30% of Republicans would bomb Agrabah, and they


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
...and they're Trumpers.

Sorry for the rubbish title, it posted it while I was trying to add the last bit to the title, for some unknown reason.

American Voters Support Bombing of Aladdin’s (Fictitious) Homeland

"A new poll of US voters conducted by Public Policy Policing found that a surprising amount of those polled were in favour of bombing Agrabah."

"PPP found that 30% of Republican voters polled (532 in total) said they would support the action - and that the largest proportion of these were also those who said they would vote for Donald Trump (41% of his supporters)."

"PPP also asked the question to Democrat voters, of whom 19% were in favour."

"PPP communications specialist Justin Mayhew says the question was included in response to the heavy anti-Muslim sentiments being expressed by Republican candidates, most controversially Trump who has proposed barring all Muslims from the USA. "

"“But anything that sounds Arab might make these [respondents] think of people who might associate with terrorism. "

However, Agrabah looks like this:


Yep, it's not even real.

So, 19% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, 41% of Trump supporters are absolute and utter morons. Nothing else to say about it really. People who support bombing a place because IT SOUNDS ARABIC to them.

Education anyone? No, we don't need education, we know it all already, and we don't care. Bomb it is our answer.
weirdo----you enjoy making a fool of yourself---------was there a control ------like
"do you support turning smalltown usa---home of superboy into another DISNEY LAND?
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.
Get back to us when you find how many Republicans think Guam will tip over and sink. I understand that it is widely believed among Democrat congressmen.
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.

The point being that people will want the US to bomb anything that sounds Arabic. They want no Arabic speakers on planes, they want no Arabic calligraphy in schools, they simply are making decisions based on the fact that it "sounds Arabic" and therefore is bad and evil.
and? that many college kids who are Democrat would sign away our Second Amendment right and Freedom of speech too.

these types of polls are meaningless. the ones above are out on video. that should scare us more than some made up poll
LOL why should this surprise anyone, Americans grow dumber by the day, listen to Rush, watch Fox. Education was never a big deal, remember our last president. If you can throw kick or catch a ball that's all you need to know. Republicans want their base dumb, how else do you think they get them to vote against their own best interests?

Pew Research Center reports that only 6 percent of scientists identified as Republican and only 9 percent identified as conservatives.

"Still, to wake up every morning with the thought that Donald Trump, who is to build the world’s longest wall since the Great Wall of China along the border with Mexico and deport more people than Stalin and Hitler ever did; and the soft-spoken Dr. Carson, who solved the mystery of Egyptian Pyramids and compared Syrian Muslim refugees to “rabid dogs”; and Senator Rubio, who thinks the September attacks and the recent massacre in Paris were part of God’s plan for the universe; and Ted Cruz, who wants the Statue of Liberty to hold a sign saying, “Christians only” — the thought that these men may be all shaking hands somewhere close by, ought to make mine and everybody else’s lives here during the primaries perpetually thrilling, but somehow it doesn’t seem to." Charles Simic

Sticking to Our Guns

Oh and check this out too: 'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce
LOL why should this surprise anyone, Americans grow dumber by the day, listen to Rush, watch Fox. Education was never a big deal, remember our last president. If you can throw kick or catch a ball that's all you need to know. Republicans want their base dumb, how else do you think they get them to vote against their own best interests?

Pew Research Center reports that only 6 percent of scientists identified as Republican and only 9 percent identified as conservatives.

"Still, to wake up every morning with the thought that Donald Trump, who is to build the world’s longest wall since the Great Wall of China along the border with Mexico and deport more people than Stalin and Hitler ever did; and the soft-spoken Dr. Carson, who solved the mystery of Egyptian Pyramids and compared Syrian Muslim refugees to “rabid dogs”; and Senator Rubio, who thinks the September attacks and the recent massacre in Paris were part of God’s plan for the universe; and Ted Cruz, who wants the Statue of Liberty to hold a sign saying, “Christians only” — the thought that these men may be all shaking hands somewhere close by, ought to make mine and everybody else’s lives here during the primaries perpetually thrilling, but somehow it doesn’t seem to." Charles Simic

Sticking to Our Guns

Oh and check this out too: 'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce

the don't need to listen to Rush. they can come on here and read how you put down everyone
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.

The point being that people will want the US to bomb anything that sounds Arabic. They want no Arabic speakers on planes, they want no Arabic calligraphy in schools, they simply are making decisions based on the fact that it "sounds Arabic" and therefore is bad and evil.
When the fucking 'peace loving' muslims start rating out the jihadists they KNOW are living beside them then I'll give a shit. Until then every muslim on the planet is the enemy and needs to be treated as an enemy.
...and they're Trumpers.

