30 foot sections of wall going up in San Diego. I was wrong.

Once the barrier is built, migrants and businesses will adapt. They always do. They will walk around it, climb it, dig under it, fly over it, come in by boat, or just go through ports of enter. Barriers do not stop intruders, they just make it a bit harder.

Pedro might stop climbing the barrier every week to visit his girl friend, but drug dealers, professional criminals, and families with resources will still be entering the country. And the 50% of illegal immigrants who enter the country legally we still be coming. In short, it's a huge waste of money that will stop when Trump leaves office.

Then why do barriers work all around the world? The Border Patrol seems to have an exact opposite opinion of yours. Can everybody but Democrats be wrong?

Oh, I don't know.

DHS testing of steel slat border wall prototype proved it could be cut through

Funny story. I love the part "we were told." Yeah, that's investigative reporting.

No footage of somebody actually cutting through the steel slats, no video of the instruments used, just MSNBC says so.

Household tools? Did you ever try to cut steel in your life? You're not going to do it with household tools. Most blades would dull in a matter of minutes and even with power tools it's a hell of a job.
And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?

I'm not, I'm saying what the Republicans were worried about. Don't win the battle and lose the war. If it were up to me, a simple majority would win any and everything. I don't believe in 60 Senate votes for anything excluding getting rid of a President which is a constitutional issue.

Either something is an emergency or it isn’t. If the Senate wasn’t willing to sacrifice some future considerations to address this “emergency”, then it wasn’t much of an emergency. If you’re having a heart attack (you know, an actual emergency), do you worry about how you’re going to pay for it 3 weeks from now or are you calling an ambulance?


Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.

Well, now you’re talking about something different; inability. Okay, did 70,000 people OD since November? No. So of course the question becomes why wasn’t there an emergency on 1/20/17 when the blob got into office?

Additionally, in his 2 years in office, we’ve had about 70,000 people die on the highways. Where is the national emergency to close the freeways? As I mentioned in another thread, we had a patient in my hospital who was high as a kite and attacked one of our staff; he was an inmate in jail. If a place that has high walls and guards can’t stop drugs, are you dumb enough to think that Trump’s wall will? OF course you are.

So you're saying that those walls didn't reduce drug usage by at least 90%? I know people that went to prison, and while drugs are there, they are extremely rare. You can only sneak in minute amounts because everything is searched going into prison. I know, we used to deliver to the prisons over here.
Household tools? Did you ever try to cut steel in your life? You're not going to do it with household tools. Most blades would dull in a matter of minutes and even with power tools it's a hell of a job.

And the slats are hollow with concrete cores....so you have to change blades. Masonry blades have to be kept wet meaning they'd have to carry that much extra water.....and water weighs a little under 8.5 lbs a gallon....500 gallons minimum. You'd have to cut at least 3 slats (also joined at the top so they'd have to cut a doorway...6 cuts total) to get though so you'd need a truck with a water tank and a gas generator....drone whizzes over, BP notified, mission ends in arrests for destroying US government property.
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Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.


saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.

So if you're bleeding profusely from a cut and you have ass cancer, which one do you fix first? Obviously you'd fix the leak first, then deal with the other problem.

Didn't you learn anything from the best schools your parents could send you?

Ohhh, yeah: Union teachers, right?

Teachers don't set the cirriculum, or buy the text books, or set the standardized tests that the students must take. All of those things are established by the states, as well as the pay rates and standards for teachers. To suggest that the failure of public education in America is the result of the teachers and the teacher's union, is to say that the failure of General Motors was because the workers built lousy cars. GM failed because General Motors

The only cut the USA is bleeding from profusely is the ongoing opiod crisis. The cancer is the disastrous Presidency of Donald Trump. Trump declared a National Emergency to deal with the opioid crisis. What is he doing to stop it?

Don't give me that bullshit that a wall will stop the drugs, when Homeland Security says that 90% of illegal drugs are coming through ports of entry. Trump is letting the dying continue unabated while he focuses on the border wall.
Don't give me that bullshit that a wall will stop the drugs, when Homeland Security says that 90% of illegal drugs are coming through ports of entry.

