30,000 New York State health care workers were fired and left with no health insurance because they were unvaccinated.

Not very many, and certainly nowhere near the more than 26,000 per year who die in the USA because they couldn't afford treatment.ok

A right wing think tank found that 2,300 Canadians died while waiting for treatment in Canada. Included in that number, are people who died while waiting for knee or hip surgeries, not just those who died because they couldn't get treatment they needed. The number of people who died because they were waiting for treatment, is in the hundreds.

Added to which, life expectancy in the USA has been declining for the past 6 years, while Canadian life expectancy is rising, in part because 80% of Canadians had the good sense to get vaccinated.

Give it a rest. You look more stupid than usual
Well that was their CHOICE, now wasn't it? As a high risk person, I want to know that when I go to hospital, I'm not at risk from some unvaccinated selfish asshole.

Automobile insurance companies are charging higher rates for the unvaccinated, on the grounds that they have no regard for the people around them, making them a higher risk for an accident.

Now that the government has cut off payments for covid testing and treatment, watch for the howls of rage when these fools have to PAY their own hospital bills.

They are? Where, little liar.
My doctor just notified me of this today. My doctor is old-school he has his own private practice and he is in disagreement with these 30,000 workers being removed from their jobs forcibly by the state …because they chose not to get vaccinated.

This is one of the downfalls with having different rules from state to state. We should have common sense rules in every state and this is inhumane and disgraceful that these 30,000 fellow Americans not only lost their , job but lost their health insurance they were left out in the cold.

Here is the democrat state of New York this is something we can call evil. There’s no excuse for it and this is why so many people in New York of all ages have long wait times for surgeries and for other medical procedures that they are in need of. You wonder why is this happening why is this being done… because it is being done on purpose and the result is Americans in New York State are hurt from it and are dying because of it.
Yes. We can actually thank New York state for single handedly turning the US House red. I wonder why that happened? And, even the New York Supreme Court ruled these people were illegally fired because the facts and the truth actually prove that the vaccines don't stop the spread of Covid. I mean that was the whole argument, wasn't it? You need to get vaccinated so you don't spread the virus to your fellow man. Except it was all a lie because the vaccines don't do anything to stop the spread. Now we've got even more bruhaha over the NY government wanting to force affluent suburbs to accept low income housing. And the government is going to want to raise taxes to help fund services for illegals. If you didn't have any reasons to move out of New York before, you've got several more now.
Well that was their CHOICE, now wasn't it? As a high risk person, I want to know that when I go to hospital, I'm not at risk from some unvaccinated selfish asshole.

Automobile insurance companies are charging higher rates for the unvaccinated, on the grounds that they have no regard for the people around them, making them a higher risk for an accident.

Now that the government has cut off payments for covid testing and treatment, watch for the howls of rage when these fools have to PAY their own hospital bills.
Are you still on about all that?
The vaccines dont stop transmission, or you getting covid, you fuckin freakazoid.
Please stop with your russian propaganda, comrade!

Vaccines stop 95% of the people from getting covid, and those who do get it, are seldom hospitalzed, nor do they have long covid in anywhere near the numbers that the unvaxxed suffer such complications.

I have never claimed that it stops transmission, but it does reduce transmission and the possibility of complications if infected. All of which reduces health care costs and expenses for taxpayers.

This isn't Russian propaganda. Canada has been back to normal for months, and we've never had the level of disease, death or government spending for the pandemic that the USA has had.
Nothing as arrogant when a “high risk” person expects everyone else to stay out of their way and do as they say.

God forbid the people most at risk should have a say. Who cares what happens to them??? Certainly not Republicans. They've proven that over and over again.

This is why 1.1 million Americans have died. Stupid, ignorant and selfish Republicans wreck it for everyone, all of the time.
Too many Democrats are completely heartless. The only people who are at higher risk in this country again those in wheelchairs are those who have cancer. So this is nothing to do with the virus is already been shown this whole thing was not what we were told. I hope that we all learn from it next time the man wants us to all wear masks we’re not gonna wear the masks.
It’s not only healthcare workers but also many people in the military were forcibly removed because they refused to get a vaccine. So this is heartless and this is criminal Activity by people in power. Same thing with the nursing home issues where they forced old folks to be locked up in their nursing homes and they died from it. A number of them died from depression also. There were quite a few people in United States who committed suicide because of the lockdowns. We all learned our lesson from this there won’t be any more lockdowns in the future… people wont accept any more to be wearing masks.

