30,000 Fentanyl pills seized in Casa Grande Arizona. Let's Go Brandon!

You obviously can't put two and two together. I already explained most of the drug abusers are Republicans, not Democrats. You're a f****** idiot. It's not a party issue, it's an individual issue and most of those individuals just happen to be Republicans. Therefore it's your problem.

LMAO.. You're claiming it's not a party issue, but claim that it's mostly republicans. LMAO..
Druggies don't care about party politics. Which means they're not left or right.
Where party politics comes into this, is the government and special interest groups, that are almost always democrats, wanting to just baby sit this problem. They want to coddle these druggies.
Build them huge apartment complexes that will be run down and drug infested within 6 months. Create "safe places" for druggies to get and do their drugs.

The GOP, IMO isn't hard enough. But you don't see republican lead city with reduced laws against drug usage. You don't see their cops or prosecutors coddling druggies.
To who? Certainly not themselves. And absolutely not to the victims they create. Most of them, their families have discarded them like trash, because they are trash. They aren't human any longer.
Human Life has paramount value to the Creator.
This is a bad situation for people who aren't addicted to drugs, like Oxycontin, but still need it for their real pain.
I love me some hydrocodone. At least after my operations (several on my knee). But never got addicted to them.
If I wasn't hurting, the thought of taking one never entered my mind.
Immediately after the operations, or during physical therapy, I was taking 2 to 3 a day. But after say a couple of weeks or so, some days I wouldn't take any. And it didn't bother me.
Thank you for sharing.

Thank G-d, my physical health is good.
Human Life has paramount value to the Creator.
I agree with that statement RE. A drug addict’s life doesn’t much matter to strangers, and their own loved ones are often drug through the mud trying to save them. Most families sadly fail, going about it wrong, so they go down trying. That doesn’t mean there are some who can be saved, IF they sincerely want help not tricking loved ones to enable them more. You can never believe a drug addict, and even a new ex-addict you still cannot trust what they say. Still a very difficult road but many ex-drug addicts are successful and have gone on to help other people. That is when it really counts. Save one who goes on to help 5 others, and so forth. This is going on, but on a very small scale, and it doesn’t get much media coverage unfortunately. There are many YouTube videos out there showing ex-addicts who cleaned up their act and drive around with medical supplies and water helping homeless people and telling them his story.
I agree with that statement RE. A drug addict’s life doesn’t much matter to strangers, and their own loved ones are often drug through the mud trying to save them. Most families sadly fail, going about it wrong, so they go down trying.
I did take large doses of over-the-counter cold medicine in order to experience hallucinations. That was during my Crisis of 2003.

Thank G-d, I did not become an addict. I was high three times.

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