Hey moron, 90% of the drugs DHS catches come in through the ports of entry...you fools keep repeating that jive when we have no idea how much is coming in through unfenced border areas. Even though you know you're lying, and we know you're lying, you keep lying...that's a sign of arrested-development/heavy drug use....in your case I suspect it's both.
Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.


saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.

So if you're bleeding profusely from a cut and you have ass cancer, which one do you fix first? Obviously you'd fix the leak first, then deal with the other problem.

Didn't you learn anything from the best schools your parents could send you?

Ohhh, yeah: Union teachers, right?

Teachers don't set the cirriculum, or buy the text books, or set the standardized tests that the students must take. All of those things are established by the states, as well as the pay rates and standards for teachers. To suggest that the failure of public education in America is the result of the teachers and the teacher's union, is to say that the failure of General Motors was because the workers built lousy cars. GM failed because General Motors

The only cut the USA is bleeding from profusely is the ongoing opiod crisis. The cancer is the disastrous Presidency of Donald Trump. Trump declared a National Emergency to deal with the opioid crisis. What is he doing to stop it?

Don't give me that bullshit that a wall will stop the drugs, when Homeland Security says that 90% of illegal drugs are coming through ports of entry. Trump is letting the dying continue unabated while he focuses on the border wall.

Human traffickers, sex traffickers, illegals, murderers, rapists, gun smugglers, and terrorists, seldom go through the points of entry.

Not all drugs go through the points of entry, either. A large quantity of the drugs coming into this country is simply walked across the border where there are no walls.

Illegal drugs flow over and under U.S. border
If I'm a Sinaloa cartel smuggler, why would I risk losing a truck and a load of drugs to a port of entry guard with a dog because of a nervous driver? I'd scout BP activity in an area with no fence, wait until their patrol passes, and shoot my truck across....even if I'm lit up by a BP ambush and pursued on the US side, I can always turn around and go like hell back to Mehico and they can't chase my truck once I'm back on the other side.
Household tools? Did you ever try to cut steel in your life? You're not going to do it with household tools. Most blades would dull in a matter of minutes and even with power tools it's a hell of a job.

And the slats are hollow with concrete cores....so you have to change blades. Masonry blades have to be kept wet meaning they'd have to carry that much extra water.....and water weighs a little under 8.5 lbs a gallon....500 gallons minimum. You'd have to cut at least 3 slats (also joined at the top so they'd have to cut a doorway...6 cuts total) to get though so you'd need a truck with a water tank and a gas generator....drone whizzes over, BP notified, mission ends in arrests for destroying US government property.

The person in the video said "he was told" they only used household tools to cut through. And let's face it, we all have diamond edged saw blades laying around the house. He also stated where he was at, they do use steel slats, yet never bothered to show any of them cut through in the past.
Once the barrier is built, migrants and businesses will adapt. They always do. They will walk around it, climb it, dig under it, fly over it, come in by boat, or just go through ports of enter. Barriers do not stop intruders, they just make it a bit harder.

Pedro might stop climbing the barrier every week to visit his girl friend, but drug dealers, professional criminals, and families with resources will still be entering the country. And the 50% of illegal immigrants who enter the country legally we still be coming. In short, it's a huge waste of money that will stop when Trump leaves office.

Then why do barriers work all around the world? The Border Patrol seems to have an exact opposite opinion of yours. Can everybody but Democrats be wrong?

Oh, I don't know.

DHS testing of steel slat border wall prototype proved it could be cut through

Funny story. I love the part "we were told." Yeah, that's investigative reporting.

No footage of somebody actually cutting through the steel slats, no video of the instruments used, just MSNBC says so.

Household tools? Did you ever try to cut steel in your life? You're not going to do it with household tools. Most blades would dull in a matter of minutes and even with power tools it's a hell of a job.

Doesn't matter if they got a chimp to do it. The beams were easily cut by something.

