develop nuclear weapons to annihilate Israel with. But then again many Liberals love to hear Iranians yell Death to America and write Death to Israel on their ICBMs.

Bush didnā€™t play Catch and Release with Mass Murderers or stand Idly by why ISISIS beheaded, raped, murdered and sold 500,000 in to slavery or bulldozed them in to Mass Graves.

How come you never blame Thomas Jefferson for Islamic Radicals attacking our ships in The Mediterranean killing our merchant sailors on Merchant ships and taking hostages and demanding ransom for them and doing this so many times that Jefferson had to build a Navy and Create The Marines to go fight them in Tripoli because we had NO Military Vessels in The Mediterranean.

We were only seeking trade and they attacked us because we werenā€™t Muslim and it was their duty to wage Jihad against people who had no quarrel with them.

How about asking the dead corpse of Yasser Arafat what ā€œThe Peace of Saladinā€ is and why he wanted to offer that to Israel?

It was actually the Bush administration that set the course for "a new Middle East".
Obama is a piece of shit, no denying it. But we have to set the events in the proper context. Seymour Hersh was the first to spot the changing US strategy which he outlined in 2007.

And this from an early visit of the Obama administration to Riyadh.

3. (S) U.S. CREDIBILITY IS CRITICAL: The Bush Administration is now in the past, the King said. Both President Bushes were his friends, but the recent President Bush didn,t take his advice on dealing with issues in the region, and they found their problems "compounded." The King said, "we are ready to consult, provide guidance and to do whatever is necessary. We are people of the region and we know it well." Brennan responded that President Obama wants to listen, and asked what advice the King would offer to President Obama. Abdullah said his one piece of advice was that restoring U.S. credibility in the world was critically important. Brennan responded that this was an important issue for President Obama as well. Brennan said that under President Obama we will restore our credibility. He said the U.S. is a great country and we know what we have to do.
Cable: 09RIYADH447_a
What we see in the Middle East is a continuation of the Israeli agenda. Differing personalities in the White House offer different challenges and opportunities to achieving the agenda, but make no mistake, the agenda remains unchanged. We are now witnessing it play out with Trump.
That you believe that need not have been said, it is a given. Your silly superstitions are clearly evident and cloud your judgement.
Try Google. These are all established facts. I just strung them together for you.

How about you doing your own homework and dispute line by line everything I just posted....

Smell Yah Later!

We know where your "facts" come from Angry Tree Guy - The usual suspects.

Which is why you blame everything - EVERYTHING no matter what .. On a Democrat.

You went all Uranium One on us again? Please

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
The Alternative 'Russia Scandal'
Analysis | The repeated, incorrect claim that Russia obtained ā€˜20 percent of our uranium'
Claims of Clinton-Russia Uranium Collusion Are A Real Empty Barrel
1.) You can buy our Uranium and take control of 20% of our strategic reserve.

2.) Tou can take The Crimea and extend your strategic influence there.

3.) You can build military bases in Syria so that you can preposition Armaments for an eventual show down with Israel.

Russia arms nearly the entire Middle East. Russia sees The Middle East as an opportunity to expand itā€™s energy reserves and control of energy resources, such as Oil, Natural Gas and Uranium.

War also in The Middle East is profitable for Russia because of Arms Sales. For Russia then conflict, chaos and division in any Nation that would oppose Russian Aspirations inThe Middle East is a Strategic Advantge.

Consider the following Middle Eastern Nationa friendly to Russia that Obama gave aid and comfort to if not outright support to and at the same time, make a mental note of how Obama always opposed Israel in the 8 torturous years of his presidency

Russia has armed Iran, Iraq, as well as Syria, Ethiopia, and Libya.

Egypt has a diversified weapons
Procurement and buys itā€™s weapons From North Korea.

North Korea gets its weapons from China and Russia.

Obama during his presidency did the following:

He relaxed some rules on North Korea that allowed them to advance their Nuclear weapons and ICBM program. Bill Clinton also helped NOKO with their ICBM program.

Obama gave Billions of Dollars to Iran, and also signed a treaty with them to help them further develop Nuclear Weapons and their ICBMs. Iran and North Korea are partners in a joint effort to develop their nuclear capabilities and test their weapons in North Korea.