Sorry for the rubbish title, it posted it while I was trying to add the last bit to the title, for some unknown reason.

American Voters Support Bombing of Aladdin’s (Fictitious) Homeland

"A new poll of US voters conducted by Public Policy Policing found that a surprising amount of those polled were in favour of bombing Agrabah."

"PPP found that 30% of Republican voters polled (532 in total) said they would support the action - and that the largest proportion of these were also those who said they would vote for Donald Trump (41% of his supporters)."

"PPP also asked the question to Democrat voters, of whom 19% were in favour."

"PPP communications specialist Justin Mayhew says the question was included in response to the heavy anti-Muslim sentiments being expressed by Republican candidates, most controversially Trump who has proposed barring all Muslims from the USA. "

"“But anything that sounds Arab might make these [respondents] think of people who might associate with terrorism. "

However, Agrabah looks like this:


Yep, it's not even real.

So, 19% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, 41% of Trump supporters are absolute and utter morons. Nothing else to say about it really. People who support bombing a place because IT SOUNDS ARABIC to them.

Education anyone? No, we don't need education, we know it all already, and we don't care. Bomb it is our answer.

Sadly...you didn't report the truth...more democrats actually believed this was a real city....

Amanda Marcotte's 'Aladdin' Poll Question Embarrasses Dems

A Democratic-leaning polling company embraced the idea, but the subsequent poll results should embarrass Democrats because far more Democrats than Republicans seemed to think the mythical cartoon city actually existed.

Fifty-five percent of Democrats believed the city exists, while only 43 percent of Republicans thought it was real.

Unsurprisingly, few in the media wanted to notice the Democrats’ weaker grasp of Middle East Geography.

The idea for the prank started with a suggestion from Salon’s Amanda Marcotte who, needless to say, was only interested in embarrassing one party:
LOL why should this surprise anyone, Americans grow dumber by the day, listen to Rush, watch Fox. Education was never a big deal, remember our last president. If you can throw kick or catch a ball that's all you need to know. Republicans want their base dumb, how else do you think they get them to vote against their own best interests?

Pew Research Center reports that only 6 percent of scientists identified as Republican and only 9 percent identified as conservatives.

"Still, to wake up every morning with the thought that Donald Trump, who is to build the world’s longest wall since the Great Wall of China along the border with Mexico and deport more people than Stalin and Hitler ever did; and the soft-spoken Dr. Carson, who solved the mystery of Egyptian Pyramids and compared Syrian Muslim refugees to “rabid dogs”; and Senator Rubio, who thinks the September attacks and the recent massacre in Paris were part of God’s plan for the universe; and Ted Cruz, who wants the Statue of Liberty to hold a sign saying, “Christians only” — the thought that these men may be all shaking hands somewhere close by, ought to make mine and everybody else’s lives here during the primaries perpetually thrilling, but somehow it doesn’t seem to." Charles Simic

Sticking to Our Guns

Oh and check this out too: 'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce

The Rush listeners are the ones who knew it wasn't a real city...

A Democratic-leaning polling company embraced the idea, but the subsequent poll results should embarrass Democrats because far more Democrats than Republicans seemed to think the mythical cartoon city actually existed.

Fifty-five percent of Democrats believed the city exists, while only 43 percent of Republicans thought it was real.

Unsurprisingly, few in the media wanted to notice the Democrats’ weaker grasp of Middle East Geography.

The idea for the prank started with a suggestion from Salon’s Amanda Marcotte who, needless to say, was only interested in embarrassing one party:
LOL why should this surprise anyone, Americans grow dumber by the day, listen to Rush, watch Fox. Education was never a big deal, remember our last president. If you can throw kick or catch a ball that's all you need to know. Republicans want their base dumb, how else do you think they get them to vote against their own best interests?

Pew Research Center reports that only 6 percent of scientists identified as Republican and only 9 percent identified as conservatives.

