30 foot sections of wall going up in San Diego. I was wrong.

That is why I'm going to just sell thermite. Much easier. Permanent destruction.

I know you have the memory of a fruit-fly but the slats are hollow and filled with concrete....thermite doesn't explode, it just burns hot..it will scorch encased concrete but won't compromise it...so tell me where are you getting the 3K degrees of heat to ignite your thermite...by flicking your Bic? Tannerite on the other hand, is a different story but no point in adding to your rich fantasy life and besides, you ain't gonna do shit.

Heat like that will cause the concrete to buckle. Hit it with a hammer a few times and you and your mamacita are dancing into the US!

Thanks for the tip on Tannerite though...I should diversify into other products. ^5
Walls do work.....if they didnt you guys wouldn't be fighting them so hard.

murder laws dont work, might as well legalize it....just because it's not 100 percent doesn't mean you are correct

Ahh now you’ve stumbled on to the problem that I have with this whole episode.

Saying the wall will stop immigration as you guys have done is a lie.

Saying it will stop drugs is laughable since practically zero drug lords are going to give a migrant 5 pound of coke and say, “meet you on the other side”

Saying it will revitalize economies is a lie

None of the arguments you guys make are truthful. Or are you still pretending it’s a national emergency that Mexico will pay for?

Yea, don't know anyone saying a wall will stop illegals, or drugs. But it sure will put a huge dent in it....dumbass.

Statistics report otherwise. Most who are here illegally arrived legally.

We also have other statistics such as our BP apprehended over 400,000 last year alone at the border.

In 2000, it was over a million apprehensions.

Anyway, lets talk GDP....This is what you trump guys use to measure the health of the economy.

GDP Jumps To 4.1%: Best in 4 Years...
U.S. GDP Growth Hits 4.1%! Trump's Strong Economy Is "Lifting All Boats"
3.7 GDP Growth

Our GDP in 2000 when we had over a million apprehensions and supposedly a million or so getting through was $10.28 Trillion Dollars. Last year in 2018 after 18 years of "national emergency" The GDP rose to $20.5 Trillion--more than doubling.

Somehow it managed to double despite the claims of the illegals costing us billions. So clearly the economic doom and gloom reports you regularly broadcast are completely false if one uses statistics.

Quick fallback to another indicator that will somehow help you.

Stock market?
10,997 on 1/1/2000. Now it's hovering around 25,000 So investments are doing well.

Average income?
$59,000 and some change. Now its around $62,000 One would reason that with the advent of supposedly cheap labor, the stat would be much less.


Why not just come out and admit the all too self evident truth?

You hate brown people
You don't want them here
the wall just got doubled in size...30 feet higher now!
Apparently we have a shitload of drugs in prison…you know….places with high walls and guards every 8 feet?

If walls stop drugs…please explain how that happens?

you are so correct....we should just remove the walls, then the drugs would decrease, sre you really this stupid

Well…walls aren’t stopping drugs.
If you wanted to be honest (who am I kidding), you’d stop saying they do.

We both know you have no interest in being honest. So I don’t expect much to change.

Walls do work.....if they didnt you guys wouldn't be fighting them so hard.

murder laws dont work, might as well legalize it....just because it's not 100 percent doesn't mean you are correct

Ahh now you’ve stumbled on to the problem that I have with this whole episode.

Saying the wall will stop immigration as you guys have done is a lie.

Saying it will stop drugs is laughable since practically zero drug lords are going to give a migrant 5 pound of coke and say, “meet you on the other side”

Saying it will revitalize economies is a lie

None of the arguments you guys make are truthful. Or are you still pretending it’s a national emergency that Mexico will pay for?

Yea, don't know anyone saying a wall will stop illegals, or drugs. But it sure will put a huge dent in it....dumbass.

I agree.

Make the illegal crossing goat fuckers work for it.
Ahh now you’ve stumbled on to the problem that I have with this whole episode.

Saying the wall will stop immigration as you guys have done is a lie.

