30 foot sections of wall going up in San Diego. I was wrong.

Let the Mexicans deal with their own human discards. 65 tunnels since 1990? Not many. Easily stopped. Do you think the corrupt Mexican Govt. does not see construction in action? Charge them $100M per meter when discovered. Problem goes away. Close spring break one year? Many options going that way.

Your whole post is laughable, but the part about, "...close spring break one year." is hilarious. Please tell us exactly how that is done!

Close or restrict border crossings prior to spring break time. Restrict travel visas due to unsafe conditions for American youth.
--------------------------------------------- Restrict or Close the Border for Spring Break . Yeah , I think it can easily be done . As question , didn't TRUMP mention or threaten to shut down the Border to Trade and Traffic just about a month ago because of some 'mex' Caravan threatening or actually storming the Border a few weeks ago OYellar ??
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They had the votes to change Senate rules...didn't they? Why didn't they if this is so important?

And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?
There was no national emergency. Trump, all of Washington, and most of the nation knew it was no emergency. It's been a nagging problem that has existed for many years. Declaring an emergency was just a way to circumvent congress. In his announcement, of a national emergency, he said, "I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn't need to do this".

Well, Mr. President, when the day comes and you call 911 as you lay gasping for breath, hopefully the EMS people don't tell you, We didn't need to come. We're going to take a nice slow ride to the hospital.
You voted for a guy that said if we like our doctor, we can keep our doctor.
You voted for a guy that said if we like our healthcare facility, we can keep our healthcare facility.
You voted for a guy that said all Americans will have access to affordable coverage.
You voted for a guy that said our healthcare premiums would drop as much as $2,500 per family.
You voted for a guy that said nobody making less than 250K a year will see a tax increase of any kind.

You voted for a guy that wasted over a trillion dollars telling these lies, and now you're concerned about Mexico coming up with 7 billion dollars for a wall; the amount we spend on food stamps in just one month????
And you voted for a Socialist:


If that's what you believe, fine. But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. How about you?

Okay...which one was Trump? Is he a Socialist or a Communist?

Do some research. What candidate did the US Communist Party endorse?
Which party did the KKK endorse?
--------------------------------- which party did the 'black panthers' , the 'splc' and the 'naacp' endorse . [and 'al sharpton and 'jesses jackson' to name just a few lefty 'orgs' and people Faun]
Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.
Lol! You must think laders aren't available near the border, Trumptard!
Businesses along the border sell migrants everything they need for a border crossings, guides, maps, delivery and pickup services, ropes, and yes ladders.
They had the votes to change Senate rules...didn't they? Why didn't they if this is so important?

And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?
There was no national emergency. Trump, all of Washington, and most of the nation knew it was no emergency. It's been a nagging problem that has existed for many years. Declaring an emergency was just a way to circumvent congress. In his announcement, of a national emergency, he said, "I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn't need to do this".

Well, Mr. President, when the day comes and you call 911 as you lay gasping for breath, hopefully the EMS people don't tell you, We didn't need to come. We're going to take a nice slow ride to the hospital.
------------------------------ National Emergency is a matter of ---- OPINION ---- and i see a National Emergency for the next Generations of Real Americans and Real Americans KIDS . As i have shouted many times , USA had a population of right about 210 million pretty nice and fairly Homogeneous Americans in the 1970 Census . In 2010 , the USA has a diverse and unruly and divisive population of about 310 million 'fifth columnists' and enemies polluting the USA and its population inside USA Borders according to USA Census . Yeah , its an EMERGENCY in my OPINION Flopper .
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And you voted for a Socialist:


If that's what you believe, fine. But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. How about you?

Okay...which one was Trump? Is he a Socialist or a Communist?

Do some research. What candidate did the US Communist Party endorse?
Which party did the KKK endorse?
--------------------------------- which party did the 'black panthers' , the 'splc' and the 'naacp' endorse . [and 'al sharpton and 'jesses jackson' to name just a few lefty 'orgs' and people Faun]

WTF is wrong with the SPLC and the NAACP?
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.
Lol! You must think laders aren't available near the border, Trumptard!
Businesses along the border sell migrants everything they need for a border crossings, guides, maps, delivery and pickup services, ropes, and yes ladders.
------------------------------------- LET THEM do as they like , 'mexico' is their country . they can sell what they like i suppose Flopper . But even with the WALL , the Border Patrol needs something to do i guess Flopper . Next , it sounds to me like you would encourage 'mexico' to attack the WALL with Tanks and other WAR making implements eh Flopper ??
If that's what you believe, fine. But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. How about you?