And vandals don't usually call the media when they are about to vandalize.

Anything else really simple to see or understand that I can help you with?
Once the barrier is built, migrants and businesses will adapt. They always do. They will walk around it, climb it, dig under it, fly over it, come in by boat, or just go through ports of enter. Barriers do not stop intruders, they just make it a bit harder.

Pedro might stop climbing the barrier every week to visit his girl friend, but drug dealers, professional criminals, and families with resources will still be entering the country. And the 50% of illegal immigrants who enter the country legally we still be coming. In short, it's a huge waste of money that will stop when Trump leaves office.

Then why do barriers work all around the world? The Border Patrol seems to have an exact opposite opinion of yours. Can everybody but Democrats be wrong?

Oh, I don't know.

DHS testing of steel slat border wall prototype proved it could be cut through

Funny story. I love the part "we were told." Yeah, that's investigative reporting.

No footage of somebody actually cutting through the steel slats, no video of the instruments used, just MSNBC says so.

Household tools? Did you ever try to cut steel in your life? You're not going to do it with household tools. Most blades would dull in a matter of minutes and even with power tools it's a hell of a job.

Doesn't matter if they got a chimp to do it. The beams were easily cut by something.

And vandals don't usually call the media when they are about to vandalize.

Anything else really simple to see or understand that I can help you with?

Sure. The guy said he was standing at the border where steel slats were used. Why didn't he show the camera anyplace where those slats were compromised?
The person in the video said "he was told" they only used household tools to cut through. And let's face it, we all have diamond edged saw blades laying around the house. He also stated where he was at, they do use steel slats, yet never bothered to show any of them cut through in the past.

I didn't think of something before...how are these geniuses going to horizontal cut the concrete slat-cores? You can only keep the top side of the saw blade wet/cool so you'd have to continue stopping and running the opposite side on top and pray you don't hit the steel on the other side of the slat with the masonry blade. Let's say you're trying to do this at night or in daytime temps well over 100....it could take days. These bollard fences are pure genius...by the time you comprise a few slats the BP will be there.
The person in the video said "he was told" they only used household tools to cut through. And let's face it, we all have diamond edged saw blades laying around the house. He also stated where he was at, they do use steel slats, yet never bothered to show any of them cut through in the past.

I didn't think of something before...how are these geniuses going to horizontal cut the concrete slat-cores? You can only keep the top side of the saw blade wet/cool so you'd have to continue stopping and running the opposite side on top and pray you don't hit the steel on the other side of the slat with the masonry blade. Let's say you're trying to do this at night or in daytime temps well over 100....it could take days. These bollard fences are pure genius...by the time you comprise a few slats the BP will be there.

Well besides the lying MSM, liberals watch way too many cartoons and think it's real life. Liberals don't have logic. That's why they are liberals in the first place. They've never worked with any of this stuff. However my father was a bricklayer, I joined the apprenticeship for a while. I know what it takes and what kind of equipment you need to do such a job. I had no idea the steel surrounded the concrete until you told me. But now that I know, I can tell you that video was FOS. You can't cut through that with household tools as they stated.

It's just like this fascination they have with getting a 30 foot ladder. I bet not one of these people ever climbed a ladder 30 feet. They have no idea how high 30 feet actually is, especially on a ladder.

As long as they are fed these talking points from the MSM, they will keep replying with them.
We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.

Yep just a talking point.....these people cant do a simple Google search

Apparently we have a shitload of drugs in prison…you know….places with high walls and guards every 8 feet?

If walls stop drugs…please explain how that happens?

you are so correct....we should just remove the walls, then the drugs would decrease, sre you really this stupid

Well…walls aren’t stopping drugs.
If you wanted to be honest (who am I kidding), you’d stop saying they do.

We both know you have no interest in being honest. So I don’t expect much to change.

Walls do work.....if they didnt you guys wouldn't be fighting them so hard.

murder laws dont work, might as well legalize it....just because it's not 100 percent doesn't mean you are correct

Ahh now you’ve stumbled on to the problem that I have with this whole episode.

