30 House Dems urge Biden to negotiate peace in Ukraine

Those Russians were invaders

And Hitler made similar claims about the Sudetenland and then took all of Czechoslovakia. Putin’s attack on Ukraine was (abortively) aimed at Kiev… nowhere near the Donbas
That post merely proves you know nothing about this conflict. Stop posting.
And let’s remember… Chamberlain negotiated away ANOTHER nation’s territory…jay ad you assholes would negotiate away the territory of Ukraine.

It’s THEIR territory and their decision
Then they need no help from us. Let's tell the Ruskies to leave us out of it and we'll mind our own business.

Europe is a cesspool that many of our ancestors escaped. Why do we keep wanting to jump into it?
Then they need no help from us. Let's tell the Ruskies to leave us out of it and we'll mind our own business.

Europe is a cesspool that many of our ancestors escaped. Why do we keep wanting to jump into it?
So you would abandon Ukraine just as the West abandoned Czechoslovakia

Dont we want peace?

Who wants more war and death?

These Dems should be commended for being anti war.

He won't do it. There is too much at stake here for the Biden administration to want peace over there.

1 they want Russia to be bad guys because they need to push the agenda that trump got elected because of Russia interfering.

2 they are laundering billions of dollars in money and supplies through Ukraine. They send so much stuff that just disappears with no account of what happened. They say they will send 10 million to Russia, how much of it actually makes it there and what happens after it gets there? Others aside from Ukraine are getting rich off that money.

3 Ukraine for decades was the world's hotbed for sex trafficking, criminal organizations, money laundering, counterfeiting, arms dealers, etc. Then suddenly it becomes the babe in the woods? Sounds like they are protecting their investments and partners.

4 it's a distraction away from their own shortcomings here in America and to take eyes off the fact they are screwing Americans and America.

5 it's a blanket excuse for high gas prices, inflation, high grocery bills, or anytime something happens they can just say "cause Russia".
I am far left, progressive, liberal, but I have to agree with you.
Rigby, if you agree with me, you can't be far left. The far left haven't neither the honesty nor common sense you've shown.

I do not like Trump personally, but he rates average at least, and far better than Biden.
Trump is highly flawed, he is a terrible politician with no knack for professional public speaking nor marching to other people's drumbeat. His only saving grace is that he knows what works in business and life which encompasses everything from companies to people, but he also knows government as it is isn't working, not for you and I, is totally broken in BOTH parties, and is an unmitigated unapologist and american patriot who sees the enormous danger of globalism and socialism to our freedoms and just happens to have the money and willingness to take it on the chops at enormous cost to himself to fight so that others might enjoy the same opportunities that our way of life promised and gave to him. He is like sunlight to a vampire which is why the establishment is fighting so hard to keep him out of office and to destroy him-- -- Trump's greatest threat is only to the very power brokers in Washington whose power comes from keeping their thumb on the lives of the middle class and the poor so that we must keep relying on and going through THEM.

The only real complaint I have about Trump's term is his stacking the SCOTUS.
Trump didn't "stack" anything, he just happened to have the opportunity to select three people for the court and just did what any democrat or any other president should and does do: he chose the three people he felt were best qualified to adjudicate the law constitutionally while reflecting similar ideals to his own, and they have done just that---- if you look at all of their decisions, many have been right down the center reflecting the actual intent of the LAW as it was written rather than political agendas and many of those decisions were not nearly as far to the right as many conservatives would have liked. And that is exactly what the SC is supposed to do, rule on the LAW not on political or social whims. If it were, they would have held back on ruling on RvW until AFTER the midterms!
The fuck he did. Removing sanctions isn’t dealing with him
xiden removed the sanctions trump put in place you idiot

xiden can’t negotiate his way out of a bathroom let alone with foreign leaders
Either Ukraine stops talking about joining NATO and deposes Zelensky, or they don't.
Do you really think putin will give up designs on ukraine if it becomes weaker and less able to resist?

Putin knows he cant defeat NATO in open warfare
What is there to negociate? Either russia pulls out of ukraine or it doesent

Wrong. You are completely ignoring the broad middle region of peaceful settlement and compromise where everyone gets some of what they want but not all. Biden has totally ignored this. This is the HEART of diplomacy, not issuing ultimatums.
We could have bought off Putin for what we have given Ukraine.

The blood thirsty cult war mongers are monsters.
I know tht Putin doesn't want NATO on his doorstep.....I wouldn't either, were I in his shoes.
The Swiss dont fear NATO

but putin is a war mongering land grabber and the Swiss are not

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