Bill Clinton gave The Chinese US missile guidance technology and Obama signed an agreement to allow China to share this with NOKO who now shares it with Iran.

Russiaā€™s underhanded acquisition of Uranium One via Rosatom
Bribery Scandal which Involved Clinton allows Russia now to sell US Uranium to Iran paid for with US Dollars directly due to actions of The Obama Administration.

Iran and Russia arm The PLO amd Hamas and often are paid in American Dollars during The Obama Administration based on aide agreements and The Iran Nuke Deal.

Obama made an agreement with Russia that allowed Russia to provide military aid, arms and build military bases In Syria under the cover of helping Syria get rid of their chemical weapons.

Both Egypt and Libya were more or less cooperating with The US and itā€™s foreign policy goals and were benign towards Israel until Obama was elected and he and Hillary Clinton decided to fund and arm The Muslim Brotherhood to launch a COUP in Egypt and install a more Anti-Israel Government.

They then armed and funded Libyan Jihadists Al Queda to assassinate Qadaffi and install another Anti-Israel Government there and used Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to the terrorists in Libya.

Obama also attempted to support radical Jihadists in Ethiopia and Somalia while publicly making soft criticisms of the Gobernmenys there trying to consent the Jihadists.

Lastly against the advice of Teo Former Presidents and his Chiefā€™s of Staff and The Iraqi Government he intentionally withdrew our troops there and publicly made known his intentions despite being told that doing so would allow Islamic Terrorists to resurgence rapidly in this are. Obama gave birth to ISIS.

And if that werenā€™t enough he signed a massive aid package to The PLO, and pushed UN Resolutions against Israel demanding that they vacate The Golan Heights, West Bank and Gaza on his way out of office while also taking Criminal actions to hog tie the incoming Israel Friendly Administration.

If Israel did that and complied with that decree, theyā€™d be annihilated by 200 Million Muslims, helped by Russian armaments of not The Russian Army itself because experts have determined that Israel cannot defend itself with Conventional Weapons if they lose those three strategically held areas.

Obama not only surrounded Israel with more hostile enemies, he gave Israelā€™s enemies the weapons to annihilate them.

Except that he didnā€™t DO any of those three things.

1. The Uranium is not part of the ā€œstrategic reservesā€ because itā€™s not weapons grade uranium and none of it went to Russia. No export license was requested or given.

2. Putin was given permission to take the Crimea and economic sanctions were imposed for doing so.

3. As for Syria, when Congress refused to give authorization for Obsma for military action in Syria, Putin agreed to get Assad to give up his chemical weapons. Obama accepted his help because he had no other option. It was successful because Assad didnā€™t use chemical weapons on his people again during Obsmaā€™s Administration.

But nice try at promoting Russian propaganda troll.
There is nothing wrong in believing in a book that contains prophesies that have Never Been Wrong.

If you want to challenge me on the unmatched accuracy of the prophesies and the statistical probabilities that any of the events predicted and still to come could happen by chance, I think youā€™d better prepare yourself with far better arguments.

But letā€™s remove prophesies of Damascus being pounded to rubble or a Russian Arab Confederation attacking Israel and being decimated on The Mountains of Israel, or The Jewish Nation being reborn when The Romans, Nazis and Muslims have tried to exterminate them and the fact these prophesies from Ezekiel are Thosands of years old.

Obama clearly was a bad actor, clearly supported, financed, armed terrorists, and clearly repeatedly undermined Israel, interfered in their elections, and worked to diminish our Military, and our influence and leadership in the world, and at the same time

Encouraged and even stepped out of the way of Russiaā€™s Ambitions, and so did Hillary Clinton.

I believe what we see in The Middle East is God making his presence known to Israel as The Middle East prepares for the prophetic war of Gog and Magog and their Islamic allies agaisnt Israel and The destruction of Damascus also prophesized.

I also believe Obama did what he did because he wanted to force Israel to their knees, and by his Islamic background and upbringing was naturally inclined to hate Israel and desire to see her destruction.

Anyone who reads me knows I donā€™t like The Bushes or Clintons and feel that they are part of The Deep State Establishment.

But Bush Kicked Russiaā€™s Ass all over The Middle East and Russia is a major enemy of Israel and The US and they are who arm all these Radical Islamic Groups, That is until Obama was elected

Obama was a whore for Jihadists and Russiaā€™s Aspirations.

