30 year old decides not to buy health insurance

Who should pay for that 30 year old who decided NOT to buy health insurance?

  • No one, let him die in the waiting room, make an example of him

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • If the hospitals pay for illegals' care they should care for a citizen

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • The hospital should simply bill the young man for his care

    Votes: 28 68.3%
  • The State he lives in should pay via Medicaid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Federal government should pay via Medicaid

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • THE ACTUAL ANSWER is "Meduical Assistance" pays for those who have no money.

    Votes: 3 7.3%

  • Total voters
You buy insurance to limit risk. If you want to gamble, you may lose. If my house burns down and I have no insurance, should the govt buy me a new house? After all, I do have children...

Personally, I think health ins. is as important as food and shelter. However, some folks don't, and if they want the risk, they should accept the consequences. The bill is his responsibility.

Again, what if he's dead?

Then the hospital fucked up and he should sue.

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Could you call off your little bitch.

Jullian just neg repped me For agreeing with you that the insurance company actions was bull shit.

I realize jullian is a coward. But if your pissed at me man up...................

Hi, you have received -826 reputation points from jillian.
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Could you be a fucking man and stop whining about rep? I don't have any control over other posters and I've yet to ask a poster to "neg rep" anybody the whole time I have been here. I haven't privately corresponded with Jillian about any of this.

I am more than certain that Jillian can speak for herself. I am pretty awesome, but I am not so awesome that I can mind control other posters.

I also don't get "pissed" at anonymous persons on a message board.
Then the hospital is stuck. What if he lives?

I guess the point is that the hospital will subsidize his bill through the bills of other paying customers.

The difference is, when someone's afraid to go to the doctor for fear of the bill, they tend not to show up until it's a lot more expensive than it had to be.

And you guys talk like "Bill the man" is different than what happens currently. The problem is that there's a reasonable chance that if he couldn't afford health insurance, he's not going to be able to afford the bill, either. You can litigate him into poverty, but you can't litigate the money he doesn't have into existence.

Why does the right never want to address this?


You're just doing so in an insanely and needlessly expensive way. :dunno:
Then the hospital is stuck. What if he lives?

I guess the point is that the hospital will subsidize his bill through the bills of other paying customers.

The difference is, when someone's afraid to go to the doctor for fear of the bill, they tend not to show up until it's a lot more expensive than it had to be.

And you guys talk like "Bill the man" is different than what happens currently. The problem is that there's a reasonable chance that if he couldn't afford health insurance, he's not going to be able to afford the bill, either. You can litigate him into poverty, but you can't litigate the money he doesn't have into existence.

Why does the right never want to address this?


You're just doing so in an insanely and needlessly expensive way. :dunno:

This is the same fiscal mentality that guides us into thinking that not raising the debt ceiling would have been perfectly fine.

Here is how to hit the reset button in the conservative mind when it comes to trying to discuss this in a rational way:

"Death Panel".

The phrase that pays (the insurance companies).
The person should be treated regardless, and billed. I think the Hipppocratic Oath stills has merit, no?

hippocratic oath or no, that's what happens now.
Precisely. And why should it cease?
We are after all dealing with fellow humans whom have been hurt or very sick. They deserve help do they not? And BTW? The Hippocratic Oath does mean alot still to many.
The person should be treated regardless, and billed. I think the Hipppocratic Oath stills has merit, no?

hippocratic oath or no, that's what happens now.
Precisely. And why should it cease?
We are after all dealing with fellow humans whom have been hurt or very sick. They deserve help do they not? And BTW? The Hippocratic Oath does mean alot still to many.

It means a lot like the "Pledge of Allegiance" means a lot. As a regulatory or legal entity, it means nothing.

Should I have to live under the mandates of the Hippocratic Oath?
The person should be treated regardless, and billed. I think the Hipppocratic Oath stills has merit, no?

hippocratic oath or no, that's what happens now.
Precisely. And why should it cease?
We are after all dealing with fellow humans whom have been hurt or very sick. They deserve help do they not? And BTW? The Hippocratic Oath does mean alot still to many.

What happens if EMTALA is no longer in effect?
Like everyone who tries to keep us in this mess so they can have more money.

I dont care who they are.

What do you have to say about the gangbangers that shoot one another every night here in Chicago??

Maybe if they didn't do that we wouldn't have a fucking problem?

You can bet your ass the surgery required to "fix" them costs anywhere from 20k-250,000..

Oh and that only happens here in Chicago 15 times a night...

Of course its always the progressives defending these little gangbangers as poor innocent victims of poverty.

Do you think those gangbangers have medical insurance? hell no...

All that violence just makes the problem worse.
you think *that's" the problem? is that what this is about?

i'm sure you have an ounce of proof to substantiate the racial stereotyping...

you really don't care what you say ...
Like everyone who tries to keep us in this mess so they can have more money.

