30 foot sections of wall going up in San Diego. I was wrong.

They had the votes to change Senate rules...didn't they? Why didn't they if this is so important?

And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?
And you voted for a Socialist:


If that's what you believe, fine. But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. How about you?

Okay...which one was Trump? Is he a Socialist or a Communist?

Do some research. What candidate did the US Communist Party endorse?

Hmmm....so that means you either voted for a Communist or a Socialist. Why do you hate Democracy?

HTF do you call somebody a socialist who preaches against it and recently said the United States of American will never be a Socialist nation?

Well, okay, then you voted for the Communist? You said:

"But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. “

Either you are a socialist or a communist in your view. Which are you?
They had the votes to change Senate rules...didn't they? Why didn't they if this is so important?

And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?

I'm not, I'm saying what the Republicans were worried about. Don't win the battle and lose the war. If it were up to me, a simple majority would win any and everything. I don't believe in 60 Senate votes for anything excluding getting rid of a President which is a constitutional issue.
If that's what you believe, fine. But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. How about you?

Okay...which one was Trump? Is he a Socialist or a Communist?

Do some research. What candidate did the US Communist Party endorse?

Hmmm....so that means you either voted for a Communist or a Socialist. Why do you hate Democracy?

HTF do you call somebody a socialist who preaches against it and recently said the United States of American will never be a Socialist nation?

Well, okay, then you voted for the Communist? You said:

"But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. “

Either you are a socialist or a communist in your view. Which are you?

No, simply using your terminology to argue your own point.
If that's what you believe, fine. But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. How about you?

Okay...which one was Trump? Is he a Socialist or a Communist?

Do some research. What candidate did the US Communist Party endorse?

Hmmm....so that means you either voted for a Communist or a Socialist. Why do you hate Democracy?

HTF do you call somebody a socialist who preaches against it and recently said the United States of American will never be a Socialist nation?

Well, okay, then you voted for the Communist? You said:

"But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. “

Either you are a socialist or a communist in your view. Which are you?
There is no difference between socialism and communism because they always become the same thing
Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.


saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.
One type of fencing is being replaced or reinforced with bollard fencing. It's only a "wall" for the brainwashed and delusional.
He is keeping his campaign promises. Get used to Trump being your president till 2024!
They had the votes to change Senate rules...didn't they? Why didn't they if this is so important?

And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?

I'm not, I'm saying what the Republicans were worried about. Don't win the battle and lose the war. If it were up to me, a simple majority would win any and everything. I don't believe in 60 Senate votes for anything excluding getting rid of a President which is a constitutional issue.

Either something is an emergency or it isn’t. If the Senate wasn’t willing to sacrifice some future considerations to address this “emergency”, then it wasn’t much of an emergency. If you’re having a heart attack (you know, an actual emergency), do you worry about how you’re going to pay for it 3 weeks from now or are you calling an ambulance?

Sounds like you’re blaming someone else for your misery.
Sounds like you can't refute my statement.


No need to, it’s your opinion on why you failed.

We run into trouble like this whenever we ask government to protect us from ourselves. It's a lot like the "war" on drugs. We are conflicted - we want drugs, but we don't. So we pass a law thinking that will resolve the conflict. But of course it doesn't. I just creates a new class of crime and new criminals.

Same thing with immigration. We want cheap labor, but we don't. We pass laws to resolve the conflict, but the laws don't work. They just create new crimes and new criminals.

I have a solution that everyone can support. We start a factory that pays no taxes (the Reps would go for that), hires X number of Illegals (the Reps would go for that) that makes 31 foot ladders (the Dems would go for that) made out of Hemp (the Dems would go for that) and export them to Mexico (everyone would go for that). This is a win, win business deal.

The solution to the problem would be to make being here illegally a felony that carries a minimum 5 year prison sentence for the first offense. Then we wouldn't' need any walls, no e-verify, no additional border patrols, no worry about Visa overstays. It would work on every corner of our illegal problem.
The problem with your solution is there are millions of people who would rather be in a US federal prison for five years (one year due to overcrowding) than live in their socialist run countries.
Build the fucking WALL!
Okay...which one was Trump? Is he a Socialist or a Communist?

Do some research. What candidate did the US Communist Party endorse?

Hmmm....so that means you either voted for a Communist or a Socialist. Why do you hate Democracy?

HTF do you call somebody a socialist who preaches against it and recently said the United States of American will never be a Socialist nation?