Saying it will stop drugs is laughable since practically zero drug lords are going to give a migrant 5 pound of coke and say, “meet you on the other side”

Saying it will revitalize economies is a lie

None of the arguments you guys make are truthful. Or are you still pretending it’s a national emergency that Mexico will pay for?

Yea, don't know anyone saying a wall will stop illegals, or drugs. But it sure will put a huge dent in it....dumbass.

Statistics report otherwise. Most who are here illegally arrived legally.

We also have other statistics such as our BP apprehended over 400,000 last year alone at the border.

In 2000, it was over a million apprehensions.

Anyway, lets talk GDP....This is what you trump guys use to measure the health of the economy.

GDP Jumps To 4.1%: Best in 4 Years...
U.S. GDP Growth Hits 4.1%! Trump's Strong Economy Is "Lifting All Boats"
3.7 GDP Growth

Our GDP in 2000 when we had over a million apprehensions and supposedly a million or so getting through was $10.28 Trillion Dollars. Last year in 2018 after 18 years of "national emergency" The GDP rose to $20.5 Trillion--more than doubling.

Somehow it managed to double despite the claims of the illegals costing us billions. So clearly the economic doom and gloom reports you regularly broadcast are completely false if one uses statistics.

Quick fallback to another indicator that will somehow help you.

Stock market?
10,997 on 1/1/2000. Now it's hovering around 25,000 So investments are doing well.

Average income?
$59,000 and some change. Now its around $62,000 One would reason that with the advent of supposedly cheap labor, the stat would be much less.


Why not just come out and admit the all too self evident truth?

You hate brown people
You don't want them here
the wall just got doubled in size...30 feet higher now!

Hell, make it 90 feet higher. As much as you can imagine! That is the only place it is being built after all.
Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.

Does a wall make America great in your small brain?
Replacing wall is building Trump’s wall? Which one? The new wall he said was nothing like the older wall? The wall Mexico is paying for? The see through wall (hahahahahha)!?!

MAGA= Making America Giggle Again
By the way, a 32-foot fiberglass ladder costs about $400 and weighs about 75 pounds.

It will take 2 of them to go over the wall.

Or try to hoist the one you climbed up over the top while sitting in the spiked top...ouch! And then finagle the ladder over and firmly set on the other side....odds are the climber gets vertigo and goes over backwards (on the mehican side), breaking his neck, back, and both legs. Since nobody saw it happen, no help is coming and his crippled body is eaten alive by coyotes.

I guess Mexicans don't know how to operate a rope ladder thrown over the other side. As for the spiked top of the fence, that could be overcome by throwing a rubber automobile floormat over it.

Your and your crew arguments are repetitive, tiring and frankly stupid. Even a 20' Wall is a monster. You may need a 30' ladder for that. A 22' extension ladder has to be angled. No ladder goe straight up unless anchored. Past 1/2 way climbing up more than 200lbs causes oscillation. Most will stop and retreat out of fear. It takes strength to deal with any rope ladder. Most can't do it w/o training. A double wall becomes impoossible for all but the young 135lb athletic. Ladders are heavy and awkward unless handled in teamwork or experience.

Best bet is to park a semi and get on top the trailer, maybe?

It ain't easy. No more time wasted on you loons. //

Do Trumpsters think at all? You think that a 30 foot fence will discourage someone willing to walk 125 miles across the AZ desert to get to Tucson? As for the ladder, why bother with a 30 foot ladder? Why not park a 18 wheeler next to the wall with a 15 foot ladder on it, and charge people $100 each to climb to the top? There are approximately 250 bodies found in AZ every year of people who died to make this journey. And you think that a 30 foot wall is going to scare them. Hell, most Americans would not be able to walk 5 hours through our cactus and rattlesnakes. I'm in my mid 70's and I can climb down a rope ladder 30 feet.
---------------------------------- so YOU claim VS .
Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.

Does a wall make America great in your small brain?
------------------------------------------------ Maybe not GREAT but a WALL will make America BETTER GBelly !!
That is why I'm going to just sell thermite. Much easier. Permanent destruction.