The masks were proven to be useless. And yet hospital workers are still forced to wear them this is tyranny

And when we have people waiting in line in New York State because there are so many less healthcare workers it is utterly heartless and brutal to see fellow Americans just laugh at it or write it off ,.. they don’t know what they’re talking about. There are people here in New York State who either they themselves or they have family members who have had to wait months for an operation that would’ve taken days or weeks in the past. And people are dying because of the wait times. It’s being felt today .

Way too much of the media is corrupt. It’s the same media that constantly criticize Donald Trump for doing nothing. And they never criticize BLM leaders or Democrats. Clearly a corrupt media. And the American people are standing up to it. That’s why Donald Trump is the most popular candidate right now.

Far left people in the United States or Canada should just go to a different country or make their own country. because they are trying to ruin the lives of the good people. How long is it gonna go on for where the corrupt media and far left people are allowed to get away with their crimes.? They demean and abuse their own country’s history why do they even live in the west?

Well it’s about staying positive and getting the right people in power right now we have a weak corrupt government in America. We’ve had it in the past and we will get through this again. We will be better in the future
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My doctor just notified me of this today. My doctor is old-school he has his own private practice and he is in disagreement with these 30,000 workers being removed from their jobs forcibly by the state …because they chose not to get vaccinated.

This is one of the downfalls with having different rules from state to state. We should have common sense rules in every state and this is inhumane and disgraceful that these 30,000 fellow Americans not only lost their , job but lost their health insurance they were left out in the cold.

Here is the democrat state of New York this is something we can call evil. There’s no excuse for it and this is why so many people in New York of all ages have long wait times for surgeries and for other medical procedures that they are in need of. You wonder why is this happening why is this being done… because it is being done on purpose and the result is Americans in New York State are hurt from it and are dying because of it.
Vaccines stop 95% of the people from getting covid, and those who do get it, are seldom hospitalzed, nor do they have long covid in anywhere near the numbers that the unvaxxed suffer such complications.

I have never claimed that it stops transmission, but it does reduce transmission and the possibility of complications if infected. All of which reduces health care costs and expenses for taxpayers.

This isn't Russian propaganda. Canada has been back to normal for months, and we've never had the level of disease, death or government spending for the pandemic that the USA has had.
Stop lying, comrade.
It’s not only healthcare workers but also many people in the military were forcibly removed because they refused to get a vaccine. So this is heartless and this is criminal Activity by people in power. Same thing with the nursing home issues where they forced old folks to be locked up in their nursing homes and they died from it. A number of them died from depression also. There were quite a few people in United States who committed suicide because of the lockdowns. We all learned our lesson from this there won’t be any more lockdowns in the future… people wont accept any more to be wearing masks.

The masks were proven to be useless. And yet hospital workers are still forced to wear them this is tyranny

And when we have people waiting in line in New York State because there are so many less healthcare workers it is utterly heartless and brutal to see fellow Americans just laugh at it or write it off ,.. they don’t know what they’re talking about. There are people here in New York State who either they themselves or they have family members who have had to wait months for an operation that would’ve taken days or weeks in the past. And people are dying because of the wait times. It’s being felt today .

Way too much of the media is corrupt. It’s the same media that constantly criticize Donald Trump for doing nothing. And they never criticize BLM leaders or Democrats. Clearly a corrupt media. And the American people are standing up to it. That’s why Donald Trump is the most popular candidate right now.

Far left people in the United States or Canada should just go to a different country or make their own country. because they are trying to ruin the lives of the good people. How long is it gonna go on for where the corrupt media and far left people are allowed to get away with their crimes.? They demean and abuse their own country’s history why do they even live in the west?

Well it’s about staying positive and getting the right people in power right now we have a weak corrupt government in America. We’ve had it in the past and we will get through this again. We will be better in the future
Obligatory BLM mention. Sad.
Well that was their CHOICE, now wasn't it? As a high risk person, I want to know that when I go to hospital, I'm not at risk from some unvaccinated selfish asshole.

Automobile insurance companies are charging higher rates for the unvaccinated, on the grounds that they have no regard for the people around them, making them a higher risk for an accident.

Now that the government has cut off payments for covid testing and treatment, watch for the howls of rage when these fools have to PAY their own hospital bills.

According to international law, it is a human rights violation to coerce anyone into taking an experimental drug or treatment.

The Nazis loved doing that 💩
God forbid the people most at risk should have a say. Who cares what happens to them??? Certainly not Republicans. They've proven that over and over again.

This is why 1.1 million Americans have died. Stupid, ignorant and selfish Republicans wreck it for everyone, all of the time.

The people at risk should STAY HOME!

The government was asinine in catering the economy by requiring everyone to stay home.


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