"Still, to wake up every morning with the thought that Donald Trump, who is to build the world’s longest wall since the Great Wall of China along the border with Mexico and deport more people than Stalin and Hitler ever did; and the soft-spoken Dr. Carson, who solved the mystery of Egyptian Pyramids and compared Syrian Muslim refugees to “rabid dogs”; and Senator Rubio, who thinks the September attacks and the recent massacre in Paris were part of God’s plan for the universe; and Ted Cruz, who wants the Statue of Liberty to hold a sign saying, “Christians only” — the thought that these men may be all shaking hands somewhere close by, ought to make mine and everybody else’s lives here during the primaries perpetually thrilling, but somehow it doesn’t seem to." Charles Simic

Sticking to Our Guns

Oh and check this out too: 'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce

Sticking to Our Guns

Of course what they don't tell you is that guns are just as easy to get in Europe and Britain as the United States. The difference between us is that our criminals, who are made up by minoirites, actually murder each other more than their European counter parts do. It is that, and mainly that that makes up our gun murder rate difference.

Of the 8,124 gun murders in the United STates in 2014, the majority were committed by violent criminals murdering other violent criminals during criminal activity.

So...there are 357 million gun in private hands in America.

There are 8,124 gun murders, committed primarily by criminals against other criminals....

so....356,991,876 million guns...in the hands of American citizens, were not used to commit gun murder.

And while more Americans bought guns, own them and over 13 million Americans actually carry guns for self defense, our gun murder rate, our gun suicide rate and our accidental gun death rate all went down, not up.

In Britain...they confiscated guns.....their gun murder rate spiked immediately afterward then fell back to the same level as before.....so they made no net gains in gun murder by confiscating all of their guns....and in fact, Britain is 2x as violent a country as the United States. And now....they are giving more and more police guns to do their jobs.......I wonder why?

Australia....confiscated their guns in the 90s.....now their gun ownership rates are back up to where they were before the confiscation and their gun violence rates are starting to go up......

Europe.....is starting to see more and more violence...and their criminals actually prefer to use fully automatic, select fire military rifles for their crimes.....

What will you guys say when gun crime escalates in Britain, Continental Europe and Australia...after massive confiscations and extreme gun control laws.....?
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.

The point being that people will want the US to bomb anything that sounds Arabic. They want no Arabic speakers on planes, they want no Arabic calligraphy in schools, they simply are making decisions based on the fact that it "sounds Arabic" and therefore is bad and evil.

Um....yes....count me in. I agree. I want planes segregated between Arabs and non Arabs.

But then again....if I was in charge....I'd tell the Muslim world that the next attack on US soil carried out by anyone inspired by radical Islam....will be met with 100 of America's largest non-nuclear bombs dropping on top of Mecca. And I'd mean it. If it happened....Mecca disappears...and I pick the 2nd holiest spot left in Islam and say "the next attack on US soil will be met with...." and so on.

See how quick the Muslim world starts policing the radicalism within their own religion and mosques. I bet they get their shit in order
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.

The point being that people will want the US to bomb anything that sounds Arabic. They want no Arabic speakers on planes, they want no Arabic calligraphy in schools, they simply are making decisions based on the fact that it "sounds Arabic" and therefore is bad and evil.

No...they are making decisions based on the fact that terrorists are muslims...they keep attacking us here in the United STates and our government refuses to take it seriously........that is what is feeding the need to deal with the problem....
...and they're Trumpers.

Sorry for the rubbish title, it posted it while I was trying to add the last bit to the title, for some unknown reason.

American Voters Support Bombing of Aladdin’s (Fictitious) Homeland

"A new poll of US voters conducted by Public Policy Policing found that a surprising amount of those polled were in favour of bombing Agrabah."

"PPP found that 30% of Republican voters polled (532 in total) said they would support the action - and that the largest proportion of these were also those who said they would vote for Donald Trump (41% of his supporters)."

"PPP also asked the question to Democrat voters, of whom 19% were in favour."

"PPP communications specialist Justin Mayhew says the question was included in response to the heavy anti-Muslim sentiments being expressed by Republican candidates, most controversially Trump who has proposed barring all Muslims from the USA. "

"“But anything that sounds Arab might make these [respondents] think of people who might associate with terrorism. "

However, Agrabah looks like this:


Yep, it's not even real.

So, 19% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, 41% of Trump supporters are absolute and utter morons. Nothing else to say about it really. People who support bombing a place because IT SOUNDS ARABIC to them.

Education anyone? No, we don't need education, we know it all already, and we don't care. Bomb it is our answer.
I imagine, because of the timing, the respondents assumed the question referred to an Isis stronghold or something, being how Isis is so topical. They would never assume that an allegedly respectable polling company would seek to trick and humiliate them, so they made a reasonable assumption. No biggie.
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.

The point being that people will want the US to bomb anything that sounds Arabic. They want no Arabic speakers on planes, they want no Arabic calligraphy in schools, they simply are making decisions based on the fact that it "sounds Arabic" and therefore is bad and evil.

