30,000 New York State health care workers were fired and left with no health insurance because they were unvaccinated.

Well that was their CHOICE, now wasn't it? As a high risk person, I want to know that when I go to hospital, I'm not at risk from some unvaccinated selfish asshole.

Automobile insurance companies are charging higher rates for the unvaccinated, on the grounds that they have no regard for the people around them, making them a higher risk for an accident.

Now that the government has cut off payments for covid testing and treatment, watch for the howls of rage when these fools have to PAY their own hospital bills.

Hasn't it already been shown being vaccinated was a marginal impact on spread at best?

As I high risk person you suffer more from labor shortages in hospitals, if being treated for COVID or something else.

Leftists never get that their policy choices do not occur in a vacuum, every one has detrimental side effects, and usually lefties are so focused on their end goal they ignore these side effects.
You get and deserve what you vote for
Except it is often very difficult to spot top class liars -- even for professionals .
And people (90% ?) also behave as though they are pre-disposed to be Gullible .And Compliant .

That might stem from our tribal social structure in the past where we came from a fixed pecking order which was tightly defined and where tribal leaders were believed without question because of life and death situations -- hunting and fleeing commands had to be instant , correct and followed by all , in order to be successful .
Well that was their CHOICE, now wasn't it? As a high risk person, I want to know that when I go to hospital, I'm not at risk from some unvaccinated selfish asshole.

Automobile insurance companies are charging higher rates for the unvaccinated, on the grounds that they have no regard for the people around them, making them a higher risk for an accident.

Now that the government has cut off payments for covid testing and treatment, watch for the howls of rage when these fools have to PAY their own hospital bills.
Automobile insurance companies doing WHAT is a complete lie.
Well that was their CHOICE, now wasn't it? As a high risk person, I want to know that when I go to hospital, I'm not at risk from some unvaccinated selfish asshole.

Automobile insurance companies are charging higher rates for the unvaccinated, on the grounds that they have no regard for the people around them, making them a higher risk for an accident.

Now that the government has cut off payments for covid testing and treatment, watch for the howls of rage when these fools have to PAY their own hospital bills.
hahahh you still believe that you can't get the virus if you been vaccined? hahhaahhaha

hahah and now you believe some whacko Canadian study that says the covid vaccine keeps you from getting into traffic accidents! hahhaha

Other medical professionals mocked the study as absurd.

Dr. Vinay Prasad, a hematologist-oncologist and health researcher, laughed at its conclusions. "This also repeats the dumb idea that primary care doctors should specialty counsel unvaccinated people about driving," he tweeted with laughing emojis.
Engineer and Substack author "Polimath" also mocked the study as unintended satire.

"I get awfully tired of saying 'these vaccination studies are not telling you helpful things, they are misattributing confounding variables.' So it's nice that these researchers made my argument for me in this satirical form," the user wrote.
Here is a joke of a study claiming the unvaccinated are involved in more car accidents. There's a lot wrong with it," Dr. Clare Craig, a British diagnostic pathologist wrote in a Twitter thread.

The “No mandates were declared” Dem rats will come scurrying now.
Abandonment of reality has become so prevalent that most of them are readily offering that 2020 and 2021 required vaccinations did not occur and punishment for those who dared to decide for themselves did not occur.
Or that The Biden administration had to negotiate a shady work around with OSHA to make them even happen.
Or that The Biden administration had to negotiate a shady work around with OSHA to make them even happen.
The CDC was implementing orders on HUD that no deadbeat repercussions allowed for over a year.
Talk about a grotesque overreach and commingle that probably had No legal authorization but No One was willing to resist these impermissible edicts
Dude, people are dying waiting for treatment in Canada

Look it up. I've seen three articles lately. One in an ER waiting for treatment. In the hospital.
Hon, Canadians enjoy the benefits of all the health care systems in the modern world. As do Americans who have deep pockets.

The important fact is that Canadians who don't have deep pockets can still receive health care in Canada that is rated as superior to America's. [\b] due to affordability.

In other words, Americans in need of expensive procedures will do fine if they accept being bankrupted as the price of the cure.

We should try to stay on the topic of how an insurance company is cheating the people out of the health care they paid for.
Hon, Canadians enjoy the benefits of all the health care systems in the modern world. As do Americans who have deep pockets.

The important fact is that Canadians who don't have deep pockets can still receive health care in Canada that is rated as superior to America's. [\b] due to affordability.

In other words, Americans in need of expensive procedures will do fine if they accept being bankrupted as the price of the cure.

We should try to stay on the topic of how an insurance company is cheating the people out of the health care they paid for.