Bengazi Weapons Deal gone bad
Fast & Furious Weapons Deal Exposed (The Weapons weā€™re actually for Islamic groups helping Mexican Drug Cartels with Heroin Trafficking)

Las Vegas shooting was actually another Obama Weapons Deal gone bad that was an ongoing operation left over from The Obama Administration. The weapons were to help drug traffickers in the US protect their shipments coming across the Southern border from Mexico.

I donā€™t have problems sharing blame but Bush wasnā€™t giving arms and weapons to terrorists and illegally using Benghazi as a weapons depot for that purpose and having terrorists stage COUPs In Egypt and Libya while at the same time giving Billions to Israelā€™s and The Largest sponsor of terrorism, and helping them to develop nuclear weapons to annihilate Israel with. But then again many Liberals love to hear Iranians yell Death to America and write Death to Israel on their ICBMs.

Bush didnā€™t play Catch and Release with Mass Murderers or stand Idly by why ISISIS beheaded, raped, murdered and sold 500,000 in to slavery or bulldozed them in to Mass Graves.

How come you never blame Thomas Jefferson for Islamic Radicals attacking our ships in The Mediterranean killing our merchant sailors on Merchant ships and taking hostages and demanding ransom for them and doing this so many times that Jefferson had to build a Navy and Create The Marines to go fight them in Tripoli because we had NO Military Vessels in The Mediterranean.

We were only seeking trade and they attacked us because we werenā€™t Muslim and it was their duty to wage Jihad against people who had no quarrel with them.

How about asking the dead corpse of Yasser Arafat what ā€œThe Peace of Saladinā€ is and why he wanted to offer that to Israel?
Obama is a piece of shit, no denying it. But we have to set the events in the proper context. Seymour Hersh was the first to spot the changing US strategy which he outlined in 2007.

And this from an early visit of the Obama administration to Riyadh.

3. (S) U.S. CREDIBILITY IS CRITICAL: The Bush Administration is now in the past, the King said. Both President Bushes were his friends, but the recent President Bush didn,t take his advice on dealing with issues in the region, and they found their problems "compounded." The King said, "we are ready to consult, provide guidance and to do whatever is necessary. We are people of the region and we know it well." Brennan responded that President Obama wants to listen, and asked what advice the King would offer to President Obama. Abdullah said his one piece of advice was that restoring U.S. credibility in the world was critically important. Brennan responded that this was an important issue for President Obama as well. Brennan said that under President Obama we will restore our credibility. He said the U.S. is a great country and we know what we have to do.
Cable: 09RIYADH447_a
What we see in the Middle East is a continuation of the Israeli agenda. Differing personalities in the White House offer different challenges and opportunities to achieving the agenda, but make no mistake, the agenda remains unchanged. We are now witnessing it play out with Trump.
That you believe that need not have been said, it is a given. Your silly superstitions are clearly evident and cloud your judgement.
There is everything wrong in believing in the hate filled lies and propaganda posted by Putinā€™s minions to divide and destroy the United States.

The ONLY reason you call Obama a ā€œbad actorā€ is because he actually has a spine and stood up to Putin and his attempts at empire building.

Now that Dumb Donald is allowing Putin to do as he pleases and refusing to sanction him, youā€™re desperate to deflect attention away from Trumpā€™s lack of any kind of a coherent foreign policy, or even a plan for foreign relations.

The right may be stupid enough to fall for your lies, because they donā€™t bother to fact check, but now that the left has realized what you asshats are trying to pull, the jig is up.

Once weā€™ve seen you for what you really are, weā€™re not going to forget what we know.

As the expression goes, we donā€™t get mad, we get even. Russia is going to find itself cut off from the rest of the world, both economically and electronically. Enjoy your fun while it lasts little troll.
There is everything wrong in believing in the hate filled lies and propaganda posted by Putinā€™s minions to divide and destroy the United States.
The US is crumbling under the weight of its own internal contradictions. Putin is nothing more than an escape goat for those who wish to disguise the true nature of our decay.
This is totally nuts.

1.) You can buy our Uranium and take control of 20% of our strategic reserve.