I know you have the memory of a fruit-fly but the slats are hollow and filled with concrete....thermite doesn't explode, it just burns hot..it will scorch encased concrete but won't compromise it...so tell me where are you getting the 3K degrees of heat to ignite your thermite...by flicking your Bic? Tannerite on the other hand, is a different story but no point in adding to your rich fantasy life and besides, you ain't gonna do shit.

Heat like that will cause the concrete to buckle. Hit it with a hammer a few times and you and your mamacita are dancing into the US!

Thanks for the tip on Tannerite though...I should diversify into other products. ^5

No, it will not buckle. Heat doesn't conduct very well in concrete.
Do Trumpsters think at all? You think that a 30 foot fence will discourage someone willing to walk 125 miles across the AZ desert to get to Tucson? As for the ladder, why bother with a 30 foot ladder? Why not park a 18 wheeler next to the wall with a 15 foot ladder on it, and charge people $100 each to climb to the top? There are approximately 250 bodies found in AZ every year of people who died to make this journey. And you think that a 30 foot wall is going to scare them. Hell, most Americans would not be able to walk 5 hours through our cactus and rattlesnakes. I'm in my mid 70's and I can climb down a rope ladder 30 feet.

I've lived in the Sonoran Desert almost 45 years....by the time somebody walks any distance in our heat and terrain, they're not in any shape to climb up and down a 30' rope ladder...do we think at all? Obviously more often than you do (never). The ladder would have to be anchored on both sides, so how does the first guy (forget women and children) get to the top? Back a semi up to the fence and put a 15 foot ladder on the top?....are you high? This fencing has RF wireless motion-detectors (microwave, passive-infrared is useless above 100 degree heat) BP will be on you like stink on shit. So you've driven your semi out across cholla cactus, rocks, draws, and arroyos, pull up to the fence and start selling ladder climbs for $100? that's the reefer talking, Vandal. :lol:

That is why I'm going to just sell thermite. Much easier. Permanent destruction.
-------------------------------------------------- now thats a pretty stupid statement but nice to see how you think Candy !!
Sure. If there was an effective way to target those 20 armed robbers per year, would it be preferable to just taking a step that statistically will not?

Statistically will not? The only people that don't have statistics are you anti-wall people. We have plenty of evidence and it's been posted here repeatedly. You just wish to ignore it. :safetocomeoutff:

He's been president for 2 of the 18 years I referenced. Another false statement.

And the last two years have broken records in nearly every sector of employment.

Just showing the economy didn't suffer much during the "state of emergency" you guys swear we are under.

It's you guys who constantly complain about the wealth gap; how wages haven't increased enough to keep up with inflation; how people still need to be on food stamps because of minimum wage jobs.

Wouldn't it be going down if they were taking all of our jobs over the last 20 years?

It was pretty stagnant during the DumBama years. Now that there is a shortage of workers, yes, it is going up. But it's not going up forever. It will slow down again and at some point, reverse. Then what do we do with all those people that are here?
Replacing wall is building Trump’s wall? Which one? The new wall he said was nothing like the older wall? The wall Mexico is paying for? The see through wall (hahahahahha)!?!

MAGA= Making America Giggle Again

Hes replacing the old wall with the newer better one....its not rocket science
Replacing wall is building Trump’s wall? Which one? The new wall he said was nothing like the older wall? The wall Mexico is paying for? The see through wall (hahahahahha)!?!

MAGA= Making America Giggle Again

Hes replacing the old wall with the newer better one....its not rocket science

Little does he know the see through wall was not his idea. The Border Patrol stated it would make their job much easier if they had steel slats so they can see what's happening on the other side of the border. Trump merely complied because he's no expert on the subject.
Replacing wall is building Trump’s wall? Which one? The new wall he said was nothing like the older wall? The wall Mexico is paying for? The see through wall (hahahahahha)!?!