Well, okay, then you voted for the Communist? You said:

"But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. “

Either you are a socialist or a communist in your view. Which are you?
There is no difference between socialism and communism because they always become the same thing

Interesting….so Ray From Cleveland is full of shit?
Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.


saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.

So if you're bleeding profusely from a cut and you have ass cancer, which one do you fix first? Obviously you'd fix the leak first, then deal with the other problem.

Didn't you learn anything from the best schools your parents could send you?

Ohhh, yeah: Union teachers, right?
Excuse making, the new tRumpkin occupation.
Do some research. What candidate did the US Communist Party endorse?

Hmmm....so that means you either voted for a Communist or a Socialist. Why do you hate Democracy?

HTF do you call somebody a socialist who preaches against it and recently said the United States of American will never be a Socialist nation?

Well, okay, then you voted for the Communist? You said:

"But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. “

Either you are a socialist or a communist in your view. Which are you?
There is no difference between socialism and communism because they always become the same thing

Interesting….so Ray From Cleveland is full of shit?
There is no difference between socialism and communism, they take and they take until there’s nothing left to take
Sounds like you can't refute my statement.


No need to, it’s your opinion on why you failed.

We run into trouble like this whenever we ask government to protect us from ourselves. It's a lot like the "war" on drugs. We are conflicted - we want drugs, but we don't. So we pass a law thinking that will resolve the conflict. But of course it doesn't. I just creates a new class of crime and new criminals.

Same thing with immigration. We want cheap labor, but we don't. We pass laws to resolve the conflict, but the laws don't work. They just create new crimes and new criminals.

I have a solution that everyone can support. We start a factory that pays no taxes (the Reps would go for that), hires X number of Illegals (the Reps would go for that) that makes 31 foot ladders (the Dems would go for that) made out of Hemp (the Dems would go for that) and export them to Mexico (everyone would go for that). This is a win, win business deal.

The solution to the problem would be to make being here illegally a felony that carries a minimum 5 year prison sentence for the first offense. Then we wouldn't' need any walls, no e-verify, no additional border patrols, no worry about Visa overstays. It would work on every corner of our illegal problem.
The problem with your solution is there are millions of people who would rather be in a US federal prison for five years (one year due to overcrowding) than live in their socialist run countries.
Build the fucking WALL!

As soon as Mexico sends the check…you can have your wall. Not until then.

Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.


saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.
Repairing is not mentioned in the article. Replacing IS Constructing. He's doing it. Sorry, chum!


Congress Budgets $1.5 Billion To "Repair Fences", But $0 For The Wall | National Economics Editorial
Congress Budgets $1.5 Billion To “Repair Fences”, But $0 For The Wall
May 1, 2017 Editorial Staff News 0

You are the dumbass! Go to a board that takes only news from 2 years ago. How's MSNBC treating you, lmao!

if Congress gave Trump $$$ for a new wall then why is he fighting for $$ for a new wall ?
Because silly the money he got isn't enough to build the entire wall.
Obama had 60 votes to pass the ACA for a few weeks if memory serves. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
You're right about the rest though...
Obama paid a huge sum of money to several senators in order to pass that boondoggle. Without those bribes his legislation was doa

That is how governing has worked since we founded the nation. You give this; you get that. Instead of negotiating, you have a guy declaring a national emergency where there clearly isn't any and looting the treasury.

How does one negotiate with people that refuse to negotiate?

Dont ask her for logic, you'll be seriously disappointed

They are told what their talking points are by MSM and their leaders, but not why they should be using them. That's why they keep bringing up who is paying for the wall, because they can't argue it's effectiveness.

every true, I've noticed the left can not think independently and dont even do a quick Google search before speaking on a subject....they are robots
They all lie. The only reason one lie is worse than any other is if it personally effects peoples lives.
The only people affected by a wall or lies about its funding on the southern border are people wishing to enter illegally and Democrats "feelings". Who in their right mind would care in the slightest about either of those?

Contrast that to lies like If you like your insurance you can keep it. Or your premiums will go down by 2500.00.

Those lies actually impacted peoples (AMERICANS) lives

You don’t think higher food prices and labor shortages are going to impact people’s lives?

Do you honestly believe your life will be one degree better next week or next month if there were a wall built tomorrow? If so...in what way?
Yes, not tomorrow or the next day obviously.
I have lost many job bids to contractors who hire from a pool of EASILY obtainable illegal labor.

