30,000 New York State health care workers were fired and left with no health insurance because they were unvaccinated.

Except coercing people to take experimental treatments is against international law and had been since the fall of the Nazis
Newsflash… it’s not up to the healthcare employee to make that judgement

It’s called “tough shit”
Newsflash… it’s not up to the healthcare employee to make that judgement

It’s called “tough shit”
Progs will open concentration camps and exterminate people at some point. They enjoy suffering.
There's no such thing as a blue state.... only red states with blue shitholes that are controlled by millionaires that like to fuck kids.

Until the conservatives learn how to steal elections nothing will change.
Look up the Nuremberg code. 🤦‍♂️
Hey dipshit...this isn't a war and these were not soldiers.

They refused to comply with the reasonable conditions of their healthcare employment.

Too friggin bad
Yup. Remember how all those healthcare workers were heroes for working through the pandemic?

Then Democrats kicked them to the curb for not taking the clot shot and being disobedient to the state.

But I am sure Billy000 will be along to tell us it is not an actual policy and not communism.
How bout all those no good lying degenerate fucks over at Fox News who told their viewers to "do your own research" as they all hauled ass & lined up for "the jab", right Ace?

Remember that fuck Murdoch being one of the first to get "the jab"? Oh, but wait there's more! How about your pal Trump who hauled his big ass to get "the jab" then tried to keep it secret?
I don't believe anything of the kind. But no one I know who has been vaccinated has been hospitalized or died.

That was a "whacko" American study as well.

Who is this "WE" you speak of??? You and the other FuckBoi Trump votiing Cult Clowns?????
If Trump is re-elected are you going to kill yourself?
Hey dipshit...this isn't a war and these were not soldiers.

They refused to comply with the reasonable conditions of their healthcare employment.

Too friggin bad
That's what happened to people who listened to the "do your own research" crew over at Fox.
Shocking thing to see how far left people continue to not care about healthcare workers in New York who are fired and lost health insurance. They simply do not care that people in New York have to wait long times for surgeries and other things. I’m one of them I’ve had to wait like five months to get this medical procedure done. So I know that we are dealing with criminal minds that’s when it comes to far left Americans. They are the enemies of America we can only hope that they change their ways so they become the allies of America. They are the most rude brutal people around. When we patriots remain positive and calm cool and collective we will win.

It’s the same far left people who believe that the January 6 protesters were killers but now that tucker Carlson show the newly released footage the chickens are coming home to roost. Wow Donald Trump’s coming back in 2024 in and this country will be put back on the right track and we’re taking this country back from the criminals
“New York state's COVID-19 vaccine mandate led to about 34,000 health workers losing jobs or being placed on leave, reflecting a reduction of 3.5% of the workforce, new state data show.

How many health workers lost jobs due to NY's mandate​

The new statistics revealed late Wednesday underscored how workers in various health care jobs refused to get shots as of Tuesday.

Overall, the mandate impacted 33,982 unvaccinated health workers who remained inactive, including 10,555 who have already been fired. “

Mind you this article is from 2021. We already know that much of the media is corrupt so a lot of the information is blocked. But things are changing in this country people are standing up freedom is prevailing we already saw Tucker Carlson just tonight the newly released footage of the January 6 event. Wow freedom is prevailing in this country in the far left criminals are losing and only hope is that all the Democrats in the US message board realize that they have been conned by their democratic politicians.

By the way thank you Tucker Carlson. Thank you brother what a hero and this is how we prevail over the enemies of America.

It’s Completely horrifying and unacceptable that people like me and so many other residents of New York State have had to wait months on end for medical procedures that would’ve taken a lot less time before the virus or before the government invented the virus.. And how the criminals in this country on the left don’t give one darn about it. But this isn’t the full story this link is from 2021. My doctor has the full information. As you other healthcare workers and professionals in New York State. You’re not gonna get this from the mass media. So New York State is ran by criminals and the country is in trouble right now but don’t worry about it we beat World War II we beat the dust bowl we beat the Great Depression. America always prevails over its enemies internal and external. Freedom of speech will prevail right now the far left wants to destroy freedom of speech the far left is the enemy of America.

We can only try and convince as many Democrats as possible to do the right things and vote for the right people that care about this country.
Shocking thing to see how far left people continue to not care about healthcare workers in New York who are fired and lost health insurance. They simply do not care that people in New York have to wait long times for surgeries and other things. I’m one of them I’ve had to wait like five months to get this medical procedure done. So I know that we are dealing with criminal minds that’s when it comes to far left Americans. They are the enemies of America we can only hope that they change their ways so they become the allies of America. They are the most rude brutal people around. When we patriots remain positive and calm cool and collective we will win.

It’s the same far left people who believe that the January 6 protesters were killers but now that tucker Carlson show the newly released footage the chickens are coming home to roost. Wow Donald Trump’s coming back in 2024 in and this country will be put back on the right track and we’re taking this country back from the criminals
Hey I care. It's too bad they let stupid fuck up their lives

As far as your claims about a five month wait for a surgical procedure in NY...I ain't buying it.
What do the monstrous politicians the Democrats and their far left supporters and maybe even a People like Adam Kinzinger and the other Republicans That support things like BLM, that support destroying America what do they say to the many elderly residents of the nursing homes at New York state who died because of depression because they were locked inside their rooms all day and they caught some kind of an illness.

Let’s take the mask mandates for example it was already proven that the masks don’t make any difference at all. So how do democrats respond on the US message board? Come on now folks I am urging Democrats on this form to do the right thing and realize that you have been conned by your politicians that you supported. The same people who wanna pay reparations in this country to giveaway billions of dollars for nothing. Why do democrats on the US message board continue to vote for far left Democrats? Why is this happening?

The selfishness of people who think that the vaccine was a great thing and Government shut downs were great. it’s just unbelievable. People died from the flu coupled with pre-existing conditions ….not from a coronavirus. There was no need for government shut down there was never any need for mask mandates we all know this.

What do these brain dead zombie Americans who will listen to everything the government tells them who believe that the vaccine was 100% a good thing what do they say now that we’ve lost so many healthcare workers in New York State now that people cannot get their medical procedures done? Seriously. This is a crime of an unbelievable proportion and we see how far left Democrats don’t give a damn that right now in New York State people of all ages have to wait up to six months if not longer for a medical procedure that would’ve taken them perhaps a week to wait for before this nonsense virus and the nonsense mandates came about. What a horrible country we had today just disgusting. It is a disgusting country we have today. But my brothers and sisters don’t worry things will be OK we will get this country back we beat the great depression we beat World War II. Freedom of speech will always prevail
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