I dont care who they are.

What do you have to say about the gangbangers that shoot one another every night here in Chicago??

Maybe if they didn't do that we wouldn't have a fucking problem?

You can bet your ass the surgery required to "fix" them costs anywhere from 20k-250,000..

Oh and that only happens here in Chicago 15 times a night...

Of course its always the progressives defending these little gangbangers as poor innocent victims of poverty.

Do you think those gangbangers have medical insurance? hell no...

All that violence just makes the problem worse.

I wouldn't venture to put a price tag on the trauma surgery required to "fix gangbangers", but resident EM and Surgeons have to learn somewhere so that they can fix the fine upstanding members of society when they inadvertently get shot on hunting accidents as well as the crime related trauma.

Oh, and as a whole, gunshots and stabs are a relatively minor piece of the trauma pie next to motor vehicle and industrial/agricultural accidents. So, as much as you want to rail on gangbangers, at least society is getting some use out of their bad behavior that it's worth the cost the government is footing. I am not saying their violent lives are a good thing, just that their are second and third order effects that society gets from crime related trauma that you probably aren't aware of.

If you are in a head on collision with a drunk, and are brought in for a trauma unconscious, and the doctor gracefully glides a tube down your throat without breaking your teeth so you can breath and then sticks a needle through your ribs to help your lungs re-inflate and decompress your heart and brings you back, that doctor learned at a trauma center on a lot of "gangbangers".

At any rate, it's such an absurdly low piece of the total pie that it's really only relevant to introduce for the "whine factor".
hippocratic oath or no, that's what happens now.
Precisely. And why should it cease?
We are after all dealing with fellow humans whom have been hurt or very sick. They deserve help do they not? And BTW? The Hippocratic Oath does mean alot still to many.

What happens if EMTALA is no longer in effect?

You are going to make them actually do research. Talking points are so much easier!
The hospital should bill him.

I realize the left has vested interests in the health insurance companies. After all the dems gave them a gigantic gift. That will ultimately be ruled unacceptable.

But there is no reason I should spend that type of money for years on end on the chance I might get sick.

Paid premiums far exceed any use I have gotten in 15 years. It simply is not cost effective.

Give it time, give it time

I went 30 years without seeing a doctor. I had one surgery.......$40,000

So you pissed away 30 years of premiums. thats the point.................

No, the point is that sooner or later you will need medical care. Are you married? Plan on having children?
That 30 year old who decides not to buy health insurance ends up needing 6-months of hospitalization. Who should pay?

He should pay for it--and I don't care if the hospital has to put a LIFE-TIME JUDGEMENT on him to get it--and they should charge interest on it also.

In fact--if the hospitals would start doing that--we wouldn't have the problems with these type people anyway. A young 30 year old is very capable of buying a CHEAP major medical policy--and there is absolutely no excuse not to do so--of course unless you think your care will be paid for by everyone else.
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You buy insurance to limit risk. If you want to gamble, you may lose. If my house burns down and I have no insurance, should the govt buy me a new house? After all, I do have children...

Personally, I think health ins. is as important as food and shelter. However, some folks don't, and if they want the risk, they should accept the consequences. The bill is his responsibility.

Again, what if he's dead?

Then the hospital should have tried harder to keep him alive if they wanted to be paid....
That 30 year old who decides not to buy health insurance ends up needing 6-months of hospitalization. Who should pay?

He should pay for it--and I don't care if the hospital has to put a LIFE-TIME JUDGEMENT on him to get it--and they should charge interest on it also.

In fact--if the hospitals would start doing that--we wouldn't have the problems with these type people anyway. A young 30 year old is very capable of buying a CHEAP major medical policy--and there is absolutely no excuse not to do so--of course unless you think your care will be paid for by everyone else.

Makes you appreciate mandatory health insurance doesn't it?
Give it time, give it time

I went 30 years without seeing a doctor. I had one surgery.......$40,000

So you pissed away 30 years of premiums. thats the point.................

No, the point is that sooner or later you will need medical care. Are you married? Plan on having children?

Sooner or later? Is true. I am married I raised 4 children. The last child, we used a mid wife to save money. Couldnt afford insurance then. I paid my bills out of pocket, made payments etc.

I should not be forced into coverage I do not want or need. This entire premise by the left is for someone else to pay. Mandated coverages prove that point.
You buy insurance to limit risk. If you want to gamble, you may lose. If my house burns down and I have no insurance, should the govt buy me a new house? After all, I do have children...

Personally, I think health ins. is as important as food and shelter. However, some folks don't, and if they want the risk, they should accept the consequences. The bill is his responsibility.

Again, what if he's dead?

Then the hospital should have tried harder to keep him alive if they wanted to be paid....

I went to the doctor and he told me I only had six months to live. I told him I couldn't pay the bill, so he gave me another six months.....Henny Youngman

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