30,000 New York State health care workers were fired and left with no health insurance because they were unvaccinated.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
My doctor just notified me of this today. My doctor is old-school he has his own private practice and he is in disagreement with these 30,000 workers being removed from their jobs forcibly by the state …because they chose not to get vaccinated.

This is one of the downfalls with having different rules from state to state. We should have common sense rules in every state and this is inhumane and disgraceful that these 30,000 fellow Americans not only lost their , job but lost their health insurance they were left out in the cold.

Here is the democrat state of New York this is something we can call evil. There’s no excuse for it and this is why so many people in New York of all ages have long wait times for surgeries and for other medical procedures that they are in need of. You wonder why is this happening why is this being done… because it is being done on purpose and the result is Americans in New York State are hurt from it and are dying because of it.
My doctor just notified me of this today. My doctor is old-school he has his own private practice and he is in disagreement with these 30,000 workers being removed from their jobs forcibly by the state …because they chose not to get vaccinated.

This is one of the downfalls with having different rules from state to state. We should have common sense rules in every state and this is inhumane and disgraceful that these 30,000 fellow Americans not only lost their , job but lost their health insurance they were left out in the cold.

Here is the democrat state of New York this is something we can call evil. There’s no excuse for it and this is why so many people in New York of all ages have long wait times for surgeries and for other medical procedures that they are in need of. You wonder why is this happening why is this being done… because it is being done on purpose and the result is Americans in New York State are hurt from it and are dying because of it.
When democrats are not grooming children they need to be trying to fire health care workers.

It's just how they roll.
You get and deserve what you vote for
My doctor just notified me of this today. My doctor is old-school he has his own private practice and he is in disagreement with these 30,000 workers being removed from their jobs forcibly by the state …because they chose not to get vaccinated.

This is one of the downfalls with having different rules from state to state. We should have common sense rules in every state and this is inhumane and disgraceful that these 30,000 fellow Americans not only lost their , job but lost their health insurance they were left out in the cold.

Here is the democrat state of New York this is something we can call evil. There’s no excuse for it and this is why so many people in New York of all ages have long wait times for surgeries and for other medical procedures that they are in need of. You wonder why is this happening why is this being done… because it is being done on purpose and the result is Americans in New York State are hurt from it and are dying because of it.
Information straight from my doctor today.

I’ve had to wait three months to see a specialist and now I have to wait another three months to get a procedure done. There you go there’s your testimonial there’s your source my friend.

If your mom lived in New York State how would you feel about this how would you feel if she had to wait three months and she wasn’t sure if she’s gonna die or not in the meantime?

It is inhumane it is cruel and inhumane that there are massive long wait times for people like me and people all over New York State because of how the people in New York City vote and honestly not just that. It doesn’t matter who the politicians are they should be out there doing the right things and if they’re not they need to be removed from their job. This is just cruel and inhumane. And it is something from the devil my friend
My doctor just notified me of this today. My doctor is old-school he has his own private practice and he is in disagreement with these 30,000 workers being removed from their jobs forcibly by the state …because they chose not to get vaccinated.

This is one of the downfalls with having different rules from state to state. We should have common sense rules in every state and this is inhumane and disgraceful that these 30,000 fellow Americans not only lost their , job but lost their health insurance they were left out in the cold.

Here is the democrat state of New York this is something we can call evil. There’s no excuse for it and this is why so many people in New York of all ages have long wait times for surgeries and for other medical procedures that they are in need of. You wonder why is this happening why is this being done… because it is being done on purpose and the result is Americans in New York State are hurt from it and are dying because of it.

Well that was their CHOICE, now wasn't it? As a high risk person, I want to know that when I go to hospital, I'm not at risk from some unvaccinated selfish asshole.

Automobile insurance companies are charging higher rates for the unvaccinated, on the grounds that they have no regard for the people around them, making them a higher risk for an accident.

Now that the government has cut off payments for covid testing and treatment, watch for the howls of rage when these fools have to PAY their own hospital bills.
This is a case of corruption and brutality and again it doesn’t matter who the politicians are …if they are out there enforcing these types of actions where they force healthcare workers to get a vaccine…. that’s cruel and inhumane to fire them and leave them without health insurance which then upends the healthcare system which leads to long wait times for medical procedures. Anyway anyone looks at this.

It’s the same New York State government again led by a Democrat. All the people in New York City vote for these Democrats but also New York state in upstate New York do not. That’s why New York City should be its own state this cruelty has gone on for too long. Mind you this is the same New York state where you can’t even carry a pistol around if you were a regular citizen but if you’re a criminal you have your pistol. That’s why there’s crime problems in New York City … but not so much in upstate New York

Moral of the story is New York City needs to be it’s on state and not only that even the people in New York City when they vote for the politicians it doesn’t matter who the politician is they have a moral responsibility to enact common sense laws. And they are the ones who are forcing healthcare workers to get the vaccine that’s what they did back when the virus took off and for all the healthcare workers who did not get the vaccine they got fired and left without health insurance.

What more do Democrats have to see. People have to wait long times very long months on end to get a medical procedure done that before the virus would’ve taken them a few weeks to wait. If that. People are dying because they are waiting for a medical procedure. We all remember what happened with the nursing homes how they forced the senior citizens to live in the nursing homes like prisoners and that led to some of them dying. They were all cooped up in there and if they’re sick they’re all cooped up in the same place …..