Try sticking to FACTS. For example, Uranium One:

The Uranium One deal required multiple approvals by the U.S. The approval process STARTS with the Committee on Foreign Investments - that committee reviews foreign investments that raise potential national security concerns. They can't stop the sale - they can only approve it. If they don't approve it - it can be passed on to the president who can stop it. All nine members of the committee approved it.

There are also other federal approvals required before completing the sale. It has to go through the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for example.

The Facts on Uranium One - FactCheck.org

It is also important to note that other federal approvals were needed to complete the deal, and even still more approvals would be needed to export the uranium.

First, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission had to approve the transfer of two uranium recovery licenses in Wyoming from Uranium One to the Russian company. The NRC announced it approved the transfer on Nov. 24, 2010. But, as the NRC explained at the time, ā€œno uranium produced at either facility may be exported.ā€

As NRC explained in a March 2011 letter to Republican Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming, the Russian company would have to apply for and obtain an export license and ā€œcommit to use the material only for peaceful purposesā€ in accordance with ā€œthe U.S.-Russia Atomic Energy Act Section 123 agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation.ā€

In a June 2015 letter to Rep. Peter Visclosky, the NRC said it granted RSB Logistics Services an amendment to its export license in 2012 to allow the Kentucky shipping company to export uranium to Canada from various sources ā€” including from a Uranium One site in Wyoming. The NRC said that the export license allowed RSB to ship uranium to a conversion plant in Canada and then back to the United States for further processing.

Canada must obtain U.S. approval to transfer any U.S. uranium to any country other than the United States, the letter says.

ā€œPlease be assured that no Uranium One, Inc.-produced uranium has been shipped directly to Russia and the U.S. Government has not authorized any country to re-transfer U.S. uranium to Russia,ā€ the 2015 letter said.

ā€œThat 2015 statement remains true today,ā€ David McIntyre, a spokesman for the NRC, told us in an email.

RSB Logisticsā€™ current export license, which expires in December, still lists Uranium One as one of its suppliers of uranium.

Uranium One, which is now wholly-owned subsidiary of Rosatom, sells uranium to civilian power reactors in the United States, according to the Energy Information Administration. But U.S. owners and operators of commercial nuclear reactors purchase the vast majority of their uranium from foreign sources. Only 11 percent of the 50.6 million pounds purchased in 2016 came from U.S. domestic producers, according to the EIA.

Although Uranium One once held 20 percent of licensed uranium in-situ recovery production capacity in the U.S., thatā€™s no longer the case. There were only four in-situ recovery facilities licensed by the NRC in 2010. Currently, there are 10 such facilities, so Uranium Oneā€™s mining operations now account for an estimated 10 percent of in-situ recovery production capacity in the U.S., the NRC told us in an email.

As for production, the company was responsible for only about 11 percent of U.S. uranium production in 2014, according to 2015 congressional testimony by a Department of Energy contractor. More recently, Uranium One has been responsible for no more than 5.9 percent of domestic production, according to a September 2017 report by the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Provide a specific and credible source showing that your Claim #1 is true?
1.) You can buy our Uranium and take control of 20% of our strategic reserve.

2.) Tou can take The Crimea and extend your strategic influence there.

3.) You can build military bases in Syria so that you can preposition Armaments for an eventual show down with Israel.

1. Idiot this is private bussiness ownership transfer, it's illegal to export uranium out of United States nor does Russia need any of it with Khazakhstan next door to it with half of the world's reserve. I don't hear a single Republican or Trump object to U1 being Russia owned TODAY - do you? No you don't because it's nothing but dog and pony show for dupes like you.

2. No you can't, not without cripling sanctions that put you in recession.

3. Hey dummy, we don't own Syria and both Obama and Ccinton were way more hawkish on Syria than blow-Putin Trump.


There is everything wrong in believing in the hate filled lies and propaganda posted by Putinā€™s minions to divide and destroy the United States.
The US is crumbling under the weight of its own internal contradictions. Putin is nothing more than an escape goat for those who wish to disguise the true nature of our decay.
Funny you should mention Putin, and The Democrat Party Being Allied with him to Sow Discord & Contention.

Your post would be more appropriate if you included an image of Your hero Khrushchev telling America how Useful Idiots like you will help Mother Russia, Bury America!

