3 things that will actually stop school shootings......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Good article.......actual ways to stop school shootings that don't focus on taking guns away from people who don't do school shootings....

These are all just watered down variations of red flag laws and enhanced background checks that have been proposed over the years...and been shot down by the gun zealots.

And I suspect it will only take a few publicized "reportings" before people like you will start screaming "Shall Not Be Infringed!!" from the rooftops.
None of these are workable long term.
These are all just watered down variations of red flag laws and enhanced background checks that have been proposed over the years...and been shot down by the gun zealots.

And I suspect it will only take a few publicized "reportings" before people like you will start screaming "Shall Not Be Infringed!!" from the rooftops.
None of these are workable long term.

Allow me to translate your post.....

None of the 3 actually allow us to ban and confiscate guns...therefore, I don't care about them and will not support them...that they actually would impact how we stop mass public shootings is not my concern...since my only concern is banning and confiscating guns....

End of translation....
Allow me to translate your post.....

None of the 3 actually allow us to ban and confiscate guns...therefore, I don't care about them and will not support them...that they actually would impact how we stop mass public shootings is not my concern...since my only concern is banning and confiscating guns....

End of translation....
No. What I said. Not what you think I meant. Again, I own guns. I will not give them up. However, it will be people like you that will eventually be the reason for me having to give them up...unless you have a come to Jesus moment. But I'm not holding my breath. Nothing in your linked "study" will make a dent in gun violence. You may think these "solutions" will help..but you'll scream and rail against them the moment you think a just and righteous patriot was denied their right to own a firearm. ^Shrug^.

Rinse..and repeat.
School shootings cannot be stopped, because where there is a will, there is way.

The effects of said shootings can be reduced by...
1: Hardening school buildings with procedures and barriers designed to stop/slow a shooter
2: Covering those barriers with deadly force.

The anti-gun left wil poo-poo these suggestions because they do not advance their mindless agenda.
These are all just watered down variations of red flag laws and enhanced background checks that have been proposed over the years...and been shot down by the gun zealots.

And I suspect it will only take a few publicized "reportings" before people like you will start screaming "Shall Not Be Infringed!!" from the rooftops.
None of these are workable long term.
Damn Constitutional rights.
Good article.......actual ways to stop school shootings that don't focus on taking guns away from people who don't do school shootings....

Limit access to one point of entry and use armed fully vetted combat veterans and the school shooting will stop. Of course these and other sensible preventive measures will never even be considered by the anti-constitutionalist because they don't disarm law abiding citizens.
Good article.......actual ways to stop school shootings that don't focus on taking guns away from people who don't do school shootings....

So the people opposed to "Red Flag Laws" are now proposing "Red Flag Laws" as solution?

You'll pardon me if I giggle a little over this gaggle.
So the people opposed to "Red Flag Laws" are now proposing "Red Flag Laws" as solution?

You'll pardon me if I giggle a little over this gaggle.

You didnt read the article you dumb ass.....Nothing in there about red flag laws.......3 things about catching disturbed people and getting them help before they blow up
The Columbine kids were dosed with drugs every day by the system. The most notorious school shooter in history that the media tends to ignore was a Korean born Va. Tech Blacksburg student that the school and the local police and the democrat party protected until he killed about 30 students and faculty.
Limit access to one point of entry and use armed fully vetted combat veterans and the school shooting will stop. Of course these and other sensible preventive measures will never even be considered by the anti-constitutionalist because they don't disarm law abiding citizens.
No..it won't. Why do you fringe dwellers even bother suggesting these things? You know the majority of sensible people won't go for it. Who wants to turn schools into armed prisons?..answer..the alt-right. :)
No..it won't. Why do you fringe dwellers even bother suggesting these things? You know the majority of sensible people won't go for it. Who wants to turn schools into armed prisons?..answer..the alt-right. :)

They aren't armed prisons........you twit. They keep the riff raff out and under control.........Most of the local schools around me have these systems in place already.......they keep students and staff safe and limit access to the buildings.....
They aren't armed prisons........you twit. They keep the riff raff out and under control.........Most of the local schools around me have these systems in place already.......they keep students and staff safe and limit access to the buildings.....
Sure...hair trigger, seen combat vets sitting there with loaded weapons, patrolling the halls of the school, looking for trouble. Yeah..that will end well.

That majority of parents will not want to see their schools turned into armed militia camps.
No..it won't. Why do you fringe dwellers even bother suggesting these things? You know the majority of sensible people won't go for it. Who wants to turn schools into armed prisons?..answer..the alt-right. :)

Tell me if you lock your doors are you "turning your house into a prison"?

If you confirm a person's identity before you let them in to your home are you "turning your home into a prison"?
Tell me if you lock your doors are you "turning your house into a prison"?

If you confirm a person's identity before you let them in to your home are you "turning your home into a prison"?
Doors are already locked at schools. If locks are broken, they are supposed to be fixed.
The schools in my hometown, you need to be vetted and let in. Someone unlocks the door. You don't just walk in anymore.
If there are places that happens, it's way past time to change that.

Again, turning schools into armed camps isn't the answer.
Doors are already locked at schools. If locks are broken, they are supposed to be fixed.
The schools in my hometown, you need to be vetted and let in. Someone unlocks the door. You don't just walk in anymore.
If there are places that happens, it's way past time to change that.

Again, turning schools into armed camps isn't the answer.
Are they?

They weren't in Uvalde or Parkland

No..it won't. Why do you fringe dwellers even bother suggesting these things? You know the majority of sensible people won't go for it. Who wants to turn schools into armed prisons?..answer..the alt-right. :)
After a school shooting in the 70's Israel installed armed guards in their schools and have had 2 incidents since. Armed guards work. You must be one of the idiots that believe disarming law abiding citizens will make everyone safe.
After a school shooting in the 70's Israel installed armed guards in their schools and have had 2 incidents since. Armed guards work.
LOL. So does a near police state where an entire group of people are shot and killed at will, their homes and land confiscated, and their movements strictly regulated and monitored.


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