Okay...which one was Trump? Is he a Socialist or a Communist?

Do some research. What candidate did the US Communist Party endorse?
Which party did the KKK endorse?
--------------------------------- which party did the 'black panthers' , the 'splc' and the 'naacp' endorse . [and 'al sharpton and 'jesses jackson' to name just a few lefty 'orgs' and people Faun]

WTF is wrong with the SPLC and the NAACP?
---------------------------------------- almost fergot so I add the 'aclu' and 'blm' , antifa and others as i remember them Faun .
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View attachment 247369

30 ft ladder ^^^^^^^^^^^

--------------------------------- Maybe a few or a couple hundred will flow in but not many when compared to today Siete .

Someone has to buy that heavy thing, carry it up, work a hole. Maybe Drug pushers could afford it and manage it? A lot of noise made trying that? Can't see a caravan bringing one up unless the dems provide funding? Have to figure a way to stop small leaks like that vs. 1000s of miles of open land where they can even drive loaded vehicles over and then scatter when noticed.
Once the barrier is built, migrants and businesses will adapt. They always do. They will walk around it, climb it, dig under it, fly over it, come in by boat, or just go through ports of enter. Barriers do not stop intruders, they just make it a bit harder.

Pedro might stop climbing the barrier every week to visit his girl friend, but drug dealers, professional criminals, and families with resources will still be entering the country. And the 50% of illegal immigrants who enter the country legally will still be coming. In short, it's a huge waste of money that will stop when Trump leaves office. Democrats will not support it and most republicans in congress have been less than enthusiastic about the venture.
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Once the barrier is built, migrants and businesses will adapt. They always do. They will walk around it, climb it, dig under it, fly over it, come in by boat, or just go through ports of enter. Barriers do not stop intruders, they just make it a bit harder.

Pedro might stop climbing the barrier every week to visit his girl friend, but drug dealers, professional criminals, and families with resources will still be entering the country. And the 50% of illegal immigrants who enter the country legally we still be coming. In short, it's a huge waste of money that will stop when Trump leaves office.

Then why do barriers work all around the world? The Border Patrol seems to have an exact opposite opinion of yours. Can everybody but Democrats be wrong?
If that's what you believe, fine. But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. How about you?

Okay...which one was Trump? Is he a Socialist or a Communist?

Do some research. What candidate did the US Communist Party endorse?
The Communist Party does not endorse candidates from other parties. The last Communist Party candidate was Gus Hall in 1984.
Communist Party USA - Wikipedia


CPUSA Says Re-electing Obama is “Absolutely Essential”

Communist Party USA Endorses Hillary; Media Yawns



Although John Bachtell is chairmen of the party, he is only a member of the National Committee. Even if he said he supported Hillary Clinton, he would not be speaking for the party. For the party to endorse Hillary Clinton they would have to abandon their long standing policy of not endorsing any candidate from major parties which they have not done. The Communist Party did not endorse Hillary Clinton.

False Archives | Snopes.com

So the party chairman endorsed her, I'm not see a denial of them saying it was essential to reelect maobama. LMAO

View attachment 247369

30 ft ladder ^^^^^^^^^^^

--------------------------------- Maybe a few or a couple hundred will flow in but not many when compared to today Siete .

Someone has to buy that heavy thing, carry it up, work a hole. Maybe Drug pushers could afford it and manage it? A lot of noise made trying that? Can't see a caravan bringing one up unless the dems provide funding? Have to figure a way to stop small leaks like that vs. 1000s of miles of open land where they can even drive loaded vehicles over and then scatter when noticed.
Once the barrier is built, migrants and businesses will adapt. They always do. They will walk around it, climb it, dig under it, fly over it, come in by boat, or just go through ports of enter. Barriers do not stop intruders, they just make it a bit harder.

Pedro might stop climbing the barrier every week to visit his girl friend, but drug dealers, professional criminals, and families with resources will still be entering the country. And the 50% of illegal immigrants who enter the country legally we still be coming. In short, it's a huge waste of money that will stop when Trump leaves office. Democrats will not support it and most republicans in congress have been less than enthusiastic about the venture.
------------------------------------ we will see what happens . maybe more restrictions on travel and importation of fureigners and 'third worlders into and in the USA coming in a future Trump - Pence Future . Plus , i don't mind TRUMP Wasting YOUR taxpayer money especially if YOU see it that way . 'YOU' Seeing it as a WASTE of YOUR taxpayer money makes me smile Flopper .
They had the votes to change Senate rules...didn't they? Why didn't they if this is so important?

