30 foot sections of wall going up in San Diego. I was wrong.

Sounds like you can't refute my statement.


No need to, it’s your opinion on why you failed.

We run into trouble like this whenever we ask government to protect us from ourselves. It's a lot like the "war" on drugs. We are conflicted - we want drugs, but we don't. So we pass a law thinking that will resolve the conflict. But of course it doesn't. I just creates a new class of crime and new criminals.

Same thing with immigration. We want cheap labor, but we don't. We pass laws to resolve the conflict, but the laws don't work. They just create new crimes and new criminals.

I have a solution that everyone can support. We start a factory that pays no taxes (the Reps would go for that), hires X number of Illegals (the Reps would go for that) that makes 31 foot ladders (the Dems would go for that) made out of Hemp (the Dems would go for that) and export them to Mexico (everyone would go for that). This is a win, win business deal.

The solution to the problem would be to make being here illegally a felony that carries a minimum 5 year prison sentence for the first offense. Then we wouldn't' need any walls, no e-verify, no additional border patrols, no worry about Visa overstays. It would work on every corner of our illegal problem.
The problem with your solution is there are millions of people who would rather be in a US federal prison for five years (one year due to overcrowding) than live in their socialist run countries.
Build the fucking WALL!

I don't think so. When Arizona made their new immigration laws (which DumBama took to court to stop them) the illegals left the state. Nobody knows where they went, but they sure the hell were not in Arizona. It wasn't until the court ruled in DumBama's favor when they went back.

I think people are exaggerating on how awful these other places are. Sure, they have problems, but not enough problems to stop having children and families. We have our problems here too. But being free anywhere is better than being in prison.
They had the votes to change Senate rules...didn't they? Why didn't they if this is so important?

And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?

I'm not, I'm saying what the Republicans were worried about. Don't win the battle and lose the war. If it were up to me, a simple majority would win any and everything. I don't believe in 60 Senate votes for anything excluding getting rid of a President which is a constitutional issue.

Either something is an emergency or it isn’t. If the Senate wasn’t willing to sacrifice some future considerations to address this “emergency”, then it wasn’t much of an emergency. If you’re having a heart attack (you know, an actual emergency), do you worry about how you’re going to pay for it 3 weeks from now or are you calling an ambulance?


Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Interestingly enough, it was announced yesterday that the 8 wall prototypes built in San Diego at a cost of $300,000-$500.000 each, are being torn down. None of them was selected to be built. Ironic.
Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.

No wall is being built. The sections of fence going up in San Diego are replacement fence. Nothing more.

Trump is lying again.

President Trump Tweets Video Of Border Wall Construction In New Mexico

The problem is it's not true. This is a section of replacement fence. Nothing more. No new wall. It's illegal.
But, but Donald said it's true so it must be! Trumps keepers aretelling him new wall is going up just to shut his stupid yap. Or it's just Comrade Trump coming out with another one of his fithy lies, slimeball that he is.
They had the votes to change Senate rules...didn't they? Why didn't they if this is so important?

And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?

I'm not, I'm saying what the Republicans were worried about. Don't win the battle and lose the war. If it were up to me, a simple majority would win any and everything. I don't believe in 60 Senate votes for anything excluding getting rid of a President which is a constitutional issue.

Either something is an emergency or it isn’t. If the Senate wasn’t willing to sacrifice some future considerations to address this “emergency”, then it wasn’t much of an emergency. If you’re having a heart attack (you know, an actual emergency), do you worry about how you’re going to pay for it 3 weeks from now or are you calling an ambulance?


Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?
Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.


saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.

Not sure about the others, but for me, I really don't care if they call it repairing or replacing.
Do you know how many minds of ours you're going to change with that BS? ZERO! So write CNN and tell them it's not working as they thought.

Just reminding you that you bought a bill of goods and support someone who lies to your face. Whether you wish to accept the truth or continue to deceive yourself and retreat to your safe space...that is your choice.

Lied to our face? On what?

Mexico paying for the wall.

We haven't finished it yet..and .apparently lefties think the only way to get paid is via a check.......it only gets them in trouble

Okay...it's been over 2 years; how much have we gotten from the Mexican government so far?

243 billion dollars

How much trade does us do with Mexico? - Google Search

And how do changing the rules work out for the party that changed them when they lose leadership? That's why McConnell didn't consider it.