Why does The Left continually promote Propaganda, Divisiveness, and Contentious Messages of our Enemies?

There is everything wrong in believing in the hate filled lies and propaganda posted by Putinā€™s minions to divide and destroy the United States.
The US is crumbling under the weight of its own internal contradictions. Putin is nothing more than an escape goat for those who wish to disguise the true nature of our decay.
Funny you should mention Putin, and The Democrat Party Being Allied with him to Sow Discord & Contention.

Your post would be more appropriate if you included an image of Your hero Khrushchev telling America how Useful Idiots like you will help Mother Russia, Bury America!

Why does The Left continually promote Propaganda, Divisiveness, and Contentious Messages of our Enemies?

You're a typical Democrat, can't accept responsibility for your failures.

The Russians :boohoo:
Last edited:
1.) You can buy our Uranium and take control of 20% of our strategic reserve.

2.) Tou can take The Crimea and extend your strategic influence there.

3.) You can build military bases in Syria so that you can preposition Armaments for an eventual show down with Israel.

Russia arms nearly the entire Middle East. Russia sees The Middle East as an opportunity to expand itā€™s energy reserves and control of energy resources, such as Oil, Natural Gas and Uranium.

War also in The Middle East is profitable for Russia because of Arms Sales. For Russia then conflict, chaos and division in any Nation that would oppose Russian Aspirations inThe Middle East is a Strategic Advantge.

Consider the following Middle Eastern Nationa friendly to Russia that Obama gave aid and comfort to if not outright support to and at the same time, make a mental note of how Obama always opposed Israel in the 8 torturous years of his presidency

Russia has armed Iran, Iraq, as well as Syria, Ethiopia, and Libya.

Egypt has a diversified weapons
Procurement and buys itā€™s weapons From North Korea.

North Korea gets its weapons from China and Russia.

Obama during his presidency did the following:

He relaxed some rules on North Korea that allowed them to advance their Nuclear weapons and ICBM program. Bill Clinton also helped NOKO with their ICBM program.

Obama gave Billions of Dollars to Iran, and also signed a treaty with them to help them further develop Nuclear Weapons and their ICBMs. Iran and North Korea are partners in a joint effort to develop their nuclear capabilities and test their weapons in North Korea.

Bill Clinton gave The Chinese US missile guidance technology and Obama signed an agreement to allow China to share this with NOKO who now shares it with Iran.

Russiaā€™s underhanded acquisition of Uranium One via Rosatom
Bribery Scandal which Involved Clinton allows Russia now to sell US Uranium to Iran paid for with US Dollars directly due to actions of The Obama Administration.

Iran and Russia arm The PLO amd Hamas and often are paid in American Dollars during The Obama Administration based on aide agreements and The Iran Nuke Deal.

Obama made an agreement with Russia that allowed Russia to provide military aid, arms and build military bases In Syria under the cover of helping Syria get rid of their chemical weapons.

Both Egypt and Libya were more or less cooperating with The US and itā€™s foreign policy goals and were benign towards Israel until Obama was elected and he and Hillary Clinton decided to fund and arm The Muslim Brotherhood to launch a COUP in Egypt and install a more Anti-Israel Government.

They then armed and funded Libyan Jihadists Al Queda to assassinate Qadaffi and install another Anti-Israel Government there and used Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to the terrorists in Libya.

Obama also attempted to support radical Jihadists in Ethiopia and Somalia while publicly making soft criticisms of the Gobernmenys there trying to consent the Jihadists.

Lastly against the advice of Teo Former Presidents and his Chiefā€™s of Staff and The Iraqi Government he intentionally withdrew our troops there and publicly made known his intentions despite being told that doing so would allow Islamic Terrorists to resurgence rapidly in this are. Obama gave birth to ISIS.

And if that werenā€™t enough he signed a massive aid package to The PLO, and pushed UN Resolutions against Israel demanding that they vacate The Golan Heights, West Bank and Gaza on his way out of office while also taking Criminal actions to hog tie the incoming Israel Friendly Administration.

If Israel did that and complied with that decree, theyā€™d be annihilated by 200 Million Muslims, helped by Russian armaments of not The Russian Army itself because experts have determined that Israel cannot defend itself with Conventional Weapons if they lose those three strategically held areas.