And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?
There was no national emergency. Trump, all of Washington, and most of the nation knew it was no emergency. It's been a nagging problem that has existed for many years. Declaring an emergency was just a way to circumvent congress. In his announcement, of a national emergency, he said, "I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn't need to do this".

Well, Mr. President, when the day comes and you call 911 as you lay gasping for breath, hopefully the EMS people don't tell you, We didn't need to come. We're going to take a nice slow ride to the hospital.

Hmmm. All this talk about the wall not being an emergency. So what is an emergency? Let's take a look:

  • Oct. 23, 2009: Declaration of a National Emergency With Respect to the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic was never terminated or continued.
  • April 12, 2010 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Somalia, continued in 2018.
  • Feb. 25, 2011 (still in effect): Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Libya, continued in February 2018.
  • May 16, 2012 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen, continued in May 2012.
  • March 6, 2014 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine, continued in March 2018.
  • April 3, 2014 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to South Sudan, continued in March 2018.
  • Nov. 22, 2015 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Burundi, continued in November 2018.
Here is a list of the national emergencies declared by the last seven presidents

As you have already guessed, these were the so-called emergencies issued by Barack Obama. Now.....given the fact illegals cost us tens of billions of dollars every year, given the fact they are keeping wages down where they exist, given the murders we've seen in this country and DUI deaths, given the tens of thousands of Americans dying from recreational narcotics every year, can you show me which one of these "Emergencies" Obama issued that was more of an emergency than Trump's?
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How can the wall be built? We haven't got any money from Mexico yet.

Do you know how many minds of ours you're going to change with that BS? ZERO! So write CNN and tell them it's not working as they thought.

Just reminding you that you bought a bill of goods and support someone who lies to your face. Whether you wish to accept the truth or continue to deceive yourself and retreat to your safe space...that is your choice.
Some of us simply don't care whether he lied or misrepresented what he ment. We just want the wall built.
I don't give a rats ass where the money comes from including my own taxes being raised to fund it.

So by "not caring" you're okay with democrats and liberals lying then right?

When did they ever stop lying?

How much cooperation have we gotten from the Democrats the last two years?

He had both houses of Congress up until about 3 months ago. Where was the massive push to build the wall then? Where was the emergency declaration? Where was the "art of the deal"? Blaming the opposition party is fashionable. But if Trump can't get it done...isn't it time to hire someone who can? LOL

I would assume you are unaware that some bills cannot pass unless they have 60 Senate votes which we haven't had in a long time. Then we have to consider the backstabbers like McCain.

So don't tell me Republicans had total control over the federal government because that would be a lie.
No party has had control of the White House and congress with a super majority in 50 years so your argument is not relevant. Some of the most significant legislation has passed without control of government and a super majority. Of course those were the day when the two sides formed coalitions to pass legislation and there was no guarantee that members would vote the party line.

John McCain was not the only the maverick whose has refused to follow his party blindly. There have been many on both sides over the years. Without them, congress just becomes a rubber stamp for the leaders in each house. They are the last vestige of independent thinking and bipartisanship.

I am quite aware McCain was not the only one that gets in the way. We have the ugly sisters as well. Both sides? I don't remember many Democrat Senators giving in to the Republicans on any major legislation.
That's an interesting choice of words, "getting in the way" which really means voting your conscience or representing your constituents in lieu of voting the way their told by political bosses. We need more mavericks in both parties that will stand up for what they believe.

No, McCain did it out of pure hatred, and unfortunately for him, he went into the next world with the same hatred in his heart.
Some of us simply don't care whether he lied or misrepresented what he ment. We just want the wall built.
I don't give a rats ass where the money comes from including my own taxes being raised to fund it.

So by "not caring" you're okay with democrats and liberals lying then right?
In most situations no. Republicans are just as bad.
But in this particular instance yes.


I give you credit for admitting your blob is a liar. Most of your stripe can't bring themselves to admit even that.
They all lie. The only reason one lie is worse than any other is if it personally effects peoples lives.
The only people affected by a wall or lies about its funding on the southern border are people wishing to enter illegally and Democrats "feelings". Who in their right mind would care in the slightest about either of those?

Contrast that to lies like If you like your insurance you can keep it. Or your premiums will go down by 2500.00.

Those lies actually impacted peoples (AMERICANS) lives

You don’t think higher food prices and labor shortages are going to impact people’s lives?