So yes we must remain as calm and collective as possible that’s how we went that’s how we patriots will get these criminals out of office and get the good guys back in the office
Well that was their CHOICE, now wasn't it? As a high risk person, I want to know that when I go to hospital, I'm not at risk from some unvaccinated selfish asshole.

Automobile insurance companies are charging higher rates for the unvaccinated, on the grounds that they have no regard for the people around them, making them a higher risk for an accident.

Now that the government has cut off payments for covid testing and treatment, watch for the howls of rage when these fools have to PAY their own hospital bills.

You're not vaccinated. You can still get Covid and spread Covid.

You've been duped
And the Americans that simply don’t care about this they have been misled . They seem to not know or understand that their own fellow Americans in New York State have to wait months on end to get a medical procedure done that before the virus before the government enforce mandates would’ve taken them weeks if that. This is the New York state governments fault. Any politician who demands a healthcare worker gets a vaccine is evil. They have evil thinking and they must be held accountable because they are criminals.
My doctor just notified me of this today. My doctor is old-school he has his own private practice and he is in disagreement with these 30,000 workers being removed from their jobs forcibly by the state …because they chose not to get vaccinated.

This is one of the downfalls with having different rules from state to state. We should have common sense rules in every state and this is inhumane and disgraceful that these 30,000 fellow Americans not only lost their , job but lost their health insurance they were left out in the cold.

Here is the democrat state of New York this is something we can call evil. There’s no excuse for it and this is why so many people in New York of all ages have long wait times for surgeries and for other medical procedures that they are in need of. You wonder why is this happening why is this being done… because it is being done on purpose and the result is Americans in New York State are hurt from it and are dying because of it.

Let's go, Brandon.
Well that was their CHOICE, now wasn't it? As a high risk person, I want to know that when I go to hospital, I'm not at risk from some unvaccinated selfish asshole.

Automobile insurance companies are charging higher rates for the unvaccinated, on the grounds that they have no regard for the people around them, making them a higher risk for an accident.

Now that the government has cut off payments for covid testing and treatment, watch for the howls of rage when these fools have to PAY their own hospital bills.
My friend What are you talking about a high risk person. You’re not at high risk(unless you are in a wheelchair or you have cancer) people are trying to brainwash you into to believing that. You want to know about a high-risk person. Talk about people who have spinal cord injuries and neck injuries and who are stuck in wheelchairs. People with cancer who can’t get their treatment because they have to wait long times because of this nonsense going on in our government. Because of evil politicians who push for mandatory vaccinations
My doctor just notified me of this today. My doctor is old-school he has his own private practice and he is in disagreement with these 30,000 workers being removed from their jobs forcibly by the state …because they chose not to get vaccinated.

This is one of the downfalls with having different rules from state to state. We should have common sense rules in every state and this is inhumane and disgraceful that these 30,000 fellow Americans not only lost their , job but lost their health insurance they were left out in the cold.

Here is the democrat state of New York this is something we can call evil. There’s no excuse for it and this is why so many people in New York of all ages have long wait times for surgeries and for other medical procedures that they are in need of. You wonder why is this happening why is this being done… because it is being done on purpose and the result is Americans in New York State are hurt from it and are dying because of it.
It's outrageous that insurance companies in America wield such power over the people.

This isn't about being vaccinated or not, it's about America's corrupt health care system.
My doctor just notified me of this today. My doctor is old-school he has his own private practice and he is in disagreement with these 30,000 workers being removed from their jobs forcibly by the state …because they chose not to get vaccinated.

This is one of the downfalls with having different rules from state to state. We should have common sense rules in every state and this is inhumane and disgraceful that these 30,000 fellow Americans not only lost their , job but lost their health insurance they were left out in the cold.

Here is the democrat state of New York this is something we can call evil. There’s no excuse for it and this is why so many people in New York of all ages have long wait times for surgeries and for other medical procedures that they are in need of. You wonder why is this happening why is this being done… because it is being done on purpose and the result is Americans in New York State are hurt from it and are dying because of it.
Yup. Remember how all those healthcare workers were heroes for working through the pandemic?

Then Democrats kicked them to the curb for not taking the clot shot and being disobedient to the state.

But I am sure Billy000 will be along to tell us it is not an actual policy and not communism.
Well that was their CHOICE, now wasn't it? As a high risk person, I want to know that when I go to hospital, I'm not at risk from some unvaccinated selfish asshole.

Then get your own clot shot.

The only people that are “high risk” are fat and old people. You’d be a lot better off losing some weight than worrying about other people’s personal health.
It's outrageous that insurance companies in America wield such power over the people.

This isn't about being vaccinated or not, it's about America's corrupt health care system.

Dude, people are dying waiting for treatment in Canada

Look it up. I've seen three articles lately. One in an ER waiting for treatment. In the hospital.
The “No mandates were declared” Dem rats will come scurrying now.
Abandonment of reality has become so prevalent that most of them are readily offering that 2020 and 2021 required vaccinations did not occur and punishment for those who dared to decide for themselves did not occur.

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