Obama not only surrounded Israel with more hostile enemies, he gave Israelā€™s enemies the weapons to annihilate them.

wow, anything else the voices in your head are telling you?

I love how wackjob trumploons try to pretend that Donald and his sucking up to putin is normal.
yeah, good call, bring up promises, thats a topic RW's really have something to brag about.

1.) You can buy our Uranium and take control of 20% of our strategic reserve.

2.) Tou can take The Crimea and extend your strategic influence there.

3.) You can build military bases in Syria so that you can preposition Armaments for an eventual show down with Israel.

Russia arms nearly the entire Middle East. Russia sees The Middle East as an opportunity to expand itā€™s energy reserves and control of energy resources, such as Oil, Natural Gas and Uranium.

War also in The Middle East is profitable for Russia because of Arms Sales. For Russia then conflict, chaos and division in any Nation that would oppose Russian Aspirations inThe Middle East is a Strategic Advantge.

Consider the following Middle Eastern Nationa friendly to Russia that Obama gave aid and comfort to if not outright support to and at the same time, make a mental note of how Obama always opposed Israel in the 8 torturous years of his presidency

Russia has armed Iran, Iraq, as well as Syria, Ethiopia, and Libya.

Egypt has a diversified weapons
Procurement and buys itā€™s weapons From North Korea.

North Korea gets its weapons from China and Russia.

Obama during his presidency did the following:

He relaxed some rules on North Korea that allowed them to advance their Nuclear weapons and ICBM program. Bill Clinton also helped NOKO with their ICBM program.

Obama gave Billions of Dollars to Iran, and also signed a treaty with them to help them further develop Nuclear Weapons and their ICBMs. Iran and North Korea are partners in a joint effort to develop their nuclear capabilities and test their weapons in North Korea.

Bill Clinton gave The Chinese US missile guidance technology and Obama signed an agreement to allow China to share this with NOKO who now shares it with Iran.

Russiaā€™s underhanded acquisition of Uranium One via Rosatom
Bribery Scandal which Involved Clinton allows Russia now to sell US Uranium to Iran paid for with US Dollars directly due to actions of The Obama Administration.

Iran and Russia arm The PLO amd Hamas and often are paid in American Dollars during The Obama Administration based on aide agreements and The Iran Nuke Deal.

Obama made an agreement with Russia that allowed Russia to provide military aid, arms and build military bases In Syria under the cover of helping Syria get rid of their chemical weapons.

Both Egypt and Libya were more or less cooperating with The US and itā€™s foreign policy goals and were benign towards Israel until Obama was elected and he and Hillary Clinton decided to fund and arm The Muslim Brotherhood to launch a COUP in Egypt and install a more Anti-Israel Government.

They then armed and funded Libyan Jihadists Al Queda to assassinate Qadaffi and install another Anti-Israel Government there and used Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to the terrorists in Libya.

Obama also attempted to support radical Jihadists in Ethiopia and Somalia while publicly making soft criticisms of the Gobernmenys there trying to consent the Jihadists.

Lastly against the advice of Teo Former Presidents and his Chiefā€™s of Staff and The Iraqi Government he intentionally withdrew our troops there and publicly made known his intentions despite being told that doing so would allow Islamic Terrorists to resurgence rapidly in this are. Obama gave birth to ISIS.

And if that werenā€™t enough he signed a massive aid package to The PLO, and pushed UN Resolutions against Israel demanding that they vacate The Golan Heights, West Bank and Gaza on his way out of office while also taking Criminal actions to hog tie the incoming Israel Friendly Administration.

If Israel did that and complied with that decree, theyā€™d be annihilated by 200 Million Muslims, helped by Russian armaments of not The Russian Army itself because experts have determined that Israel cannot defend itself with Conventional Weapons if they lose those three strategically held areas.

Obama not only surrounded Israel with more hostile enemies, he gave Israelā€™s enemies the weapons to annihilate them.

Wow, your lies just never end.

First lie: Uranium one can not ship any uranium out of country without approval.

This is how fucking stupid you are.

Second, Uranium One is a CANADIAN company. The US uranium it "owns" is already owned by a foreign government.

NK got its nuke under George W Bush & got its rocket to reach the US under Trump,.

