30 House Dems urge Biden to negotiate peace in Ukraine

Wrong. You are completely ignoring the broad middle region of peaceful settlement and compromise where everyone gets some of what they want but not all. Biden has totally ignored this. This is the HEART of diplomacy, not issuing ultimatums.
Do you negotiate with a thief breaking into your house?

Putin crossed the line when he sent the bumbling Red Army into ukraine

If he wanted to work something out peacefully he had a strange way of going about it
Negotiation means that he risks losing is money laundering wingman, Zelinsky.
Yep, no kickbacks...and not just for the Biden crime family, but the VP, Piglosi, and Kerry have kids basking in the warm glow of Ukranian money laundering
Do you negotiate with a thief breaking into your house?
You do if he is holding a knife at your wife's throat. Police and FBI do that all the time.

Putin crossed the line when he sent the bumbling Red Army into ukraine
Why wasn't that the case when he invaded and took Crimea without so much as a blink from us just a few years ago? And why has no one tried to get that back?

If he wanted to work something out peacefully he had a strange way of going about it
Why? He has the upper hand. When you are dealing with the largest country on the planet with the world's biggest nuclear arsenal, you try all options, the more peaceful the better, you don't go rushing in like a bull in a china closet like Biden did.
You do if he is holding a knife at your wife's throat. Police and FBI do that all the time.

Why wasn't that the case when he invaded and took Crimea without so much as a blink from us just a few years ago? And why has no one tried to get that back?

Why? He has the upper hand. When you are dealing with the largest country on the planet with the world's biggest nuclear arsenal, you try all options, the more peaceful the better, you don't go rushing in like a bull in a china closet like Biden did.
Why wasn't that the case when he invaded and took Crimea without so much as a blink from us just a few years ago? And why has no one tried to get that back?

Who knows?

Hitler grabbed a lot of territory unopposed before the democracies finally acted and put a stop to it
There’s no negotiating with the likes of Putin.

He’s a murdering bastard

Just like Republicans have a small sect of isolationists, Dems have a small sect at peace at any price.

Nice of the media to finally notice that.
Why isn't the Biden administration already negotiating peace in Ukraine. Would old Brandon rather risk nuclear war or spend billions on a war that isn't winnable? Maybe he just forgot.
Who knows?

Well Mac, don't you think that kind of an important question to get resolved before judging and moving forward now? I remember Crimea and when Russia took Crimea several years ago, the world's reaction was: "Look at that! There goes another little conflict in the eastern Europe for the nightly news!
Well Mac, don't you think that kind of an important question to get resolved before judging and moving forward now? I remember Crimea and when Russia took Crimea several years ago, the world's reaction was: "Look at that! There goes another little conflict in the eastern Europe for the nightly news!
what putin is doing now is dangerous for freedom and world peace

The allies could not have said “we failed to save chezlovakia so to hell with poland
what putin is doing now is dangerous for freedom and world peace
Obviously. Especially for Ukraine's freedom. As to world peace, if Putin took all of Ukraine tomorrow, the world would survive. It would just now be part of Russia again as it used to be under the USSR.

The allies could not have said “we failed to save chezlovakia so to hell with poland
Invading Ukraine is not akin to the Nazis trying to take over half of Europe. Russia is a big and largely unstable nuclear threat and PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT NOR NEGOTIATION with Putin has NOT EVEN BEEN ATTEMPTED, especially by Biden.

Dont we want peace?

Who wants more war and death?

These Dems should be commended for being anti war.
Except for they took it back.
Obviously. Especially for Ukraine's freedom. As to world peace, if Putin took all of Ukraine tomorrow, the world would survive. It would just now be part of Russia again as it used to be under the USSR.

Invading Ukraine is not akin to the Nazis trying to take over half of Europe. Russia is a big and largely unstable nuclear threat and PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT NOR NEGOTIATION with Putin has NOT EVEN BEEN ATTEMPTED, especially by Biden.
I cannot isolate events in eastern europe from the rest of the world including Taiwan
We could have bought off Putin for what we have given Ukraine.

The blood thirsty cult war mongers are monsters.
Trump convinced the Russians not to invade Ukraine. Biden was in office only a short time and convinced them to go ahead and invade.

Trump talked nice about Putin publicly while privately warning him to keep his boot on his own ground. He allowed Putin to save face. The idiot Democrats, disappointed that their collusion with Russia did not win them the election, publicly excoriated Putin, while weakening our army with wokeness.
You're the one flying the Nazi flag, Adolf. Did you think no one would react?

I'm flying the UKRAINIAN flag asshole. The flag of the nation invaded by your buddy Putin.

There are more Nazis supporting Trump than are in Ukraine.

More Nazis fighting FOR Putin (most notably in the Wagner Group) than fight for Ukraine so fuck yourself and your buddy Putin

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