30 foot sections of wall going up in San Diego. I was wrong.

Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.
Lol! You must think laders aren't available near the border, Trumptard!

Yea, get back to me when you learn how to spell ladder.

Get back to us when you can argue the point instead of the typo.
As the top of the wall angles outward, yes it is ladder proof.
------------------------------------------------------------ LADDER Proof ?? Yeah , i think so eh , and the little i know of finishing touches on the WALL the top of the WALL will have a Smooth steel plate that angles out over 'mexico' land at the top of the WALL . If so and when a 'mex' climbs the ladder and gets to the top he has that smooth plate to deal with sorta like a Sliding Board that deposits the 'mex' to the Desert Floor on the American side for the 'hungry 4 legged coyotes' and mucho pain in broken legs and 'ankles' . :afro:
Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.

saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.
No, they're replacing it with a much taller barrier the greasy Wetbacks will struggle with.

Greasy wetbacks have white trash duped, they'll use the tunnels.

As the border wall grows, smuggling tunnels proliferate

Even a stupid Trumpanzee ought to know that.
Trump knows it.
But he thinks Trumpanzees are too stupid to know it.
And he's just trying to get re-elected in 2020.
He doesn't give a flying fuck if a Mexican takes your job.
------------------------------------------------ [chuckle] , yeah , yeah , yeah !! Lets hope that TRUMP is re elected eh , and it looks to me like he is on his way to reelection '2020' !! [chuckle] --- GO TRUMP !!

30 ft ladder ^^^^^^^^^^^

Let the Mexicans deal with their own human discards. 65 tunnels since 1990? Not many. Easily stopped. Do you think the corrupt Mexican Govt. does not see construction in action? Charge them $100M per meter when discovered. Problem goes away. Close spring break one year? Many options going that way.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.

I guess that neither you, nor Trump, has ever considered the fact that Mexicans live right on the other side of the border, and have, in fact, mastered that science of climbing a ladder, and even renting it out.

This explains a lot.

Capitalism hard at work. So, just for the heck of it, how many people can get on a ladder at the same time? How many want to get on a 30 foot ladder? How long does it take for 10 people to climb a 30 foot ladder and come down the other side vs walking across a border that has no deterrent?

Only young healthy are going over any ladders-ropes, with light loads. The breach would be short-lived and shut down. Again, pregnant, disabled, sick, old, with large litter.......not getting over any modern wall at 60,000/mo.
Aren’t those the people Republicans teargas? Pregnant women and children and the disabled and the old and the sick? Republicans don’t want to take care of those people in this country, so why should they be concerned about them from other countries?
----------------------------------------------------- course i partially agree with you Dean , why should Americans take care of an invading Army of sickly 'mexican' and 'otm' Fifth Columnists DeanRD ??
This is replacement wall as called for in the 1.3 billion dollars legally allocated to Trump by congress. We have yet to see any new wall from funds stolen by Trump from other programs.

That's cute, is agitprop your specialty? You must work for the NY Slimes.

First of all, there have been billions of dollars passed over the last couple decades to fund barriers that were never spent. The funds you refer to that Trump would "steal" were already allocated to military budgets. So it's not like 100,000 professional voters in democrook ghettos aren't getting their free shit.

We are seeing miles of new and improved barriers being built all along the border but leftist clowns want to pretend it's not happening. That's fine. We are talking about the same fools who believe SUV's and cow farts regulate the climate as opposed to The Sun.

Second of all, EVERY DOLLAR the government spends, no matter what it was spent on was STOLEN. Funny thing is millions were raised voluntarily by the public for this endeavor. The wall is something a lot of people want.

Fat ghetto rats? Not so much.
The point is congress get's to determine how tax payer dollars are spent, not the president. Taking money from drug addiction programs and military construction and spending it to build a border wall that 66% of Americans don't won't is not ok.
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30 ft ladder ^^^^^^^^^^^

--------------------------------- Maybe a few or a couple hundred will flow in but not many when compared to today Siete .

Someone has to buy that heavy thing, carry it up, work a hole. Maybe Drug pushers could afford it and manage it? A lot of noise made trying that? Can't see a caravan bringing one up unless the dems provide funding? Have to figure a way to stop small leaks like that vs. 1000s of miles of open land where they can even drive loaded vehicles over and then scatter when noticed.
'congress' is working for the invasion and with the invaders so they should be ignored if TRUMP can do it Flopper .
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and POLLING and this bogus number of 66 percent doesn't matter . USA is not yet a 'mob rule democracy' even if your number of 66 was correct Flopper
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.

I guess that neither you, nor Trump, has ever considered the fact that Mexicans live right on the other side of the border, and have, in fact, mastered that science of climbing a ladder, and even renting it out.

This explains a lot.

Capitalism hard at work. So, just for the heck of it, how many people can get on a ladder at the same time? How many want to get on a 30 foot ladder? How long does it take for 10 people to climb a 30 foot ladder and come down the other side vs walking across a border that has no deterrent?

Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.


saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.
No, they're replacing it with a much taller barrier the greasy Wetbacks will struggle with.

It's true, and I have video of you and Pete and Fox's Friends celebrating the new wall. The video is long, but your celebration really beings at a little past three minutes:

Sadly, it ends not so well when the weapons are introduced in the later minutes, when y'all turn on each other.
The problem is it's not true. This is a section of replacement fence. Nothing more. No new wall. It's illegal.

And, they are replacing it with a 30-foot wall, right?

No, they're using the same replacement fencing that Obama was using.

Not according to the New York Post

Beautiful? Maybe. But big? Definitely.

A 14-mile section of President Trump’s border wall is under construction in San Diego, at a cost of $147 million.