Saying the wall will stop immigration as you guys have done is a lie.

Saying it will stop drugs is laughable since practically zero drug lords are going to give a migrant 5 pound of coke and say, “meet you on the other side”

Saying it will revitalize economies is a lie

None of the arguments you guys make are truthful. Or are you still pretending it’s a national emergency that Mexico will pay for?
Yep just a talking point.....these people cant do a simple Google search

Apparently we have a shitload of drugs in prison…you know….places with high walls and guards every 8 feet?

If walls stop drugs…please explain how that happens?

you are so correct....we should just remove the walls, then the drugs would decrease, sre you really this stupid

Well…walls aren’t stopping drugs.
If you wanted to be honest (who am I kidding), you’d stop saying they do.

We both know you have no interest in being honest. So I don’t expect much to change.

Walls do work.....if they didnt you guys wouldn't be fighting them so hard.

murder laws dont work, might as well legalize it....just because it's not 100 percent doesn't mean you are correct

Ahh now you’ve stumbled on to the problem that I have with this whole episode.

Saying the wall will stop immigration as you guys have done is a lie.

Saying it will stop drugs is laughable since practically zero drug lords are going to give a migrant 5 pound of coke and say, “meet you on the other side”

Saying it will revitalize economies is a lie

None of the arguments you guys make are truthful. Or are you still pretending it’s a national emergency that Mexico will pay for?

ok this is the problem, you dont understand language.
Stop means effectively end...nothing is every100%.
We stop the migrants, then no more mules.
Once we control the border then we go help make Mexico great again and pick up their cartels.
Apparently we have a shitload of drugs in prison…you know….places with high walls and guards every 8 feet?

If walls stop drugs…please explain how that happens?

you are so correct....we should just remove the walls, then the drugs would decrease, sre you really this stupid

Well…walls aren’t stopping drugs.
If you wanted to be honest (who am I kidding), you’d stop saying they do.

We both know you have no interest in being honest. So I don’t expect much to change.

Walls do work.....if they didnt you guys wouldn't be fighting them so hard.

murder laws dont work, might as well legalize it....just because it's not 100 percent doesn't mean you are correct

Ahh now you’ve stumbled on to the problem that I have with this whole episode.

Saying the wall will stop immigration as you guys have done is a lie.

Saying it will stop drugs is laughable since practically zero drug lords are going to give a migrant 5 pound of coke and say, “meet you on the other side”

Saying it will revitalize economies is a lie

None of the arguments you guys make are truthful. Or are you still pretending it’s a national emergency that Mexico will pay for?

ok this is the problem, you dont understand language.
Stop means effectively end...nothing is every100%.
We stop the migrants, then no more mules.
Once we control the border then we go help make Mexico great again and pick up their cartels.

There’s the problem, you live in a cartoonish fantasy
you are so correct....we should just remove the walls, then the drugs would decrease, sre you really this stupid

Well…walls aren’t stopping drugs.
If you wanted to be honest (who am I kidding), you’d stop saying they do.

We both know you have no interest in being honest. So I don’t expect much to change.

Walls do work.....if they didnt you guys wouldn't be fighting them so hard.

murder laws dont work, might as well legalize it....just because it's not 100 percent doesn't mean you are correct

Ahh now you’ve stumbled on to the problem that I have with this whole episode.

Saying the wall will stop immigration as you guys have done is a lie.

Saying it will stop drugs is laughable since practically zero drug lords are going to give a migrant 5 pound of coke and say, “meet you on the other side”

Saying it will revitalize economies is a lie

None of the arguments you guys make are truthful. Or are you still pretending it’s a national emergency that Mexico will pay for?

ok this is the problem, you dont understand language.
Stop means effectively end...nothing is every100%.
We stop the migrants, then no more mules.
Once we control the border then we go help make Mexico great again and pick up their cartels.

There’s the problem, you live in a cartoonish fantasy

Nah, walls work ,people use the to prevent other from comming in all the time.

