30,000 New York State health care workers were fired and left with no health insurance because they were unvaccinated.

What do the monstrous politicians the Democrats and their far left supporters and maybe even a People like Adam Kinzinger and the other Republicans That support things like BLM, that support destroying America what do they say to the many elderly residents of the nursing homes at New York state who died because of depression because they were locked inside their rooms all day and they caught some kind of an illness.

Let’s take the mask mandates for example it was already proven that the masks don’t make any difference at all. So how do democrats respond on the US message board? Come on now folks I am urging Democrats on this form to do the right thing and realize that you have been conned by your politicians that you supported. The same people who wanna pay reparations in this country to giveaway billions of dollars for nothing. Why do democrats on the US message board continue to vote for far left Democrats? Why is this happening?

The selfishness of people who think that the vaccine was a great thing and Government shut downs were great. it’s just unbelievable. People died from the flu coupled with pre-existing conditions ….not from a coronavirus. There was no need for government shut down there was never any need for mask mandates we all know this.

What do these brain dead zombie Americans who will listen to everything the government tells them who believe that the vaccine was 100% a good thing what do they say now that we’ve lost so many healthcare workers in New York State now that people cannot get their medical procedures done? Seriously. This is a crime of an unbelievable proportion and we see how far left Democrats don’t give a damn that right now in New York State people of all ages have to wait up to six months if not longer for a medical procedure that would’ve taken them perhaps a week to wait for before this nonsense virus and the nonsense mandates came about. What a horrible country we had today just disgusting. It is a disgusting country we have today. But my brothers and sisters don’t worry things will be OK we will get this country back we beat the great depression we beat World War II. Freedom of speech will always prevail
That was quite the rant.

Dude you really need to stop rambling
Hey dipshit...this isn't a war and these were not soldiers.

They refused to comply with the reasonable conditions of their healthcare employment.

Too friggin bad

Are you friggen kidding me? The Nazi experiments weren’t military.

You really must be a Nazi
Yea they were retard

You must be an ignorant right wing zombie

They were done on the Jews:

How bout all those no good lying degenerate fucks over at Fox News who told their viewers to "do your own research" as they all hauled ass & lined up for "the jab", right Ace?

Remember that fuck Murdoch being one of the first to get "the jab"? Oh, but wait there's more! How about your pal Trump who hauled his big ass to get "the jab" then tried to keep it secret?
LOL Faux News are shills for the Establishment. Of course they tried to force their employees to get the jab.

If Trump got the jab he did it as his own choice, not forced, nor did he force anyone else to get it.
They were done on the Jews:

They were done my Nazi military doctors

And no civilian doctors were on trial at Nuremberg.

You’re a complete idiot and liar
a big point is the vaccinations may have actually made things worse leading to the deaths of folks who took them. That’s something year from now that’s going to be looked at and studied for sure
a big point is the vaccinations may have actually made things worse leading to the deaths of folks who took them. That’s something year from now that’s going to be looked at and studied for sure
Horse shit. Save us the nutjob next nonsense
a big point is the vaccinations may have actually made things worse leading to the deaths of folks who took them. That’s something year from now that’s going to be looked at and studied for sure
How bout we look into the "do your own research" crowd over at Fox & find out how many people died because of their fucking lies? Imagine. Imagine telling the ignorant not to believe science, believe them as they lined up for what you idiots refer to as "the jab".

Now it looks like Travis & Buck the two jerkoffs who took over for Limbaugh are now part of that crowd.
They were done my Nazi military doctors

And no civilian doctors were on trial at Nuremberg.

You’re a complete idiot and liar

Dummie, coercing your citizens to take experimental treatments is a human rights violation according to the Nuremberg code.

Now go get your gas chambers set up. 🤦‍♂️
How bout we look into the "do your own research" crowd over at Fox & find out how many people died because of their fucking lies? Imagine. Imagine telling the ignorant not to believe science, believe them as they lined up for what you idiots refer to as "the jab".

Now it looks like Travis & Buck the two jerkoffs who took over for Limbaugh are now part of that crowd.

Why don’t you research the potential catastrophic results of using imperfect “leaky” vaccines on the population.
a big point is the vaccinations may have actually made things worse leading to the deaths of folks who took them. That’s something year from now that’s going to be looked at and studied for sure
a big point is the vaccinations may have actually made things worse leading to the deaths of folks who took them. That’s something year from now that’s going to be looked at and studied for sure
You don’t know the half of it:

Gfy ya retarded left loon.

You clowns think you're vaccinated. You're not. That's a simple fact

Flame me again you tired fck and I'll do what you're noted for... report you
Actually they are the problem now, because they have no immune system to fight it. Thanks Fauci.

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