MAGA= Making America Giggle Again

Hes replacing the old wall with the newer better one....its not rocket science

Little does he know the see through wall was not his idea. The Border Patrol stated it would make their job much easier if they had steel slats so they can see what's happening on the other side of the border. Trump merely complied because he's no expert on the subject.

Wait Trump listens to others and gives his employees what they need and ask for.....
what an asshole...
he'll never become a leftwing dictator with THAT attitude
Do Trumpsters think at all? You think that a 30 foot fence will discourage someone willing to walk 125 miles across the AZ desert to get to Tucson? As for the ladder, why bother with a 30 foot ladder? Why not park a 18 wheeler next to the wall with a 15 foot ladder on it, and charge people $100 each to climb to the top? There are approximately 250 bodies found in AZ every year of people who died to make this journey. And you think that a 30 foot wall is going to scare them. Hell, most Americans would not be able to walk 5 hours through our cactus and rattlesnakes. I'm in my mid 70's and I can climb down a rope ladder 30 feet.

I've lived in the Sonoran Desert almost 45 years....by the time somebody walks any distance in our heat and terrain, they're not in any shape to climb up and down a 30' rope ladder...do we think at all? Obviously more often than you do (never). The ladder would have to be anchored on both sides, so how does the first guy (forget women and children) get to the top? Back a semi up to the fence and put a 15 foot ladder on the top?....are you high? This fencing has RF wireless motion-detectors (microwave, passive-infrared is useless above 100 degree heat) and shock-sensors. BP will be on you like stink on shit. So you've driven your semi out across cholla cactus, rocks, draws, and arroyos, pull up to the fence and start selling ladder climbs for $100? that's the reefer talking, Vandal. :lol:

Well, Will, you make it sound so difficult to cross the border that even existing fences are clearly enough to discourage anyone from walking 125 miles across the Sonoran desert. It is enough to make me wonder why I have come across so many dirty baby diapers out there when we are delivering food, water, and medical supplies.
Heat like that will cause the concrete to buckle. Hit it with a hammer a few times and you and your mamacita are dancing into the US!

Thanks for the tip on Tannerite though...I should diversify into other products. ^5

Fence concrete encased in steel can't "buckle" because you can't ignite your thermite in the middle of nowhere and there's nothing but air around it.....hit it with a hammer until the cows come home...it just sets off the shock sensors, dumbass.
Well, Will, you make it sound so difficult to cross the border that even existing fences are clearly enough to discourage anyone from walking 125 miles across the Sonoran desert. It is enough to make me wonder why I have come across so many dirty baby diapers out there when we are delivering food, water, and medical supplies.

Nobody is walking 125 miles.....NEWS FLASH...there are cars and trucks in Mexico.. I know, hard to believe. So now you're in clean up crews on the border? who's the "we"? Now you're working at ADEQ? Uh, since when? Incidentally folks....here's what this vermin is doing to our desert...you "environmentalists" okay with this? Each invader drops on average 8 pounds of trash....

Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.


saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.
But...but...he has a lot of "winner" Ratings in the almost- entirely conservative message board. So it must be new wall!
Well, Will, you make it sound so difficult to cross the border that even existing fences are clearly enough to discourage anyone from walking 125 miles across the Sonoran desert. It is enough to make me wonder why I have come across so many dirty baby diapers out there when we are delivering food, water, and medical supplies.

Nobody is walking 125 miles.....NEWS FLASH...there are cars and trucks in Mexico.. I know, hard to believe. So now you're in clean up crews on the border? who's the "we"? Now you're working at ADEQ? Uh, since when? Incidentally folks....here's what this vermin is doing to our desert...you "environmentalists" okay with this? Each invader drops on average 8 pounds of trash....


Sorry, dude. You still aren't going to get your wall...., but feel free to build one around your private property.
Sorry, dude. You still aren't going to get your wall...., but feel free to build one around your private property.

That's what I figured ya lying turd.....and we're building the wall and have been for months....200 more miles by summer of 2020.....and Trump is going to be president for 4 more years after that.

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