They do not work for keeping people in....and thats not the why we want it.
Yep just a talking point.....these people cant do a simple Google search

Apparently we have a shitload of drugs in prison…you know….places with high walls and guards every 8 feet?

If walls stop drugs…please explain how that happens?

you are so correct....we should just remove the walls, then the drugs would decrease, sre you really this stupid

Well…walls aren’t stopping drugs.
If you wanted to be honest (who am I kidding), you’d stop saying they do.

We both know you have no interest in being honest. So I don’t expect much to change.

Walls do work.....if they didnt you guys wouldn't be fighting them so hard.

murder laws dont work, might as well legalize it....just because it's not 100 percent doesn't mean you are correct

Ahh now you’ve stumbled on to the problem that I have with this whole episode.

Saying the wall will stop immigration as you guys have done is a lie.

Saying it will stop drugs is laughable since practically zero drug lords are going to give a migrant 5 pound of coke and say, “meet you on the other side”

Saying it will revitalize economies is a lie

None of the arguments you guys make are truthful. Or are you still pretending it’s a national emergency that Mexico will pay for?
--------------------------------------------------- WALL will probably exclude some 'mex' and 'otm' invaders while your tax dollars pay for the WALL and thats ALL that matters to me Candy .
Yep just a talking point.....these people cant do a simple Google search

Apparently we have a shitload of drugs in prison…you know….places with high walls and guards every 8 feet?

If walls stop drugs…please explain how that happens?

you are so correct....we should just remove the walls, then the drugs would decrease, sre you really this stupid

Well…walls aren’t stopping drugs.
If you wanted to be honest (who am I kidding), you’d stop saying they do.

We both know you have no interest in being honest. So I don’t expect much to change.

Walls do work.....if they didnt you guys wouldn't be fighting them so hard.

murder laws dont work, might as well legalize it....just because it's not 100 percent doesn't mean you are correct

Ahh now you’ve stumbled on to the problem that I have with this whole episode.

Saying the wall will stop immigration as you guys have done is a lie.

Saying it will stop drugs is laughable since practically zero drug lords are going to give a migrant 5 pound of coke and say, “meet you on the other side”

Saying it will revitalize economies is a lie

None of the arguments you guys make are truthful. Or are you still pretending it’s a national emergency that Mexico will pay for?
----------------------------------------- all arguments made , pro Wall or anti Wall are simply OPINIONS of the posters while you call some OPINIONS as ' LIE's ' and thats pretty child like Candy .
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Apparently we have a shitload of drugs in prison…you know….places with high walls and guards every 8 feet?

If walls stop drugs…please explain how that happens?

you are so correct....we should just remove the walls, then the drugs would decrease, sre you really this stupid

Well…walls aren’t stopping drugs.
If you wanted to be honest (who am I kidding), you’d stop saying they do.

We both know you have no interest in being honest. So I don’t expect much to change.

Walls do work.....if they didnt you guys wouldn't be fighting them so hard.

murder laws dont work, might as well legalize it....just because it's not 100 percent doesn't mean you are correct

Ahh now you’ve stumbled on to the problem that I have with this whole episode.

Saying the wall will stop immigration as you guys have done is a lie.

Saying it will stop drugs is laughable since practically zero drug lords are going to give a migrant 5 pound of coke and say, “meet you on the other side”

Saying it will revitalize economies is a lie

None of the arguments you guys make are truthful. Or are you still pretending it’s a national emergency that Mexico will pay for?
----------------------------------------- all arguments made , pro Wall or anti Wall are simply OPINIONS of the posters while you call some OPINIONS as ' LIE's ' and thats pretty child like Candy .

I hate to disagree with you Pismoe, but walls not working is opinion. Walls working is something we have plenty of proof of.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.
Lol! You must think laders aren't available near the border, Trumptard!
Businesses along the border sell migrants everything they need for a border crossings, guides, maps, delivery and pickup services, ropes, and yes ladders.

Social Security #'s, drivers license's, etc.

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