So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?

I'm not, I'm saying what the Republicans were worried about. Don't win the battle and lose the war. If it were up to me, a simple majority would win any and everything. I don't believe in 60 Senate votes for anything excluding getting rid of a President which is a constitutional issue.

Either something is an emergency or it isn’t. If the Senate wasn’t willing to sacrifice some future considerations to address this “emergency”, then it wasn’t much of an emergency. If you’re having a heart attack (you know, an actual emergency), do you worry about how you’re going to pay for it 3 weeks from now or are you calling an ambulance?


Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
So I guess there wasn’t much of an emergency after all then, right? You’re worried about Senate rules while we’re (allegedly) under attack?

I'm not, I'm saying what the Republicans were worried about. Don't win the battle and lose the war. If it were up to me, a simple majority would win any and everything. I don't believe in 60 Senate votes for anything excluding getting rid of a President which is a constitutional issue.

Either something is an emergency or it isn’t. If the Senate wasn’t willing to sacrifice some future considerations to address this “emergency”, then it wasn’t much of an emergency. If you’re having a heart attack (you know, an actual emergency), do you worry about how you’re going to pay for it 3 weeks from now or are you calling an ambulance?


Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?
I'm not, I'm saying what the Republicans were worried about. Don't win the battle and lose the war. If it were up to me, a simple majority would win any and everything. I don't believe in 60 Senate votes for anything excluding getting rid of a President which is a constitutional issue.

Either something is an emergency or it isn’t. If the Senate wasn’t willing to sacrifice some future considerations to address this “emergency”, then it wasn’t much of an emergency. If you’re having a heart attack (you know, an actual emergency), do you worry about how you’re going to pay for it 3 weeks from now or are you calling an ambulance?


Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.
Either something is an emergency or it isn’t. If the Senate wasn’t willing to sacrifice some future considerations to address this “emergency”, then it wasn’t much of an emergency. If you’re having a heart attack (you know, an actual emergency), do you worry about how you’re going to pay for it 3 weeks from now or are you calling an ambulance?


Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.

I guess that neither you, nor Trump, has ever considered the fact that Mexicans live right on the other side of the border, and have, in fact, mastered that science of climbing a ladder, and even renting it out.

This explains a lot.
Either something is an emergency or it isn’t. If the Senate wasn’t willing to sacrifice some future considerations to address this “emergency”, then it wasn’t much of an emergency. If you’re having a heart attack (you know, an actual emergency), do you worry about how you’re going to pay for it 3 weeks from now or are you calling an ambulance?


Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.
Lol! You must think laders aren't available near the border, Trumptard!
Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.

I guess that neither you, nor Trump, has ever considered the fact that Mexicans live right on the other side of the border, and have, in fact, mastered that science of climbing a ladder, and even renting it out.

This explains a lot.

Capitalism hard at work. So, just for the heck of it, how many people can get on a ladder at the same time? How many want to get on a 30 foot ladder? How long does it take for 10 people to climb a 30 foot ladder and come down the other side vs walking across a border that has no deterrent?
Just because people are not addressing an emergency doesn't mean there isn't one. There has been an emergency for a very long time. I say 70,000 dead Americans from OD"s a year plus the Americans who are murdered by these people justifies an emergency.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.
Lol! You must think laders aren't available near the border, Trumptard!

Yea, get back to me when you learn how to spell ladder.
Hasen't the fact that 90% of the shit is coming thru ports of entry sunk in yet?

We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.

I guess that neither you, nor Trump, has ever considered the fact that Mexicans live right on the other side of the border, and have, in fact, mastered that science of climbing a ladder, and even renting it out.

This explains a lot.

Capitalism hard at work. So, just for the heck of it, how many people can get on a ladder at the same time? How many want to get on a 30 foot ladder? How long does it take for 10 people to climb a 30 foot ladder and come down the other side vs walking across a border that has no deterrent?

Only young healthy (with light loads) are going to make it over any ladders-ropes. The breach would be short-lived and shut down. Again, pregnant, disabled, sick, old, with large litter.......not getting over any modern wall at 60,000/mo.
How can the wall be built? We haven't got any money from Mexico yet.

Do you know how many minds of ours you're going to change with that BS? ZERO! So write CNN and tell them it's not working as they thought.

