30 foot sections of wall going up in San Diego. I was wrong.

Either something is an emergency or it isn’t. If the Senate wasn’t willing to sacrifice some future considerations to address this “emergency”, then it wasn’t much of an emergency. If you’re having a heart attack (you know, an actual emergency), do you worry about how you’re going to pay for it 3 weeks from now or are you calling an ambulance?


Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.

Yep just a talking point.....these people cant do a simple Google search

Apparently we have a shitload of drugs in prison…you know….places with high walls and guards every 8 feet?

If walls stop drugs…please explain how that happens?
---------------------------------- its a constant WAR as i told '2020' , The War simply needs to be fought Candy .
Either something is an emergency or it isn’t. If the Senate wasn’t willing to sacrifice some future considerations to address this “emergency”, then it wasn’t much of an emergency. If you’re having a heart attack (you know, an actual emergency), do you worry about how you’re going to pay for it 3 weeks from now or are you calling an ambulance?


Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.

Yep just a talking point.....these people cant do a simple Google search

Apparently we have a shitload of drugs in prison…you know….places with high walls and guards every 8 feet?

If walls stop drugs…please explain how that happens?

you are so correct....we should just remove the walls, then the drugs would decrease, sre you really this stupid
Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.

Yep just a talking point.....these people cant do a simple Google search

Apparently we have a shitload of drugs in prison…you know….places with high walls and guards every 8 feet?

If walls stop drugs…please explain how that happens?

you are so correct....we should just remove the walls, then the drugs would decrease, sre you really this stupid

Well…walls aren’t stopping drugs.
If you wanted to be honest (who am I kidding), you’d stop saying they do.

We both know you have no interest in being honest. So I don’t expect much to change.
Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.

Yep just a talking point.....these people cant do a simple Google search

Apparently we have a shitload of drugs in prison…you know….places with high walls and guards every 8 feet?

If walls stop drugs…please explain how that happens?
---------------------------------- its a constant WAR as i told '2020' , The War simply needs to be fought Candy .

Well, go dig a fox hole or something. What are you doing on a message board if you think there is a war going on?
Okay...which one was Trump? Is he a Socialist or a Communist?

Do some research. What candidate did the US Communist Party endorse?
Which party did the KKK endorse?
--------------------------------- which party did the 'black panthers' , the 'splc' and the 'naacp' endorse . [and 'al sharpton and 'jesses jackson' to name just a few lefty 'orgs' and people Faun]

WTF is wrong with the SPLC and the NAACP?
---------------------------------------- almost fergot so I add the 'aclu' and 'blm' , antifa and others as i remember them Faun .
I suppose there's no point in asking you what's wrong with those organizations since you refused to answer what's wrong with the SPLC and the NAACP. What a pity you can't answer.
Once the barrier is built, migrants and businesses will adapt. They always do. They will walk around it, climb it, dig under it, fly over it, come in by boat, or just go through ports of enter. Barriers do not stop intruders, they just make it a bit harder.

Pedro might stop climbing the barrier every week to visit his girl friend, but drug dealers, professional criminals, and families with resources will still be entering the country. And the 50% of illegal immigrants who enter the country legally we still be coming. In short, it's a huge waste of money that will stop when Trump leaves office.

Then why do barriers work all around the world? The Border Patrol seems to have an exact opposite opinion of yours. Can everybody but Democrats be wrong?
We already have some 700 miles of barriers.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.

Yep just a talking point.....these people cant do a simple Google search

Apparently we have a shitload of drugs in prison…you know….places with high walls and guards every 8 feet?

If walls stop drugs…please explain how that happens?

you are so correct....we should just remove the walls, then the drugs would decrease, sre you really this stupid

Well…walls aren’t stopping drugs.
If you wanted to be honest (who am I kidding), you’d stop saying they do.

We both know you have no interest in being honest. So I don’t expect much to change.

Walls do work.....if they didnt you guys wouldn't be fighting them so hard.

murder laws dont work, might as well legalize it....just because it's not 100 percent doesn't mean you are correct
They had the votes to change Senate rules...didn't they? Why didn't they if this is so important?

And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?
There was no national emergency. Trump, all of Washington, and most of the nation knew it was no emergency. It's been a nagging problem that has existed for many years. Declaring an emergency was just a way to circumvent congress. In his announcement, of a national emergency, he said, "I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn't need to do this".