People die waiting for treatment in Canada. That's factual. Now gfy
My doctor just notified me of this today. My doctor is old-school he has his own private practice and he is in disagreement with these 30,000 workers being removed from their jobs forcibly by the state …because they chose not to get vaccinated.

This is one of the downfalls with having different rules from state to state. We should have common sense rules in every state and this is inhumane and disgraceful that these 30,000 fellow Americans not only lost their , job but lost their health insurance they were left out in the cold.

Here is the democrat state of New York this is something we can call evil. There’s no excuse for it and this is why so many people in New York of all ages have long wait times for surgeries and for other medical procedures that they are in need of. You wonder why is this happening why is this being done… because it is being done on purpose and the result is Americans in New York State are hurt from it and are dying because of it.
Looks like they picked the wrong job to be a anti vaccer.

Best of luck to them.
hahahh you still believe that you can't get the virus if you been vaccined? hahhaahhaha

hahah and now you believe some whacko Canadian study that says the covid vaccine keeps you from getting into traffic accidents! hahhaha

Other medical professionals mocked the study as absurd.

Dr. Vinay Prasad, a hematologist-oncologist and health researcher, laughed at its conclusions. "This also repeats the dumb idea that primary care doctors should specialty counsel unvaccinated people about driving," he tweeted with laughing emojis.
Engineer and Substack author "Polimath" also mocked the study as unintended satire.

"I get awfully tired of saying 'these vaccination studies are not telling you helpful things, they are misattributing confounding variables.' So it's nice that these researchers made my argument for me in this satirical form," the user wrote.
Here is a joke of a study claiming the unvaccinated are involved in more car accidents. There's a lot wrong with it," Dr. Clare Craig, a British diagnostic pathologist wrote in a Twitter thread.


I don't believe anything of the kind. But no one I know who has been vaccinated has been hospitalized or died.

That was a "whacko" American study as well.

Who is this "WE" you speak of??? You and the other FuckBoi Trump votiing Cult Clowns?????
People die waiting for treatment in Canada. That's factual. Now gfy
Canadians, as do Americans, have all the health care money can buy.

But middle class and less wealthy Canadians have something more!

Unless Americans choose bankruptcy.

To the topic: This is about Americans being cheated out of what they've paid for!
Automobile insurance companies are charging higher rates for the unvaccinated, on the grounds that they have no regard for the people around them, making them a higher risk for an accident.
I don't believe anything of the kind. But no one I know who has been vaccinated has been hospitalized or died.

That was a "whacko" American study as well.

Who is this "WE" you speak of??? You and the other FuckBoi Trump votiing Cult Clowns?????
hahahha it literally says it's a CANADIAN study....not American.

We being the rest of the world, we are mocking your silly dumb cult mind
Yup. Remember how all those healthcare workers were heroes for working through the pandemic?

Then Democrats kicked them to the curb for not taking the clot shot and being disobedient to the state.

But I am sure Billy000 will be along to tell us it is not an actual policy and not communism.
Lol it might be a policy but it definitely isn’t communism.
People die waiting for treatment in Canada. That's factual. Now gfy

Not very many, and certainly nowhere near the more than 26,000 per year who die in the USA because they couldn't afford treatment.

A right wing think tank found that 2,300 Canadians died while waiting for treatment in Canada. Included in that number, are people who died while waiting for knee or hip surgeries, not just those who died because they couldn't get treatment they needed. The number of people who died because they were waiting for treatment, is in the hundreds.

Added to which, life expectancy in the USA has been declining for the past 6 years, while Canadian life expectancy is rising, in part because 80% of Canadians had the good sense to get vaccinated.
Well that was their CHOICE, now wasn't it? As a high risk person, I want to know that when I go to hospital, I'm not at risk from some unvaccinated selfish asshole.

Automobile insurance companies are charging higher rates for the unvaccinated, on the grounds that they have no regard for the people around them, making them a higher risk for an accident.

Now that the government has cut off payments for covid testing and treatment, watch for the howls of rage when these fools have to PAY their own hospital bills.
The vaccines dont stop transmission, or you getting covid, you fuckin freakazoid.
Please stop with your russian propaganda, comrade!
hahahha it literally says it's a CANADIAN study....not American.

We being the rest of the world, we are mocking your silly dumb cult mind

American insurance companies didn't mock the study at all, and were discussing raising rates as a result of it. 0therwise there is no reason whatsoever for all of this outrage

You don't speak for rest of the people in your town, much less the "the rest of the world".
American insurance companies didn't mock the study at all, and were discussing raising rates as a result of it. 0therwise there is no reason whatsoever for all of this outrage

You don't speak for rest of the people in your town, much less the "the rest of the world".
hahaha nobody has raised rates....it was a Canadian study that the rest of the world mocked, but you silly dembot apparently fell for.

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