Do you honestly believe your life will be one degree better next week or next month if there were a wall built tomorrow? If so...in what way?

Just depends if you want to be a nation of people or a nation of laws. Why are you so flippant about enforcing our laws?

View attachment 247369

30 ft ladder ^^^^^^^^^^^

--------------------------------- Maybe a few or a couple hundred will flow in but not many when compared to today Siete .

Someone has to buy that heavy thing, carry it up, work a hole. Maybe Drug pushers could afford it and manage it? A lot of noise made trying that? Can't see a caravan bringing one up unless the dems provide funding? Have to figure a way to stop small leaks like that vs. 1000s of miles of open land where they can even drive loaded vehicles over and then scatter when noticed.

I'd be willing to bet that most people here never climbed a ladder nearly that high. Those things get pretty shaky the closer you get to the top. It's something that a lot of people can't do. That's why roofers charge what they charge.
They had the votes to change Senate rules...didn't they? Why didn't they if this is so important?

And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?
There was no national emergency. Trump, all of Washington, and most of the nation knew it was no emergency. It's been a nagging problem that has existed for many years. Declaring an emergency was just a way to circumvent congress. In his announcement, of a national emergency, he said, "I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn't need to do this".

Well, Mr. President, when the day comes and you call 911 as you lay gasping for breath, hopefully the EMS people don't tell you, We didn't need to come. We're going to take a nice slow ride to the hospital.
------------------------------ National Emergency is a matter of ---- OPINION ---- and i see a National Emergency for the next Generations of Real Americans and Real Americans KIDS . As i have shouted many times , USA had a population of right about 210 million pretty nice and fairly Homogeneous Americans in the 1970 Census . In 2010 , the USA has a diverse and unruly and divisive population of about 310 million 'fifth columnists' and enemies polluting the USA and its population inside USA Borders according to USA Census . Yeah , its an EMERGENCY in my OPINION Flopper .
No one questions that we need to make changes but it's not an emergency. An emergency is a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action. There is certainly nothing unexpected happening that requires immediate action. The president told us that there was no rush about building a wall so how can it be an emergency.

If Trump can call this an emergency, then the next president can declare climate change, or rising college loan debt, or abortions an emergency, or whatever. Trump has opened the door and don't think that door is not going to used by future presidents if the courts don't stop Trump.
This is replacement wall as called for in the 1.3 billion dollars legally allocated to Trump by congress. We have yet to see any new wall from funds stolen by Trump from other programs.

That's cute, is agitprop your specialty? You must work for the NY Slimes.

First of all, there have been billions of dollars passed over the last couple decades to fund barriers that were never spent. The funds you refer to that Trump would "steal" were already allocated to military budgets. So it's not like 100,000 professional voters in democrook ghettos aren't getting their free shit.

We are seeing miles of new and improved barriers being built all along the border but leftist clowns want to pretend it's not happening. That's fine. We are talking about the same fools who believe SUV's and cow farts regulate the climate as opposed to The Sun.

Second of all, EVERY DOLLAR the government spends, no matter what it was spent on was STOLEN. Funny thing is millions were raised voluntarily by the public for this endeavor. The wall is something a lot of people want.

Fat ghetto rats? Not so much.
The point is congress get's to determine how tax payer dollars are spent, not the president. Taking money from drug addiction programs and military construction and spending it to build a border wall that 66% of Americans don't won't is not ok.

Rigged polling say the people don't want a wall. We have a presidential election that says otherwise.
They all lie. The only reason one lie is worse than any other is if it personally effects peoples lives.
The only people affected by a wall or lies about its funding on the southern border are people wishing to enter illegally and Democrats "feelings". Who in their right mind would care in the slightest about either of those?

Contrast that to lies like If you like your insurance you can keep it. Or your premiums will go down by 2500.00.

Those lies actually impacted peoples (AMERICANS) lives

You don’t think higher food prices and labor shortages are going to impact people’s lives?

Do you honestly believe your life will be one degree better next week or next month if there were a wall built tomorrow? If so...in what way?
Yes, not tomorrow or the next day obviously.
I have lost many job bids to contractors who hire from a pool of EASILY obtainable illegal labor.

A REAL wall would easily restrict that labor pool eventually to the point bad contractors like that would be forced to hire legal help thus restricting their ability to lowball jobs because of substandard wage payments

Sounds like you’re blaming someone else for your misery.
Sounds like you can't refute my statement.


No need to, it’s your opinion on why you failed.

Actually it's not, the US Civil Rights Commission says illegals depress wages 99 - 118 billion a year.


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