Just reminding you that you bought a bill of goods and support someone who lies to your face. Whether you wish to accept the truth or continue to deceive yourself and retreat to your safe space...that is your choice.

You voted for a guy that said if we like our doctor, we can keep our doctor.
You voted for a guy that said if we like our healthcare facility, we can keep our healthcare facility.
You voted for a guy that said all Americans will have access to affordable coverage.
You voted for a guy that said our healthcare premiums would drop as much as $2,500 per family.
You voted for a guy that said nobody making less than 250K a year will see a tax increase of any kind.

You voted for a guy that wasted over a trillion dollars telling these lies, and now you're concerned about Mexico coming up with 7 billion dollars for a wall; the amount we spend on food stamps in just one month????
And you voted for a Socialist:


If that's what you believe, fine. But my choices were a Socialist and a Communist, so I made the right choice. How about you?
Putin is a communist. And Trump works for Putin. So by extension that makes trump a communist.
Just connect the dots.
We don't know how many illegals cross the border, we don't know how many drugs cross the border, but you know 90% comes thru ports...that sure sounds like a dumbass liberal comment.
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.

I guess that neither you, nor Trump, has ever considered the fact that Mexicans live right on the other side of the border, and have, in fact, mastered that science of climbing a ladder, and even renting it out.

This explains a lot.

Capitalism hard at work. So, just for the heck of it, how many people can get on a ladder at the same time? How many want to get on a 30 foot ladder? How long does it take for 10 people to climb a 30 foot ladder and come down the other side vs walking across a border that has no deterrent?

Only young healthy are going over any ladders-ropes, with light loads. The breach would be short-lived and shut down. Again, pregnant, disabled, sick, old, with large litter.......not getting over any modern wall at 60,000/mo.
Aren’t those the people Republicans teargas? Pregnant women and children and the disabled and the old and the sick? Republicans don’t want to take care of those people in this country, so why should they be concerned about them from other countries?
Dumber then pissing away billions on a wall not ladder proof, Trumptard?

Sigh...be sure to bring your 30 foot ladder with you as you walk 1000 miles to the border....dumbass.

I guess that neither you, nor Trump, has ever considered the fact that Mexicans live right on the other side of the border, and have, in fact, mastered that science of climbing a ladder, and even renting it out.

This explains a lot.

Capitalism hard at work. So, just for the heck of it, how many people can get on a ladder at the same time? How many want to get on a 30 foot ladder? How long does it take for 10 people to climb a 30 foot ladder and come down the other side vs walking across a border that has no deterrent?

Only young healthy are going over any ladders-ropes, with light loads. The breach would be short-lived and shut down. Again, pregnant, disabled, sick, old, with large litter.......not getting over any modern wall at 60,000/mo.
Aren’t those the people Republicans teargas? Pregnant women and children and the disabled and the old and the sick? Republicans don’t want to take care of those people in this country, so why should they be concerned about them from other countries?

And Democrats have done such a wonderful job creating more poverty (San Francisco, Detroit, Chicago, etc.) why not let in more? Dumbass.
Construction begins on 30-foot-tall border wall in San Diego

I recall ridiculing people who believed Trump could get the wall built. I figured for sure that even if he wanted to, the bed wetters would tie it up in court, sabotage the equipment, lay down in the way or otherwise do whatever they could to stop it.

I happily stand corrected.

Bed wetters are trying to stop it of course, but it's happening, and it's happening in commiefornia of all places. Trump is doing a great job undoing regressive policy and beating these parasites on many fronts. We never would have gotten these results from any of the RINOs, and I don't think even Ted Cruz would have achieved nearly as much as Trump. I have become one of his zealots and I make no apology for it. He earned it.

saw it on the news - they are repairing/replacing 43's FENCE.

NO new fence is being built.
No, they're replacing it with a much taller barrier the greasy Wetbacks will struggle with.

Greasy wetbacks have white trash duped, they'll use the tunnels.

As the border wall grows, smuggling tunnels proliferate

Even a stupid Trumpanzee ought to know that.
Trump knows it.
But he thinks Trumpanzees are too stupid to know it.
And he's just trying to get re-elected in 2020.
He doesn't give a flying fuck if a Mexican takes your job.

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