'When will you assholes grow a fucking pair & quit trying to blame everyone else for the shit your oolitical party did.

My God.
That doesn't make any sense since I am a Trump Supporter.

I was criticizing the narrative that America is Crumbling and Decaying and we are all divided. That is something you would hear from Russia, The Left, and The Liberal Mainstream News Media, or Hollywood.
1.) You can buy our Uranium and take control of 20% of our strategic reserve.

2.) Tou can take The Crimea and extend your strategic influence there.

3.) You can build military bases in Syria so that you can preposition Armaments for an eventual show down with Israel.

Russia arms nearly the entire Middle East. Russia sees The Middle East as an opportunity to expand itā€™s energy reserves and control of energy resources, such as Oil, Natural Gas and Uranium.

War also in The Middle East is profitable for Russia because of Arms Sales. For Russia then conflict, chaos and division in any Nation that would oppose Russian Aspirations inThe Middle East is a Strategic Advantge.

Consider the following Middle Eastern Nationa friendly to Russia that Obama gave aid and comfort to if not outright support to and at the same time, make a mental note of how Obama always opposed Israel in the 8 torturous years of his presidency

Russia has armed Iran, Iraq, as well as Syria, Ethiopia, and Libya.

Egypt has a diversified weapons
Procurement and buys itā€™s weapons From North Korea.

North Korea gets its weapons from China and Russia.

Obama during his presidency did the following:

He relaxed some rules on North Korea that allowed them to advance their Nuclear weapons and ICBM program. Bill Clinton also helped NOKO with their ICBM program.

Obama gave Billions of Dollars to Iran, and also signed a treaty with them to help them further develop Nuclear Weapons and their ICBMs. Iran and North Korea are partners in a joint effort to develop their nuclear capabilities and test their weapons in North Korea.

Bill Clinton gave The Chinese US missile guidance technology and Obama signed an agreement to allow China to share this with NOKO who now shares it with Iran.

Russiaā€™s underhanded acquisition of Uranium One via Rosatom
Bribery Scandal which Involved Clinton allows Russia now to sell US Uranium to Iran paid for with US Dollars directly due to actions of The Obama Administration.

Iran and Russia arm The PLO amd Hamas and often are paid in American Dollars during The Obama Administration based on aide agreements and The Iran Nuke Deal.

Obama made an agreement with Russia that allowed Russia to provide military aid, arms and build military bases In Syria under the cover of helping Syria get rid of their chemical weapons.

Both Egypt and Libya were more or less cooperating with The US and itā€™s foreign policy goals and were benign towards Israel until Obama was elected and he and Hillary Clinton decided to fund and arm The Muslim Brotherhood to launch a COUP in Egypt and install a more Anti-Israel Government.

They then armed and funded Libyan Jihadists Al Queda to assassinate Qadaffi and install another Anti-Israel Government there and used Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to the terrorists in Libya.

Obama also attempted to support radical Jihadists in Ethiopia and Somalia while publicly making soft criticisms of the Gobernmenys there trying to consent the Jihadists.

Lastly against the advice of Teo Former Presidents and his Chiefā€™s of Staff and The Iraqi Government he intentionally withdrew our troops there and publicly made known his intentions despite being told that doing so would allow Islamic Terrorists to resurgence rapidly in this are. Obama gave birth to ISIS.

And if that werenā€™t enough he signed a massive aid package to The PLO, and pushed UN Resolutions against Israel demanding that they vacate The Golan Heights, West Bank and Gaza on his way out of office while also taking Criminal actions to hog tie the incoming Israel Friendly Administration.

If Israel did that and complied with that decree, theyā€™d be annihilated by 200 Million Muslims, helped by Russian armaments of not The Russian Army itself because experts have determined that Israel cannot defend itself with Conventional Weapons if they lose those three strategically held areas.

Obama not only surrounded Israel with more hostile enemies, he gave Israelā€™s enemies the weapons to annihilate them.

wow, anything else the voices in your head are telling you?

I love how wackjob trumploons try to pretend that Donald and his sucking up to putin is normal.
Cause and effect. Obama is where the Buck is supposed to stop, and none of what has happened has happened without his Permitting IT.

Obama Bin Dick Sucking willingly serviced Putin and Russia and paid Russia for that pleasure.

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