Um....yes....count me in. I agree. I want planes segregated between Arabs and non Arabs.

But then again....if I was in charge....I'd tell the Muslim world that the next attack on US soil carried out by anyone inspired by radical Islam....will be met with 100 of America's largest non-nuclear bombs dropping on top of Mecca. And I'd mean it. If it happened....Mecca disappears...and I pick the 2nd holiest spot left in Islam and say "the next attack on US soil will be met with...." and so on.

See how quick the Muslim world starts policing the radicalism within their own religion and mosques. I bet they get their shit in order
Mecca and Medina. Those are the two you want. Then blow up the Temple Mount.
...and they're Trumpers.

Sorry for the rubbish title, it posted it while I was trying to add the last bit to the title, for some unknown reason.

American Voters Support Bombing of Aladdin’s (Fictitious) Homeland

"A new poll of US voters conducted by Public Policy Policing found that a surprising amount of those polled were in favour of bombing Agrabah."

"PPP found that 30% of Republican voters polled (532 in total) said they would support the action - and that the largest proportion of these were also those who said they would vote for Donald Trump (41% of his supporters)."

"PPP also asked the question to Democrat voters, of whom 19% were in favour."

"PPP communications specialist Justin Mayhew says the question was included in response to the heavy anti-Muslim sentiments being expressed by Republican candidates, most controversially Trump who has proposed barring all Muslims from the USA. "

"“But anything that sounds Arab might make these [respondents] think of people who might associate with terrorism. "

However, Agrabah looks like this:


Yep, it's not even real.

So, 19% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, 41% of Trump supporters are absolute and utter morons. Nothing else to say about it really. People who support bombing a place because IT SOUNDS ARABIC to them.

Education anyone? No, we don't need education, we know it all already, and we don't care. Bomb it is our answer.
I imagine, because of the timing, the respondents assumed the question referred to an Isis stronghold or something, being how Isis is so topical. They would never assume that an allegedly respectable polling company would seek to trick and humiliate them, so they made a reasonable assumption. No biggie.

But that's the thing isn't it? Ignorant people without a clue about how they're being manipulated, who think they know stuff when they clearly don't. And some of them probably end up on forums like this spouting nonsense that isn't true, and won't do their homework.

The fact that 41% of Trumpers said they're vote this way merely shows what most people already know, 19% of Democrats just points out that stupidity isn't linked to one party or the other, but is linked to both the main two parties.

How many people who vote, but don't vote for the main two, would have said yes? 0%?

Is it a trick? I mean, this place could be anywhere, India, Pakistan, Africa, do these people care? No. Why? All Muslims are bad, so bomb them because they're bad. How do they "know" they're bad? Because they're idiots, that's why they "know" it.
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.

The point being that people will want the US to bomb anything that sounds Arabic. They want no Arabic speakers on planes, they want no Arabic calligraphy in schools, they simply are making decisions based on the fact that it "sounds Arabic" and therefore is bad and evil.

Um....yes....count me in. I agree. I want planes segregated between Arabs and non Arabs.

But then again....if I was in charge....I'd tell the Muslim world that the next attack on US soil carried out by anyone inspired by radical Islam....will be met with 100 of America's largest non-nuclear bombs dropping on top of Mecca. And I'd mean it. If it happened....Mecca disappears...and I pick the 2nd holiest spot left in Islam and say "the next attack on US soil will be met with...." and so on.

See how quick the Muslim world starts policing the radicalism within their own religion and mosques. I bet they get their shit in order

What if the next big attack is by an American Christian? Bomb the hell out of US cities?
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.

The point being that people will want the US to bomb anything that sounds Arabic. They want no Arabic speakers on planes, they want no Arabic calligraphy in schools, they simply are making decisions based on the fact that it "sounds Arabic" and therefore is bad and evil.

Um....yes....count me in. I agree. I want planes segregated between Arabs and non Arabs.

But then again....if I was in charge....I'd tell the Muslim world that the next attack on US soil carried out by anyone inspired by radical Islam....will be met with 100 of America's largest non-nuclear bombs dropping on top of Mecca. And I'd mean it. If it happened....Mecca disappears...and I pick the 2nd holiest spot left in Islam and say "the next attack on US soil will be met with...." and so on.

See how quick the Muslim world starts policing the radicalism within their own religion and mosques. I bet they get their shit in order

What if the next big attack is by an American Christian? Bomb the hell out of US cities?
You're stupid.
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