30,000 New York State health care workers were fired and left with no health insurance because they were unvaccinated.

Oh, then no vaccine mandates occured, and you can stop crying like a little bitch, now.
Lol, I’m going to die from covid unless YOU get a worthless vaccine is crying like the little bitch you claim.

Jesus, grow a friggen spine.
Lol, I’m going to die from covid unless YOU get a worthless vaccine is crying like the little bitch you claim.

Jesus, grow a friggen spine.
Sorry, like I said, the opinions of ignorant, anti vaxx morons just don't mean anything.
Information straight from my doctor today.

I’ve had to wait three months to see a specialist and now I have to wait another three months to get a procedure done. There you go there’s your testimonial there’s your source my friend.

If your mom lived in New York State how would you feel about this how would you feel if she had to wait three months and she wasn’t sure if she’s gonna die or not in the meantime?

It is inhumane it is cruel and inhumane that there are massive long wait times for people like me and people all over New York State because of how the people in New York City vote and honestly not just that. It doesn’t matter who the politicians are they should be out there doing the right things and if they’re not they need to be removed from their job. This is just cruel and inhumane. And it is something from the devil my friend
Its sad because you definitely need professional help.
The idiot is the uneducated moron who thinks he outsmarted the scientists and doctors.

(Hint: that's you, Cletus)
I would try to have an intelligent argument with you, but I don’t speak sheep, and if I did, it would probably turn you on.
A. The actual number of healthcare workers who were fired because they refused to vaccinate during a world wide pandemic was 10,000

So the wing nuts are off by “a bit”. Close by their usual standards though

And it’s not unreasonable to fire healthcare workers who refuse to vaccinate.

It’s a normal and reasonable request given they work in the healthcare field.

Newsflash… they’d have been fired if they smoked on the job in the building as well. That’s reasonable right?
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Absolutely incorrect
Does not prevent getting
Does not prevent transmission
Does not effect severity of transmission
Does have a positive effect on Serious to severe cases, that effect 6% of those who get Covid, by preventing it from becoming critical to fatal.
Other vaccines are 100% effective?
This is a case of corruption and brutality and again it doesn’t matter who the politicians are …if they are out there enforcing these types of actions where they force healthcare workers to get a vaccine…. that’s cruel and inhumane to fire them and leave them without health insurance which then upends the healthcare system which leads to long wait times for medical procedures. Anyway anyone looks at this.

It’s the same New York State government again led by a Democrat. All the people in New York City vote for these Democrats but also New York state in upstate New York do not. That’s why New York City should be its own state this cruelty has gone on for too long. Mind you this is the same New York state where you can’t even carry a pistol around if you were a regular citizen but if you’re a criminal you have your pistol. That’s why there’s crime problems in New York City … but not so much in upstate New York

Moral of the story is New York City needs to be it’s on state and not only that even the people in New York City when they vote for the politicians it doesn’t matter who the politician is they have a moral responsibility to enact common sense laws. And they are the ones who are forcing healthcare workers to get the vaccine that’s what they did back when the virus took off and for all the healthcare workers who did not get the vaccine they got fired and left without health insurance.

What more do Democrats have to see. People have to wait long times very long months on end to get a medical procedure done that before the virus would’ve taken them a few weeks to wait. If that. People are dying because they are waiting for a medical procedure. We all remember what happened with the nursing homes how they forced the senior citizens to live in the nursing homes like prisoners and that led to some of them dying. They were all cooped up in there and if they’re sick they’re all cooped up in the same place …..

So yes we must remain as calm and collective as possible that’s how we went that’s how we patriots will get these criminals out of office and get the good guys back in the office
A. The actual number of healthcare workers who were fired because they refused to vaccinate during a world wide pandemic was 10,000z

So the wing nuts are off by “a bit”. Close by their usual standards though

And it’s not unreasonable to fire healthcare workers who refuse to vaccinate.

It’s a normal and reasonable request given they work in the healthcare field.

Newsflash… they’d have been if they smoked on the job in the building as well. That’s reasonable right?
Except coercing people to take experimental treatments is against international law and had been since the fall of the Nazis

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