The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing that was built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. Rusted and wobbly in places, the old wall has been no match for drug smugglers and human traffickers.


So yes, it is a replacement of a wall that was virtually useless. Apparently it could be compromised by a small ladder or a cutting torch. With a little time, probably could put a hole in it with bolt cutters.
”The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.”

Looks like trump figured out how to keep illegal border crossers out.

Let the Mexicans deal with their own human discards. 65 tunnels since 1990? Not many. Easily stopped. Do you think the corrupt Mexican Govt. does not see construction in action? Charge them $100M per meter when discovered. Problem goes away. Close spring break one year? Many options going that way.

Your whole post is laughable, but the part about, "...close spring break one year." is hilarious. Please tell us exactly how that is done!
Okay...it's been over 2 years; how much have we gotten from the Mexican government so far?

How much cooperation have we gotten from the Democrats the last two years?

He had both houses of Congress up until about 3 months ago. Where was the massive push to build the wall then? Where was the emergency declaration? Where was the "art of the deal"? Blaming the opposition party is fashionable. But if Trump can't get it done...isn't it time to hire someone who can? LOL

I would assume you are unaware that some bills cannot pass unless they have 60 Senate votes which we haven't had in a long time. Then we have to consider the backstabbers like McCain.

So don't tell me Republicans had total control over the federal government because that would be a lie.
No party has had control of the White House and congress with a super majority in 50 years so your argument is not relevant. Some of the most significant legislation has passed without control of government and a super majority. Of course those were the day when the two sides formed coalitions to pass legislation and there was no guarantee that members would vote the party line.

John McCain was not the only the maverick whose has refused to follow his party blindly. There have been many on both sides over the years. Without them, congress just becomes a rubber stamp for the leaders in each house. They are the last vestige of independent thinking and bipartisanship.

I am quite aware McCain was not the only one that gets in the way. We have the ugly sisters as well. Both sides? I don't remember many Democrat Senators giving in to the Republicans on any major legislation.
That's an interesting choice of words, "getting in the way" which really means voting your conscience or representing your constituents in lieu of voting the way their told by political bosses. We need more mavericks in both parties that will stand up for what they believe.
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Let the Mexicans deal with their own human discards. 65 tunnels since 1990? Not many. Easily stopped. Do you think the corrupt Mexican Govt. does not see construction in action? Charge them $100M per meter when discovered. Problem goes away. Close spring break one year? Many options going that way.

Your whole post is laughable, but the part about, "...close spring break one year." is hilarious. Please tell us exactly how that is done!

Close or restrict border crossings prior to spring break time. Restrict travel visas due to unsafe conditions for American youth.
The problem is it's not true. This is a section of replacement fence. Nothing more. No new wall. It's illegal.

And, they are replacing it with a 30-foot wall, right?

No, they're using the same replacement fencing that Obama was using.

Not according to the New York Post

Beautiful? Maybe. But big? Definitely.

A 14-mile section of President Trump’s border wall is under construction in San Diego, at a cost of $147 million.

The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing that was built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. Rusted and wobbly in places, the old wall has been no match for drug smugglers and human traffickers.


So yes, it is a replacement of a wall that was virtually useless. Apparently it could be compromised by a small ladder or a cutting torch. With a little time, probably could put a hole in it with bolt cutters.
”The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.”

Looks like trump figured out how to keep illegal border crossers out.


That was already approved in 2006. Once again, you are giving Trump credit for something he had nothing to do with. Besides, you put up a 30 foot wall, they bring a 31 foot ladder. You put jagged wire at the top and they bring a 10 dollar blanket. You don't give them any handholds, they just tie the rope to the top 30 foot of the 31 foot ladder and still scale down the other side. You spent all that money on hiring Rocket Scientists to design that wall and it takes a person with an IQ of about 80 to get around and over it. There is one hell of a lot more to border security than a friggin wall.
Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.

saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.
No, they're replacing it with a much taller barrier the greasy Wetbacks will struggle with.

Greasy wetbacks have white trash duped, they'll use the tunnels.

As the border wall grows, smuggling tunnels proliferate

Even a stupid Trumpanzee ought to know that.
Trump knows it.
But he thinks Trumpanzees are too stupid to know it.
And he's just trying to get re-elected in 2020.
He doesn't give a flying fuck if a Mexican takes your job.
------------------------------------------------ [chuckle] , yeah , yeah , yeah !! Lets hope that TRUMP is re elected eh , and it looks to me like he is on his way to reelection '2020' !! [chuckle] --- GO TRUMP !!

Exactly! Why shouldn't we have a Russian agent who is part of a transnational crime ring as POTUS?
What could it hurt?
Just reminding you that you bought a bill of goods and support someone who lies to your face. Whether you wish to accept the truth or continue to deceive yourself and retreat to your safe space...that is your choice.

You voted for a guy that said if we like our doctor, we can keep our doctor.
You voted for a guy that said if we like our healthcare facility, we can keep our healthcare facility.
You voted for a guy that said all Americans will have access to affordable coverage.
You voted for a guy that said our healthcare premiums would drop as much as $2,500 per family.
You voted for a guy that said nobody making less than 250K a year will see a tax increase of any kind.

You voted for a guy that wasted over a trillion dollars telling these lies, and now you're concerned about Mexico coming up with 7 billion dollars for a wall; the amount we spend on food stamps in just one month????
And you voted for a Socialist:


If that's what you believe, fine. But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. How about you?

Okay...which one was Trump? Is he a Socialist or a Communist?

Do some research. What candidate did the US Communist Party endorse?
Which party did the KKK endorse?

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