A REAL wall would easily restrict that labor pool eventually to the point bad contractors like that would be forced to hire legal help thus restricting their ability to lowball jobs because of substandard wage payments

Sounds like you’re blaming someone else for your misery.

Says the person whose side whines non stop about the min wage.

Ridiculous statement.

As far as the minimum wage goes...
It should be raised. It has been raised in several states (red and blue alike). No calamity followed.

except business and people moving out, yeah no big deal.

and if we didnt have illegals some jobs would have higher salaries, which is why ai mentioned the mon wage.

The govt has no business mandating how much a person makes
Not according to the New York Post

Beautiful? Maybe. But big? Definitely.

A 14-mile section of President Trump’s border wall is under construction in San Diego, at a cost of $147 million.

The San Diego wall will reach up to 30 feet high, topped with a sheer vertical “anti-climbing plate” that offers no hand- or footholds for illicit border crossers.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing that was built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. Rusted and wobbly in places, the old wall has been no match for drug smugglers and human traffickers.


So yes, it is a replacement of a wall that was virtually useless. Apparently it could be compromised by a small ladder or a cutting torch. With a little time, probably could put a hole in it with bolt cutters.

It will replace a long stretch of 8-to-10-foot-high metal fencing

FROM YOUR ARTICLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.

That's one hell of a "fence", dipshit.



since youre too stupid to know the difference detween a fence and a wall YOU GET A DUMBFUCK PASS
Better than nothing.
No party has had control of the White House and congress with a super majority in 50 years so your argument is not relevant. Some of the most significant legislation has passed without control of government and a super majority. Of course those were the day when the two sides formed coalitions to pass legislation and there was no guarantee that members would vote the party line.

John McCain was not the only the maverick whose has refused to follow his party blindly. There have been many on both sides over the years. Without them, congress just becomes a rubber stamp for the leaders in each house. They are the last vestige of independent thinking and bipartisanship.

Obama had 60 votes to pass the ACA for a few weeks if memory serves. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
You're right about the rest though...
Obama paid a huge sum of money to several senators in order to pass that boondoggle. Without those bribes his legislation was doa

That is how governing has worked since we founded the nation. You give this; you get that. Instead of negotiating, you have a guy declaring a national emergency where there clearly isn't any and looting the treasury.

How does one negotiate with people that refuse to negotiate?

Perhaps you can start by not ambushing them during a photo op as your blob did. And did it to the two most powerful Democrats in the fucking world!!! That would be a good idea. Not calling Senators names in your twitter tantrums….

And of course you have to be trustworthy to have any credibility. Trump has none since he’s a known liar.

As for the lawmakers you haven’t alienated...

Biden did a lot of the negotiating with the Republicans on several issues instead of Obama—he had relationships.

A lot of the government is built on that. Calling people names like you’re a 3rd grader might satisfy idiots like yourself but it doesn’t gain you any traction where it counts.

Oh please. The only time Democrats negotiate is when they can screw Republicans just like this last deal. Biden didn't do crap. With a Democrat, negotiations mean do things the Democrat way or no way at all, just like we seen during the shutdown and afterwards.

It had nothing to do with Trump's demeanor towards the head Commies. They wouldn't have given him an inch if he went publicly on stage, knelt down and begged them for a wall. You just can't admit that I'm 100% right. As Piglosi said, THERE WILL BE NO WALL.
Give up already, little "desperado."

New ground being broken is irrelevant. The wall is going up.

fence moron, FENCE.

Trump can build 50 new fences - if someone wants on the other side you can bet his fat ass they will get to the other side.

Let's see your fat ass try to get over it, just for shits and grins.
Get over it?

A $100 sawzall could cut through it in less than an hour. An oxyacetylene torch even quicker
Lol, i haven't seen a sawzall blade that would cut through concrete. You know what the steel has in the middle.
Obama paid a huge sum of money to several senators in order to pass that boondoggle. Without those bribes his legislation was doa

That is how governing has worked since we founded the nation. You give this; you get that. Instead of negotiating, you have a guy declaring a national emergency where there clearly isn't any and looting the treasury.

How does one negotiate with people that refuse to negotiate?

Dont ask her for logic, you'll be seriously disappointed

They are told what their talking points are by MSM and their leaders, but not why they should be using them. That's why they keep bringing up who is paying for the wall, because they can't argue it's effectiveness.

every true, I've noticed the left can not think independently and dont even do a quick Google search before speaking on a subject....they are robots

Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.


saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.
All part of the process. Replace and upgrade. MAGA!

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