Well, Mr. President, when the day comes and you call 911 as you lay gasping for breath, hopefully the EMS people don't tell you, We didn't need to come. We're going to take a nice slow ride to the hospital.

Hmmm. All this talk about the wall not being an emergency. So what is an emergency? Let's take a look:

  • Oct. 23, 2009: Declaration of a National Emergency With Respect to the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic was never terminated or continued.
  • April 12, 2010 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Somalia, continued in 2018.
  • Feb. 25, 2011 (still in effect): Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Libya, continued in February 2018.
  • May 16, 2012 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen, continued in May 2012.
  • March 6, 2014 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine, continued in March 2018.
  • April 3, 2014 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to South Sudan, continued in March 2018.
  • Nov. 22, 2015 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Burundi, continued in November 2018.
Here is a list of the national emergencies declared by the last seven presidents

As you have already guessed, these were the so-called emergencies issued by Barack Obama. Now.....given the fact illegals cost us tens of billions of dollars every year, given the fact they are keeping wages down where they exist, given the murders we've seen in this country and DUI deaths, given the tens of thousands of Americans dying from recreational narcotics every year, can you show me which one of these "Emergencies" Obama issued that was more of an emergency than Trump's?
In almost every case there was a need for immediate action such that going through congress was not a good option and everyone one of these cases congressional approval was a forgone conclusion. None of these declarations were done to take money that congress refused the president. Trump's declaration certainly goes against the will of congress and no person in their right mind would consider building a wall that would take years to complete and would cover only 10% of the border would address any current emergency at the border.
View attachment 247369

30 ft ladder ^^^^^^^^^^^

--------------------------------- Maybe a few or a couple hundred will flow in but not many when compared to today Siete .

Someone has to buy that heavy thing, carry it up, work a hole. Maybe Drug pushers could afford it and manage it? A lot of noise made trying that? Can't see a caravan bringing one up unless the dems provide funding? Have to figure a way to stop small leaks like that vs. 1000s of miles of open land where they can even drive loaded vehicles over and then scatter when noticed.

I'd be willing to bet that most people here never climbed a ladder nearly that high. Those things get pretty shaky the closer you get to the top. It's something that a lot of people can't do. That's why roofers charge what they charge.
-------------------------------- yeah , 30 foot ladder is pretty high . Many 'mex' would balk .
In that case, they go around the wall since it will cover only 10% of the border or tunnel under it, or fly over it, sail around it, or just go through ports of entry like most illegal immigrants in the US have done.
DRUG's , Well to me thats just a change of subjects . WALL's , fences , military on the border . My only reason for want a WALL , Fences , Military on the Border is simply to stop diverse third worlders from entering the USA Candy and every one else Candy .
They had the votes to change Senate rules...didn't they? Why didn't they if this is so important?

And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?
There was no national emergency. Trump, all of Washington, and most of the nation knew it was no emergency. It's been a nagging problem that has existed for many years. Declaring an emergency was just a way to circumvent congress. In his announcement, of a national emergency, he said, "I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn't need to do this".

Well, Mr. President, when the day comes and you call 911 as you lay gasping for breath, hopefully the EMS people don't tell you, We didn't need to come. We're going to take a nice slow ride to the hospital.

Hmmm. All this talk about the wall not being an emergency. So what is an emergency? Let's take a look:

  • Oct. 23, 2009: Declaration of a National Emergency With Respect to the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic was never terminated or continued.
  • April 12, 2010 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Somalia, continued in 2018.
  • Feb. 25, 2011 (still in effect): Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Libya, continued in February 2018.
  • May 16, 2012 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen, continued in May 2012.
  • March 6, 2014 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine, continued in March 2018.
  • April 3, 2014 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to South Sudan, continued in March 2018.
  • Nov. 22, 2015 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Burundi, continued in November 2018.
Here is a list of the national emergencies declared by the last seven presidents

As you have already guessed, these were the so-called emergencies issued by Barack Obama. Now.....given the fact illegals cost us tens of billions of dollars every year, given the fact they are keeping wages down where they exist, given the murders we've seen in this country and DUI deaths, given the tens of thousands of Americans dying from recreational narcotics every year, can you show me which one of these "Emergencies" Obama issued that was more of an emergency than Trump's?
In almost every case there was a need for immediate action such that going through congress was not a good option and everyone one of these cases congressional approval was a forgone conclusion. None of these declarations were done to take money that congress refused the president. Trump's declaration certainly goes against the will of congress and no person in their right mind would consider building a wall that would take years to complete and would cover only 10% of the border would address any current emergency at the border.

