30,000 New York State health care workers were fired and left with no health insurance because they were unvaccinated.

Vaccines stop 95% of the people from getting covid, and those who do get it, are seldom hospitalzed, nor do they have long covid in anywhere near the numbers that the unvaxxed suffer such complications.

I have never claimed that it stops transmission, but it does reduce transmission and the possibility of complications if infected. All of which reduces health care costs and expenses for taxpayers.

This isn't Russian propaganda. Canada has been back to normal for months, and we've never had the level of disease, death or government spending for the pandemic that the USA has had.
Absolutely incorrect
Does not prevent getting
Does not prevent transmission
Does not effect severity of transmission
Does have a positive effect on Serious to severe cases, that effect 6% of those who get Covid, by preventing it from becoming critical to fatal.
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God forbid the people most at risk should have a say. Who cares what happens to them??? Certainly not Republicans. They've proven that over and over again.

This is why 1.1 million Americans have died. Stupid, ignorant and selfish Republicans wreck it for everyone, all of the time.
50,000otherwiae healthy Americans died from Covid
The rest were aged with at least two life threatening co morbidities and died WITH Covid
^^^^^Got caught being overly dramatic to add to his lame defense of the indefensible
Just shut your fucking mouth. I had friends and relatives die of COVID before a vaccine was available. A close friend's wife died in April and he suffered from COVID for months. We were finally able to hold a memorial in August.

You may now bend over and give me a nice wet one on my ass!
Just shut your fucking mouth. I had friends and relatives die of COVID before a vaccine was available. A close friend's wife died in April and he suffered from COVID for months. We were finally able to hold a memorial in August.

You may now bend over and give me a nice wet one on my ass!

You think you’re the only one? That wonder vaccine didn’t help my buddy, and truthfully, nobody with a brain knew it would or could.

In science that kind of vaccine is known as imperfect, or “leaky”. At best it might help a few, at worst, it could cause the virus to get even more badass. But what it definitely did accomplish was to 1. Give science a black eye, and two, 2. Give people a false sense of security.

One helluva lot of people died because of that false sense of security. And god help us all if something more deadly occurs and we use the same methodology.

I would invite yo to kiss my ass, but I’m afraid you’d much prefer I do a 180.
You think you’re the only one? That wonder vaccine didn’t help my buddy, and truthfully, nobody with a brain knew it would or could.

In science that kind of vaccine is known as imperfect, or “leaky”. At best it might help a few, at worst, it could cause the virus to get even more badass. But what it definitely did accomplish was to 1. Give science a black eye, and two, 2. Give people a false sense of security.

One helluva lot of people died because of that false sense of security. And god help us all if something more deadly occurs and we use the same methodology.

I would invite yo to kiss my ass, but I’m afraid you’d much prefer I do a 180.
You seem to think I was the only one fucktard. Your personal attack should have you banned from this forum, but I feel sorry for someone who acts like a dick because he doesn't have one!

HeyabNormal, you are hereby placed at the top of my ignore and shit list, faggot!
You seem to think I was the only one fucktard. Your personal attack should have you banned from this forum, but I feel sorry for someone who acts like a dick because he doesn't have one!

HeyabNormal, you are hereby placed at the top of my ignore and shit list, faggot!

Cool, anyone who embellishes these tragic events to strengthen a debate is no better then those that created a panic and getting 10s of thousands of people fired when this country needed them most.

And what personal attack? Your the one that stated you lost your friends and family, not me.
My doctor just notified me of this today. My doctor is old-school he has his own private practice and he is in disagreement with these 30,000 workers being removed from their jobs forcibly by the state …because they chose not to get vaccinated.

This is one of the downfalls with having different rules from state to state. We should have common sense rules in every state and this is inhumane and disgraceful that these 30,000 fellow Americans not only lost their , job but lost their health insurance they were left out in the cold.

Here is the democrat state of New York this is something we can call evil. There’s no excuse for it and this is why so many people in New York of all ages have long wait times for surgeries and for other medical procedures that they are in need of. You wonder why is this happening why is this being done… because it is being done on purpose and the result is Americans in New York State are hurt from it and are dying because of it.

Poor planning on their part by continuing to live in a Dimm shithole, does not create an emergency on mine!
My doctor just notified me of this today. My doctor is old-school he has his own private practice and he is in disagreement with these 30,000 workers being removed from their jobs forcibly by the state …because they chose not to get vaccinated.

This is one of the downfalls with having different rules from state to state. We should have common sense rules in every state and this is inhumane and disgraceful that these 30,000 fellow Americans not only lost their , job but lost their health insurance they were left out in the cold.

Here is the democrat state of New York this is something we can call evil. There’s no excuse for it and this is why so many people in New York of all ages have long wait times for surgeries and for other medical procedures that they are in need of. You wonder why is this happening why is this being done… because it is being done on purpose and the result is Americans in New York State are hurt from it and are dying because of it.
The actual number of health care worker firings due to the vaccine requirements was 10,555. NY may have lost over 30,000 but many not fired.

Here's one but only a little over 10,000 were actually fired. Don't know why OP couldn't have researched what is doctor told him.

Many more quit instead of waiting to get fired or taking that horrible excuse for a vaccine.
The “or else” mandates were illegal and will eventually be costly court awards
My doctor just notified me of this today. My doctor is old-school he has his own private practice and he is in disagreement with these 30,000 workers being removed from their jobs forcibly by the state …because they chose not to get vaccinated.

This is one of the downfalls with having different rules from state to state. We should have common sense rules in every state and this is inhumane and disgraceful that these 30,000 fellow Americans not only lost their , job but lost their health insurance they were left out in the cold.

Here is the democrat state of New York this is something we can call evil. There’s no excuse for it and this is why so many people in New York of all ages have long wait times for surgeries and for other medical procedures that they are in need of. You wonder why is this happening why is this being done… because it is being done on purpose and the result is Americans in New York State are hurt from it and are dying because of it.

I’ve been checking on Google and I find the 30,000 healthcare workers in the state of New York being fired to be unbelievable. I don’t think 30,000 workers lost their jobs across the entire United States of America much less in one state.

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