It's not about congressional approval or money. It's about the definition of Emergency that I questioned. In other words an emergency doesn't have to mean a dire emergency. It's more or less a legal term. Half of the issues passed by our Council in my city are declared an emergency.
sorry , 'rip' and all that but drug deaths are caused by the Drug Users themselves as all i want is a reduction and exclusion of diverse third worlders , imported into the USA . Just saying Candy .
Yeah , you will not change any WALL Advocates minds or thinking Flopper .
And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?
There was no national emergency. Trump, all of Washington, and most of the nation knew it was no emergency. It's been a nagging problem that has existed for many years. Declaring an emergency was just a way to circumvent congress. In his announcement, of a national emergency, he said, "I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn't need to do this".

Well, Mr. President, when the day comes and you call 911 as you lay gasping for breath, hopefully the EMS people don't tell you, We didn't need to come. We're going to take a nice slow ride to the hospital.

Hmmm. All this talk about the wall not being an emergency. So what is an emergency? Let's take a look:

  • Oct. 23, 2009: Declaration of a National Emergency With Respect to the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic was never terminated or continued.
  • April 12, 2010 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Somalia, continued in 2018.
  • Feb. 25, 2011 (still in effect): Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Libya, continued in February 2018.
  • May 16, 2012 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen, continued in May 2012.
  • March 6, 2014 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine, continued in March 2018.
  • April 3, 2014 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to South Sudan, continued in March 2018.
  • Nov. 22, 2015 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Burundi, continued in November 2018.
Here is a list of the national emergencies declared by the last seven presidents

As you have already guessed, these were the so-called emergencies issued by Barack Obama. Now.....given the fact illegals cost us tens of billions of dollars every year, given the fact they are keeping wages down where they exist, given the murders we've seen in this country and DUI deaths, given the tens of thousands of Americans dying from recreational narcotics every year, can you show me which one of these "Emergencies" Obama issued that was more of an emergency than Trump's?
In almost every case there was a need for immediate action such that going through congress was not a good option and everyone one of these cases congressional approval was a forgone conclusion. None of these declarations were done to take money that congress refused the president. Trump's declaration certainly goes against the will of congress and no person in their right mind would consider building a wall that would take years to complete and would cover only 10% of the border would address any current emergency at the border.

It's not about congressional approval or money. It's about the definition of Emergency that I questioned. In other words an emergency doesn't have to mean a dire emergency. It's more or less a legal term. Half of the issues passed by our Council in my city are declared an emergency.
Care to explain how starting to build a wall that will take years to complete is going to have any effect on any emergency at the border today?
By the way, a 32-foot fiberglass ladder costs about $400 and weighs about 75 pounds.

It will take 2 of them to go over the wall.

Or try to hoist the one you climbed up over the top while sitting in the spiked top...ouch! And then finagle the ladder over and firmly set on the other side....odds are the climber gets vertigo and goes over backwards (on the mehican side), breaking his neck, back, and both legs. Since nobody saw it happen, no help is coming and his crippled body is eaten alive by coyotes.
By the way, a 32-foot fiberglass ladder costs about $400 and weighs about 75 pounds.

It will take 2 of them to go over the wall.

Or try to hoist the one you climbed up over the top while sitting in the spiked top...ouch! And then finagle the ladder over and firmly set on the other side....odds are the climber gets vertigo and goes over backwards (on the mehican side), breaking his neck, back, and both legs. Since nobody saw it happen, no help is coming and his crippled body is eaten alive by coyotes.
Which raises the question: has money been set aside to clean up the bodies of these failed climbers?
Care to explain how starting to build a wall that will take years to complete is going to have any effect on any emergency at the border today?

Sure....hit the hot spots the BP is having the most traffic/trouble at first....say 5 miles in both directions. That's ten miles the BP can leave and move on.....more BP on ten more miles of unfenced border. Block all the makeshift roads the smugglers are using with Normandy barriers and rocks that will break a truck axle if they try to go around them. And finally, leave only the most treacherous areas (no water, tough terrain) uncovered and let the rats kill themselves trying to cross there.

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